matthew 5:14 studylight

1. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. The holy and exemplary lives of Christians will naturally attract the eyes of unbelievers. Religion proclaims the name of God and the action of God whether men will bear or forbear. Pseudo-Chrys. These were “ burning and shining lights “ in the darkness; these displayed the glory of the Saviour’s love and power to save, in the very midst of Satan’s empire. But the principle guide in cases like these is not to be found so much in an external rule as in a spiritually enlightened discrimination, which feels instinctively when is the time for secrecy and when for publicity. A city that is set on a hill … - Many of the cities of Judea were placed on the summits or sides of mountains, and could be seen from afar. That they may glorify your Father which is in heaven. Her extinct tribes she may not recall; her faded flowers she cannot recover. The church is often called the city of God. Let Christ be all and in all. We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. You Christians are like a city built upon a hilltop, you must be seen. how Godlike was their employ. Christian men individually, and the Christian Church as a whole, shine by derived light. That the glorifying of God, and doing good to mankind, must be the great end we propound in all the good works which we perform. The bottom of the outer ditch is now a very flourishing vineyard, and the entire circuit is not far from half a mile. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. But be ye blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation (as the Baptist was), among whom ye shine as lights in the world; as those great lights ( φωστηρις, luminaria, Philippians 2:15), the sun and moon (so the word signifieth), so that they that speak evil of you may be judged as absurd as those Atlantes that curse the rising sun because it scorcheth them. III. II. (D. No one puts a lamp under a bowl because a lamp is designed to help people see in dark places. It is pre-eminently applied to Jesus in these places, because he is, in the moral world, what the sun is in the natural world. 3. II. The visitor to a lighthouse is struck with the perfect cleanness of everything about the lantern or the lamps. 1. Chapter 5. 1. 2. Their actions could not be hid. The thoughts of judgment and unworthiness (Matthew 7:1-6), might discourage; encouragement is given by showing God’s willingness to give. Punshon.). No pains need to be taken to secure that the light shall shine. Aug.: Or, the mountain is the great righteousness, which is signified by the mountain from which the Lord is now teaching. The one idea is that of publicity. ), When Lord Peterborough lodged for s, season with Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray, he was so delighted with his piety and virtue, that he exclaimed at parting, “If I stay here any longer, I shall become a Christian in spite of myself.” (Anecdotes. Matthew 5:14"You are the light of the world. Sanhedrim, fol. Matthew 5:14 “You are the light of the world. 5:14 Ye are the light of the world. Matthew 5:14. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. Stanley and Thomson (‘Sinai and Palestine,’ p. 429: ‘The Land and the Book,’ p. 273), have thought that, notwithstanding the fact shewn by Robinson, that the actual city of Safed was not in existence at this time, some ancient portion of it, at all events its fortress, which is ‘as aged in appearance as the most celebrated ruins in the country’ (Thomson), may have been before the eye of our Lord as He spoke. He who simply did what the Church bids him do (if he did no more) would witness a good confession in the world, and one which cannot be hid, and at the same time with very little, if any, personal display. ), Keep the light bright or you will hear of it. And here too, φῶς in this verse = λύχνος in Matthew 5:15, where the comparison is resumed. Author and Time of Writing. The world is “in the dark” about God, but Christians “turn on the lights”. "A few points toward the north (of Tabor) appears that which they call the Mount of Beatitudes, a small rising, from which our blessed Savior delivered his sermon in the fifth, sixth, and seventh chapters of Matthew. : "A city set on a hill cannot be hidden" though it would; the mountain which bears makes it to be seen of all men; so the Apostles and Priests who are founded on Christ cannot be hidden even though they would, because Christ makes them manifest. You are like light. The light with which the true Christian has to shine is (1) the light of Divine knowledge, (2) the light of moral purity. Matthew 5:14 "Here's another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. 524. They are the light whose light is to shine out into the world before men. III. ), I. There lies Gennesaret, like a mirror set in framework of dark mountains and many-faced hills. We count as His. The world (though unjustly) looks for angelical perfection in them: and as the least deviation in a star is soon noted, so is it in such. Recent travellers, as Drs. Verse 20. 1. "You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. The rewards of a right discharge of our duties as true disciples. 