reverse speech examples

ONCE I realized my home was haunted I started research on Reverse Speech which seem to have a direct connection with hauntings. Reverse speech believes that the human speech is divided into two parts: the forward speech and the reverse speech (as we’ve already discussed earlier). As a matter of fact, in the state of Oregon, reverse speech is being used for criminal investigation. 2. It might take years, even decades to fully comprehend. The theory of reverse speech has been applied to a variety of settings. Irregardless of the reason behind the existence of reverse speech, the detail that we must all focus on is the fact that it exists. It’s simply there, existing with our conscious dialogues. Reverse speech is a covert level of communication that is automatically generated by the brain when we speak. You may also see how to start a speech. Both parts also play an equally integral role in human communication. Some reversals contained a clear reference to the forward speech that the person vocalized, either contradicting or confirming the simple statements he consciously uttered. Reverse speech is one of the areas of strange phenomena that even many extremely open-minded researchers of the unusual find hard to swallow. Prove it to Yourself . start your search. With developed mastery, Oates realized that these reversals occurred in forward speech (or the normal human correspondence) in every 10–15 seconds of talking. To me that means that so far, the idea that people are picking up on the meaning of reverse speech has not yet been supported in the scientific literature. Reported Speech Examples 1 1. Type in a search term, choose your category and then press the button to This can introduce rapid change quickly, even in … This theory has even been applied to therapeutic and healing mental processes. Reverse speech is a pseudoscientific topic first advocated by David John Oates which gained publicity when it was mentioned on Art Bell's nightly Coast to Coast AM radio talk show. If your "wolf" is sick, that means you are weak. Through this process, you can identify problems with your claims, the structure of your paper, and the organization of your paragraphs. You have to seek and find the Lord's wisdom to know how to distinguish between right and wrong, truth and error, the holy and the profane. I’m often gob smacked at what is being played publicly as speech reversals. Reverse Speech discoverer David John Oates provides a detailed workshop on the discovery, theories, and practice of Reverse Speech Analysis. We usually think of outlines as something we write before we write a paper—that is, if we write one at all. Such examples, says Oates demonstrate "congruent" reverse speech communication. No way hozay! It says, “Hear the man that you love do it.” (and indeed he did become the nominee) The second sound bite is from his declaration that he is resigning from the Senate. To have a better grasp of the concept of reverse speech, let us look at the theories that form the whole notion: 1. The first one before the New Hampshire Primaries. 1. Among the teens that he worked with was one who had a growing concern about satanic messages that are embedded in some of the songs he and his contemporaries listen to. He states that the human brain has the ability to construct the sounds that form our forward speech in a way that obscures the reverse speech simultaneously. By cataloging and categorizing his discoveries, incorporating his religious background as a reference point, and deriving from the theorems of Metaphors and Archetypes by the early 20th century psychiatrist Carl Jung, he began to formulate the theory of reverse speech. All rights reserved. EXAMPLE OF REVERSE SPEECH. Excerpt: " The source of Reverse speech occurs in two ways. You may also see launch speech examples. The statement, when played backward, will mostly sound like gibberish to the untrained ear. At deeper levels reverse speech can reveal psychological causes for current issues, whether they be mental emotional or physical. Listen to these examples of reverse speech — the door to the unconscious. But, instead of destroying the myth, his endeavor has come to prove the truth of it. Both of these parts function together in the language of a person. He describes this phenomenon as another form of human communication. Although the forward and the reverse speech play different roles, they are very dependent on each other, so much so that they function together. You may also see speech examples for students. Other examples of metaphors are: "Lancelot" and "goddess." 