another eden power of agony

Power of all party members +30% and slash resistance of all enemies -25% [1 turn]. > Poison is based off of INT meaning that although she applies poison, it will not do that much extra damage. A solid power attack to help boost your team’s attack. The slash resistance is also good to set up right before AFs. An AoE move that is quite useful against multiple targets, shielding your team from magic attacks at the same time. She hits incredibly hard with Exquisite Blossom at full stacks and can give herself a further boost with her PWR VC as well as her critical rate boost. > Stacking buffs and debuffs only last 1 turn each, making it so he has to lock himself into one of them to keep it up. She is a great unit against horrors thanks to her many crowd-control skills, and she can still deal decent damage while landing debuffs. If you want to keep a steady stack of debuffs on the enemy, you can consistently use this attack while also stacking up Passionate Warmth orbs. However, there is a chance that many people will find themselves using him less as more elemental multi-hit units come out. [Although AS Mighty is slow, this can actually benefit him in successfully setting up meditation. A wind-elemental attacker who is well known for her single-target multi-hit attacks. Rage taunts an enemy to target her, forcing any single target moves to be aimed at her. Windy Wall is a staple skill against earth enemies, crippling their damage output and protecting your units from near-death nukes. The Green card may be used in sync with Chariot Etincelle to further increase her healing. Stifling Song – Power + Speed of all enemies -15% [3 turns]. It is also to be noted that she will still fit well in a non-elemental team, which may be used against bosses in the future. Shion’s primary use is against single target enemies such as bosses. Guildna is a fire-type attacker unit characterised by his stacking mechanics and unique weapon that increases his power when allies are dead. Top this off with the ability to also raise crit rate for the entire team makes her a good offensive support too. Itto-Ryuu: Dragon – Slash attack on a single enemy (XL) + Physical resistance -25% [3 turns]. Power of all party members +30% and Physical resistance +30% [1 turn]. Art by Clayton Henry. Due to its 3-turn duration, it can be used in preparation for an AF to help your team as a whole do significantly more damage. > Shanie’s biggest draw is her ability to buff water-attacking team’s damage. Isuka is – for the most part – used against bosses. Like all counterattack moves, it is most effective when you know that he will get hit by the boss’ fixed rotation moveset. Upon using this skill, she will do the attack of the Form she is currently in and then switch to the other Form. Myrus is usable in a variety of teams, due to her simplistic skills of generally setting up physical defence buffs and healing. A selfish VC – only affecting AS Suzette herself – but extremely powerful due to it lasting three turns. With the aid of other units’ AoE skill or auto attacks, this allows him to reliably clear VH ADs without struggling at all. Myrus coming in with this VC means she applies a physical resist buff to her team, but also somewhat buffs her own heal if she decides to use it on the next turn, due to the INT buff. 306. Dragon Hand is Laclair’s main damage dealing move. Her large PWR stat, thanks to being an axe user, combined with her XL single-target percentage skills allows her to do exactly this. Requiem Bouquet – Earth type magic attack on a single enemy (XL). Deliverance Sword – Slash attack on a single enemy (XL) + Power -25% [3 turns] + Inflict Rage. Her highest multi-hit skill is L which weakens her performance a little. Often used in cases of extremely powerful and speedy bosses that you need to apply debuffs like this on. She would benefit greatly from a SPD buff from another unit before using AF. > Sub-par damage skills, making her useless in AF. Epic Tale – Water type slash attack on a single enemy (XL) + Water type resistance -30% [1 turn: max stack x3]. > Currently no reliable way to improve light, which makes her stuck at 16 light. The ability to debuff both PWR and INT with 100% accuracy makes it an overwhelmingly powerful tool against certain bosses. Mages typically have mediocre-to-low speed so this skill is great to boost mage’s damage output for mob/boss fights or before an AF. An excellent non-elemental skill for bosses who are not weak to earth, especially because this skill greatly fills AF gauge. He starts out decent but falls off relatively fast because he lacks single-target DPS and multi-hits. Guildna’s skill set is niche, and hard to use. Joined: May 5, 2017 Leads: Elite Trans Terra, Orlandeau,Ayaka. The INT buff and regen on this is so small that it is used as a set-up skill for her two main buff/debuff moves. Although her heal is not as powerful due to its size, it is usually more than enough for most teams. > Low MP pool with somewhat high MP-cost skills means she’s swapping back quite often. This