3. Matthew 5:14"You are the light of the world. Light is a very common metaphor in the Bible. "A few points toward the north (of Tabor) appears that which they call the Mount of Beatitudes, a small rising, from which our blessed Savior delivered his sermon in the fifth, sixth, and seventh chapters of Matthew. But he also intended from the beginning to leave his Body, the Church … If you are not warming the world, the world is freezing you. 17.5.09 COMMUNICATING THE GOSPEL Matthew 5:14-16. : And therefore let none shut up his faith within the measure of the Law, but have recourse to the Church in which the grace of the sevenfold Spirit shines forth. We stand for Him. II. Light allows people to see. 4. The world did not want to be shaken out of its apathy, and would resent it. Believers are “the light of the world.”. So also Ephesians 5:8; ἦτε σκότος, νῦν δὲ φῶς ἐν κυρίῳ—light, as partaking of His Light: for πᾶν τὸ φανερούμενον (see note, ib. (Matthew 5:16) also Matthew 10:37. There lies Gennesaret, like a mirror set in framework of dark mountains and many-faced hills. Examples. It consecrates a man entirely to the service of (R. Montgomery, M. You that are to be my apostles are so eminently, but all you that are my disciples are so also. The city is lit by lamps, and yet it is the gas that lightens it. (G. Moberley, D. C. L.). But that does not exclude the idea that men do set their cities on hills so that they can be admired. There is another side of the Christian religion—namely, that of witnessing for God in the midst of perverse generations. i, p. 420) says: Maundrell, Jowett, and others, throw out the hint that this was the city set on a hill, which could not be hid; and if that greatest of sermons was preached on the horns of Huttin, or near them, as tradition affirms, and if any. This rule may serve for some external direction in this perplexed case. The eye was not made any more for beauty in the outward world than a man’s moral nature was made for beauty in the moral world. Our Saviour seems to say to His people, "Not only have ye light for yourselves, not only has God in His grace given you light and made you to be light; but you are to be the light by which others are to be spiritually illuminated and guided for their souls' salvation." Parker. What are the limits of lawful showing of our deeds, so that we may not break the law which bids us be secret? We should avoid all self-display. We turn our eyes up to him and he rebukes us with darts of fire; he says, “Look down, not up: look at the works, not the worker.” So we may feast our eyes upon a paradise of flowers, and get much of heaven out of it, but the moment we venture to say, “Who did this-where is he? Those disciples who sat on the Mount did go forth, did mould and shape and change the whole face of the world. Farther, Christ teaches them the end why he communicated light unto them, namely, to enlighten, direct, and quicken others: even as the sun in the firmament, and a candle in the house, diffuses and disperses its light to all that are within reach of it; so should all Christians, and particularly Christ's ministers, by the light of life and doctrine, direct people in their way towards heaven. But the CHURCH OF GOD, the city on a hill (Isaiah 2:2; Galatians 4:26; see also Hebrews 12:22), in allusion to their present situation, on a mountain, is most probably the leading thought. If only we could be hidden! The present Hebrew name is Zephath, and may either refer to its elevation like a watch-tower, or to the beauty and grandeur of the surrounding prospects. Here they are identified with the light itself; and just as God is said to be a light, so are His people in their measure and in their degree said to be a light. (Dr. D. The qualifications needed by Christ’s disciples for a right discharge of the duties of their position and calling (vers. He subjoins two comparisons. It would give additional force and beauty to the passage to suppose that he pointed to the city. p. 587. “You are the light of the world. : Or, men of the world may be figured in the "corn-measure" as these are empty above, but full beneath, so worldly men are foolish in spiritual things, but wise in earthly things, and therefore like a corn-measure they keep the word of God hid, whenever for any worldly cause he had not dared to proclaim the word openly, and the truth of the faith. Beyond is the vast plateau of the Hauron, faintly shading with its rocky ranges the utmost horizon eastward. Matthew 5:14). on StudyLight… Matthew 5:14-16 Bible / Bible Versions / NIV / Matthew / Matthew 5 / Matthew 5:14-16; Previous Book Previous Chapter Read the Full Chapter Next Chapter Next Book. But the words that probably lie at the root of Jesus’ idea here are those of Isaiah 60:3 where Israel’s light is to shine out because the glory of God has come upon them (they have been ‘blessed’ as in Matthew 5:3-9) in order that they might shine out of darkness and be a light to the nations. As a city situate on the top of a hill cannot be hid, neither can a light fail to be seen unless it be expressly prevented from shining. on Matthew 6:14 - For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. It would draw the world’s attention to them, and so expose them to the ill will of such as hate the light. “They are placed in this rank on the condition, that they shall shine, as from an elevated situation, on all others.”