2018 Supreme Court Hearing Reverse Speech Analyzed Testimony, Mark Zuckerberg Testifies Before Congress, President Trump’s SOTU Speech January 2018, Donald Marshall Jr – Study of a Confused Mind, President Donald Trump – Hannity Interview, Sirhan Sirhan – Robert Kennedy’s Assassin, 2016 Second Presidential Candidate Debate, Trump’s Released Lewd Comments Tape Scandal, 2016 Vice Presidential Debate – Kaine vs. Pence, 2016 Presidential Candidate Debate – Trump vs. Clinton, President Barack Obama $400 Million Iran Payment, Reverse Speech Analysis of Warren Buffett, Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson Reversals, Exposing the Alternate World with Reverse Speech, President Obama Talking On The Oregon UCC Shooting, President Obama’s Speech On Troop Withdrawl, President Barrack Obama State of the Union February 2015, Charles Strange Father of Michael Strange, Michael Hayden Former CIA Director Reversals, George Tenet Reversals Former CIA Director, Ferguson, MO Police Officer Darren Wilson Reversals, J. Edgar Hoover Conversation With Richard Nixon, President Obama Speaking On ISIL September 2014, Zbigniew Brzezinski – Former United States National Security Advisor, President Obama Speaking On Iraq August 2014, Remote Viewing and Reverse Speech: A Powerful Combination, President Obama Speaking On Iran December 2013, Reverse Speech Metaphors and Session Work, Obama Responds To ISIS Creation Accusations, Newt Gingrich August 2016 – Reversal Analysis, Reinhold Richard “Reince” Priebus Reversals, Republican Front Runners of the Iowa Caucuses, Queen Elizabeth II Christmas Message 2015. The best we can do for now is to embrace its presence and hope to have the knowledge to understand it. Later on, he also discovered that the use of reverse speech is multilayered. Copyright © 2001-2021 Reverse Speech™. Forwards the announcer says "There has been a shooting." With his unique investigative tool, David is able to engage the therapeutic patient very rapidly and intensely. 5 Reverse Poems That Will Blow Your Mind. Back in 1983, David Oates was working as a youth counselor in Australia. This video contains two clips. From his thousands of hours of documented examples he draws actual samples of these heretofore hidden, truthtelling voices embedded in all forward speech: from politicians to O.J. Mr. Oates sells tapes for about $10 each with examples of reverse speech from O.J. You might be interested in tribute speech examples. Recognizing and examining it may lead to the understanding of the causes of a person’s behavior. Curious and inspired by his finding, David Oates decided to pursue studying man’s spoken words. References to folk lore are very common in reverse speech. Researchers argue that if the general statements of a person are inconsistent, or if the person is lying, the truth behind his words can be found in his reverse speech. For example wolf refers to yourself. That it is a part of who we are, and the more we try to understand it, the closer we are to unraveling the many mysteries that the human nature hide. A guest on a radio show is presenting some of his reversals. The Australian Liberal Party in a Bad Position? I have to assume that concurrence with highly dubious reversals is… Reverse Outlining What is a reverse outline? I will wait until I see a bit more evidence of this before I believe it to be ‘true.’ It mainly appears as the hunter and the protector of the psyche and is the prime motivator behind behaviour. Rare autographed collectors edition The mind becomes desperate in trying to attach a meaning to the foreign sound that it is hearing, in the form of reverse speech, to the point that it tries to create a meaning to the phrase and sounds they perceive into becoming something that they can relate to. You may also see wedding speech examples. Unlike forward speech, we have no control of reverse speech. You might be interested in youth speech examples. Reverse speech, which is also known as the human 7th sense, is a phenomenon characterized by deciphering the hidden backward messages in a person’s speech. They also state that reverse speech is there to support humans as we develop or evolve, and to accommodate us as our surroundings and even our human interactions undergo constant change. Examples. On that day, David Oates discovered the existence of phrases in reverse that naturally occur in human speech. The concept was popularized in the early ’80s by observing the weird backward messages in the lyrics of rock-and-roll songs. It is a deliberate process that was popularized by The Beatles who used the trick in their 1966 album entitled Revolver.) It is clear that there is a plethora of examples that are ambiguous or obviously incorrect. You may also like speech templates and examples. Because Oates believes that the technique shows what people truly believe, he thinks that it has value in psychological evaluation. So I was recording a friend of mine and the things he … If all of these seven checkpoints are met, the validity of the reverse speech will be rated with five, which is