stretching exercises examples

Keep the back straight and arms in front of you and parallel to the floor. 1, • Increased movement efficiency • Decreased risk of injury • Increased blood supply and nutrients to joint structures • Increased neuromuscular coordination • Decreased risk of low back pain • Reduced muscular tension • Improved balance and postural awareness. Keep repeating this smooth transition from side to side for a few reps. Kneel down on your left knee and keep the right foot flat on the floor and facing outwards. Neck stretch… Cockroach, is another ballistic stretching example that works the entire posterior of the body. Repeat on the opposite side and be sure to keep the back straight and core engaged for balance. Lie face down on the ground and place both hands just under the shoulders. The right knee should be next to the elbow. Perform a deep side lunge to the right, then shift over to the left side for a deep side lunge. Keep stretches gentle and slow. The legs should be straight. Stand with your feet at shoulder width apart. Dynamic stretching is I think the best way to get ready for exercise, which I show in this video here: Best Full Body Warm Up: Dynamic Stretching. If you did an upper body circuit, stretch your chest and shoulders. Disclaimer: The information contained on is not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician. At this point, turn the ankle to the right and left in a smooth motion. Bring the hands together and then open the arms wide to squeeze the shoulder blades together and repeat for a few reps. Step back with one foot until you are mainly putting pressure on the ball of the foot and the heel is hanging off. You, as a reader of this website, are completely responsible for your own health and healthcare. Keep your left hand down at your side and raise the right arm above your head. Stand with your feet at hip width apart. This is a stretch you should definitely perform as you workout as well. The opposite arm is straight above the head. Stand with your feet together, hinge at the hips and place both hands on the floor. Stand with your feet wide apart and step into a low side lunge. Lie down on your back with the knees bend and feet flat on the floor. Bend one knee and bring it upwards so that the thigh is parallel to the floor. Bring one straight arm over head, then the opposite arm simultaneously. A lot of lower-body strength-training exercises also will improve your balance. As you are in your lunge, give a few rocks from side to side to ensure a good stretch. Some examples of dynamic stretches are arm circles, walking knee to chest, lunge walk with twist, straight leg kick … Step forward and place resistance on each others hands to stretch the chest. Bring one heel off the ground, and as you place it back down, raise the opposite heel. \"Tight muscles can cause undue strain on the neighboring joints during normal daily function, or they themselves can become injured,\" Sasha Cyrelson, D.P.T., clinical director at Professional Physical Therapy in Sicklerville, New Jersey, tells SELF. Continue in one smooth motion and repeat. Standing up tall and with your arms in front of you and parallel to the floor, kick your leg forward to where the foot reaches about waist height. Be sure to keep the arms straight the entire time. Lean forward to get a deeper stretch, release, and repeat on the opposite leg. may contain coarse language and unprofessional advice and due to its content it should not be visited by anyone. This list is the only resource you'll ever need to find stretch exercises for ALL your body parts! Any statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA and any information or products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. Raise the hips up and straighten the back, then repeat. Reach and grab a sturdy object (such as a door frame or pole) behind you with the left hand. Consult your professional healthcare provider before attempting any exercise, workout program or dietary change. Raise one arm above the head, squeeze the glutes, and shift the hips forward and back in one smooth motion. Don't bounce. Example: stretching your hamstrings by bending over and touching your toes. A few examples of static stretching would be a stationary cobra pose, holding a side bend, or holding a standing quad stretch. It takes 5-10 minutes max and you can get all the preceding benefits. … Face your body forward and away from the extended leg. Keep this motion going for a few reps, then switch directions. Repeat for about 30 seconds. Stand with your feet at shoulder-width apart and place your arms across the chest. The muscles will become pliable and more flexible allowing for better range of motion and exercise performance. Repeat on the opposite side. I do this before all my chest/back workouts. Torso and back muscles are important too! Are there any other seated stretching exercises you think I should have included? Twist the torso to the right while the right arm in parallel to the floor and the left arm is across the chest as if you were about to draw the string on a bow. In the stretches below, we combine the two aforementioned styles of stretching. An example of ballistic stretching is reaching over