. Pseudo-Chrys. We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. : Or, Christ Himself has lighted this lamp, when He filled the earthen vessel of human nature with the fire of His Divinity, which He would not either hide from them that believe, nor put under a bushel that is shut up under the measure of the Law, or confine within the limits of any one oration. “Glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (W. Curling, M. How shine. For good or for evil, it could not fail to be prominent in the world’s history, a city of refuge for the weary, or open to the attacks of the invader. It is true that all worship is worthless which is not the offering of the heart, but truth embodied in outward institutions lives. Not to be seen of men. Yet the Christian is not like the sun, self-luminous, but borrows his rays, like the moon, from a primal source. A. The object of light is to disclose what would be otherwise unseen. Light; that which shows things as they are, and gives to men right views of them. Then, as for the statement of Josephus, Antt. III. But to return from whence we are digressed:-a minister while he lived a private person, stood in the crowd, as it were: but no sooner entered into his office, than he is set up on the stage: all eyes are upon him, as they were upon Saul, who was higher by head and shoulders than the rest of the people. Christ compares his people here not to a city, but to a city upon a hill; so that all for which our Saviour mentions a city here, is the conspicuity of a city so built. 1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering. [Ephesians 2:19] It is built upon Christ the hill, of whom Daniel thus, "A stone hewed without hands" [Daniel 2:34] became a great mountain. Hilary: Or, the lamp, i.e. i learnt my responsibility and i will perform as Jesus disciple and … May we not suppose that Christ alludes to this city, in these words of his, A city set on a hill cannot be hid?" This is bringing home the inevitability of their position. Examples. 1. Matthew 7:7. III. i. pp. v. pt. Hence it appears that we ought frequently to contemplate the examples of good men, out of which there are so many and so great advantages to be drawn. It is not enough to be Christians only to ourselves, we must be so before God and men. Surely not. ‘A city set on a hill “cannot be hid.” It cannot. (E. Had they simply perfected personal holiness in secret they might not have been persecuted, it was when they began to affect the world around them (Matthew 5:13-16), and make the world feel guilty, that the world began to react and hit back (Matthew 5:10-12). Mark and Luke appear to apply the comparison in a different manner: for there Christ gives a general admonition, that they ought to take particular care, lest any one, trusting to the darkness, indulge freely in sin, because what is hidden for a time will afterwards be revealed. 2. Theophanes, Zonaras, and Cedrenus report the like of Constans, nephew to Heraclitus, 340 years before Otho. Matthew 5:14 You are the light of the world – like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. The city that Christ built is set on a hill. xx. 7. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. But it contains the seeds of that idea. It is ‘placed high on a bold spur of the Galilæan Anti-Lebanon,’ and answers well to the description of a city ‘lying on the mountain top.’ ‘The only other in view would be the village and fortress of Tabor, distinctly visible from the mount of Beatitudes, though not from the hills on the lake side. 14 Ye are the light of the world. My aneroid makes it 2650 feet above the Mediterranean. The world is dark in reference to God. Christians are the bearers of this light into all the ends of the world. How skilled are we at communicating? If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? Ancient cities were built on hills for defence, and were clearly visible. They should not want to be seen of men, they should want God to be seen of men. 2. The withholding of a good example may be more fatal to religion than positive irregularities, because the turpitude of the latter destroys their power of seduction. No definite town is intended; Saphet has been conjectured; see, on the other hand, Robinson, Pal. In looking at a painted window, we think more of the artist and his picture than of the light. Kiddushin, fol. Nor are Christians anywhere else so called. 5. Jerome: He instructs them what should be the boldness of their preaching, that as Apostles they should not be hidden through fear, like lamps under a corn-measure, but should stand forth with all confidence, and what they have heard in the secret chambers, that declare upon the house tops. My aneroid makes it 2650 feet above the Mediterranean. Bishop Hooper’s life was so good, that no kind of slander (although various went about to reprove it) could fasten any fault upon him. III. : Thus shewing them that they ought to be careful of their own walk and conversation, seeing they were set in the eyes of all, like a city on a hill, or a lamp on a stand. In analyzing that power there are three or four elements. The comparison to the “candle” or “lamp” in Matthew 5:15 shows, indeed, that even here the disciples are spoken of as shining in the world with a derived brightness flowing to them from the Fount of light. In one point of view it is a secret principle, working noiselessly in the soul of a man, subduing gradually his evil propensities, weakening and destroying his corrupt appetites. Matthew 5:14-16 The Message (MSG). Ephesians 5:13) φῶς ἐστιν. Science and religion need not be divided. TO let our light shine is, undoubtedly, to make a Christian profession. ", "and they shall glorify your Father which is in heaven.". That is the worst of it. Pseudo-Chrys. A city as one entity with large numbers of inhabitants is a good picture of the one body with its many members. Comp. 1. 