the highest. After he masters this, forward or overt speech commences, and the two modes of speech slowly combine to form a bi-level human communication process. While other reversals are mainly self-analyzing. It is suggested that reverse speech may be useful in therapy, politics, and law to find about deeper truths about what a person is saying. Because of this, it is theorized that reverse speech subsists simply to support the sentient human speech, to provide true insight to the real workings of the mind, and to serve as a window through which we can peer into our own feelings and beliefs, especially those that we try so hard to suppress, whether willingly or not. 7+ Reverse Speech Examples – PDF. However, they claim that it is simply there, a natural presence as a part of human nature, along with all other complexities we are yet to understand about ourselves. It claims that during spoken language production, human speakers subconsciously produce hidden messages that give insights into their innermost thoughts. The reversal, "I have a good wolf," refers to a strong motivation. Reverse Speech: It has been called the discovery of the 7th sense. Note: Some of our older example files use Real Audio format (.ram & .ra) so you will need a copy of the RealAudio Player (now called RealTimes) to listen to those examples. In recognizing this problem, David Oates has create 7 factors that his students can use to check the validity of their interpretations to avoid the mistake of unconsciously projecting themselves into what they are hearing. If facts are missing from the person’s forward speech, there is a great chance that he is communicating it in reverse. Simpson, rock music stars, celebrities, and politicians. You may also see acceptance speech examples. These seven checkpoints are the following: A good reversed phrase or statement will have the same number of syllables for both forward and backward speech. The phenomenon of reverse speech occurred in the early … 3. The speech reversal declares his intention to be the 1996 Republican Nominee. Reverse Speech ® was discovered in 1983 by David John Oates who went on to pioneer it as another form of human communication. Essentially, the idea of reverse speech is this: hidden within the ordinary things we say is a deeper meaning - words and phrases spoken unconsciously that are revealed only when our recorded speech is played in reverse. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. It has been featured in numerous publications around the world, and in the United States it became a household name in the late 90s. In fact, the former cannot be understood without the latter, and vice versa. Yet, some responders on the various sites indicate agreement with examples while others oppose. Reverse Speech (RS) is claimed to be, " ... One of the more bizarre examples of auditory divination was Gastromancy whereby the rumbling sounds coming from the belly were interpreted as having significant meanings. Follow. You may also see welcome speech examples. After numerous experiments with the reverse speech’s constant presence, researchers have concluded that it is a natural part of our general speech. Reverse speech is a pseudoscientific topic first advocated by David John Oates which gained publicity when it was mentioned on Art Bell's nightly Coast to Coast AM radio talk show. Although this is a relatively new field, reverse speech is already a widespread concept that many people are utilizing. You may also like speech examples for college students. You may also check out dedication speech examples. Once a child learns to speak, his articulations are in reverse. Research lacks a lot of reliable sources of how reverse speech actually was found. The biggest benefit to reverse speech is that the truth will always come out. Backwards the statement appears to say "he's shot bad, stop, look up." This can introduce rapid change quickly, even in … Clearly, projection is occurring. You may also see campaign speech examples. He has a particular interest in finding reversals on Shiva and Nazi. You may also like school speeches examples. William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton June 2015, President Obama Miscellaneous Reversals October 2014, President Obama Reversals On Ebola Outbreak October 2014, President Barrack Obama Reversals On ISIS October 2014, Senator John McCain Reversals October 2014, Reversals From The Beheading of James Foley, Reversals on President Obama Talking About Syria, Edward Snowden, Former NSA Security Contractor, Sarah Palin at a Tea Party Rally – April 2011, Barack Obama at Disabled Veterans Conference, Obama Address to the Nation on BP Oil Spill, Press Conference with British PM Gordon Brown July 2009, Democratic Debate between Obama and Clinton, Stunning Obama Drug and Gay Sex Reversals, Second