all your life you'll dream of this ao3

He shouldn’t. Lan Xichen only smiles and says, “Didn’t you want to go to Lotus Pier tonight?”. His breath catches. “I hate you two so fucking much. Unhappy. People see Wei Wuxian’s lightness, his jokes and mischief, his reckless and sometimes thoughtless nature, and they do not realize that his sense of honor goes far deeper than most. “Of course you do! I even got kicked out of the Cloud Recesses, and I’m always doing crazy things, so everyone says—”, “Nonsense,” Lan Wangji says, cutting him off. “Okay. “If you did like someone,” Wei Wuxian says, almost in a whisper, as if he’s afraid to interrupt the strange tension too, “what would they be like?”, Lan Wangji looks at him: at the light in his eyes, the serious line of his mouth, the soft wisps of hair at his forehead. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. Just—”, He’s cut off with a light touch on his arm. Lan Xichen keeps looking at him and smiling, and Lan Wangji knows it’s because he’s acting a little giddy—not that anyone else seems to notice—but he doesn’t care, because Wei Wuxian wants to see him. Naturally. “Yeah? And before you even think about saying it’s none of my business, let me make it clear that you weren’t the one who had to get him drunk last night and listen to him go on about how he’s unlovable and going to be alone forever.”, “Yeah? I hope you don’t get bored too easily, because my mother’s going to keep him pretty fucking busy. “It was kind.”, “No,” Lan Wangji says. 35 Expensive Things You’ll Need In Your Dream House When You’re A Millionaire . “No. Lan Wangji leans backward, but it doesn’t help—they’re still too close. “This is enough.”, Lan Xichen’s smile slips a fraction. As a teenager, you might have dreamed of what your life would be like as an adult: happily married and with a successful and high-earning career by the time you’re 25. I think you should prove it.”. “Oh,” he says at last, remembering the pull he’d felt in his hair as he’d left. Something safer. Eight-thirty comes too soon. “And you’re too honorable and kind to say no to someone that desperate, I suppose.”. Five: Wei Wuxian, Wei Wuxian, Wei Wuxian. It isn’t proper! If he takes off his mask—if he takes off his mask, he’ll become himself again, and this will all be over. If there were, then she would be his future bride. “All I’ve heard is rumors, you know, and it’s not really my place to say...” In fact it is not, and discussing unsubstantiated rumors is quite thoroughly not allowed here, but Lan Wangji can feel, like a sixth sense, the way Lan Xichen’s smile turns even more interested and nonjudgmental. “Good night, Wei Ying.”, “Wangji,” Lan Xichen says, when Lan Wangji slips into his room five minutes before nine o’clock. You’re supposed to say I can kiss you as many times as I like, and you’ll never leave again!”, “Mn.” Lan Wangji leans down and presses his lips to Wei Wuxian’s jaw. We wanted to know the answer, so we compiled the lessons we’ve learned from Disney folk, and then translated those … “A-Zhan,” he says quietly, seriously, “you’re really so beautiful.”, People have been telling Lan Wangji versions of just that for most of his life. When he goes to dinner, his uncle tells him stiffly that he’s been assigned to copy out all three thousand of the institute rules twenty times, as punishment for his shameful conduct. Wei Wuxian was vibrant and wonderful and everything he’d ever wanted. I don’t care much anymore.”, They look like GusuLan clouds, not smoke. “I’ll protect you.”, The prince groans. “Weeks, huh? Work Search: “I do have to change now, though, so come on.”. Some of these common signs are: 1. “Anyway, I made Nie Huaisang rip my sleeve so I’d have to change clothes and the queen would let me leave. I’d only ever felt that way about someone once—most of the time, I flirt and have a good time, but I don’t ever—I had my first love a long time ago, and then no one else ever seemed as good.”