121. The sun renders objects visible, shows their form, their nature, their beauties, their deformities. Light is symbolic of truth. And as under the figure of salt the danger warned against was that of becoming insipid, so here the danger to be avoided is that of obscuring the light. Christian influence. ‘Kalos’ means good in the sense of being attractive. He affirms that wherever two or three are assembled together in his name he … Light of the world, עולם נר ner olam, was a title applied to the most eminent rabbins. Matthew 6:14. Safed is truly a high tower, on which to set the watchmen of Zion. The world is “in the dark” about God, but Christians “turn on the lights”. See Doddridge, and Beausobre and Lenfant. fol. Consider how great a profession, and yet a profession how unconscious and modest, arises from the mere ordinary manner in which any strict Christian lives. This is a general assertion, made to support the particular promise made Matthew 18:19 to his apostles. Supposing it be clearly our duty to manifest our religious profession in this pointed way before another, in order to do so modestly we must do it kindly and cheerfully, as gently as we can; not making matters worse than they are, or showing our whole Christian stature when we need but put out a hand or give a glance. "You are the light of the world. Matthew 8:3 Matthew 8 And Jesus said to him, See that you tell no one, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift which Moses commanded, for a testimony to them. Verse 1. And having built a stately palace there, where formerly had stood the palace of Julian the Apostate (the Romans being much against it), he gave up the work. Wythe. How strange and exaggerated such language must have sounded to that rude and rough company which first heard it. The allusion may have been to Jerusalem, which stands upon heights, and is the emblem of the Church. Thence the eye sweeps over Gilead and Bashan, Samaria and Carmel, the plains of Galilee, the coasts of Phoenicia, the hills of Naphtali, the long line of Lebanon, and the lofty head of Hermon, a vast panorama, embracing a thousand points of historic and sacred interest. This light discloses God, the way to heaven, etc. : How Christ manifests His saints, suffering them not to be hid, He shews by another comparison, adding, "Neither do men light a lamp to put it under a corn-measure," but on a stand. It is the fashion to depreciate creeds, but it is questionable whether without them Christianity would not long have faded from the earth. [Psalms 119:105] They who light this lamp are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Read the entire sermon - Matthew 5:14-16 Christians the Light of the World) You are the light - Not " a " light, but " the " light. A city that is set on an hill.—Assuming the Sermon on the Mount to have been preached from one of the hills of Galilee near the “horns of Hattin,” our Lord may have looked or pointed at Safed, 2,650 feet above the sea, commanding one of the grandest panoramic views in Palestine. (See Scofield "Matthew 4:8"), ‘A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.’. Ye are the light of the world - That is, the instruments which God chooses to make use of to illuminate the minds of men; as he uses the sun (to which probably he pointed) to enlighten the world. These words as they illustrate the world. Font Size. We are naturally inclined to imitation. Its beginning must be ascribed to a Power not of this earth before it can present itself as an object of faith. “Ye are the light of the world.” Then our Lord goes on to explain what kind of a light it is to which He would compare His people-the light of a tamp kindled. Cooper.). This obligation of giving light is still further enforced by the thought that that was Christ’s very purpose in all that he has done with us and for us. Beecher.). A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Men are affected by what they see. This is a general assertion, made to support the particular promise made Matthew 18:19 to his apostles. Nature, in her lower and more rigidly prescribed arrangements, cannot extinguish the light of her world; but man's spirit may extinguish the light of his. Were the light to go out from my inattention, in six months news would arrive from every part of the coast, that such ships and crews were lost through my neglect! Not like cowards cover it up desire timidly to withdraw into concealment (.. Which shows things as they are the light, even the only light which was on! D. D. ), and undefiled gives cautions against ostentation in religion suppose that ought. 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