transitioning to sumo deadlift

A good place to start is placing one finger on the smooth part of the barbell, just off the knurling. Get. The ROM is mostly the same, but the allocation of muscle mass is more favorable. ... and the difference between getting stuck at the knees or smoothly transitioning to lockout. You should, however, not fall into the trap of only pulling sumo. Note the similar back angle. Who cares about a sticking spot if you can blow through it, right? Coach Noah Hayden wrote an excellent piece on exercise selection criteria here. Enter your email address to subscribe to 70's Big and receive notifications of new posts by email. This is what we call “pulling into your dick.” Avoid that, if possible. Your weight should always be concentrated on your heels for a sumo pull. }); Niki Sims and Gillian Ward discuss the failure & successes we'll face on our strength journeys. Yet, since sumo deadlifts are legal in powerlifting competitions, that is exactly what happens. You are going to set up a little bit closer to the bar than you would for a conventional deadlift. If you want to work on a new technique (ie. I think its cool that you’re standing by what you are saying, but it doesn’t change the fact that it had NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT I SAID. The conventional deadlift and the low bar powerlifting style of squatting place a higher amount of shear on the lumbar region than a high bar squat or a sumo deadlift. Interestingly enough I find it MUCH easier to set my back with Sumo than conventional. For general strength, “sumo or conventional?” is the wrong question. Again, it was tough at first because of the amount of weight that I had to take off the bar, but eventually these started paying off extremely well. Any advice on transitioning? But I also like to finish with a set of conventional reps to build the hamstrings and back. Also you need to have the requisite hip mobility to sumo well because your hips have to be closer to the bar. Enter sumo deadlift. When you sumo, you are going to have to use the bar to pull yourself into position. It does mean that you’ll be able to have a slightly more vertical back-angle, which is a great benefit for those of you like Rory who have a relatively long torso for your height, and/or shorter arms – which is basically the perfect build to go ahead and run with sumo. From the psychological... New to the pin press? Yes, we use the “hips!” cue. LAX balls are very useful to have around the gym. They are different tools for different purposes. Pssst: he pulls nearly 700 conventional, beltless, so, yeah. Watch the two videos below and compare my conventional-stance setup to a medium sumo stance. Your knees are in a much more stable position in the conventional deadlift than in the sumo. Read more about the muscles worked in the deadlift. Its funny that you say I might be more suited for sumo bc my coach in HS taught me to sumo first. Sumo deadlifts are generally harder to break off the floor so make sure you consider that before switching. Otherwise it would be good to give it a shot. The sumo deadlift is an accessory lift, and you should program it as one. Your arms need to hang straight down from your shoulders. As you squeeze your chest up, you are simultaneously going to pull your hips closer to the bar. Make sure your foundation is based on good training principles and solid deadlift numbers before refining your sumo deadlift. If your shins are at a more acute angle to the floor than vertical, and you can stand to go a little bit wider, work your stance gradually outward. use biomechanically determined long, Safe, and effective ranges of motion. We achieve similar results with a low rack pull, shortening the range of motion to lift more weight, but no one is comparing rack pull PRs to conventional PRs and calling it apples-to-apples. The conventional deadlift works your back muscles much more than the sumo does, and it’s recommended for people with knee problems. Competitive sumo deadlifting needs to be trained and practiced, but it also should be built on a broad base of general strength. So I have just negated the weakest point in my deadlift. My set up on sumo: wide stance feet out 60-65 degrees shins wedged against bar. You want to get your center of mass as far behind the bar as you can without falling over. Too narrow and you are defeating the purpose of the lift. The second thing everyone needs to pay attention to is stance-width. 01-06-2015, 04:48 AM #2 Exercises like Sumo deadlifts and snatch-grip deadlifts can shift the focus of the exercise, giving your training variety while … And if you do it…smile. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Think about shoving your hips FORWARD into the bar all the way until lockout, and don’t re-bend your knees at the top. At first, getting your feet just outside of your hands will be fine. (How to Program Assistance Work) Supplemental deadlifts like the SLDL and RDL, the deficit deadlift, and the rack pull fill training slots better because those lifts train aspects of your main deadlift directly. #354 – Jordan Gross All-American to Model Client, Christmas Special – A Message from Reynolds, How to Not Totally Suck as a New Coach: A People Business. Rory squats and pulls in the shoes pictured in the gym, but uses Titan slippers at meets. Watch Queue Queue. For pure strength-building purposes, the sumo deadlift is far down the list of best choices among assistance lifts. For greater quad involvement, your weight should be on the balls of your feet or mid-foot when coming out of … However I developed horrible knee pain bc he had me doing it with my feet almost touching the plates.I know from reading this sight that the extreme width of my feet was the cause of the knee pain. Chucks are OK, but still have a bit of a platform and that could cost you a PR. Tips for transitioning from conventional to sumo? If you are in the process of transitioning to sumo deadlifts, don’t be disheartened by the bar moving slower off the floor – You may not be weaker, it … A sumo deadlift is any deadlift in which the feet are set wider than the conventional deadlift, allowing a narrow grip, hands placed inside of the legs and feet. When I start my work sets I switch back to conventional and the weights fly off the floor. In the sumo deadlift, a very wide stance is taken and the bar is grasped between the legs instead of outside the legs. We give you good starting places and basic markers, but the lift will require some trial and error to find your best stance and grip width. The first thing most people screw up on any kind of deadlifts is the width of their grip. (Read, e.g., Knee Pain and Squatting). SET YOUR BACK! I prefer to pull in socks at my gym, because it’s easy. Started playing with these myself. It’s short for straight up and down, or vertical. But the sumo deadlift is controversial. For general strength training, there is no reason to choose between the conventional deadlift and the sumo deadlift. You should lift with the goal of dragging the bar up your legs by actively sweeping the bar back into them during the lift. No, we don’t care. The Romanian deadlift with semi-rigid or straight legs is sometimes called a leg strengthener since it focuses on the hamstrings, unlike other deadlift exercises that focus on the lower back. I used to lift at Hyde Park gym. While we still prefer the conventional deadlift for general strength purposes, the sumo deadlift does have its place in certain strength programs. By using light loads, you can train the motor pattern more often and more frequently. It’s even more important on sumo, so get it right. By elevating the weight on a block, we make it easier to start with the hips closer to the bar. Your hips will thank you. If you have problems locking out a sumo, you’re probably not setting your back well enough. Be patient and pretend like you are going to squeeze into position until the plates are floating a quarter-inch off the floor. The left is how it SHOULD look. For what I hope are obvious reasons, don’t use your heeled Olympic shoes. The first exercise we will look at is the sumo deadlift with the weights elevated on 2” or 4” blocks. I’m thinking of transitioning to sumo deadlifts. If your nipples are pointed at the bar, you’re gonna have a bad time. (Read more about the muscles worked in the deadlift.). When you first transition to sumo pulls, work your feet out to a wider stance SLOWLY, over several sessions, and stretch – a lot. Get 10% off any bidet attachment. I think its because I’m so slow off the floor in sumo even with light weights that I compensate when I do conventional. Sticking with the idea that “lifts are tools,” we can classify the usefulness of each lift for strength by exercise criteria. Then, eventually, they may graduate to conventional and snatch grip deadlift technique. But you’re right its probably pointless. Getting your lumbar flexed and solid before the pull is KEY. More bar speed means that I don’t have to worry about my grip giving out or not being able to lock out because I just ripped it off the floor. At our gym Push/Pull meet June 1st, I expect him to pull around 525 or so, which will be a nice PR for him. So yeah, I guess the TL;DR would be that conventional deadlift assistance exercises will have a very high carryover to your sumo deadlift, so keep doing your typical deadlift assistance exercises with a conventional stance in your developmental blocks. The sumo deadlift, as counterintuitive as it may sound, is more quadricep dominant than people give it credit for. Hopefully this helps you figure out how to sumo. The lats perform the important job of keeping the bar on your legs. Learn how your comment data is processed. We transitioned him to sumo pulling about a year ago (along with a wide-stanced squat to compliment it) and he ended up pulling 500lbs for the first time as my birthday present – along with recently getting his squat to 520×2. The first exercise we will look at is the sumo deadlift with the weights elevated on 2” or 4” blocks. As with the regular dead, you must set your lower back, flex your posterior chain, and get to work. Strength coach Kevin Cann of Total Sports Performance (located in Medford, MA) puts it more eloquently than I: “ The sumo deadlift is basically a high squat. Doing deadlift every day could be used as a stimulus to break through plateaus. Learn correct form in one short video. That’s awesome he is a lot stronger than me, but I stand by my statement. Seeing that he broke 500 on the squat is awesome. The adductors, however, are a smaller muscle group … We’ll call this the “Wide Sumo” because we’re brilliantly original. transitioning to sumo) then training the deadlift daily is definitely doable. The second thing everyone needs to pay attention to is stance-width. Sumo deadlift | Mark's Daily Apple Health and Fitness Forum page, If you wanna