move may be used before an AF to boost Ilulu’s damage. Fire type resistance of all enemies -30% [1 turn]. Usually used after Mana Drench, due to the fact that this skill only lasts 1 turn. Another Eden Team Guide PintBox Overview This guide aims to answer questions like: What set of characters should I level up? > Her attacking skills use quite a large amount of MP, resulting in times where she needs to be switched into the back row for MP recovery. Steam Assist – Water type attacks of all party members +30% + Power of user +20% [2 turns]. On top of this, her other skills are too superior to replace. Several indicators point to the crucial importance of our passage. As an AoE debuff move, if the PWR debuff lands, this is an excellent skill that can cripple mobs or bosses with multiple bodies. Tsukiha is a fire-elemental support/attacker who is well recognised for her various defense debuffs. Copyright © 2020 Aether Flask  About - Disclaimer and Disclosure - Privacy Policy. Additionally, the SPD down on this VC may help your team to outspeed and one-shot enemies, mitigating the damage the enemies could have dealt. Ilulu is valued for her mob clearing skills. Like all spear units, Bertrand has impressive END, allowing him to absorb physical hits even more effectively. Another Eden - Grasta @digsmartins Share. With Isuka’s decent PWR, her Pain debuff can add quite a decent amount of damage to every turn. Power of all enemies -20% and Slash resistance -25% [1 turn]. As a heal skill, this is notably one of the most reliable in terms of raw numbers – followed up by the regeneration buff that is stuck on after. Vigilant Lance – Piercing attack on a single enemy (XL) + Intelligence -25% [3 turns]. Although she has an AoE, it may not be a preferred choice for some people as she shines the most in assisting against boss fights. > Increasing team damage through VC and slash resistance debuff (especially useful for a fire/slash team). Created Jan 28, 2019. Nevertheless, if you lack other wind characters, she is good to use. Lava Impact – Fire type blunt attack on a single enemy x2 (XL). He is also relatively easy to get if you have enough AD keycards to spare. A great and unique tank-related VC. While Melina applies all these offensive buffs/debuffs, there is nothing particularly special about this combination of skills. Unfortunately, it will not benefit from any elemental modifier. Another Eden Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Flaricus, Jan 29, 2019. [We try not to talk about the preferred weapons for characters, but Guildna’s one is so unique to his usage that we decided to add it in. Agony definition, extreme and generally prolonged pain; intense physical or mental suffering. Yuna is a non-elemental support with a 100% accuracy debuff rate. Sometimes, her AoEs may also be used on boss fights (eg. Raison Couleur – Intelligence of all party members +25% + Regen (L) [2 turns]The next card drawn will definitely be [Green]. Accelerator – Physical resistance of user +15% + Speed +30% [3 turns]. The physical damage from her skeletons also makes her more versatile when dealing with enemy weakness. Water type resistance of all party members +40% (1 turn). She is known for her capability to deal huge damage with her INT buff and passive damage at the end of the turn. Intelligence of all party members +30% and Type resistance +30% [1 turn]. When Veina comes into the battlefield, she significantly boosts the damage of your wind units. Windy Wall – Physical resistance of all party members +15% + Earth type resistance +50% [3 turns]. Even when in business, Trump was driven to power, dominance and connivance. Butterfly’s Dream – Slash attack on a single enemy (XL) + Speed -25% [3 turns] + Inflict Pain. There are only a few tanks in Another Eden. A good VC that is balanced on the offensive-defensive scale, where the PWR up provided stacks well with Aldo’s slash resistance debuff. Adam and Eve, both of whom got ejected from the Garden of Eden by sinning]. Aether has been playing World of Warcraft since 2006. The benefits of this greatly outweighs the self-damage drawback since it lasts for many turns, and Tsukiha may simply be healed by other units. While she actually deals good damage, there are (and will be) other wind character with better synergy and damage potential. Forefather – Piercing attack on a single enemy (XL) and Power -20% and Intelligence -20% [3 turns]. (Agony of Humankind, chapter 5.2) AS Renri: Power of the Inferno: ... Power of Agony Power of Poison or Pain. Much like Aurora Force, this VC can be used to swap Mariel in on an incoming INT-based attack to mitigate a large chunk of damage for the whole team. > Currently no reliable way to get shadow, resulting in him being stuck with 4 shadow. > Debuffing all types of damage against single-targets, > Greatly increasing damage of party members by increasing Critical Rate, Being a good all-round support allows her to be used in various types of teams without having to worry too much about who she’s with. Elemental Wall reduces magic attacks from enemies, making it a good complement to Anabel’s debuffs. She is a decent wind character but her skill kit is more tailored for crowd control, especially horrors. Power of all enemies -20% and Intelligence -20% [1 turn]. 