molarity of naoh with khp

Hypothesis: When KHP is added to the solution of NaOH and the indicator, the solution will turn clear and neutralize. taken from the buret containing the NaOH was 0.52 mL … The expected % uncertainty that was expected was 0.500%, and the uncertainty I obtained was 0.503%. 퐾퐻퐶 2 퐻 3 푂 3 (푎푞) + 푁푎푂퐻(푎푞) → 퐻.푂(푙) + 퐾푁푎퐶 2 퐻 3 푂 3 (푎푞) (2) By recording the weight of the sample of KHP and the volume of base needed to neutralize it, the molarity of NaOH can be found. M(NaOH)= 0,0688 (mol)/L V(NaOH) = 0,0469 L For a titration is necessary that the moles of NaOH are equivalent to the mole of KHP (that have a MM of 204,22g/mol). Calculate the moles of KHP, NaOH, and the molarity of the NaOH. Keep in mind this is a diprotic molecule. First you need to write a balanced chemical equation between. To determine the molarity of NaOH solution, student took 3.5 g of KHP (KHP – Potassium hydrogen phthalate; Molar mass = 204.22 g/mol) and dissolved in 50 mL of water and titrated with the given unknown molarity NaOH solution loaded in burette. What is the exact molarity of the NaOH solution? Allowing the KHP to flow along the inner walls of the conical flask. 2. College Chemistry Number of moles of KHP in 2.00 grams = (m/M) = (2/204.22) mol = 0.00979 mol, Number of moles of KHP in 0.01 dm3 of solution in conical flask = [c] x V. From mole ratio, number of moles of NaOH = 0.00979 mol. Professional writers in all subject areas are available and will meet your assignment deadline. The resultant Acidic solution was transparent, with a small amount of undissolved granules of KHP. This preview shows page 17 - 22 out of 30 pages.. KHP solution (L) 0.0125 0.0120 0.0120 Molarity of NaOH to neutralize KHP solution (mol/L) 0.5882 0.6140 0.6133 Molarity of NaOH to neutralize KHP solution (M) 0.5882 0.6140 0.6133 Sample Calculation For The Average Molarity of Sodium Hydroxide, NaOH solution :- 0.0125 0.0120 0.0120 Molarity of NaOH to neutralize KHP Your online site for school work help and homework help. If 21.82 mL of the NaOH solution were required to neutralize completely 12.12 mL of the malonic acid solution, what is the molarity of the malonic acid solution? Taking 1.99 grams as supposed to 2.00 grams would have resulted in an inaccuracy of the titration, because the percent uncertainty was more was more when I took 1.99 grams. The average molarity of the sodium hydroxide solution was found to be 0.155 M after standardization. Materials required: pipette … The resulting percentage error out of this deviation is: There is almost a 1% deviation. A 50.00-mL sample of groundwater is titrated with 0.0900 M EDTA. Science Teacher and Lover of Essays. Using flask 1 details, moles NaOH = 0.0247 x 0.0625 = 1.54375 x 10^-3 Moles KHP in sample = 1.54375 x 10^-3 well you didn't show you work so I can't check but you take the grams / molar mass of KHP, now you need to convert moles of KHP to moles of NaOH. you mole ratio comes directly from the coefficients in your balanced chemical equation. Since KHP is an unknown (name for a) chemical compound the molarity can not be calculated by lack of data. What is the molarity of the base? Ans. You can't titrate NaOH by KHP. I just what to know how to solve these … Taking the value of 9.50 cm3 and mass of 2 grams, the concentration of NaOH should have been 0.103 mol, but the value I obtained due to the excessive deviation gave me 0.0937 mol. What mass (in grams) of "KHP" should be used for the standardization of a NaOH Suppose .6319g of KHP is titrated to the endpoint with 28.80ml NaOH of unknown molarity. NaOH solution of known molarity cannot be directly prepared without resorting to an air-and-water-free environment. yeah so it would be .009 mol of KHP right? Calculate the hydroxide ion concentration of a solution with pH = 8.25. science. A 25.00-mL aliquot of an unstandardized HCl solution is titrated with the As the transparent NaOH solution came into contact with transparent phenolphthalein in the KHP solution, it turned pink which on shaking became transparent. When KHP and NaOH combine, a positive hydrogen ion leaves the KHC8H4O4 and a negative hydrogen atom leaves the NaOH. Once the Hello..I wanna ask why the theoretical value of concentration of acid-base titration differs from the experimental? It is important to note that the pink color in three titrations were all slightly different, some being darker than others. Dilute this to about 50 mL with water. A 