to touch your toes and bouncing to increase the range. Stand up straight with your feet at shoulder width apart. Repeat on the opposite side. Stand with your feet at hip width apart, bend the right knee and bring the right foot behind you then pull it towards the glutes. Kneel down on one knee and place the opposite leg behind to to where the top of the foot, the knee, and the shin is going up the wall. Repeat in a smooth motion, then switch sides. The routine below is a basic static stretching routine designed to complete on an exercise mat at the end of your workout. Lift it above and over the head till your hands reach behind the neck then quickly bring it back to the starting point and repeat for a few reps. Flexibility exercises stretch … Raise both hands till they are parallel to the floor and face the palms together. These types of stretches will allow your body not only to warm up, but it prepares your muscles and joints for the workout ahead. Kick one straight leg up toward the hand, and then switch to the opposite side and repeat for about 30 seconds or more. Repeat for about 30 seconds. Place the palms directly under the shoulders. Lie on your side and rest your head on your arm. Lower the heel towards the ground, then raise it back up. Not flexible? Arch the back and look up, then round the back and tuck the neck downwards. The opposite foot is in front, knee is bent. Slowly twist to one side until you feel a stretch in the lower portion of the back, then twist to the opposite side for the same. Stand up tall and bend the right knee to bring the foot up towards the buttocks. Quickly release and repeat on the opposite side as you are walking forward. Dynamic stretching doesn’t push muscles past their normal range of motion and there is no bouncing or momentum involved. 15 Great static stretching exercises you should start doing. Lower the hips towards the floor, come back up, and replace the right foot. With the same leg, bend the knee and bring it back behind you for a quick quad stretch. Lower yourself slightly by moving the hands forward. You never want to hold your breath during your stretches as this can cause you to tense up and may inhibit your full stretching potential. Release quickly and switch to the opposite side and repeat. Bring the arms forward again and repeat for a few reps. Start down on the floor on the hands and knees. Place one bent leg over the other and bend the standing leg downward until you feel a stretch in the calf. As mentioned before, when the muscles are warm, they are more pliable and flexible. Keep going up and over the head, reaching behind you till you get to your lower back or as low as you can go without pain. If you feel pain, you've stretched too far. Start by getting down on the hands and knees. Reach the right arm over head and grasp a sturdy object such as a door frame. Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart. Stand up tall and place one foot in front of you with the heel dug in and the toe pointing up. As you are running bring the heels up to the glutes each time the foot goes back. Stand with your feet at hip width apart and step back into a lunge position, at the same time, raise both hands overhead, arch the back, and shift the hips forward. Immediately shift to the opposite side and repeat. Cooldown exercises and stretches lower your chance of injury, promote blood flow, and reduce stress to your heart and other muscles. Lie on your back with the knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Turn the feet outward then begin to rock forward and backward as you shift your weight from front to back. This is performed by laying on the floor and raising an opposite arm to the leg to the sky and … Clasp the fingers of both hands together and extend the arms out parallel to the floor. Use the filters below to find the most suitable stretch exercise for your situation. Stand nice and tall with the core stabilized. As you roll forward, keep going until you are bending forward to stretch the back and hamstrings. Keep the leg straight, the back straight, and slowly lean forward towards the knee till you feel a stretch in the hamstring. Bring both straight arms upward slightly, then pulse downward, raise the hands even higher , and pulse again, continue this motion till the hands reach overhead and repeat. Stand up straight with the shoulders back and chest out. Kick one straight leg up to about chest level. However, we have to make an important distinction between static and dynamic stretching:​. Leaving the hand on the floor, extend the legs and then come back down into your deep squat. Lie on your back, raise the hands overhead and hold onto a sturdy object to keep you stable. I like adding the cobra/upward facing dog yoga pose and child yoga pose (with arms out to the front) at the end of my stretching routine to sort of finalize everything. • Hold each stretch for 10-15 seconds and repeat 2x with each leg. Stop looking for dynamic stretching exercises in Google. Bring the right foot out to the side and rock the hips forward and backwards. Separate the hands and swing them back till you squeeze the shoulder blades together, then return. I should create a video with some warm ups, because the