331. Sleep Spread – Blunt attack on all enemies (S) + Inflict Sleep. Like all staff users, she has high magic defence and can be trusted to tank magic hits. Her skills are very different compared to previous units, making her difficult to use at first. That’s the agony the cause of the world’s sorrow, the reason the creation groans. Updated for game version 2.0.200. > If a boss uses purely physical or magic attacks, a unit specifically catered to mitigating those is better than isuka’s VC. Shanie’s primary use for debuffing water resistance is a single-target skill, meaning she shines greatly against single bosses weak or neutral to water. When Gariyu comes into the battlefield, he significantly boosts the damage of your fire units. Slash resistance of all enemies -25% and Wind type resistance -25% [1 turn]. > Preventing horrors and mobs to move with sleep, stun and speed down VC. Shame Disgrace 06. Double Hurricane – Wind type blunt attack on a single enemy x2 (L). > Dealing great single target and AoE damage, > Mitigating damage of enemies with physical attacks, > Increasing damage of physical attackers in your team with her stacks (guaranteed land rate) and power buff VC. > Jack of all trades but master of none; She has a bit of everything but none of them are particularly outstanding. Chariot Etincelle – Fire type attacks of all party members +20% [3 turns]Additional effects apply according to the type of card drawn, [Red]: Physical Resistance of all enemies -20% [3 turns], [Green]: Restore all party members’ HP (M), [Blue]: Type resistance of all enemies -20% [3 turns]. Used mostly for its INT down, this skill is good to guarantee a debuff on the boss and increase the survivability of your team against magic attacks. A useful skill to help fill the AF gauge on bosses weak to wind, although in most cases Triple Down is the better move to use to achieve this. His AoE skill is useful for both mob clearing and boss killing. [It may instead be better to use Scarlet Tengu over Ito-Ryuu: Storm if you are running a fire team as they will benefit more from the fire resistance down provided. > Her PWR debuff does not land consistently. Charge Stance – Power of user +40% [3 turns]. His VC is unique to him alone and it provides a very nice boost to mages and healers. However, future bosses may sometimes require a team that targets elemental weakness, hence Renri’s lack of strong elemental attacks will be a greater drawback, although she may still be used. Aqua Wall is a staple skill against fire enemies, crippling their damage output and protecting your units from near-death nukes. Press J to jump to the feed. While this weapon is largely useless because you do not want your team to die, if used strategically, Guildna’s weapon is able to make him deal a huge amount of damage with Calamity to finish off the boss (not recommended). > Requires setup and long waiting to deal huge damage. This skill is Radica’s offensive support skill, as a counterpart to Flamme De La Mort. He swaps his main more often than he should. It will also increase physical damage output of your team significantly. An excellent VC to be used before an AF to greatly increase your team’s damage output, and its effects stack well with Seal of the Sirius Wolf. > Access to no AoEs makes her less useful for any content outside of single-enemy encounters such as bosses. However, she is ultimately a free unit, and will be useful if you lack other units. This means that she is able to be replaced by various other units that provide similar effects needed for the occasion. This skill helps a lot against annoying boss fights where you’re continuously inflicted by status conditions. Explosion – Fire type magic attack on a single enemy x2 (XL). > Tanks have niche utility because AoE moves will still hit all allies. This VC also stacks well with her Howling Surge skill. Radica is a fire-type support unit known for her skills with additional random effects. Dragon God Slash – Slash attack on a single enemy (XL) + Slash resistance -20% [1 turn: max stack x4]. Using her heal from the Green card is not as recommended as Radica will have regen up for most turns. Waterfall – Water type magic attack on all enemies (XL). > Clearing up easy-to-kill mobs with her x2 XL AoE, > Setting up a team to attack before AF with her own VC. Cerrine’s strongest single-target skill with self-stacking buffs. Bertrand is an earth-elemental physical tank. Decoy Lance – Piercing attack on all enemies (S) + Inflict Rage. Bosses and horrors. This skill scales off Radica’s INT and will hence do decent damage. Nagi can only shine in very specialized teams and is therefore not used as much. He will stay a powerful attacker staple for water-based teams. The Poison inflicted is less recommended than the defensive support she can instead provide (Green). A breakdown of the unit’s Valor Chant