paladins io sacrifice

Revert GB to 15% would be good to keep Io viable. Games. © Hi-Rez Studios, Inc. All rights reserved. Io is overall very medicore and lacking. Only users with topic management privileges can see it. This video is some ranked gameplay and commentary of a Sacrifice IO with my opinions on how it should be played! @BaeWulf95 said in [LORE] Champions Relationships: @TangAce Oh, ok, ok, ok. I want to explain how to play her and why she is not bad. Please download a browser that supports JavaScript, or enable it if it's disabled (i.e. Yeah, your right the Void is of some sentience and the Abyss is a place of sort. Sacrifice should only work when Luna is outside the … Sacrifice is barely better than Life Link... All it does for you is maybe allow you to push a bit, but then save yourself at the cost of 20 whole seconds of uptime on literally the most broken ability in the entire game. Getting a kill or elimination heals you for 300 Health. Have since tried out all other supports, if for no other reason than comparison purposes. Regenerate 4% Moonlight every 1s while not using Moonlight. Studios. With the unique ability to fine-tune her healing to extremely precise amounts, she is becoming a very popular pick that can rock with any team composition. • Sacrifice restores 50% of Io's hp • Home. If your not going to remove this broken talent, that at least balance it so its not fully broken. Pieces of the moon fell to the Shattered Desert, where Io’s faithful watched over them. Every good Io knows that putting out Luna just to die is a f***ing stupid idea when she can CAP FOR YOU so you can go in and heal with your zoners... "In teams that don't care about defending their own healer" Yes, using other people's stupidity to say a talent is better than it actually is. Reduce the Cooldown of Luna's redeploy by 0.1s after healing with Moonlight. Sacrifice. Reset the Cooldown of Lunar Leap after dropping to or below 30% Health. School abjuration ; Spell Lists. She is a well-rounded support, bringing a … She's far from being OP, at least she's not harassed. 1. Legal. Events. Reduce the Cooldown of Lunar Leap by 3.2s. This has happened to me in all modes, including 1v1 costum games, and bot matches. ... unique, and gives the player the fantasy they are looking for. Sacrifice Build: This is the most hardest to pull off talent Io can use. Heal for 30 every time you Heal an ally with Moonlight. It is already as strong as an ultimate ( it is basically terminus Ult minus the damage) but you put that on a 45sec timer?! Heal for 20 every time you Heal an ally with Moonlight. @Dusklicious said in Io's Sacrifice is broken as hell. Sacrifice If Io falls below 200 health while Luna is active, she trades places with Luna, heals, and Luna dies in her stead. They kept vigil for the shattered goddess, praying that one day she would return to guide them. I just leave here some screenshots for the unbelievers: They also battle horrors and abnormal threat for the side of justice. : After many games with Goddess Blessing I am trying out Life Link again, since Luna on point is not working so good anymore. … If you forgot about her you respawn on the spawn without horse and you feed. Gain a 300-Health Shield for 3s after activating Lunar Leap. Create Free Account. Reduce the cooldown of Luna's initial deploy by 2.4s. Regenerate 2% Moonlight every 1s while within 30 units of Luna. 15% DR for 75% less heals (DR works only on attacked allies who are certainly cauterized) trade is just doesn't worth. Sometimes flankers are a pain to deal with so in this build I use Luna as a frequently moving bodyguard, stunning incoming flankers or use her as a sentry point. Another good talent that should replace Sacrifice will be a burst damage talent that increase Io's DPS 15% and Luna one 100%. And she's not going to get nerfed anytime soon because hardly anyone is going to look at all the champions and say "Seris needs a nerf.". They leave Luna in the base, then when they "die" they sit inside the base till Sacrifice is back online. Seris's sustain wasn't nerfed along with the cauterize nerfs, so she is technically stronger. Reduce the Cooldown of all your abilities by 10%. Maybe try this balance only on this talent for start. It makes Maeve mains reeeeeeal sad. Your weapon shots reduce the effect of healing on your target by 25% for 1.5s. Luna is ez kill, you don't sacrifice so much power only her stuns by hiding her. She's got gimmicks, but … Personally I love playing Front Line, I like to play the tank characters. Generate 8% Moonlight for each enemy hit with Light Bow. Regenerate 5% Moonlight every 1s while not using Moonlight. A healer with a 45s respawn cd? "15% DR for 75% less heals" Huh... What are you even saying here...? IO Paladins New Champion Lore Cinematic Explained - Duration: 8:46. Never able to be killed. However, the teams in this game are unbearable 90% of the time. This is legit the biggest advantage to your team ever. 53.68% W/L. I mean if she is doing this then she is literally prolonging her respawn timer from 10s to 45s and throwing the game making you win easier. There is no healing reduction on Blessing. Increase your maximum Moonlight capacity by 24%. She is much more difficult to play then healers like Grover or Seris, so people conclude that Io is just bad. But if you resurrect on a close save place you can start to heal allies again in some seconds. Io needs some buffs to be good. The redeploying reduction is important for this to be able to move Luna near you every now and then. When a creature in range is hit by an attack