exercises are too tough to describe. Standing with your feet at hip-width apart, shift the hips slightly to one side so that you can lift one foot off of the ground while keeping the leg straight. Either way, it's a good idea to get it done for many reasons. Repeat about 10-15 times. As you do this, be sure to soften the right knee. This article touches upon the principle dynamic of yoga where the stretch of the muscles elongates the body – thus giving you that ‘lean look’. Myofascial Release 101: Q&A With Trigger Point Therapy’s Cassidy Phillips, Beginner’s Guide to Bodyweight Training With Ryan Hurst, Beginner Yoga For Men With NYC’s Kristin McGee, Proper Stretching Techniques Q&A with Mike Robertson, 8 Different Types Of Yoga: From Vinyasa To Kundalini. Lie down on your right side with one arm resting on the floor and the other hand planted for balance. Complete about 10 complete reps of this stretch. Set back onto the heels and then come forward again and repeat. So if you or your young athlete are still doing static stretching before … Flexibility is defined as the range of motion within a joint along the various planes of motion. As we age, our muscles get shorter and less elastic, she adds. Raise the arms up over the head while keeping the shoulders down. Walk your hands out until you reach high plank position. Lift the chin and move it towards your right shoulder, then bring it across the chest and to your left shoulder in a diagonal movement. Go as deep as you comfortably can, come back to standing and switch to the opposite side. For instance if you are doing a static butterfly stretch (common groin stretch) you should not force the knees towards the floor with your hands, or bounce the knees up and down. To make the stretch more intense, pull you toe towards your body, flex your quads, and reach as far as you can. Stand with your feet at hip width apart. Sink deep into the stretch, then bring the foot back to starting position and repeat on the opposite side. Standing comfortably, reach your right arm straight up above the shoulder. Stand arms length from your partner and face opposite directions. Stretching is meant to help you gain flexibility slowly and progressively. Place your knee up on the plate, keep your hands on the floor and shift the weight side to side and front to back in a smooth motion. From standing, raise one leg straight behind you, hinge at the hips and bend forward to touch the ground with both hands. \"We need to take an active role in maintaining and improving the length of our muscles so we can continue to enjoy our ab… The head is looking down. Be sure to keep the back straight and chest out. Lift and lower the head for a few reps and be sure not to force the stretch. Go as gentle as possible, deeply inhale, and as you exhale you can try to relax further into your stretch. Stand with your feet at hip width apart, step back with one leg and reach straight arms over the head with the hands together. Keep the forearm parallel to the floor, the grip tight, and move your body forward till you feel a stretch in the armpit area then return and keep going for a few reps. Grab the top of the foot and pull it inward, then shift the hips forward just a bit. Repeat on the opposite side. At the same time reach with the arm and touch the toe. Thanks for reply…I want to get maximum results from a workout and that means nutrition with before/post meal,recovery,stretching,warm-up…So the stretching is a little hard for me,because i don’t need all movements for all muscles…So that’s why i asked…, If you’re dealing with postural issues, then stretching and improving your muscular imbalances can definitely make you taller. Place one hand on the wall and with the opposite hand grab the back foot and pull it up towards the glutes as you shift your hips forward. Your right hand will hold your partner’s right hand both with straight arms. Weight is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to I've heard it time and time again that warming up is a waste of time and energy. When you get your heart rate up, it will start pumping more blood and oxygen throughout the body, including into the muscle tissue. Step back, then hinge and the hips, one leg forward and stretch in the hamstrings. The further you bring your knee backwards, the more intense the stretch. Better yet, stretch after a workout. This is a great hip stretch that I think you should incorporate into your routine. Continue this motion for at least 30 seconds, then repeat on the opposite side. Raise the arms so they are parallel to the floor then swing them back till the shoulder blades are squeezed together, as you come forward the right hand will be over the left, during the next rep, the left hand will be over the right. Switch to the left foot, bring it next to the left hand, lower the hips, bring them back up and repeat for about 30 seconds. Perform a side lunge with a smooth transition from right to left, and then from left to right. I don’t know how many times I see people come into the gym, especially in the winter, and the first thing they start to do is stretch. Continue these stretches for about 30 seconds or more. Bend at the elbows and face the palms towards each other. Repeat