. He pulls it out, grateful that he’d thought to bring it again, and opens it, ready to be patient. His world has narrowed down to where his hand is, where Wei Wuxian’s is, to the moment right before their fingers almost tangle together when he knows it’s coming. Have some food, at least. There was a scandal, but I didn’t get anyone pregnant, and I didn’t seduce a married woman, and I didn’t try to join a brothel and become a prostitute or anything else I’ve heard people saying. You must do the same thing with life and the pursuit of your dreams. He’s heard this joke before, and he likes it better because of that. One: Wei Wuxian pushing into every touch. They thought I was so annoying.” Lan Wangji stiffens, offended on his behalf, but Wei Wuxian smiles at him. “All right!” Wei Wuxian holds out his hands, Lan Wangji takes them, and then he can feel Wei Ying’s warm palms, his callouses, the tips of his fingers, the strength of his grip. “Don’t go so early. Still, he adjusts them carefully before he slips the ribbons back through the narrow openings in the sides of both the mask and the leaf at once, tying the knots firmly so that the two are firmly fixed together. “Open the door. There’s another long moment of silence. He’ll spend the rest of his life happily trying to live up to that. He looks thoroughly, thoroughly kissed. May your life be filled with the happiness and all the sadness eliminate from your life. No one could find him, and no one knew where he’d gone. What happened to being nice to me?” They look at each other, and then Wei Wuxian bursts out laughing, holding his sides and bending double. “What he sees in you,” he says, “I really have no idea. Wei Wuxian keeps stumbling into him so that their hands brush together. 18. “You should’ve said! 10 Ways to Bring Spirituality Back into Your Life If you find your spiritual needs lacking, try out these tips. That’s so boring! The moon could drop out of the sky and land next door, and he wouldn’t move if Wei Wuxian didn’t want to. As before, Wei Wuxian seems to know exactly where to go, weaving between people and ignoring the hawkers. Why did you stay?”, “Wei Ying,” Lan Wangji says firmly, holding either side of that beautiful face with his hands, like he’ll be able to convey his feelings directly through the press of his palms. You have romantic dreams. Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren are standing between both of them, and everyone else in the area is pretending not to be paying attention. “You know,” Wei Wuxian says, looking nervous for the first time Lan Wangji can remember, “Li-jiejie says you probably like me. If everyone knows who I am, we’ll get as much trouble as if we went back into the palace. He feels out of control, and he finds he doesn’t care at all—no rules, no restraint, no moderation. “I really want you to like me.”. Kiss me and hold me and never let me go, and I’ll listen. And the way you—” He looks away. “It was so obvious, and I never even thought. Lan Wangji has no skill at reading anyone who isn’t his brother, but this is simple: he has never seen anyone so obviously wanting to be kissed. Why is he blushing? Lan Wangji fixes his eyes on a point in space that does not include his brother and tries to smother every thought that jumps into his head. “A-Zhan, you really are….” He looks away, speaking quickly. I’m here.”, Wei Wuxian throws himself down onto the rock, heedless of the rough texture on his fine clothes. Lately I've just been thinking.. what if this life isn't real? A very loose Cinderella AU, featuring Lan Wangji as Cinderella, Wei Wuxian as Prince Charming, Lan Xichen as fairy godmother, the forehead ribbon as glass slipper, and GusuLan bedtime as midnight. 5. His brother really has to stop spending so much time with Jin Guangyao—it’s clearly been a bad influence. Wei Wuxian must have tried to grab him and hold him back but only succeeded in pulling off the ribbon. They should not have—” He bites his tongue. Wei Wuxian stares at him, his eyes wide and shocked. They hear Jiang Wanyin before they see him. You usually leave hours before this. “So?” Wei Wuxian says, frowning. Did you not notice you’re outside?” Prince Jiang Wanyin lets out a snort of derision. In his entire life, eight-thirty has never felt so early. There isn’t a single spark of recognition in Wei Wuxian’s distant eyes—which is as it should be, of course. “What were you reading?” Wei Wuxian opens it and scans through the first few pages, his eyebrows furrowing. Opinions are our own, but compensation and ... because fear is going to be the great issue of your life, I promise you. That’s not what you called me yesterday.”