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%DELETEOBJECT (1605) q BT /F1 11 Tf 0 g 182 -662 Td(l) Tj 2 0 Td(b) Tj 6 0 Td(s) Tj 6 0 Td(/) Tj 3 0 Td(g) Tj 6 0 Td(a) Tj 6 0 Td(l) Tj 2 0 Td( ) Tj 3 0 Td( ) Tj 3 0 Td(1) Tj 6 0 Td(.) %LINETO (1180) %EXTTEXTOUTW (440) %CREATEPEN (1163) %SETBKMODE (656) q .004 .004 .004 RG 1 w 1 J 336 -432 m 336 -444 l S Q .00392 .00392 .00392 RG 15 w 0 J 10162 -14523 m 11519 -14523 l S Q .00392 .00392 .00392 RG 15 w 0 J 4714 -3702 m 4714 -3916 l S Q %SELECTOBJECT (1352) %CREATEPEN (967) q .004 .004 .004 RG 1 w 1 J 552 -505 m 660 -505 l S Q %SELECTOBJECT (418) %DELETEOBJECT (1227) q .004 .004 .004 RG 1 w 1 J 552 -456 m 552 -468 l S Q %SELECTOBJECT (309) q BT /F1 11 Tf 0 g 186 -623 Td(C) Tj 7 0 Td(o) Tj 6 0 Td(l) Tj 2 0 Td(o) Tj 6 0 Td(r) Tj 4 0 Td(l) Tj 2 0 Td(e) Tj 6 0 Td(s) Tj 6 0 Td(s) Tj ET Q %GDICOMMENT (67) %SAVEDC (717) %SETVIEWPORTEXTEX (5) %SETTEXTCOLOR (142) %SELECTOBJECT (333) %DELETEOBJECT (1929) q BT /F1 11 Tf 0 g 48 -956 Td(\() Tj 4 0 Td(a) Tj 6 0 Td(p) Tj 6 0 Td(p) Tj 6 0 Td(r) Tj 4 0 Td(o) Tj 6 0 Td(v) Tj 6 0 Td(e) Tj 6 0 Td(d) Tj 6 0 Td( ) Tj 3 0 Td(o) Tj 6 0 Td(r) Tj 4 0 Td( ) Tj 3 0 Td(e) Tj 6 0 Td(q) Tj 6 0 Td(u) Tj 6 0 Td(i) Tj 2 0 Td(v) Tj 6 0 Td(a) Tj 6 0 Td(l) Tj 2 0 Td(e) Tj 6 0 Td(n) Tj 6 0 Td(t) Tj 3 0 Td(\)) Tj 4 0 Td( ) Tj 3 0 Td(a) Tj 6 0 Td(n) Tj 6 0 Td(d) Tj 6 0 Td( ) Tj 3 0 Td(f) Tj 4 0 Td(u) Tj 6 0 Td(l) Tj 2 0 Td(l) Tj 2 0 Td( ) Tj 3 0 Td(p) Tj 6 0 Td(r) Tj 4 0 Td(o) Tj 6 0 Td(t) Tj 3 0 Td(e) Tj 6 0 Td(c) Tj 6 0 Td(t) Tj 3 0 Td(i) Tj 2 0 Td(v) Tj 6 0 Td(e) Tj 6 0 Td( ) Tj 3 0 Td(g) Tj 6 0 Td(e) Tj 6 0 Td(a) Tj 6 0 Td(r) Tj ET Q q .20833 0 0 .20833 0 0 cm %SELECTOBJECT (837) %SELECTOBJECT (454) %CREATEPEN (889) %SELECTOBJECT (1374) q BT /F0 13 Tf 0.0 0.0 1.0 rg 307 -151 Td(1) Tj 7 0 Td(2) Tj 7 0 Td(.) q .20833 0 0 .20833 0 0 cm .00392 .00392 .00392 RG 15 w 0 J 7344 -9875 m 7344 -10641 l S Q %SETBKMODE (190) %SELECTOBJECT (834) q .20833 0 0 .20833 0 0 cm %GDICOMMENT (773) %DELETEOBJECT (464) %SETBKMODE (854) %EXTTEXTOUTW (259) /Group << /S /Transparency /CS /DeviceRGB /I false /K false >> %SELECTOBJECT (313) q .004 .004 .004 RG 1 w 1 J 660 -659 m 660 -673 l S Q %SELECTOBJECT (1055) %SETTEXTCOLOR (477) %SETBKMODE (663) .00392 .00392 .00392 RG 15 w 0 J 3690 -11517 m 3690 -11731 l S Q %EXTTEXTOUTW (329) %MOVETOEX (1743) << q .20833 0 0 .20833 0 0 cm %EXTTEXTOUTW (528) %DELETEOBJECT (1534) %LINETO (1024) BT /F0 160 Tf 0 g 11187 -15069 Td( of ) Tj ET Q %SELECTOBJECT (469) q .20833 0 0 .20833 0 0 cm q .004 .004 .004 RG 1 w 1 J 48 -63 m 48 -80 l S Q %DELETEOBJECT (1977) %SETBKMODE (759) %SETTEXTCOLOR (269) q .20833 0 0 .20833 0 0 cm %SELECTOBJECT (33) /Contents 8 0 R %SELECTOBJECT (2291) %SELECTOBJECT (1046) q .004 .004 .004 RG 1 w 1 J 444 -480 m 444 -492 l S Q q .20833 0 0 .20833 0 0 cm q .20833 0 0 .20833 0 0 cm %SELECTOBJECT (893) %DELETEOBJECT (1252) 0 0 0 RG 10 w 0 J 1080 -10246 m 3530 -10246 l S Q q .004 .004 .004 RG 1 w 1 J 675 -536 m 675 -548 l S Q %SETWINDOWEXTEX (596) %SETBKMODE (28) %EXTTEXTOUTW (188) %DELETEOBJECT (1629) %SETWINDOWORGEX (2) %SETBKMODE (1001) q .004 .004 .004 RG 1 w 1 J 552 -480 m 660 -480 l S Q .00392 .00392 .00392 RG 15 w 0 J 1080 -14263 m 3690 -14263 l S Q .00392 .00392 .00392 RG 15 w 0 J 5256 -11517 m 5256 -11731 l S Q %MOVETOEX (1155) %SELECTOBJECT (1727) %GDICOMMENT (635) Emergency telephone number: 1-800-851-7145 (Prosar); 1-651-917-6133 (Int'l Prosar); 01-800-710-3400 (México) %LINETO (1166) %SELECTOBJECT (296) q BT /F1 11 Tf 0 g 515 -462 Td(1) Tj 6 0 Td( ) Tj 3 0 Td(m) Tj 8 0 Td(g) Tj 6 0 Td(/) Tj 3 0 Td(m) Tj ET Q %CREATEPEN (1006) .00392 .00392 .00392 RG 15 w 0 J 1080 -3709 m 3629 -3709 l S Q %SETTEXTCOLOR (339) %SELECTOBJECT (571) %SELECTOBJECT (261) %SELECTOBJECT (1373) %DELETEOBJECT (1722) q BT /F0 11 Tf 0 g 48 -911 Td(U) Tj 7 0 Td(n) Tj 7 0 Td(u) Tj 7 0 Td(s) Tj 7 0 Td(u) Tj 7 0 Td(a) Tj 6 0 Td(l) Tj 3 0 Td( ) Tj 3 0 Td(h) Tj 7 0 Td(a) Tj 6 0 Td(z) Tj 6 0 Td(a) Tj 6 0 Td(r) Tj 5 0 Td(d) Tj 7 0 Td(s) Tj 7 0 Td(:) Tj ET Q %CREATEPEN (1795) Virox 5 RTU (Canada) Ready To Use Surface Cleaner & Disinfectant General Virucide Version Number: 2 Preparation date: 2015-10-01 1. %LINETO (1321) Tj 3 0 Td(1) Tj 6 0 Td(3) Tj 6 0 Td(4) Tj 6 0 Td( ) Tj 3 0 Td(a) Tj 6 0 Td(n) Tj 6 0 Td(d) Tj 6 0 Td( ) Tj 3 0 Td(A) Tj 8 0 Td(N) Tj 7 0 Td(S) Tj 7 0 Td(I) Tj 2 0 Td( ) Tj 3 0 Td(Z) Tj 