Interview with Larry Sinclair on the Jeff Rense Program, Dick Cheney on Larry King Live August 2007, George Bush Press Conference on Iraq – July 12, 2007, Press Conference with Bush and Blair – July 28, 2006, Al Gore on Martin Luther King Anniversary, Reversals on Apollo Astronauts Moon Conspiracy, Princess Diana Talking About Failed Marriage. There should be a distinctive vowel sound in each syllable. Some have even adapted it for corporate use. Technologies useful for discerning truth are described in the Bible for both godly use and ungodly use. The pseudoscience was claimed to have many different example of how David Oates was able to process this information. By expanding his research, he began to find out more and more cases wherein reverse speech is present. A young woman talks about her relationship with her sister. The findings of this study indicated that there were no effects of reverse speech on participants. The left brain is the logical thinking, detail orientated, sequential and rational… Firstly, this mode of communication is automatically generated by the right brain when we are using our first mode of communication known as forward speech, which is generated from the left brain. David John Oates is credited with the discovery of reverse speech in 1987. The research into this phenomenon has been described as being of “Nobel calibre”. You may also check out extemporaneous speech examples. Both of these parts combined form the complete psyche of the person, the conscious and the unconscious. Reverse outlining is the Swiss army knife of revising. However, beneath those nonsensical sound are clear and distinct reverse phrases. It has even been used as a natural truth detector. With the intention of dispelling this issue, Oates decided to listen to the music to find the hidden messages it’s supposed to hide. A snippet of his words is taken, played forwards, and then played backwards at 3 speeds. Moreover, he declares that a person’s forward speech, or the sentence he utters, are a mirror of the conscious mind, while the reverse speech, or those that lie beneath the surface of the former, is the unconscious mind speaking. He also sells books with catchy titles like Beyond Backward Masking: Reverse Speech and the Voice of the Inner Mind (which, in reverse, sounds something like Dante Rentifor: anchovy tulip server by Stone Adjective). In the second clip, only President Bush is speaking. Recently I have been examining speech reversals on the internet. The words must be clear and complete from beginning to end. You can download the RealTimes player here. The music indeed contained reversed phrases that were intentionally and strategically placed within the music lyrics through “backmasking.” (Backmasking is a record technique in which a sound or a message is recorded background into a track that is supposed to be played forward. He claims that speech is characterized by two levels: the forward and the reverse. David Oates brought his genius, skill and determination, displayed in his pursuit and development of Reverse Speech, to his therapeutic work. You may also check out appreciation speech examples. However, only the forward speech can be directly and automatically interpreted by the listeners. You may also like thank-you speech examples. You might be interested in commencement speech examples. 100,000+ Designs, Documents Templates in PDF, Word, Excel, PSD, Google Docs, PowerPoint, InDesign, Apple Pages, Google Sheets, Publisher, Apple Numbers, Illustrator, Keynote. An Ozzie con-man by the name of David John Oates is a major supporter of the idea of reverse speech. Here I give an example. David Oates brought his genius, skill and determination, displayed in his pursuit and development of Reverse Speech, to his therapeutic work. The reverse or covert speech is developed first. Still more amazing, some people believe him. Reverse Speech book. There must be sufficient spacing between each word, and each one should be clearly defined. As we’ve already mentioned, reverse speech was discovered because of the unearthing of messages that can be found in the day’s most popular music. Boredswfl. This example contains two sound bites from Bob Dole. This is not a matter you want to be lax about because it must be seen as one that is of no small consequence.One example involves the Aaronic High Priest of Israel, who had the Urim and the Thummim in the breastpiece for use as an oracle. The reverse speech can only be disclosed if the dialogue is played backward. The first is a brief discussion between former President Bush and a news reporter. Reverse speech can be determined by recording the normal human speech and playing it backward. Since then, researchers have reached a progression in their understanding of reverse speech and have discovered that it is also present in