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Certain mental health problems, like depression and anxiety, increase the chances that you'll think about unpleasant things. It's not clear why this occurs, but the brain has a way of reminding you of the things you don't want to think … Train your mind to distract itself from negative thoughts whenever they come. Our mind usually worries about things it is convinced are true but, … The reason it does is that there is no "Off" button in the brain. to label these free-floating feelings. How do I get rid of thoughts that I am something I'm not? What is it about and what is so disturbing about it? If you're actively looking for solutions, you're problem-solving. It's a cycle that can be hard to break. This article has been viewed 249,472 times. Realize that you can’t literally “get something out of your mind”. Thanks to this article, I know now that I'm not a bad person. What should I do? Tony says, “We are all telling ourselves stories. How do I get a disturbing video out of my head? Psychologists call these types of thoughts intrusive thoughts because they pop into our heads, often without warning… Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. If you’re having disturbing thoughts, write down the thought and how it makes you feel, and make a list of actions that you can take to stop yourself from thinking about these things. There are two conclusions here: 1) never take revenge; and 2) never attack another. As Tony Robbins says, “Let fear be a counselor and not a jailor.”. Here are seven ways: 1. This is where you believe that thinking about something makes it more likely to happen. Traditionally it's the breath, but one can used more overt or focused methods, like replacing with a different thought or image, or focus on some body part. … Approved. A trained therapist will have the best possible advice for treating and managing your OCD symptoms based on your personal needs. A lot of our thoughts stem from our unconscious. Having violent sexual fantasies that arouse you, even if you’d never act on them or want to have these things done to you. The last thing you need when you’re figuring out how to stop thinking about someone is constant notifications about them. Find something that requires some serious mental energy for at least a few minutes. But ruminating will hold you back. I consider myself an “owl student”, as, I tend to be most active and most “into studies” when at night, I mean late night. Are you considering acting on potentially harmful thoughts? Purposely try and put a positive image in your mind instead. But it's important to differentiate between ruminating and problem-solving. If you are open to it, you could pray for help. Please consider making a contribution to wikiHow today. It sounds like you're just going through puberty. That's presumably what meditation is all about, Halassa said. 1. If you're dwelling on the problem, you're ruminating. There's nothing to feel embarrassed or ashamed about. Practically, when overt or obsessive thinking is involved, the key is merely to pay attention, but actively redirect attention to something else. What do I do? Do you talk about it? Don’t try to just ignore the thought. Do you keep thinking about it in detail? What is it about the thought you find disturbing? Try staying away from people who say them. If it gets to the point where it's really bad, you should talk to someone. Every time the scene enters your thoughts, you need to push it away. The news often features negative or … okay and the thought wouldn't leave. I keep thinking of everything I see or hear in a dirty way, but trying to think of something else makes me think of it more. In the future, when you have the thoughts, they won't cause as much distress. If you find that you have a lot of exposure to violent news and that this may be contributing to your disturbing thoughts, stop watching or reading the news for a while or focus only on positive stories. Do meditation relating to cleansing mind. Continue reading for advice from our Counselor reviewer on understanding how your thoughts reflect your personality and seeking help for intrusive thoughts when necessary. ", not. To stop any single thought, you need to turn on or activate a different stream of thinking. She provides therapy to people who struggle with addictions, mental health, and trauma in community health settings and private practice. 3. Use this strategy to get some relief. Just bare with it while your body evens itself out. You know the harder you try to stop thinking about something, the harder it is to get it out of your mind. Every day at wikiHow, we work hard to give you access to instructions and information that will help you live a better life, whether it's keeping you safer, healthier, or improving your well-being. Are you slouching with a closed stance? On the flipside, your thoughts also influence how you feel. Other than that, try to not be over-aware of this as it will just serve to further your troubles. "This article helped because I was having bad thoughts about other people and thinking that what they were doing was, "I had a bad experience with my elder brother when he was high, and the day after, he forgot everything, but I did, "I read through this article, as well as the article on sociopathic behavior. Watch videos that don't disturb you until the disturbing one doesn't bother you anymore. She received her MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Marquette University in 2011. Talk about it with someone you trust- Sometimes the thoughts in our head need a release. The fear of acting on it? Reliving a disturbing experience, such as a car accident or an assault. It can be, if these thoughts are very intrusive and affecting your quality of life. Though fear was the most prevalent emotion, nearly half of all disturbing dreams had primary emotions other than fear. You can also stay off of the parts of the internet that will expose you to dirty words. When you begin thinking about something gloomy--like someone you miss or that person who treated you poorly, you'll start to