or fails a saving throw, you can cast this spell and the wounds and/or effects are magically transmitted to you instead of the target. Lower your gravity and increase your air control by 50% while firing your Light Bow. (Not sure where I put this thread : Gameplay Feedback or Balance Feedback, so meh) Io is good addition to the realm with unique strategy with pet and interesting mechanics of it (Capping point/payload with Luna, bodyblocks, healing Luna, etc) but I don't think she will be "viable enough" Good concept, but bad execution, Moji was the victim of it, I don't wanna Io to … But even that's not a good argument. So ppl just think it's trash, as they tought the same about Soul Collector for years as well. Browse champions and decks to find the best loadout for every champion! Sacrifice should only work when Luna is outside the spawn, and the cool down should be much longer. Sacirfice also can help you to do suicider rushes against the enemy healer. @KicsitCsicska The issue is that you're giving up 15% damage reduction and the potential to zone with Luna just to save yourself. Maybe up to 450 damage per hit? @KicsitCsicska said in Io's Sacrifice is broken as hell. Holy Paladin ... 2021 5:51 AM Adriox 9585 views 46 stars 4 comments. I mean f*** I've won many a pub with Tinkerin, which is a talent that's perhaps worse. Went from level 1 to 50. 8.47%. Paladins (Former) The Paladins was a group of magical warriors who united the realm through strife and sacrifice. What is the issue? Firstly, my loadout: Talent-Life Link Moonlight Garden-4 tokens Restored Faith-4 … Browse champions, decks and even cards to find the best loadout for every champion! Support If every enemy team had the respawn time in ranked the games would be over instantly! 8:46. Who belongs to the Magistrate and Who belongs to the Paladins - … Gain a 200-Health Shield for 3s after activating Lunar Leap. Reduces a Champion's SP, Guillotine Fist's damage will be reduced tremendously. Heal for 40 every time you Heal an ally with Moonlight. She needs to be able to defend herself more effectively. Looks like your connection to Paladins Forums was lost, please wait while we try to reconnect. Luna is basically half of your kit with a painful cooldown for her respawn. Martyr's Reckoning is a situational skill. Bypasses opponent's Paladin's sacrifice, good against Wizards with low HP. Increase allies' Movement Speed by 24% while they are being Healed by Moonlight. Create and find decks for Paladins, a hero shooter developed by Hi-Rez Studios. The problem with Io is Luna. LMAO I READ THE TITLE AND ALMOST BURST OUT LAUGHING. These are my opinions on the realm's number one oppai loli waifu. Reduce the Damage you take from Direct attacks by 7%. Never able to be killed. Haven This topic has been deleted. It doesn't matter if you die with a good Luna positioning. level 1 Sacrifice is super strong, and it won't be nerfed, coz it is her only talent what probably needs some brain to gain the benefit: you have to put Luna to a close but also safe place. ... io guide 1 io loadout 1 paladins io 1. : You didn't really prove anything other than it being a meme pubstomping talent, which doesn't translate into the opposite of what I said whatsoever. @HeartQueen Good flankers can kill Io, and if the team leaves without healer everybody dies. Reduce the Damage you take from Direct attacks by 14%. I do play really safe when placing her as … Still better than Life Link which is so bad that it would only be worth using if it were a card. Io has 2200 base hp (+50hp for each point of her hp card in her loadout)• Moonlight Garden (loadout card that restores 2% moonlight whenever Io's lightbow hits an enemy) restores moonlight even when Io shoots an enemy shield or deployable (easy and safe targets for Io!) [Guardian Spirit] Luna Heals allies around her for 200 per second. This is the fourth time that I have come across an IO player doing this. Either way you're sacrificing 15% DR on her heals, which on a heal with no cooldown is actually broken. People doesn't ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ realise how fricking powerful that ♥♥♥♥ is. Giving the tank the freedom to be aggressive or to take cover without having to sacrifice caping points. Data provided by Hi-Rez Studios. Sacrifice - This talent is used best in TDM where you can hide Luna and expect that the enemy won't find it. @KicsitCsicska The DR works only when the target is under attack but then it's even more precious for the target to escape with 250 heal per second, 30% speed and 15% DR. WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THE POINT OF IO IF LUNA ISN'T NEAR, @TTraw The issue is people dumb enough to actually do the sacrifice-spawn strategy. Intro 1- Why I don't like Goddess' Blessing I do not profess to be the best Paladin or Io. Pieces of the moon fell to the Shattered Desert, where Io's faithful watched over them. First support. I'm almost level 100 with Io … Then, disaster struck: the Darknesssmothered the goddess's light and shattered the moon that hung above the lands. Io’s Moonlight was originally a seeking projectile heal, something akin to the Neith’s ultimate from SMITE. Were their good Io prob 1 or 2 but the rest was just about average. Careers. Reduce the duration and effectiveness of Crowd Control and Slows by 20%. When Paladins Io finally gets in over her head she can lunar leap into a safe space or use it at the beginning of fights to out-flank and get the upper hand. Regenerate 3% Moonlight every 1s while not using Moonlight. 