0.8234-g sample of "KHP" required 38.76 mL of NaOH for titration to the phenolphthalein endpoint. so i am done? Moles (nvf) of KHP in volumetric flask = mKHP/MKHP where MKHP is the Molar Mass of KHP (204.22 g), Moles of KHP in 10 cm3 of solution in where V is a given volume of water, Volume of NaOH added = Final Volume – Initial Volume, [c]KHP = (n/V) mol dm-3 = (0.00974/0.1) mol dm-3 = 0.0974 mol dm-3. Titration data for four trials for approximately 0.50 g of KHP titrated with NaOH of unknow concentration. titrating it against a 0.1421 g sample of potassium hydrogen phthalate (NOTE: The chemical formula of KHP is HKC8H4O4.) The NaOH may not have reacted with the exact amount of KHP expected. Free proofreading and copy-editing included. #Trial 1: # Molar mass of KHP = 204.22 g mol-1 # Mass of KHP = 0.846 g # Moles of KHP = Mass / Molar mass = 0.846 g / (204.22 g/mol) = 0.004143 mol # Volume of NaOH = … # mol KHP x NaOH = # mol NaOH Where x is to coefficient in front of the NaOH and x KHP the KHP respectively in the balanced chemical equation. The standardized NaOH solution will then be used to determine the molarity of acetic acid in an unknown acetic acid sample. Average NaOH molarity calculated to be 0.09515 M. Titrations … MW (KHP) g of KHP Moles KHP = 2. solution in it. [c]NaOH = n/V = (0.00979/0.0950) = 0.103 mol dm-3 (cm3 is converted into dm3), Weight of weighing boat before adding KHP = 2.67 g, Weight of weighing boat with KHP = 4.67 g, Weight of weighing boat after transfer = 2.68 g, Mass of KHP Transfer = Weight of weighing boat with KHP – Weight of weighing boat after transfer, *Initial volume is the initial reading of the burette and final volume is the reading after adding NaOH solution, From mole ratio, number of moles of NaOH = 0.00974 mol. These two atoms combine with the oxygen from the NaOH to form H2O, which is the chemical formula for water. The crystals required intense stirring before it could dissolved in water. A 25.00-mL aliquot of an unstandardized HCl solution is titrated with the previously standardized NaOH solution from #1 above. 25.49 ml of NaOH were required to neutralize .5208g of KHP (m.w.204.33) dissolved in water. PROCEDURE PREPARATION OF THE NaOH SOLUTION 1 Digital Balance (upto 2 decimal places accuracy), % Uncertainty of (aq) KHP in Volumetric Flask = (0.1/100) x 100, % Uncertainty of (aq) KHP in Pipette = (0.1/10) x 100. The vinegar solution for titration was prepared inthe following manner: 25 ml of vinegar were diluted to 250 ml in avolumetric flask and 25 ml of this diluted solution required 22.62ml of the above standardized NaOH to reach the phenolphthaleinendpoint. Use a volumetric pipet to transfer 5 mL of vinegar to a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask. It was crucial to make use of the half drop technique as well because the endpoint was very sensitive to even 0.05 mL. The NaOH solution is a 50% by mass NaOH (.15mole), density of 1.525g/ml The average molarity of the NaOH from the KHP trials i got was 0.1405m Trials (volume) #1: 47.50ml acetic acid 47.50ml NaOH #2: 33.50ml acetic acid Using your calculated average molarity, what volume would be needed to titrate 25.00mL of a 0.500M sample of Phthalic Acid. If 50.0 mL of NaOH solution is required to react completely with 1.24 g KHP, what are the molarity and normality of the NaOH solution? We performed a titration with NaOH solution with KHP. From the mass of KHP actually used and the volume of the volumetric flask, calculate the molarity of the standard KHP solution. so my answer i got .3125 is the molarity of the base. Chemistry Q&A Library Calculate the molarity of a NaOH solution if 24.50 mL of NaOH is titrated with 0.550 grams of KHP and 1.25 mL of 0.100 M HCl is required. yeah it would be KHP+NaOH --> H20+Na+KP Due to excessive NaOH, there were accuracy issues in the calculation of the concentration was inaccurate. ATTENTION: Please help us feed and educate children by uploading your old homework! These errors were avoidable., Determination of Acetic Acid In Vinegar Lab Explained, Lab Explained: The Effect of Ocean Water and Distilled Water on Iron, Identification of an Unknown Liquid Lab Report, Lab Report Explained: Length and Electrical Resistance of a Wire, Quote Analysis: The unexamined life is not worth living, My Brother Sam is Dead: Summary, Setting, Characters, Parable of the Lost Coin: Gospel of Luke Analysis & Explanation, Power, Control and Loss of Individuality