. Honor has nothing to do with it. “I wouldn’t have blamed you. Life has multiple […] You didn’t really, did you?”, “Of course I did. “How about lied to him, took advantage of him, and hurt him?”, “How about made him think you were in love with him to, like, fuck with him or something—”, Jiang Wanyin stops, frowning at him. He imagines Wei Wuxian hearing these things and has to clench his fists against an abrupt and utterly inappropriate violent impulse. Lan Qiren is predictably furious the next day when Lan Wangji appears without his ribbon and looking exhausted, but Lan Xichen takes one look at both of them and grabs his uncle’s arm, guiding him delicately to the side and allowing Lan Wangji to disappear safely to the outskirts of the Cloud Recesses, where his rabbits live. It’s interesting, but all Lan Wangji can think about is what it would be like to talk about it with Wei Wuxian. as well as How ridiculous. “Your rabbit face is cute, but I’m sure your real face would be much cuter.”. “A-Zhan. “Wangji,” Lan Xichen says. He looks like he belongs to someone. The name feels like a blow, beating his sins into him. It’s still early! “You’re so cute when you have no idea what I’m talking about!”. “You didn’t talk about me.”, Wei Wuxian is still ignoring him. You are ready to leave the past behind you and to start a new phase in your life. “You’ll dance with many people,” he says at last. “From his own party. “All right.”, “Good!” Wei Wuxian springs to his feet, and then he stops, his face falling. “Wei Ying,” he says. “It’s called Emperor’s Smile. John Lennon. And charming and handsome and intelligent, don’t you think?”, Wei Wuxian chokes, staring. He half turns to apologize for his presumption, but he’d forgotten in his own embarrassment that Wei Wuxian is shameless. “Shameless!” he snaps. And he wants, for once, to play along and see if it’ll make Wei Wuxian laugh again. No, I meant—” Wei Wuxian leaps to his feet, grabbing Lan Wangji’s wrist. I know it was probably uncomfortable to have to listen to.”. But it doesn’t matter, because no matter how Wei Wuxian might feel about ‘Rabbit-gongzi’ tonight, it will have nothing to do with how he feels about Lan Wangji tomorrow. Wants to talk to him. Lan Wangji surrenders himself to it. “What, you mean after you jerked him around and led him on and then fucked off without so much as a ‘have a nice life’? There must be a good reason. But he doesn’t have time to try and figure out what it was, because Wei Wuxian reaches over and scoops up the book, almost giving Lan Wangji a heart attack from the proximity. “Oh, right, I’m changing.” He throws it over the bureau he’d pulled it out of, and then starts to undo his belt. Have you ever had it?”, “Ah! Wei Wuxian doesn’t want to talk to him, Wei Wuxian wants to talk to the odd, awkward man in the rabbit mask, probably because he’s a puzzle to be solved. Thinking this is the life And you wake up in the morning And your head feels twice the size Where you gonna go? Lan Wangji feels abruptly guilty to be one of them. He can just imagine the sound of Wei Wuxian’s laughter if he ever realized how thoroughly he drew Lan Wangji into his orbit all those years ago. That means you’re going to marry me, right? Johann Wolfgang von Goethe “What’s wrong?”, “I thought you would have left.” The head lifts, the eyes suspiciously watery but the smile shockingly bright. It’s Wei Wuxian’s party, after all—he has duties. I’ll clean up and make sure it’s not obvious that someone’s been using the bolt hole here.”, “Miserable bastard,” Jiang Wanyin mutters. He can feel his ears burning. “Gossip,” Lan Wangji says, fixing the man with his coldest glare, “is forbidden in the Cloud Recesses.”. “Your young man is thirsty too, you know.”, When Lan Wangji dies, he hopes no one ever finds out that the cause was heart failure from hearing Wei Wuxian call him ‘gege’ in that tone of voice. “Then do you…know who you will marry?”, Wei Wuxian’s hands jerk, and he drops the garment on the floor. If that’s what you want,” he adds quickly, suddenly worried that Wei Wuxian has tired of him after all. Lan Wangji nods jerkily, not trusting his voice. Wei Wuxian tugs at his hands, making Lan Wangji stumble and almost crash into him. It’s dizzying, and he almost stumbles when he’s pulled onto the dance floor. “Ah, there’s a visitor…requesting entrance at the gate. All dressed up in a tux and bowtie Hand deliver to a lonely girl To a lonely lonely girl. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen... yourself, right now, right down here on Earth. “You’re going to come home with me right now, you’re going to tell him fucking everything, and if you’re very lucky, after that, my sister and I won’t cut you up into tiny, painful pieces. They hated me, I’m pretty sure. Wei Wuxian bites down on Lan Wangji’s lower lip and then laughs, hanging around Lan Wangji’s neck and pressing their foreheads together. “A-Zhan—” Wei Wuxian steps forward and then instantly trips on the hem of the silk cloth he’s still holding. Find me there with questions, comments, etc. At least then he wouldn’t be able to see his options. “Yes,” he says. He hates the whole lot of them. Where you gonna sleep tonight? Even Lan Wangji, whose petty, envious heart has no sense when it comes to Wei Wuxian, has never once thought to look on their relationship with anything other than happiness that Wei Wuxian has someone who values him so highly. When Wei Wuxian just hums in a pleased-sounding way instead of objecting, Lan Wangji lets himself pull him closer, so Wei Wuxian is pressed tight against him, a warm and solid weight in his arms. You learn from failure. What is Life? “If this is yours, Lan Zhan, then I guess I should give—” Lan Wangji sees the exact moment he realizes, because he goes completely rigid, his hands stretching the ribbon out in front of him, the cloud embroidery clear in the sunlight. Why do you think they were giggling together when we left?”, “Well, I thought— A-Li, how could you say that? “A-Zhan?”, No one has called him that since his mother died, but he nods anyway. Knock next time!”, “On what? What’s someone as boring as you doing here? “A-Xian,” the princess says chidingly, but she’s giggling. They might try to carry you off to hoard your smiles all for themselves! “I’ll miss you.” He itches to take Wei Wuxian into his arms, to kiss his hair and smell the scent of his skin. “Here,” Lan Xichen says, reaching out to carefully untie the mask. “I have to go,” he gets out, the words feeling like they’re being scraped out across his throat. Not truly living. I can feel your heartbeat. If anything, his expression darkens. And in this case, I suppose, a way to find someone they can bribe to marry Wei Wuxian.”. “I see.”, “You see? She bows far more deeply than necessary, which truly demonstrates how troublesome the prince must be making himself, and flees. It might be appropriate for one of us to make an appearance. Are you coming, or am I making you?”, “Damn right you are. Lan Wangji remembers how infuriated about it he’d been at the time, but now when he thinks of it, he feels impossibly fond. “Mn. If it would make Wei Wuxian happy—but then, he knows from his single, disastrous experience with liquor that if he drinks anything at all, not only will he not be able to control his actions, but he won’t remember anything afterward. I'm sorry: you were right (except about that one. Wei Wuxian just laughs, though. My goal is that you’ll find motivation to make your dream come true. Infuse your life with action. The messenger shuffles his feet on the flat stone path. “Lan Zhan,” he says, “you’re so good. “A-Zhan,” he says, “did you laugh? 39 Likes, 4 Comments - Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach (@ulrikasullivan) on Instagram: “If your dream may feel unreachable, you’ll hesitate. By Dr. Janna Fond, PsyD, LMFT dr. janna fond, psyd, lmft Lan Wangji freezes, his hand halfway to his face. Lan Wangji shudders. Y/n was a normal girl who lives just outside the city in a rural area, she helped her friend run her horse ranch. His uncle has never been as good at reading him as his brother is, but the possibility is enough to make him invested in making sure that Lan Qiren never has the opportunity. “Wei Ying,” he repeats, when he finally has to pull away to breathe. I love you, I love you, I love you. Um. Wei Wuxian pushes himself up on his elbows. And when Wei Wuxian marries, when he finds someone who will love him just as dearly as Lan Wangji does—they’ll have to, how could they not—when the jealousy threatens to overwhelm, he’ll still have had this. Wei Wuxian looks up very, very slowly. (collapse), tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù, Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn. “Open up, A-Zhan-gege.”. She looks distinctly uncomfortable. “I—”, “No, it’s okay. Will you protect him from the queen?”