feel sad. When you are disturbed such that you can’t sleep, use a self-hypnosis technique that often works for me. There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Are you frowning? You create a visual image that contains the events you are seeing in your dream. Practice mindful distraction. Imagining dropping or throwing a baby while you are holding an infant. Overwriting the Memory: Use thought substitution to overwrite the horrible image. Now, every time I go to eat anything, I think about what i saw and I can't eat. Some people become obsessed with these thoughts and have a hard time moving past them. When you're feeling sad, for example, you look at the world through a gloomy lens. Avoid perpetually negative people. Staying Present Meditate. She received her MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Marquette University in 2011. The surest way to not stop thinking about something is to try to stop thinking about it. Feeling down or thinking about unpleasant things isn't always bad. This is true in the dream state, but it … Taking revenge makes it 1-1 in your book, but 1-2 in the other person's, who may lash out again, and so forth. Instead of simply trying to block those ... 2. I can't be innocent and pure with these thoughts! What should I do? The article does a good job at helping here, but I want to specifically address the revenge part. 2. If you're having a difficult time getting troubling images out of your head, or you find yourself always dwelling on the negative, seek professional help. We know ads can be annoying, but they’re what allow us to make all of wikiHow available for free. Remember that thinking about some disturbing or intrusive thoughts most likely does not mean you are crazy. This article was co-authored by Trudi Griffin, LPC, MS. Trudi Griffin is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Wisconsin specializing in Addictions and Mental Health. If it gets too bad, don't try to self-medicate. But imagining yourself homeless or thinking about how unfair it is that you got behind isn't productive. The fear of having the thought at all? Here are some examples of how you might change the channel in your brain: The key is to find something that works for you. Brain scientists aren’t sure why humans dream in the first place, but they think it has something to do with memory. Sometimes, it's part of the healing process. Social stigma? Keeping Busy Get active. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. You need to put something else, something pleasant, in there so there is no place left for the bad. Call a friend and talk about a completely different subject, Challenge yourself to rearrange your bookcase in 10 minutes, Spend a few minutes clearing clutter in a particular room, Work out vigorously (a slow stroll will give you more time to think but a fast-paced workout requires concentration). If your boss has upset you, you may find yourself thinking about something along these lines even though you would never actually do it. Your brain will revert back to those … There's a strong connection between the way you think and the way you feel. 1. It’s time to face your fears so that you can overcome them – and try these seven ways to stop overthinking everything for good. Engaging in a sport that requires you to focus on your body and/or … You're more likely to dwell on the negative, engage in harsh self-criticism, and predict things are going to end poorly. Yes, that is a very disturbing thought. Manage your story. Exercise - it can help reduce tension and anxiety. 4. The way you think affects your emotional state and your emotional state affects the way you think. ", thoughts could be worse, and also could be helped. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. So for example, say that you are thinking about something disturbing like stabbing someone. Is the thought of others knowing your thoughts and judging you for them bother you more than the thought itself? This article helped me get over, "I struggled with these thoughts and thought something was wrong with me. Don’t be afraid to seek help and discuss the thoughts with someone. If you really can’t stand to see another ad again, then please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. Next time you see a link to something potentially disturbing then try to remember how you're feeling right now and use that as a deterrent to stop yourself from clicking on it. Is this a disturbing thought? If you're behind on your bills, thinking about how to get caught up can be helpful. You may need to experiment with a few different strategies until you find the activity that best helps you change the channel in your brain. And as your mood plummets, the more likely you are to think about sad things. The more you practice this, the easier it becomes. Every single person has disturbing thoughts, so in that way, obsessive-compulsive disorder isn’t a disorder of “difference” — it’s the degree to … I strive for such, "The fact that you'd just have to keep yourself busy in order to distract yourself from the negative thoughts was, "I've had disturbing thoughts for a while now, and they cause me much distress. You have to get proactive about changing the channel in your brain so you don't get stuck in a dark place. I don't even want to put on here what i saw, but it was disgusting beyond belief. Your support helps wikiHow to create more in-depth illustrated articles and videos and to share our trusted brand of instructional content with millions of people all over the world. The best way to do that is to get involved in an activity that distracts you. Are you thinking and planning on how to go about hurting someone with the intent of doing it? I cannot forget a fight with my friend. Are you having anxiety about the thought itself or are you worried about the thought? Until your anxiety is under better control, it is going to be very difficult to stop disturbing thoughts altogether. I remember having similar experiences when I was your age and it stuck with me for a while. Bad body language can reduce your self-image and lead to a lack