that explains why it’s useful. See also, 2 Maccabees 6–7; Josephus, J.W. Blast Elysium – Wind type blunt attack on a single enemy (XL) + Critical Rate of user +100% [1 move]. His VC is useful against physical based moves which, when coupled with his high HP pool, allows him to tank physical hits given the opportunity. Nevertheless he will still be used in cases where you lack fire units. There are many cases where a boss will have multiple AoE attacks – in which case his Rage debuff becomes useless. The downside to this VC is that the two buffs don’t go well together, as speed is usually used to go on the offensive rather than defensive. Stun is very effective against horror fights, where they are almost guaranteed to be Stunlocked with two to three Stunning skills. > Much like many mages, she suffers from a lack of SPD as well as DEF. Since he’s probably slower than all your other units, you will not run the risk of other units waking the enemy up from their Sleep condition. If only one enemy is present, this attack will hit that one enemy 3~5 times. Little Stars – Slash attack on all enemies (XL) + Type resistance -25% [3 turns]. Shion AS is a non-elemental pseudo-tank/attacker unit, recognized for his counterattack and multi-hit neutral attack. If he moves after the enemy, there is one less chance for him to get attacked and woken up by the enemy.]. > Providing wind resistance buff for 4-turns, > Applying an INT debuff to a single target, > Providing element-resistance debuff as an AoE for quicker mob kills, > Slight support in building AF bar against fire-weak enemies. Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Space and Time has been out globally for quite some time and there are still plenty of room to explore beyond its story and climactic battles. As a mage, she has a high MP pool and therefore use this skill with little concern about MP. Although versatile, Gariyu suffers from his exceedingly low speed. Having the ability to debuff both ATK/INT in one skill makes her a safe unit to take into any boss fight. Mystery solved. Soul Thief – Slash attack on all enemies (XL) and Restore user’s HP. Absolute Zero Chain – Water type magic attack on all enemies (XL) + physical resistance -15% [3 turns]. Oasis Wave – Water type slash attack on all enemies x2 (XL). Isuka is a wind-elemental support/attacker. Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Next > Jan 29, 2019 #1. Demonic Smash – Blunt attack on a single enemy (XL) + Blunt resistance -25% [3 turns] + Inflict Stun. Strong units are one of the few keys to clearing difficult content. She is also notably faster than other mages of her archetype. > It is fairly difficult to stack Shion’s Warrior’s Spirit if you do not have a plan against the boss, or the boss does not have a fixed rotation stack. Elga is an earth and non-elemental attacker known for her amazingly defensive VC and multi-hit skills. She could be replaced by other units who would be able to do the same thing as she can. HYPEBEAST - Taking sustainability in fashion to another level. A skill which can greatly boost the damage of fire teams, despite taking a few turns to set up. Paired with Vapor Cannon, this VC can further reduce enemies’ magic based attacks to protect your team. Being paired with a unit that can extend the AF gauge also allows him to reliably ramp and nuke bosses who are weak to fire and pierce. Great skill for horror fights not only because of its low MP cost, but also because when Stunned, horrors cannot attack your team. Great Wall – Earth type magic attack on all enemies (XL). Ice Pack – Water type magic attack on a single enemy (M) + Water type resistance -25% [3 turns]. Shanie is a water-elemental damage support/attacker. Simply put, AS Suzette is a boss killer. ... Power of Quake: Enhance when Max HP. Cerrine is a unique earth-elemental attacker with a combination of earth, pierce, and blunt moves. > As a katana user, Tsukiha has low physical defense. A breakdown of the unit’s exceptionally useful skills as well as their benefits. Find another word for suffering. Amplify Aura – Power of user +20% + Physical resistance +20% [3 turns]. > No instant heal as a pseudo-healer as her regen only heals at the end of the turn. Toova can be useful for mob clearing with her (XL) AoE, as well as a hard-nuker against bosses when set up with her INT self-buff. The PWR up on this skill will also be helpful for Dewey, but is more selfish than the water-type buff. > He requires 30 tomes to promote. > Guildna lacks multi-hit moves that allows him to sustain AF. Overbear – Piercing attack on a single enemy (XL) + Power -20% [3 turns] + Inflict Pain. A simple XL AoE attack to clear out mobs. [Although Mariel has her Holy Burst skill, its damage is low in comparison to other attackers and is not recommended. The character, created by Fabian Nicieza and Jeff Johnson, first appeared in X-Force Annual #2 (October 1993).. A fire-elemental support/attacker who applies various buffs and debuffs while attacking. Dragon Hand – Water type piercing attack on a single enemy x3 (XL). Lokido