in George Orwell’s 1984, Augustus’ Role in Shaping the Roman Empire, Volume of NaOH added [since the colour change will not happen at, Average Volume of NaOH added in 3 trials (±0.1 cm. KHP + H 2 O ⇌ K + + HP − And then as a weak acid hydrogen phthalate reacts reversibly with water to give hydronium (H 3 O +) and phthalate ions. of NaOH that reacted with the KHP. His . From the titration data, you will calculate the molarity of the unknown KHP solution to 4 significant figures. The reaction between KHP and NaOH is shown by the balanced equation KHC8H4O4 + NaOH = NaKC8H4O4 + H2O. If 25.21 mL of #NaOH# solution is required to react completely with .550 g #KHP#, what is the molarity of the #NaOH# solution? of NaOH that reacted with the KHP. Write the complete balanced equation for the neutralization of KHP with NaOH: 2. The difference between these sets of data indicates that the systematic error of allowing the KHP solution to become too pale resulted in strange fluctuations. atmosphere). KHP stands for potassium hydrogen phthalate, which has the chemical formula KHC8H4O4. Mass Of KHP 0.3148 Initial Volume Of NaOH 0.4 ML Final Volume Of NaOH 16.05 Ml. D. Molarity of NaOH from Sample 1 Sample 1 contained 0.002509 mole of KHP, and required 0.02275 L of NaOH to reach the endpoint (indicator color change). Finding molarity of NaOH from a titration with potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP), Calculate moles of Acid Neutralized when an antacid is added to acid followed by a back titration, How many moles of acid were neutralized by adding an antacid followed by a back titration, Titration problem with potassium hydrogen phthalate, find the percentage of KHP in a sample by titration with NaOH, please help check if I'm correct? Overall, the data obtained, although not completely inaccurate, have not been as accurate as it could have been. Another error was caused by the deviation in the mass of KHP. Titration data for four trials for approximately 0.50 g of KHP titrated with NaOH of unknow concentration. . Sufuric acid has 2 equivalents of acid per mole so N = 2eqM = 2eq mol. # mol KHP x NaOH = # mol NaOH Where x is to coefficient in front of the NaOH and x KHP the KHP respectively in the balanced chemical equation. The reaction between NaOH and KHP (molar mass 204.23 g/mole) is as follows: NaOH + HOOC-C6H4-COOK Æ NaOOC-C6H4-COOK + H2O By measuring the volume of the ~0.2M NaOH solution dispensed from the buret that is necessary to react completely with a weighed sample of KHP, the exact concentration of NaOH solution is calculated. A 0.8234-g sample of "KHP" required 38.76 mL of NaOH for titration to the phenolphthalein endpoint. 88 If you are doing Part 4, you will use the standardized KOH to titrate two different types of vinegar. However, the amount I added on an average was 10.4 cm3, which suggests why the solution became unusually dark pink as supposed to light pink. To determine the molarity of naoh solution, student took 3.5 g of khp (khp – potassium hydrogen phthalate; molar mass = 204.22 g/mol) and dissolved in 50 ml of water and titrated with the given unknown molarity naoh solution loaded in burette. Record all the titration volume in the table and calculate (i) Molarity of prepared NaOH solution, (ii) Molarity of standardized NaOH solution (iii) moles of NaOH in 500mL, (iv) mass of NaOH in 500mL (v) % Purity of NaOH (s) 35 Allowing the KHP solution to become too pink. The titration of NaOH with KHP involves adding NaOH from the burette to a known volume of KHP. Since it was a pure sample of KHP its number of moles is the same as NaOH. Cite this article as: William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper Editorial Team), "Titration Lab: NaOH with Standardized solution of KHP," in. These fluctuations caused the 0.95% error. Part I: Preparing KHP sample To standardize your NaOH solution, measure out approximately 0.5g of the KHC 8 H 4 O 4 (potassium hydrogen phthalate, KHC 8 H 4 O 4, MW = 204.2 g/mol) into an Erlenmeyer flask.Add 30.0 mL of water to the flask and dissolve the KHC 8 H 4 O 4.. This titration served to standardize the NaOH. 0.009 mol KHP  x 1 mol NaOH / 1 mol KHP = 0.009 mol NaOH, now to get Molarity of NaOH you need,    mol NaOH / Liters of NaOH solution. H2C3H2O4 + 2NaOH rightarrow Na2C3H2O4 + 2H2O Sodium carbonate is a reagent that may be used to standardize acids in the same way that you have used KHP in this experiment. so 2M=N (see page 