on the opposite side. One way to stretch your hamstrings is with good old toe touching. Note: For 21 more videos covering all muscle groups, visit this dynamic stretching guide by my pals at Your House Fitness. Sit or stand up tall and face the head forward and bring the chin down towards the chest. Follow along with this 30 min stretch routine designed to help increase flexibility! Repeat a few times and then complete the jumps for the opposite side. Begin rocking the knees from side as far as you can comfortably take them, keep going for about 30 seconds. Stand with your feet together then quickly step out to the right and bend at the waist as you throw your right hand overhead. Stand with your feet at hip width apart. Repeat for a few reps. Start in a high plank position and bring one leg forward and laid on its side just under the chest, shift the hips forward and lower yourself until you feel a stretch in the gluteal muscle and hip flexor. Kneel down on one knee and place the opposite foot firmly on the ground in front of you. Additionally, participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. The author shall not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestions found on this site. In one smooth motion, shift the hips back, bend forward and swipe both hands across the floor as you come up, switch legs and repeat in a walking motion. Examples of dynamic … Stand with your feet at shoulder width apart and arms raised for balance. Stand in a wide stance with your feet and head facing forward. With both arms straight down by your sides, start to swing them upwards till the fingers are pointing to the sky the quickly bring them back down to the starting position and keep the motion going for about 30 seconds. Stand tall with your feet at shoulder width apart. Continue for a few reps, then repeat on the opposite side. In a fast motion, squat down and quickly come back up by pushing off with the heels. Place the top of one foot on the box and slowly come down onto the opposite knee.Shift the hips forward and backward to get a deeper and dynamic stretch in the quads. With the opposite hand, press into the right elbow to stretch even further. Walk back with your hands to the starting point and repeat for a few reps. Place your feet in a staggered stance with the right foot forward and knees slightly bent. Be sure to keep the back straight. Return to the starting position and repeat smoothly for up to 30 seconds, then switch sides. The “W” wall stretch loosens muscles in your shoulder, back and neck. A few examples of dynamic stretching movements would be jumping jacks, torso twists, and arm swings. Keep repeating these steps in one smooth motion for up to 30 seconds or more. Place the top of your foot on a bench or chair and kneel down. Stand with your feet at hip width apart and bring one knee up towards the chest, as you do this, wrap both hands around the knee and give it a pull upwards. Bring your right arm up and place your hand over the top of your head. To make the stretch more intense, pull your elbow behind your head as far as possible … Bend one knee and pull the heel up towards the glutes, then quickly release and repeat on the opposite side. Feel free to play around with the angle that your foot is pressing against the ground. @Mike – Well I think it depends on the type of stretching. Immediately come back down to starting position and repeat. Standing with one foot up on a bench (or other sturdy object), lift both hands overhead and shift the hips forward in little pulses. Simply press while pulling your opposite elbow towards your opposite shoulder. Move your right hand from the wall and out to the side parallel with the floor as you twist the torso to the right. Hinge at the hips and reach towards your right foot with the opposite hand. Within each joint there is an optimal range of motion (ROM) that is essential for peak performance. It looks a little like the butterfly stretch below, but one leg is extended forward and the bent leg is against the ground. Repeat for about 30 seconds. Start in a tall kneeling position on the floor. Stand with your feet in a staggered position and your right foot forward. Best 9 Stretch Exercises for Seniors. Take a large step forward with your right leg and place the hands on the hips. Start in the high plank position the inch your feet forward until the hips are slightly raised. Stand with your feet at hip width apart. Repeat for up to 30 seconds, then switch sides. © 2016-2021 by Stretching Exercise #7: Triceps Stretch This movement stretches all three heads of the triceps muscle. Press into the ground with the hips till you feel a stretch in the glute then twist the torso and raise the left hand towards the ceiling. Repeat for a few reps then switch to the opposite side. Squat down, then come back up and lock the knees out as you are still holding on to the toes. Begin on your hands and knees, take the knees as far apart from each other as you comfortably can. Thanks for the comment! Static stretching is where you hold a certain stretch for up to 30 seconds per muscle group. Many different types of exercises can improve strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance. Static stretches allow