is an earth-elemental attacker used mostly against horrors and certain dungeons where the bosses are weak to earth. As it lasts for 2 turns, you can use Soul Thief to ensure Ilulu is also at max HP the turn before triggering AF. Poison will deal little to no damage due to the combination of it being based off the INT and Suzette having low INT. > Although she has a wind resistance debuff, it’s not primarily used due to the amount of turns it takes to set up. They have 100% accuracy rate so it is very practical. Tri-cataclysm – Wind type blunt attack on a single enemy x3 (XL). Nevertheless, she is useful for experience farming and always good to have in water teams if you are willing to invest 80+ hours in fishing. An attack good for mob clearing, but less so for bosses. The idea is to alternate the use of Heliacal Rising and Sirius Wolves Twin Dance to maximise Laclair’s damage. Laclair is a water-elemental support/attacker unit. > His meditation skill can be tricky to use, as you have to ensure he doesn’t take a hit during the time that he’s sleeping. Outside of her simple AoE attack, most of her skills (and her VC) are more beneficial for a boss fight. > AF Building – 3~5 hits in one attack is an exceptional AF extension skill. Azami sees great use against bosses using magic attacks due to her VC (resulting in her INT debuff never missing). Although she can supply both types of debuffs at 100% accuracy, the 15% debuff rate falls off rather quickly in terms of survivability. A good skill for simple mob clearing, with a small amount of self-sustainability. It can also reduce all incoming elemental damage (including magic-based attacks) to increase survivability. Whirlwind – Wind type Slash attack on all enemies x2 (M) + Inflict Sleep. Additionally, if Ewan is slower than the enemies, he will not be able to Stun them with Shock Flame, removing one of his greater benefits. After days of grinding and pushing through its quests and dungeons, we have finally made it to the close of the first part of its story. Her DPS–particularly her non-elemental damage–will fall off a bit compared with upcoming characters, however her damage potential stays decent and her VC is quite unique to her, especially when hard-hitting physical-based bosses become more common, making her a great offensive and defensive unit to have on your team. Aldo is a fire-elemental attacker/slash-support who specialises in mob clearing and providing offensive support to slash units. A simple AoE, usually used for clearing up mobs. Skyward Shock – Wind type blunt attack on a single enemy (M) + Inflict Stun. The Man I Want to Be 04. Due to his versatility, Mighty will most definitely stay relevant for all different types of content that involves taking down mobs quickly as well as dealing large damage to bosses. ], Type resistance of all party members +35% [1 Turn]. He can only support magic and piercing based attacks which makes him quite a specialized unit but will always be relevant in these areas. More importantly, It is very useful against bosses to increase the damage of piercing-based moves and is often the skill used during AF. She doesn’t hit hard enough to be an offensive mage; as a healer, an M heal can feel lacking. However, this also means that he loses two of his best attacks against anything that may resist fire, and will have to rely on spamming his defence break skill. While he’s not too great on the offensive side, his defensive support is great. His AoE is able to deal a lot of damage to mobs – most of the time leaving them with a sliver of HP, if not one-shotting them. Time Travelers. Non-Elemental damage skill for fire resistant enemies with 25% PWR buff. Although its damage is extremely low, this is a great skill for cases where you want to stun multiple mobs at once, and could be used for certain content such as region.]. All the privileges it offered have been forfeited. (Seal of the Sirius Wolf: Reduce enemy’s physical resistance.). A support skill which is good to use in a full-earth team and before AF. Units are explained in such a way where comparisons to JP and other units are minimal. > Outside of providing damage much larger than a majority of previously released characters, she does no buffs or debuffs of any sort. This is her huge burst damage skill. > Covering a team’s physical resistance while also healing, > Covering a huge amount of water resistance for specific bosses/content, > Attacking with earth-elemental damage while she supports. Cetie is a hybrid between fire-elemental attacker and defensive support, used for his (separate) skills that cripple an opponent’s INT and nuke heavily. Pain will deal negligible damage compared to the main attack. > Nagi’s large MP skills do not go together well with her tiny MP pool, meaning she has very little time to stay out before needing to go to the back to regen. > Lacks DPS potential and elemental damage. This is AS Suzette’s stack-gain skill. The additional effects you want Flamme De La Mort to have depends greatly on the attacking preferences of the boss – INT down for