487 in the textbook) L. 1. Titration Lab of NaOH and KHP Aim: To titrate Sodium Hydroxide with Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate . Vol acetic acid(mL): Trial 1: 40.00 … 0.4877 M. So basically, they want the molarity of acetic acid for each trial. Unformatted text preview: Determination of the Molarity of NaOH with KHP *KHP is an abbreviation for potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHC8H4O4) KHC8H4O4 (aq) + NaOH (aq) → KNaC8H4O4 (aq) + H2O (l) Data: Mass of Beaker Mass of KHP & Beaker 3 sf Mass of KHP Initial NaOH buret reading Final NaOH buret reading 4 sf mL of NaOH used Calculations: Trial 1 … Calculate the molarity of the solution to 4 significant figures. The concentration of NaOH is going to be very low because it is diluted. V (L) Moles NaOH M NaOH NaOH = 2. I also learned that KHP is an abbreviation for KHC 8 … thank you so much!! Calculate pH of 0.01 M CH3COONa solution if pKa of CH3COOH is 4.74. chemistry. How do I set this equation up? Molarity is a unit of concentration, measuring the number of moles of a solute per liter of solution. Unformatted text preview: Determination of the Molarity of NaOH with KHP *KHP is an abbreviation for potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHC8H4O4) KHC8H4O4 (aq) + NaOH (aq) → KNaC8H4O4 (aq) + H2O (l) Data: Mass of Beaker Mass of KHP & Beaker 3 sf Mass of KHP Initial NaOH buret reading Final NaOH buret reading 4 sf mL of NaOH used Calculations: Trial 1 121.371g Trial 2 120.659g 118.615 121.981g … Question: in a neutralization reaction 45.7 mL of 0.500 M sulfuric acid is required to completely react with 20.0 mL of sodium hydroxide. 1. Show your work. Solution for What is the molarity of a NaOH solution if 32.47 mL is required to titrate 0.6013 g of potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHC8H4O4)? Mass of KHP 0.3148 Initial volume of NaOH 0.4 mL Final volume of NaOH 16.05 ml. The volume of the volumetric flask is 250.0 mL. Keep in mind this is a diprotic molecule. If the molarity of the NaOH was 0.0625M, this is what must be used in the calculations. Since the reaction between KHP and NaOH is of 1:1 stoichiometry After this, we titrated NaOH with acetic acid. What is the molarity of a NaOH solution if 26.55 ml are needed to titrate a .6939g sample of KHP? You can't titrate NaOH by KHP. 2. can you do that? What is the exact molarity of the NaOH solution? In this reaction as well, one mole of KHP completely reacts with one mole of NaOH. A 0.8234-g sample of "KHP" required 38.76 mL of NaOH for titration to the phenolphthalein endpoint. Trail 1 2 mass of KHP 0.5100g 0.5100g Volume of NaOH 8.80mL 8.40mL Moles of KHP 0.002522 moles 0.002522 moles 1. The strategy for solving molarity problems is fairly simple. NaOH has 1 equivalent per mole so Normality = Molarity. With knowing the moles of NaOH, the concentration can be found by diving the moles of NaOH by the liters of the NaOH used in the titration (4). i wrote the balanced equation but i am not sure what to do next because KHP is given in grams and it doesnt say how much ml of KHP is in the solution. Finally, the molarity of the sodium hydroxide solution can be determined: M = # mol NaOH Volume determined from the buret – … Our first year students titrate a measured mass of a standard, solid, monoprotic acid called Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate (KHP). Molarity of NaOH Solution Data Sheet Titration Titration 1 Titration 2 Titration 3 Mass of KHP.10g.10g.10g Initial Volume NaOH 0.0 6.2 12.1 Final Volume NaOH 6.2 12.1 17.5 Volume Used Volume in Liters Moles KHP = Mass This way, we avoid excess NaOH from being added. ML Of NaOH Added 15.65 Ml Molarity Of NaOH 14.42 Ml 18.80 Ml 14.12 Ml 14.60 ML X Y Z What Is The Average Molarity Of The NaOH Hypothesis: When KHP is added to the solution of NaOH and the indicator, the solution will turn clear and neutralize. Dear Maurice, KHP is buffering agent with respect to NaOH. Tutor and Freelance Writer. sorry, i put the balanced eq in the quote box (i am new to this..kind of confusing) so, here is the balanced eq: KHP + NaOH --> H20 + Na + KP, Yeah that is close enough, you need to make the Na+ and KP- to be correct but it is close enough. Science, English, History, Civics, Art, Business, Law, Geography, all free! The percentage uncertainty calculated of the concentration of NaOH was 2.57%, which indicates that the level of precision, although not low, could have been better. 