7 0 Td(8) Tj 6 0 Td(8) Tj 6 0 Td(.) %DELETEOBJECT (1314) %SETBKMODE (272) %MOVETOEX (670) %SELECTOBJECT (602) %SETTEXTCOLOR (826) .00392 .00392 .00392 RG 15 w 0 J 5256 -10905 m 6822 -10905 l S Q q .20833 0 0 .20833 0 0 cm q BT /F0 11 Tf 0 g 176 -662 Td( ) Tj 3 0 Td( ) Tj ET Q %LINETO (1538) q .20833 0 0 .20833 0 0 cm %SETBKMODE (473) %CREATEPALETTE (747) BT /F2 160 Tf 0 g 4212 -6140 Td[<0087>] TJ 56 0 Td[<0003>] TJ 44 0 Td[<0037>] TJ 98 0 Td[<004b>] TJ 89 0 Td[<004c>] TJ 36 0 Td[<0056>] TJ 80 0 Td[<0003>] TJ 44 0 Td[<0053>] TJ 89 0 Td[<0055>] TJ 53 0 Td[<0052>] TJ 89 0 Td[<0047>] TJ 89 0 Td[<0058>] TJ 89 0 Td[<0046>] TJ 80 0 Td[<0057>] TJ 44 0 Td[<0003>] TJ 44 0 Td[<004c>] TJ 36 0 Td[<0056>] TJ 80 0 Td[<0003>] TJ 44 0 Td[<004c>] TJ 36 0 Td[<0051>] TJ 89 0 Td[<0057>] TJ 44 0 Td[<0048>] TJ 89 0 Td[<0051>] TJ 89 0 Td[<0047>] TJ 89 0 Td[<0048>] TJ 89 0 Td[<0047>] TJ 89 0 Td[<0003>] TJ 44 0 Td[<0057>] TJ 44 0 Td[<0052>] TJ 89 0 Td[<0003>] TJ 44 0 Td[<0045>] TJ 89 0 Td[<0048>] TJ 89 0 Td[<0003>] TJ 44 0 Td[<0047>] TJ 89 0 Td[<004c>] TJ 36 0 Td[<004f>] TJ 36 0 Td[<0058>] TJ 89 0 Td[<0057>] TJ 44 0 Td[<0048>] TJ 89 0 Td[<0047>] TJ 89 0 Td[<0003>] TJ 44 0 Td[<0053>] TJ 89 0 Td[<0055>] TJ 53 0 Td[<004c>] TJ 36 0 Td[<0052>] TJ 89 0 Td[<0055>] TJ 53 0 Td[<0003>] TJ 44 0 Td[<0057>] TJ 44 0 Td[<0052>] TJ 89 0 Td[<0003>] TJ 44 0 Td[<0058>] TJ 89 0 Td[<0056>] TJ 80 0 Td[<0048>] TJ ET Q q .004 .004 .004 RG 1 w 1 J 228 -224 m 296 -224 l S Q %SELECTOBJECT (836) %SETTEXTCOLOR (47) Tj ET Q %LINETO (1573) %GDICOMMENT (121) %SELECTOBJECT (1518) %GDICOMMENT (557) %SELECTOBJECT (1700) %SETBKMODE (27) q BT /F2 16 Tf 0 g 48 -699 Td( ) Tj ET Q .00392 .00392 .00392 RG 15 w 0 J 5256 -12779 m 6822 -12779 l S Q .00392 .00392 .00392 RG 15 w 0 J 4739 -3702 m 4739 -3916 l S Q HARMFUL OR FATAL IF SWALLOWED.) q .20833 0 0 .20833 0 0 cm %SETBKMODE (304) q .20833 0 0 .20833 0 0 cm %SELECTOBJECT (968) %EXTTEXTOUTW (241) %DELETEOBJECT (924) %EXTTEXTOUTW (30) %SETBKMODE (214) %SETTEXTCOLOR (333) %DELETEOBJECT (1173) %MOVETOEX (1314) q .20833 0 0 .20833 0 0 cm On, L6H 6R1, 905-813-0110 Emergency Phone No any prior notice: 1! 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