. And remember: most dreams are worth suffering for. I’m sorry.” He stands and bows. He stops them again at another stall, lets Lan Wangji buy a few pots of liquor, and then guides them to a quieter, more peaceful area to eat. It’s too much, to be able to look him in the eye and see him be so happy and behave so softly. “All right, all right.” There’s the sound of cloth rustling, and Lan Wangji tries not to imagine the images that would go with it. (See the end of the work for more notes.) The holes he made don’t quite match up, and he curses himself mentally for not realizing it would be more sensible to make them afterwards—not that anything about this is sensible. A proper one with lanterns and food and games. “If A-Xuan and I are getting married soon, shouldn’t you at least try to get along?” When they both glare at each other, indicating their general unwillingness to do anything of the sort, she adds sweetly, “For me?”. “What do you want to eat?”, The smile becomes so wide it looks as thought it might hurt his face. I don’t want that.”. “Lan Zhan?”, “No, I think you should call him a prostitute again,” Jiang Wanyin says. A very long time ago, he’d thought it was what he wanted. “Oh. “I hope you’re here to see A-Xian?”, “Good. Lan Qiren may never forgive him, especially if he refuses to say how he lost it or where it is to anyone other than his brother. It’s exhausting. Set a (savings) intention. But sharing your dream could undo all of that hard work. “Yes.”, “A-Zhan,” Wei Wuxian repeats, and then he beams. And it’s the last night, anyway, so what does it matter? Better not to greet him. His head tilts up, his eyes close, and his mouth parts slightly. Wei Wuxian smiles at him, and Lan Wangji wants to cry. It takes a very long time. I guess you must have heard.” He kicks at the pond water with one foot, sending ripples across the peaceful surface. Live life to the fullest and always be happy! Where you gonna sleep tonight? You should feed me.”, This is clearly a ploy, but just in case it’s true, and because Wei Wuxian has asked, Lan Wangji instantly stops and looks for food. I thought I was going to come back before this, I swear.” Wei Wuxian looks up beseechingly. …” His mouth feels gravel dry. The next day, Lan Wangji wants to skip dinner entirely, to go to Yunmeng and camp outside the doors to the palace until they open and let him in to see Wei Wuxian. To encourage you to get inspired and stay motivated in 2021, this list of the 150 best quotes about reaching your goals can help you succeed. “It’s an invitation for anyone here who might wish to attend the royal family’s three-day masquerade next week, held in honor of their ward Wei Wuxian. No doubt his brother will be worried, but on the very last night, if he is a little late getting back to the Cloud Recesses in time for curfew, it doesn’t matter. Lan Wangji is a river rushing to the sea. 100 Likes, 0 Comments - Andreea Oroz Munteanu (@andreeaorozmunteanu) on Instagram: “May all your dreams come true, our dear Petru! Anyway, he said…” Wei Wuxian picks at the hemline of his clothes. Aren’t you happy you’ve impressed me?” Lan Wangji has no idea what he’s supposed to say to that, and after a long silence, Wei Wuxian’s smile tilts a little. Very loudly. It became the trio's second number-one single on the US Billboard Hot Country Songs chart. He does know. Dreamers fail now and then, but they also learn more in life. 19 guests Which makes this not just horribly wrong but cruel. Beneath it is the soft creamy paper of the invitation. As if that were all he felt. Wei Wuxian doesn’t like him. That way, no one will see you come out with your friend.”, “Li-jiejie, you’re the best,” Wei Wuxian says sincerely. A few of them blanch. "[Death dreams] may mean that you are desperately trying to escape from the demands of your daily life," explained Dream Moods. I’ll go swimming with you tomorrow.”, “Fuck off, who wants to go swimming with you!”, “Shut up!” Jiang Wanyin takes a deep breath. Watching as the day ’ s quite large, but instead of,. For something and swear to protect him from having come, and Lan looks. Wangji keeps his spine straight and smooth and shiny again my dreams he an... Is being aware of dreaming during deep sleep stopped burning since that getting in trouble.. Are blown wide with? ”, “ Fuck you, ” repeats... 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