8.0 Update Holy Paladin WA's, Ret and Prot can be found here: 7/28 - Fixed double % Paladin. Allies being Healed by Moonlight take 15% reduced damage. Sentinels The Senti… Reset the Cooldown of Lunar Leap after dropping to or below 45% Health. Level 1. Also, Soul Collector got a power creep. level 2. Sacrifice An other problem for Io is that dealing damage is very difficult. Add our Discord bot to your communities' server to get the power of PaladinsGuru right in Discord. This HUD works for every Paladin Spec/Talent Combination (Patch 9.0 and ongoing). I was rereading the Rise of Furia lore. Maybe this talent could add damage to the lightbow? Io bug: Sometimes when the "Sacrifice" talent activates, it will not teleport you where Luna is, instead it will spawn you exactly were you were standing. Stun + damage + heal + mobility + durability + health + capture. Generate 2% Moonlight for each enemy hit with Light Bow. Popular Items. paladin 2 Casting Time 1 immediate action; Components V, DF; Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) ; Target(s) one creature Duration instantaneous; Saving Throw Fortitude negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless); You open up a brief but powerful divine conduit between you and another creature, taking on the damage and any other effects … And now there is an AI someone can plop down, that I have to deal with, that can heal their front line and others in an AOE, Stun through part of my protection, to consistent damage, and adds to the capture rate. So if you realised that it's OP play it, and make the meta. Your browser does not seem to support JavaScript. Io has been around for a while, and has already captured hearts of many. Your weapon shots reduce the effect of healing on your target by 50% for 1.5s. If you put her onto the point it dies or when you die you resurrect in fire and die again. [Guardian Spirit] If Io falls below 200 Health while Luna is active, she trades places with Luna, Heals for 50% of her Health, and Luna dies in her stead. They leave Luna in the base, then when they "die" they sit inside the base till Sacrifice is back online. Sacrifice Guardian Spirit [Guardian Spirit] If Io falls below 200 Health while Luna is active, she trades places with Luna, Heals for 50% of her Health, and Luna dies in her stead. They kept vigil for the shattered goddess, praying that one day she would return to guide them. If you're talking about trading it for Life Link, you're literally just changing the subject. Paladins Io can heal any player she wants to full health with moonlight, and summon her lunar guardian to heal her and her allies in the fight (with her Life Link talent). Sometimes having a healer that's just un-fucking-killable is more important than having one with high hps. DESCRIPTION You open up a brief but powerful divine conduit between you and another creature, taking on the damage and any other effects that creature suffers. Against competent players this is legitimately not even an argument. I rather heal who isn't cauterized or I shoot. © PaladinsGuru 2014-21. In this case Broken Deity has little or no effect.---Items---Deft Hands if you want to stay in the air more longer because if you stop firing … Account Settings. Lmao i just read the actual post and I'm really confused. All rights reserved. And even then, that argument would only work under optimal circumstances against legit new players. level 1 Sacrifice is a meme for weebs, it has a 4 second long lockout animation where you cannot do anything, 4 seconds is enough time for your team to die or be pushed back, and guess what, if your team dies, guess who's about to die again.... you!. As a result, your viewing experience will be diminished, and you may not be able to execute some actions. Grohk. My Io Builds By Astral Auraah PS4-Itz_AmZzZ/PC-ItsAuraah. A lot of people will tell new Io players and even older experienced Io players to play with Goddess' Blessing talent. I am not sure yet if this compensates for the 15% DR but it's more fun to play for sure. About Seris she is realy better nowdays. Please just look at Furia's damage, Grohk's, Grover's… Heal for 50 every time you Heal an ally with Moonlight. As the Magistrate marched on the desert sands, intending to claim the power of the moon shards in the… Though this is probably only with Androxus and Lex; a judge is proficient in dual wielding firearms, most preferably pistols. Man, Evil Mojo REALLY needs to expand on this because it's … Increase allies' Movement Speed by 18% while they are being Healed by Moonlight. Like Io is a top 3 support definitely, but aside from Goddess' Blessing her talents are actually kind of suck. NoScript). I'm not even kidding when I say that countless time I saw people play Io and everytime the other team have her, it's an automatic loss for us. I am completely tired of people not understanding, that Io can be a decent healer, if the player knows how to play with her. 1 Champions 1.1 Champion #42: Io - The Shattered Goddess 1.1.1 Overview 1.1.2 Abilities Weapon [LMB] - Light Bow Secondary Fire [RMB] - Moonlight Ability 1 [Q] - Guardian Spirit Ability 2 [F] - Lunar Leap Ultimate [E] - Begone 1.1.3 Talents [Default] Life Link [Level 2] Goddess’ Blessing [Level 8] Sacrifice 1.1.4 … Reduce the Damage you take from Area of Effect attacks by 7%. But here is some advice for someone who new to Io or looking to diversify their Io game. For 300 Health not be able to execute some actions out LAUGHING doing this the Abyss a... By 30 % while they are being Healed by Moonlight with no cooldown actually. 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