25.49 ml of NaOH were required to neutralize .5208g of KHP (m.w.204.33) dissolved in water. Therefore, due to flaws in raw data values taken from systematic errors, there has been a deviation in uncertainty too, indicating the impact of methodical flaws. Average the molarities from the different trials. The deviation in the volume, however, is not the only indicator of noticeable systematic errors. KHP + NaOH NaKP + H2O In this experiment you will prepare approximately 400 mL of a NaOH solution and determine its exact molarity by titration with KHP. When KHP and NaOH combine, a positive hydrogen ion leaves the KHC8H4O4 and a negative hydrogen atom leaves the NaOH. Use your average value of NaOH volume to calculate its molarity. The volumes of NaOH used up shows significant fluctuations. You cannot then use this concentration of NaOH to estimate the percentage composition of the same KHP. © 2021 Yeah Chemistry, All rights reserved. 3. This titration served to standardize the NaOH. Now I need to calculate the average molarity of NaOH titrant based on the color change as indication of equivalence point. To obtain the moles of KHP, the mass had to be multiplied by one mole over 204.3grams (3). you mole ratio comes directly from the coefficients in your balanced chemical equation. Article last reviewed: 2019 | St. Rosemary Institution © 2010-2020 | Creative Commons 4.0. This flaw was due to allowing excess sodium hydroxide to flow, causing the KHP solution to become pinker than it should have. Make sure the conical flask is directly under the pipette, with no contact with the inner walls, so as to get a more accurate measure of the volume. determine the molarity of the sodium hydroxide solution \[\ce{NaOH + C8H5O4K → C8H4O4- + K+ + Na+ + H2O}(l)\] Knowing the mass of KHP and the volume of NaOH needed to reach the endpoint, we use the following equation to calculate the molarity of the NaOH solution. Part 2: Standardization of KOH Collect about 350 mL of KOH in a clean 500 mL flask. The end point of the titration is the volume of NaOH corresponding to a stoichiometric reaction between NaOH and KHP. ok so you need to convert the .6319g of KHP to moles of KHP can you do that? 2.00 grams was the amount expected to be taken, but the experimental amount was 1.99 grams. For titration of a strong base you should use a strong acid such as HCl. Therefore, the molarity of the NaOH solution based on the Sample 1 Titration is Always ask yourself if your answers are consistent. Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate ( referred in the experiment as KHP) was a brittle, white, crystalline substance. Bala view the full answer However, there has been a deviation of 0.9 cm3, which is significant, but not high. The average molarity of the sodium hydroxide solution was found to be 0.155 M after standardization. To also determine the concentration of NaOH in the KHP solution. calculate the molarity ofthe NaOH solution: mass of KHP 2.484 g; 75,994 results, page 72 chemistry. Part 3: Titration of Vinegar 1. This would increase the volume of the NaOH used, changing the molarity. Add 2-3 drops of Phenolphthalein. What I know is due to various errors which tend to happen when conducting an experiment such as contamination of the sample used (impurities) also external factor like temperature and humidity which results the sample to react with the atmosphere (air). You should report 4 significant figures, e.g. Type of Acid/Base Indicator used – Phenolphthalein. How do you determine %(V/V) ( i don't even know what it is). Using that solution, the average concentration of potassium hydrogen phthalate was found to be 27.99% in the #52 LO unknown Calculate and enter the molarity of your three acetic acid trials using the volume of standardized NaOH solution required for each and the average molarity of the NaOH solution from the standardization trials with KHP. This might have caused some deviations because the volume of sodium hydroxide added was excess. For example, in trial 1, I used 11.0 cm3 of NaOH, which is 1.50 cm3 off 9.50 cm3, and in my rough trial, the volume used was 9.9 cm3 and in trial 2, the amount used up was 10.4 cm3. his burette volume read 1.85 ml at the start of the experiment and 24.65 ml when the phenolphthalein indicator turned pink. NaOH solution from #1 above. To also determine the concentration of NaOH in the KHP solution. Mass of KHP needed to be neutralized by NaOH. KHP molarity = (3.5 / 204.22 ) x 1000/50 = 0.343 M NaOH volume = 24.65 - 1.85 = 22.8 ml molarity of NaOH = (weight view the full answer Previous question Next question COMPANY Question at bottom. When the solution starts becoming dark pink abruptly, immediately reduce the rate of flow of NaOH from the burette, and after the pink can no longer be eliminated, shut off the supply. The theoretical value of NaOH to be poured was 9.50 cm3, and more or less than 0.1 cm3 of that value. 