of confidence. If you're young, and you have questions, you should ask your parents. So you need to replace your disturbing thoughts with healthy thoughts, not try to stop thinking the disturbing thoughts. Remind yourself how good your life already is, and, when the thought pops into your head, just think of that. I want to take revenge; the thought keeps disturbing me, especially while studying. Over and over. So ask yourself, "Am I ruminating or problem-solving?". It’ll soon get bored of it, and want to hang out with you and meditate before you know it. But in the process of thinking about raping someone, the person imagining the act would also imagine how the other person would be hurt by that act. Imagining running over your boss with your car. Understand why we have intrusive thoughts, when they may become a problem, and what to do to make them stop. Now I hardly think of the thought it just happens and I think I am in control, what is in the past is in the past, and I dont need to think it. Intrusive thoughts can be unexpected and upsetting. ", How to Stop Obsessing over Disturbing Thoughts. This article received 12 testimonials and 87% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. Pick up a hobby to keep your mind and body busy. Are you more concerned about the thought or the way others would perceive you for having such a thought? Try to busy yourself with a hobby that makes you feel accomplished. Even though you would never do this, it is a common intrusive thought. This article has been viewed 249,472 times. If you think that you've developed an obsession with your disturbing thoughts, seek help from a mental health professional. Treat your mind just like you’d treat a lovely friend. Are the thoughts disturbing to you or are others telling you your thoughts are disturbing? Problem-solving can help you move forward. By forcing yourself to think those types of thoughts, you're likely to cause yourself distress. The type of thinking we are aware of, such as the endless thoughts that pop up when we're trying to sleep, can, in theory, be silenced. Once you have been taught to accept them, with practice, the thoughts shall no longer mean anything to you. I would stay away from the computer a bit and take time to do something more productive. Have a cup of tea. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This helped me. Change your body language Take time to observe your body language. If you struggle doing this, mentally write out your shopping list, or a things to do tomorrow list. But in the meantime, consider the following: Don't Be Afraid Remember, disturbing thoughts mean absolutely nothing about you as a person, even if they are graphic, illegal, violent, or scary. The more you think about sad things, the worse you feel. But you were attacked, so in your mind, it's 1-0 - you're behind. Learning to accept your thoughts helps to stop thought action fusion. I followed the steps, and it helped me a lot. In the other person's mind, it's 1-1. Talking to a therapist could help you think and feel differently. Amid the current public health and economic crises, when the world is shifting dramatically and we are all learning and adapting to changes in daily life, people need wikiHow more than ever. Studies have shown that people who try to stop thinking about something actually think about those thoughts more than those that don't actively try to stop thinking about it. A disturbing thought is something that comes into your mind out of nowhere. I really appreciate the time you've, "I love the fact that the things in this article were actually relatable, I felt a lot of relief knowing that my, "The author of this article is obviously a thoughtful, caring, pragmatic, and efficient person. If … Is it the same thought or are there a few different thoughts? Continue reading for advice from our Counselor reviewer on understanding how your thoughts reflect your personality and seeking help for intrusive thoughts when necessary. You're not a bad person, you're just curious. This would actually be the most effective thing you could do, but it requires faith. Without faith in God, my previous advise is the best I can offer. I saw this story about this girl who did something that I won't even mention because it's so disturbing and I'd just rather not. It could be a nagging self-doubt, a disturbing story from the evening news, the humiliation of being recently rejected by a potential love interest. Until now, I'm unable to trust him completely, and started having disturbing sexual thoughts all the time. How do these thoughts make you feel? I also prayed to God so that helped a lot. This article was co-authored by Trudi Griffin, LPC, MS. Trudi Griffin is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Wisconsin specializing in Addictions and Mental Health. Use cognitive distancing. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 249,472 times. But if you continue to think those thoughts for a long enough period of time, the thoughts themselves will become boring and your mind will want to think of other things. If your mind wants to think about that worry, let it worry. Keep a tally the number of times the thought occurs to become more aware of any patterns like when in the day or week the thoughts occur more frequently. Distract yourself. So, here’s three steps you can take to stop thinking so much: Are open to it, and started having disturbing sexual thoughts all the time observe your body.. You should seek help and discuss the thoughts in about two seconds trigger thoughts... Reflect your personality and seeking help for intrusive thoughts, or a things to do with a contribution wikiHow. Also known as intrusive thoughts, when you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy ’. Distraction can break … Staying Present Meditate struggle doing this, mentally write out your shopping list or! Thoughts all the time can reduce your self-image and lead to a or... Disturbing things ( especially with the media coverage we are all telling ourselves stories of doing it off chest... 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