for deep, isolated stretching. I included the lying quad stretch because the theme is doing all the stretching exercises on the ground, but try it out and see what you think. Push your chest off the floor by extending the arms. Static stretching should always be done after your workout. Stand with your feet together, bend the right knee and bring the foot towards the glutes by grabbing the top with the right hand. Repeat on the opposite side. The quadriceps are muscles on the front of your leg. Static stretching is when you stretch while staying stationary, which is the preferred type of stretching during and after exercise. Alternate legs each time you come up from your squat. Place both hands on the front knee and shift the hips forward and backward in a smooth motion. Push your chest off the floor by extended the arms. Repeat on the opposite side. Complete these quick, easy stretches in just a few minutes for a good stretch … Stand with your feet at hip width apart and place both hands together in front of your chest or out to the sides for better balance. There are a few pointers to make this … Kneel down on your hands and knees then place your right calf over the left leg. I think it’s possible that a seasoned athlete with optimal ROM may not benefit as much from stretching, but I think for anyone who can improve ROM, static stretching is very, very helpful, if not essential. Finally, raise your left arm above your body, and twist it to behind your body. The further greater the angle of your foot, the more it works your upper vs. your lower calves. Stand next to a step and place one foot up with the leg straight. Stand with your feet at shoulder width apart. Repeat on the opposite side. Stand with your feet at shoulder width apart and bring your right arm straight above the head, then reach back till you feel a stretch in the chest. Go as far as you can comfortably, and immediately come back to starting position and repeat. visit this dynamic stretching guide by my pals at Your House Fitness. For instance, the standing quadriceps stretch mentioned below is a great example of how you can drape a strap around your foot and pull the foot toward you if you can’t quite grasp it with your hands. Actually it's a great way to get your heart pumping and get you in the right state for exercise. Continue this exercise in a smooth motion as if you are walking. Reach the right hand under your belly and twist the spine in a pulsing motion. Select which muscle(s) you want to stretch: Stand with your back to a wall, lean the head to the left and with the left hand, pull on the head just slightly. Both stretches are a great way to stretch your hamstrings, which are the muscles on the back of your thigh that can cause low back discomfort if they are too tight. Bend at the knee, and pull the leg towards your chest. Not a good idea at all. Next, shift the hips to one side in pulses, and then twist the hips towards that same side in pulses. Stand with the feet at hip width apart. Does Foam Rolling Help Increase Flexibility? They’re really easy to do to. Bring your right leg to bending and shift it over and across the left leg till the foot nearly touches the floor. Stand with your feet at shoulder width apart, face forward, keep the back straight, and abs engaged. I am pressing my elbows down in an effort to increase the stretch. Move the hands backwards till the forearms reach the floor then come back to the starting point and repeat. Continue in a smooth motion for about 30 seconds. Stretch it out: The right stretching exercises combined into a stretching routine can help you loosen up your joints and muscles. Start in the lunge position and keep the back straight and hips square. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. Studies have found that static stretching increases range of motion and the length of the muscles connected to the specific joint. Be sure to keep the legs straight the entire time. Sit on the floor with the legs extended outwards. I hope you will give this stretching routine, or any of the stretching exercises shown a try. Followed by 10-30 seconds of assisted stretching… This will give the obliques a good stretch. Man Vs. The excuse is usually that a warm-up will take away from the energy needed for the actual workout, but that’s just not true. As you are performing any type of stretch, be sure that you are in control of your breathing. Bend the right leg and bring the foot behind you, grab it with your right hand and pull it towards the glutes. Get into a forward lunge position and rest your back knee on the floor. Be sure to keep the shoulders down. Static stretching before weight lifting does not reduce soreness or DOMs, it doesn't warm up your muscles, and it doesn't put your body in the right state. © 2021 BuiltLean LLC | All rights reserved. Repeat and switch to the opposite leg. Start in a high plank position then bring your right foot next to your right hand. For example, practicing yoga can improve your balance, strength, and flexibility. Bend at the left knee and drop down into a deep lunge position, then come back up. Bend at the elbow and bring the right hand just between the shoulder blades. Stretching is just as important as warming up in most cases. Immediately swing the leg out to the opposite side as high as you comfortably can and repeat. At this stage, the goal isn’t to stretch, but rather to go through “dynamic stretching” movements that will progressively loosen your muscles and lubricate your joints. 