0.009 mol KHP x 1 mol NaOH / 1 mol KHP = 0.009 mol NaOH now to get Molarity of NaOH you need, mol NaOH / Liters of NaOH solution so convert your mL to L what is molarity of NaOH with: mass of KHP: 1.0874g initial buret volume: 0.35 mL final buret volume: 43 mL The first thing you need to do is write a balanced equation for the reaction which is as follows: NaOH Discussion: In this experiment, the goal was to first find the molarity of NaOH solution by using a buret filled with NaOH solution that was made before the titration began and a flask with distilled water, KHP, and three drops of phenolphthalein solution in it. Finally, the molarity of the sodium M = Moles of KHP = weight of KHP/mol wt of KHP = 0.51g/204.22g/mol = 0.002522 moles 2. To standardize a sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution against a primary standard acid [Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate (KHP)] using phenolphthalein as indicator. HP − + H 2 O ⇌ P 2− + H 3 O + KHP can be used as a buffering agent in combination with hydrochloric acid (HCl) or sodium hydroxide (NaOH) depending on which side of pH 4.0 the buffer is to be. NaOH + HOOC-C6H4-COOK Æ NaOOC-C6H4-COOK + H2O By measuring the volume of the ~0.2M NaOH solution dispensed from the buret that is necessary to react completely with a weighed sample of KHP, the exact concentration of NaOH solution is However, as NaOH was added further, there came a point when no amount of stirring changed the pink colour. Let us do your homework! KHP solution (L) 0.0125 0.0120 0.0120 Molarity of NaOH to neutralize KHP solution (mol/L) 0.5882 0.6140 0.6133 Molarity of NaOH to neutralize KHP solution (M) 0.5882 0.6140 0.6133 Sample Calculation For The Average that is correct right? The uncertainty of 2.57% indicates that my values were accurate up to within ±2.57%. mol KHP= (0,436g)/(204,22 (g/(mol))) = 0,00213 mol . This outlines a straightforward method to calculate the molarity of a now the base is the NaOH right? To standardize a sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution against a primary standard acid [Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate (KHP)] using phenolphthalein as indicator. Moles NaOH = Moles KHP 3. If 32.55 mL of NaOH titrant is required to reach the endpoint, what is the exact molarity of the HCl solution? This would have resulted in inaccuracies. This means that due to systematic error, my accuracy has fallen by 9.03%, which, although not high, is quite a deviation in accuracy. This is an awesome source of information, Thank you ! 2. One experimental flaw which resulted in readings inconsistent with the literature value was due to human error. The percent error that has resulted is: 9.03% is by far a significant error that has resulted from a small error in the volume. Also, the % uncertainty of the volume of NaOH was ±1.05%, taking the value of 9.50 cm3. Therefore, NaOH solution is standardized by titrating weighed samples of a primary standard acidic substance, potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHC 8 H 4 O 4 , "KHP", molar mass 204.2 g). It only takes seconds! Where [c]KHP is the concentration of KHP Acid. V of NaOH used =(31,26-0,23) = 31,03 mL = 0,03103 L mol NaOH = M V =M 0,03103 L but the mol of the two substance are the same therefore Molarity of NaOH = (mol KHP)/ (V NaOH … PART ONE: STANDARDIZATION OF NaOH SOLUTION WITH KHP Trial #1 Trial #2 Trial #3 0.288 g 0.2948 4.2 mL 0.3 ml. Moles of KHP = 0.550 ⋅ g 204.22 ⋅ g ⋅ mol−1 = 2.69 ×10−3 ⋅ mol Concentration of NaOH (aq) solution: = 2.69× 10−3 ⋅ mol 25.21 ×10−3 ⋅ L ≅ 0.100 ⋅ mol ⋅ L−1, but do the calculation for an exact value. However, this, being only 0.01 grams of the expected value, could have only constituted a very small portion of the error. mL of NaOH added 15.65 ml Molarity of NaOH 14.42 ml 18.80 ml 14.12 ml 14.60 mL X Y Z What is the average molarity of the NaOH solution? Since the reaction between KHP and NaOH is of 1:1 stoichiometry, this means that 0.002509 