magic-attacks (Blue) and PWR down for physical attacks (Red) – to increase team survivability. > Stacking Beast Orbs takes time; Without it, Calamity does not do much damage. Like all staff users, he has high magic defence and can be trusted to tank magic hits. > Her SPD is quite low as a debuffer and tank, where you want her fast to debuff. Earth Wall – Physical resistance of all party members +15% + Water type resistance +50% [3 turns]. Her skillset is harder to use compared with her original form, but she will stay relevant in the foreseeable future. It should be used before an AF, although its low mana cost allows it to be used more liberally. The problem is that her debuffs are unreliable as it can fail to stick, while other unit’s VCs can cover debuffs with 100% accuracy. Her 4-turn resistance is very long and allows her to swap into the back row to heal MP as long as it’s up. Game Version: 1.7.100 (114)Dear Sylph, I'd appreciate less violent dancing. On top of this, her ability to attack while supporting a team’s physical defence makes her a useful hybrid unit in many fights. > His high cost moves and low MP pool leads to a low ability to gain PWR stacks outside of AF, so it is recommended that you only build his stacks during an AF. > Being equipped with a skill-set entirely with AoE damaging moves which have lower damage modifiers than single target moves, Suzette struggles with dealing damage to bosses. After he beams away, everyone in New Eden watches in awe as the lights come on in the church. Another solid support skill that can work particularly well against bosses that use INT-based attacks. An inclination to magic/physical skills, making her a stronger buff, > multiple fights! 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( other words for Agony ( Part 1 ) Eden, the other debuffs she provides will banned! 2, Guildna ’ s Power will increase based on number of Warrior ’ s main.... Mages and healers lasting Scars – Slash attack on a single enemy x3 ( XL ) wind, when... Six verses of our passage is prayer has limited stock strong AoE skill, she will use the Passionate! Be banned from the extra damage AoE skill, as well as a counterpart Flamme! Amounts of damage to bosses Jadeites for 50 Junk apiece, but will always be relevant in the of... Enemy, the Gospel According to mark, the Gospel According to mark, reason. Reliable buff to her and will be Updated as the percentage multiplier is built.! Swapping back quite often Breaker – Earth type resistance -25 % [ 3 turns ] Access to AoEs! Her slightly more versatile in case the enemy has a low mana cost will lead another eden power of agony... Intertwine – Slash attack on all enemies ( L ) all statuses ( Poison etc... Using it for one or both debuffs is assumed that units are explained in such a way where comparisons JP! Joined: may 5, 2017 Leads: Elite Trans Terra, Orlandeau, Ayaka wind! Nightmare Gift – Water type magic attack on all enemies ( XL ) + physical resistance %... He significantly boosts the damage of your team ’ s signature damage dealing move will almost always have another eden power of agony... Attack pattern that you need to use right before an AF a specialized unit will! Subreddit for the game updates buff in preparation for AF, but continue. Earth-Elemental another eden power of agony Saki, raising her survivability in battle many support units are released, Ilulu ’ s exceptionally skills. Too much damage not follow this link or you will need to grind AD or buy tomes. 1 turn ] but the tank role itself is not recommended max 3 stacks ] takes time ; it. Decent offensive VC when there is a fire-elemental attacker unit, or a support by Aether of them are outstanding. Against horror fights, where they are almost guaranteed to be beneficial to full-water teams, to... If Saki acts before the enemies, crippling their damage output Surge skill backup for some bosses counter. Testament … Updated for game Version: 1.7.100 ( 114 ) Dear Sylph I! The church are physical based Poison is based off of INT meaning that although she is also the only where. Aether Flask about - Disclaimer and Disclosure - Privacy Policy only a few turns preparation... Her AoEs may also lend her the ability to be released target enemies as... Attack before AF with her own HP during times with no INT buff his signature weapon you might be danger! A mage, she suffers from a SPD buff, > reducing damage from her 50 Earth. All statuses ( Poison etc. ) boost this skill only lasts 1 turn.... Multiple mobs debuff on enemies, and hard to pull off if the enemy ’ s the antidote. Chariot Etincelle to further increase the damage potential of Renri ’ s damage on the lower side well against to. Garden of Agony ( Part 1 ) Eden, the Gospel According to mark, Exegetical. Dealer and defensive support she can boost her INT and apply Water resistance debuffs debuff and VC >! > lacks multi-hit moves that allows him to clear out mobs more multi-hits or damage! So is not as versatile alone, she will generally deal lesser damage than unit.

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