be the man, you gotta out-eat the man. I am blessed with the same build as Rory and started pulling sumo myself. I’ve been using these as a warmup lately. Broad chested lifters may need to go a little bit wider, but not much. Common Sumo Deadlift Faults 1. Coach Noah Hayden wrote an excellent piece on exercise selection criteria here. Since the back is more vertical in the sumo deadlift, and it’s a simpler lift. (At lighter weights, the plates may actually leave the floor as you squeeze into position. How to Efficiently Build Muscle, Transition to Sumo Deadlift, and be Coachable [Q&A] | EP 243 Understand it so that you can coach it. Looking at the characteristics of the sumo deadlift, you might use it for targeted training of the glutes and quads while still training the lats and, to a lesser degree, the back extensors. Viewed from the side, the sumo setup brings the lifter’s hips closer to the barbell at the start of the movement. Start with the setup. Part of the advantage of the wide sumo stance is clearing space for the narrowest practical grip. If you did not have the bar for counterbalance, you would fall backward here. When you first transition to sumo pulls, work your feet out to a wider stance SLOWLY, over several sessions, and stretch – a lot. But if you are training for general strength and quality-of-life improvements, your criteria ought to prefer lifts that, On balance, the convention deadlift meets these criteria for a hinge-type movement better than other forms of the deadlift and is practical for standard lifting equipment. Toes pointing forward. Good. As with the conventional deadlift, most of the technique of the sumo deadlift is in a correct setup: stance, grip, and position. This is true for conventional pullers, and a very common mistake, but is even more troublesome with sumo deads, because if you grip the bar too wide, your hands get even more in the way of the movement than normal. Ask any questions you have below. The right question is, “when is it appropriate to use sumo deadlifts?”. You could probably condense both of these cues and just yell “BE STRAIGHT” to your lifter, but that might raise some eyebrows at your gym and make you look like a jackass. Reflecting on 2020 and looking forward to 2021. Rory’s a real nice guy. Use discount code LOGIC to save 10% off microplates, dumbbell microplates, and more at Microgainz, Use discount code LOGIC to save $10 off belts and more at Dominion Strength. There are some rare lifters who cannot perform the conventional deadlift from the floor without their hips being higher than their shoulders. Eventually, training becomes more individualized, and we have to make qualitative changes, changing (slightly) the nature of the training stress, using tools that might not fit our criteria as well as the main lifts but that continue to provide some clear benefit to our strength development. Push the floor away and drag the bar up your legs. Both cues basically accomplish the same thing, but see which resonates best for you, and stick with it. It’s so effective for the same reason that sumo deadlifts are used in the first place—they offer superior leverage! If you are an aspiring coach, try the sumo deadlift. Conventional deadlifts are easier off the ground, rough at lockout. The sumo deadlift reduces the range of motion and the amount of muscle mass used for more weight on the bar, which is good for competition but arbitrary in the gym. Access to a belt squat machine might make this option moot, however. Our model today is one of my Vintage Strong lifters, RoryT. Powerlifter Yangsu Ren has goals to deadlift 855 lbs sumo and 725 lbs conventional this year. Hey strong people - I’m a u52kg powerlifter who has always pulled conventional. allow high intensity and incremental loading, Acts as an auxiliary lift for squats and deadlifts, Can be used to target glutes and quads with a hinge movement, Trains less muscle mass than conventional, Reduced ROM makes it less generally useful. Eric Cressey Says: November 30th, 2017 at 6:38 am The problem is that while the sumo deadlift is a competition lift, outside of a powerlifting meet, it is simply another accessory lift for the squat and deadlift. The next time you barbell deadlift, give yourself more of a fighting chance by setting yourself up to have a lower seat position, especially if you're a taller lifter. Chances are it feels awkward as hell if you’re doing it correctly. It is a clever way to sidestep sound training principles in order to lift more weight in a competition-legal manner. My deadlift is pretty good for my size but I’m so short I’d like to capitalise on my ultra-little proportions and switch to sumo to get that 2 inch range of motion, lol Stance is clearing space for the narrowest practical grip your posterior chain, get... A result, have a bad time deadlift is far down the of! Their toes out at 45 degrees a back injury and are unable squat... And they feel off the floor away as you squeeze your chest up deadlift daily is definitely doable wide feet. Back on the squat is awesome would fall backward here an aspiring coach, try the sumo deadlift with high... Greater degree it right and practiced, but this time go further every lift is a poor man s! Train weaknesses when used properly far down the list of best choices assistance! Group, stop wiping your butt and start washing with the idea that “ only conventional deads ‘. 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