all forms of human speech. These insightful passages can be read from top to bottom or from bottom to top - each with two completely different meanings. Oates explains his theories convincingly and gives persuasive examples of reverse speech and how he has helped others in therapy. Since then, David has built an international presence that studies, develops and applies the technology in a number of industries. It is possible that RS is really nothing more than a modern form of auditory divination. You might be interested in how do you write a speech? "Don't play with matches," his mother said. It is claimed that among all that gibberish are very clear statements in short sentences that are almost always related to the original sentence spoken by the person. In the 1974 album Rock Bottom, the track Little Red Riding Hood Hit the Road presented the chord progression along with Robert Wyatt's singing being both phonetically reversed at … media, third party contributors and our clients. A problem that ensued among the students of reverse speech is the difficulty to interpret the statements they decipher. In the process of understanding the statements, the students become unconsciously inclined to project their own interpretations and personal experiences into what they are hearing. Businesses now use reverse speech as a way of gathering more information from corporate mergers and business negotiations. High level of reversals are characterized by a melodious tonal flow from beginning to end. Reverse speech, which is also known as the human 7th sense, is a phenomenon characterized by deciphering the hidden backward messages in a person’s speech. Our database holds 1000s of examples of reversals from a variety of sources including the If only one of the checkpoints is established, then the rating would be lower. With his unique investigative tool, David is able to engage the therapeutic patient very rapidly and intensely. 5 years ago | 8 views. A snippet of the news reporters' words is played forwards, and then backwards at 3 speeds. Reverse speech is also believed to reveal thought patterns that are normally unconscious. Reverse Speech the Hidden Language of success and happiness, subconscious motivation, hypnosis, Wayne Nicholson Since then, he has dedicated his life to research and promoting it across the globe through lectures, training shows and media appearances. Reverse Speech : Voices of the Unconscious (Examples Cassette Included): Oates, David John: Books Popular Examples "The real bad bill" Oates' laptop seems filled to the brim with endless supplies of such interesting examples and evidence supporting his reverse speech theory. David John Oates discovered Reverse Speech in 1987. You may also like presentation speech examples. It also describes the ability to be self motivated and firm. According to proponents of reverse speech, phonetic reversal occurs unknowingly during normal speech. It claims that during spoken language production, human speakers subconsciously produce hidden messages that give insig Researchers and even the pioneer of reverse speech himself have no clear explanation for the purpose of the existence of reverse speech. Read this before listening: A note regarding reverse speech audio samples.. There is a definite beat and tempo from the phrase’s beginning and end. However, aside from these messages that have been purposely included into the music, he discovered other reverse phrases that were not electronically positioned. -. Conversation between Mother and Daughter (8), discussing a 10 day training camp The metaphor WOLF in Reverse Speech is an important prime central metaphor. It is speculated that reverse speech is a tool that men can use as an outlet for their true feelings so that, irregardless of any future developments, we can stay rooted to our genuine selves. Remote Viewing and Reverse Speech: A Powerful Combination; President Obama Speaking On Iran December 2013; John F. Kennedy Assassination; Obama on the Healthcare Act; David Rockefeller; Major Ed Dames; Did We Go to the Moon or Not – Solved; Reverse Speech Examples; Popular Reverse Speech Examples; Reversals on Children; Music Reversals Of revising give insights into their innermost thoughts widespread concept that many people utilizing... Reveal psychological causes for current issues, whether they be mental emotional or physical to studying. Tonal flow from beginning to end can introduce rapid change quickly, decades! Process this information even in … example of reverse speech audio samples young woman talks her! To say `` he 's shot bad, stop, look up. of. Being of “ Nobel calibre ” use of reverse speech actually was found to assume that with! Beneath those nonsensical sound are clear and complete from beginning to end to out... 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