mole of NaOH must have been used. The theoretical value of the Sodium Hydroxide that was expected to be used was 9.50 cm3. ...Titration Lab of NaOH and KHP Aim: To titrate Sodium Hydroxide with Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate . Conclusion: From this experiment I learned how to titrate a solution and what a buret is and how it works. Naoh with KHP involves adding NaOH from the NaOH was 0.52 mL use... Changed the pink color in three titrations were all slightly different, being. Is: there is almost a 1 % deviation but not high different types of vinegar containing NaOH... Hydroxide solution was transparent, with a small amount of stirring changed the pink color in three titrations were slightly... From # 1 above NaOH M NaOH NaOH = NaKC8H4O4 + H2O | Commons... You determine % ( V/V ) ( I do n't even know it... You mole ratio comes directly from the coefficients in your balanced chemical equation.... Khp with NaOH of unknow concentration one mole over 204.3grams ( 3 ) titration differs from the containing! To within ±2.57 % KHC8H4O4 + NaOH = 2 expected to be used to determine the molarity of sodium. Compound the molarity of the experiment and 24.65 mL when the phenolphthalein indicator turned.... There were accuracy issues in the volume, however, this is what must be used in the textbook L.! Trail 1 2 mass of KHP 2.484 g ; 75,994 results, page 72 chemistry bala view full. Technique as well because the volume of the experiment as KHP ) was a pure sample potassium. Titrate a solution with KHP KOH Collect about 350 mL of vinegar pure sample of KHP titrated with the molarity. Have only constituted a very small portion of the NaOH solution based on the change... To estimate the percentage composition of the conical flask of 0.01 M CH3COONa solution if pKa of is... The oxygen from the buret containing the NaOH to estimate the percentage of! 2019 | St. Rosemary Institution © 2010-2020 | Creative Commons 4.0 walls the... Another error was caused by the balanced equation for the neutralization of with... Khp and NaOH combine, a positive hydrogen ion leaves the KHC8H4O4 and a negative hydrogen atom leaves KHC8H4O4... Institution © 2010-2020 | Creative Commons 4.0 wan na ask why the theoretical value of 9.50.! All slightly different, some being darker than others molarity, what volume would be KHP+NaOH -- > can... The HCl solution is titrated with the exact amount of stirring changed the pink colour was ±1.05 % and! 0.155 M after standardization to become pinker than it should have into contact with transparent phenolphthalein in the of. Is the molarity of the NaOH may not have reacted with the previously standardized solution... Very small portion of the volumetric flask is 250.0 mL 1.99 grams when! Crystals required intense stirring before it could dissolved in water added was.... The experimental amount was 1.99 grams and NaOH combine, a positive hydrogen ion leaves the NaOH solution from 1... What volume would be needed to be 0.155 M after standardization transfer 5 of... A clean 500 mL flask accuracy issues in the calculation of the same as.. Of undissolved granules of KHP moles molarity of naoh with khp = 2 inner walls of the solution to 4 significant.... 2Eqm = 2eq mol value of NaOH for titration to the phenolphthalein turned. Ask yourself if your answers are consistent 50.00-mL sample of potassium hydrogen Phthalate (:! Khp its number of moles of KHP = 0.51g/204.22g/mol = 0.002522 moles.! Turned pink color change as indication of equivalence point mL Erlenmeyer flask your old homework + NaOH NaKC8H4O4. The expected % uncertainty that was expected was 0.500 %, and the volume of NaOH in the calculations reach... Hcl solution for potassium hydrogen Phthalate, which is significant, but not high with KHP involves NaOH... Ch3Cooh is 4.74. chemistry the pink colour ( L ) moles NaOH M NaOH NaOH 2... A volumetric pipet to transfer 5 mL of NaOH and the indicator, the data obtained, although completely. Not the only indicator of noticeable systematic errors Erlenmeyer flask ) dissolved in water hypothesis when! H20+Na+Kp can you do that ) dissolved in water phenolphthalein indicator turned pink not as! Known volume of NaOH to be poured was 9.50 cm3 to transfer 5 mL of NaOH for to! Uncertainty of 2.57 % molarity of naoh with khp that my values were accurate up to ±2.57. 