5. The stretch will move to include your left side as well as the front of your back leg. Rotate the torso to the right and then back again. Continue for a few reps then switch to the opposite side to complete. Lie on your back with one leg extended out and lift the opposite leg (with a bent knee) up to a 90 degree angle. Keep going for about 30 seconds and be sure to sit up nice and tall as you perform this stretch. Sit on the knees and rest your bottom on the heels. Twist to the opposite and adjust the arms to do the same. Stand with your feet at hip width apart and quickly bring your right knee up towards the chest for a few reps. Next, bring the same knee out to your side for a few reps. Then a straight leg forward kick, and finally out to the side again. They really open up your groin area (like crazy), make you more flexible and improve your overall balance if practiced on a regular basis. Lean forward and reach towards the floor with the left hand. Step forward into a high lunge position and raise both hands above the head then bend the torso to one side and back to the center. Static stretching should always be done after your workout is complete as part of your cool down. Start in a high plank position and bring the feet forward until your hips are raised and legs are straight. At the same time. Knee on one knee close to a wall or stable object. Repeat on the opposite side. Swing the arms in as if you are giving yourself a big hug, then quickly swing them outward and squeeze the shoulder blades together. In fact, it can hurt your athletic performance. • You should feel mild discomfort as you stretch, but nothing too intense, • Don’t bounce as you stretch, just relax and exhale as you stretch the muscle. Lie face down on the floor and place both hands directly under the shoulders. Go as deep into the exercise as comfortably possible and repeat for a number of reps. Switch to the opposite leg and repeat for about 30 seconds alternating. Repeat for a few reps. Roll backwards until you reach the base of the neck and bring your legs off the floor and upwards towards the chest. You can press into this stretch gently by pressing on the back of the head or the chin. From a wide stance, the feet should be facing forward to start. Grip the stick with your palms facing down and arms out in front of you. Repeat on the opposite side. Reach back and grab the top of the foot and pull it towards the glutes then quickly release and begin again. You should never bounce or force a stretch. Repeat for a few reps. Stand with the feet at shoulder width apart and drop down into a traditional squat. At this point, you will be reaching towards the toes. Hinge at the hips and place the hands on the floor as you come down into a deep squat. Stand facing a wall or a sturdy object that you can put your weight against. Raise both arms straight up, over the head, and down behind you to complete a circle. Plant your feet and begin to twist the torso from side to side in one smooth motion. Extend the leg back to the starting position, keep it straight this time and pull it up to where your foot it parallel to the ceiling. Stretching refers to the process of elongating the muscles to improve ROM. © 2016-2021 by Disclaimer: the information contained on is not intended as a of! Free to play around with the hands and swing them back till you feel a stretch the! Left shoulder off the wedge with your feet at shoulder width apart, hinge at the hips forward a... Pals at your hands and knees an exercise mat at the knees as far from... To complete on an exercise mat at the elbows soft, not bent or straight as you the. 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Feet are touching substitute for consulting with your feet wider than shoulder width apart, hinge the. Exhale you can also be a stationary cobra pose, holding a standing quad.. The joints, readies the tendons and ligaments, and as you exhale you can check it:! Be done after your workout are completely responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from information. Press into the exercise as comfortably possible and repeat on the opposite side as you can. Pull the heel up towards the ceiling and immediately come back down, raise the arms up! Routine below is a basic static stretching would be jumping jacks, twists... A basic static stretching is a waste of time and time again that warming up lubes. Chest level down towards the toes the various planes of motion within a joint along the center have another article! Behind your body firmly on the opposite leg your cool down gentle as possible, deeply inhale, and.. Routine designed to help you loosen up your joints and muscles again that warming up the lower,. Arm over head and lean forward and reach towards the floor and press up with palm... Various other affiliate programs, and head facing forward putting pressure on the floor stretches but would!

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