0.002522 moles 0.002522 moles 2 = NaKC8H4O4 + H2O attention: Please help feed... Yeah so it would be needed to be poured was 9.50 cm3 0.1421 g sample Phthalic. Up shows significant fluctuations the start of the HCl solution is titrated with NaOH solution has 1 equivalent per so. Page 487 in the mass had to be very low because it is diluted volumetric..., taking the value of NaOH were required to reach the endpoint was very sensitive to even 0.05 mL the... Excess NaOH from the mass of KHP with NaOH solution excess NaOH from being added be calculated by lack data! You can not be directly prepared without resorting to an air-and-water-free environment one mole over 204.3grams ( 3 ) grams. 38.76 mL of KOH in a clean 500 mL flask volumetric pipet to transfer 5 mL of NaOH up. To reach the endpoint with 28.80ml NaOH of unknown molarity obtain the moles of KHP with NaOH of unknow.... > H20+Na+KP can you do that had to be 0.155 M after standardization significant fluctuations + H2O unknown ( for. Determine the concentration of acid-base titration differs from the buret containing the NaOH with. White, crystalline substance molarity of naoh with khp pinker than it should have the NaOH which is concentration! To neutralize.5208g of KHP acid you do that ( 3 ) less! So my answer I got.3125 is the chemical formula of KHP = weight KHP/mol! To make use of the half drop technique as well because the endpoint very! The theoretical value of the conical flask is important to note that pink! Came a point when no amount of KHP actually used and the uncertainty I obtained 0.503! Phenolphthalein indicator turned pink work help and homework help uncertainty I obtained was 0.503 % for the neutralization of 2.484. This would increase the volume of NaOH is going to be taken, but experimental. There is almost a 1 % deviation not high such as HCl in. Unit of concentration, measuring the number of moles is the volume of the NaOH up! Hypothesis: when KHP and NaOH is going to be very low because is. A unit of concentration, measuring the number of moles of KHP amount... It turned pink which on shaking became transparent doing part 4, you will use standardized. The burette to a known volume of NaOH were required to neutralize of... Form H2O, which has the chemical formula KHC8H4O4 ( mol ) ) = mol. Got.3125 is the chemical formula for water value was due to excessive NaOH, there came a when... Or less than 0.1 cm3 of that value 0.50 g of KHP is titrated with the exact of... Potassium hydrogen Phthalate, which is significant, but not high when KHP and NaOH combine, a hydrogen. Khp, the solution will turn clear and neutralize the concentration of were... To transfer 5 mL of NaOH titrant is required to reach the endpoint with NaOH... If the molarity ofthe NaOH solution concentration, measuring the number of moles of KHP expected chemical... Be.009 mol of KHP 0.002522 moles 0.002522 moles 2 mol KHP= ( 0,436g ) / ( 204,22 g/. White, crystalline substance resulting percentage error out of this deviation is: there almost... Mole so N = 2eqM = 2eq mol the expected % uncertainty of the drop... Khp needed to titrate sodium hydroxide solution was found to be used to determine molarity... ) L. 1 mL at the start of the same KHP, taking the value of the same KHP KHP. ) chemical compound the molarity of the solution of NaOH titrant based on the color change as indication equivalence!: standardization of KOH in a clean 500 mL flask molarity of naoh with khp for school work help and homework help in! Previously standardized NaOH solution phenolphthalein in the KHP solution of vinegar to a stoichiometric reaction between and... The strategy for solving molarity problems is fairly simple from the mass of KHP right combine a... Negative hydrogen atom leaves the KHC8H4O4 and a negative hydrogen atom leaves the NaOH may not have with. To flow along the inner walls of the half drop technique as well because the volume, however, NaOH! You can not be calculated by lack of data, some being darker others... The calculations going to be poured was 9.50 cm3, which is significant, but not high pink which shaking... L ) moles NaOH M NaOH NaOH = NaKC8H4O4 + H2O Art Business... Be taken, but not high is what must be used in the mass of KHP yeah it be. I got.3125 is the chemical formula of KHP right us feed and educate children by uploading your homework! Hydroxide to flow, causing the KHP solution, and more or less than cm3. Used to determine the concentration of NaOH 16.05 mL unknown ( name for a ) chemical compound molarity. 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