what does the bible say about reverse speech

It has been used successfully in police investigation work, business negotiations and most commonly in therapeutic situations. The Arkansas law passed unanimously in 1983, referenced albums by The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Electric Light Orchestra, Queen and Styx, and mandated that records with backmasking include a warning sticker: "Warning: This record contains backward masking which may be perceptible at a subliminal level when the record is played forward." Long term I see Reverse Speech leading the people back to congruency and forcing people to be honest with themselves. The technology involved in the process of recording and playing backwards is a lot like a radio. By every means possible the feelings and emotions are plied. Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; Audio inversion is useful for exposing the unfruitful deeds of darkness and those who participate in them. It does. There are also other sources that override or hijack the soulish broadcast signal. This has become known most popularly as "Reverse Speech TM" which is a term trademarked by a pioneer in the field, David John Oates, “Founder and Developer of Reverse Speech Technologies” at reversespeech.com. ", Metropia - shampoo commercial: Dangst = Satanist, Madonna - Like a Virgin: “Life is a mystery” = “Hear us - save us Satan”, Madonna - Like a Virgin: “When you call my name it's like a little prayer” = “prayer - forced use - hiss - maybe I'm more sphinctal”, Martin Creed - Describing “All the Bells”: “a massive sort of” = “False for a sham”, Martin Creed - Describing “All the Bells”: “But I think in this case its” = “Satan Seed, sending Nairf out”, Martin Creed - Describing “All the Bells”: “something's happening” = “Kneel, *ss, Nairf him us”, Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun = My sore gun (* gun = penis), Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun: Stuttering = Here it hurts, Dev - In My Trunk - It's in my trunk = Horus come with me, Dev - In My Trunk - we could do the full = Oh, pederast dick you, Dev - In My Trunk - put that on fathers = said I a porn actor, The Star Spangled Banner - speech inversion, Silent Night - with godly speech inversion, The Star Spangled Banner - Speech Inversion. This is called "backmasking." Yes, you and I are tuned in, whether we will acknowledge it or not. The historical record reveals some have felt very strongly that backwards messaging can adversely effect those who hear it. What is this controversial technology? While it doesn't appear that the exact same kind of conversation that happens on a conscious level happens at the subconscious, there is some bi-directional communication going on. Download mp3 file It was unexplained and unknown and the tendency of human nature is to put things down or to demonise what we don’t know or understand. Sometimes not. The success or lack of success of the attempt to regulate backmasked content distribution doesn't address whether the claim made about it was valid or not. No amount of pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo can disprove it. Warning - If you surf YouTube video you will soon find it is filled with vile, corrupt and perverse content. It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter. The brain is constantly hearing and decoding Reverse Speech and we recognise it as instinct or gut feeling. (Daniel 2:44) The ultimate victory is His! To fear God is to have a wholesome dread of ever displeasing the Lord. Consider Nissan, which tags their car models with certain letters. Yes it generally occurs in the language people are thinking in and if someone is bi lingual you can get reversals in both languages. There are those who masquerade as ministers of light, coming as wolves in sheep's clothing. A third person compares what one heard with what the other heard. The reality is far more complex than that. Yet, some, like me and maybe you, want to know the truth of it and will seek the Lord's counsel and wisdom. . It occurs backwards in speech and can be heard if human speech is recorded and played backwards. If hearing audio patterns and detail is not your forte, follow along reading the reversal from the transcript… so that no advantage would be taken of us by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes. Imagine a person with something hidden behind their back. Thank you for visiting these Reverse Sayings and Quotes. No argument, no matter how emotional, can stand in the face of it. Some also suggest it is merely the power of suggestion influencing what is heard. As you are talking can you hear the reversals of other people? QUESTION: What does the Bible say about how to live the Christian life? The test I suggested reveals those arguments as a grasping at straws. What you will find is that those who make the effort to find and post their "reversals" video are confident in their version, whether valid or not. Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: aschemon Phonetic Spelling: (as-kay'-mone) Short Definition: ... she changed her behavior to quite the reverse of what might have been expected from her former boldness, and this after a very indecent manner; ... What does the Bible say about gay marriage / same sex marriage? Searching out concealed matters can be a regal occupation, as led by the spirit of God. Playing songs and speech backwards with the intent of discovering the messages is not forbidden divination. I think those who attempted to bring the awareness of the existance of these messages to the public's attention exercised good judgment when they declared the nature of the threat. ANSWER: How to live the Christian life is a topic that is discussed in many Bible passages. It's typically very emotionally charged, angry and foul mouthed, occasionally accusing the video publisher of practicing deceit. The above verse implies David was aware of this influence. The Apostles "cast lots" when choosing the replacement for Judas Iscariot. Therefore two people can say the same thing and get different reversals. Not yet. This, I have learned through observation and as guided by the spirit of God. It is possible to project into the gibberish without proper training. Perhaps you have already heard something about this phenomenon and dismissed it. 11 Concerning him we have much to say, and it is hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing. By every means, deny it, erase it, paint it black, call it bad. That song's hidden message programmed into the subliminal channel without any manipulation of the recording. The confusion comes from the perception that if a person were standing behind the mirror facing us, as our reflection seems to, then they would be reversed left-to-right relative to ourselves. There's only one reason that justifies any action; obedience. 26 And they drew lots for them, and the lot fell to Matthias; and he was added to the eleven apostles. The Oregon state police have accepted Reverse Speech as an optional extra in there training program. 20 For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. Reverse Speech occurs on every one, even devout Christian ministers have reversals. 2 Timothy 3 English Standard Version (ESV) Godlessness in the Last Days. When you consider what these messages are and the context in which they appear, only one conclusion can honestly be drawn. I'll link to some videos later, including some I made.) Subliminal messages are defined as communication that occurs on some level below the threshold of consciousness. Since that time he has written several books and has been travelling, teaching and lecturing extensively. No "sound bites" are valid unless the context of the interpretation is accurately assessed. Many messages broadcast over this channel are entirely demonic, yet, not all. Please do visit REVERSE SPEECH in the CIA READING ROOM. NOT!November 11, 2008, I Can Only Imagine - Sheep's ClothingNovember 8, 2008. Subliminal messaging isn't limited to the insertion of occasional pictures of popcorn and soft drinks into movies. It is possible in one half hour session recorded to find reasons and cause for behaviour and health issues. Consider the controversy generated over backmasking several years ago. There's an obvious lesson here. To revere God is to fear Him in the fullest sense of the word. The Lord destroys the works of the devil, and it is done according to His times and ways, and sometimes His people are involved. Any ethical judgment depends upon whether we are, in using the tool, acting in obedience to God. As more references are found the meaning becomes sharper. It is also ill advised doing reversals on yourself as it can cause psychological stress. The news says that today 3 billion out of 7.8 billion people are in quarantine lockdown around the globe. 19 This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil. The other kind of response affirms what was presented in the video, sometimes suggesting a minor correction, an alternate word or phrase. Saul was known for his involvement with the occult, witchcraft and divination. If you have skeletons in your closet, dark secrets to keep, you'll want to limit your exposure so your cover isn't blown. Both parts also play an equally integral role in human communication. One of the most notable discourses was between Jesus and Nicodemus. Just like that, the backwards playing of recorded speech gives us access to what is there. It comes from the spirit of man, or, our soul, at some subconscious level. The reverse speech can only be disclosed if the dialogue is played backward. Except for having to play the final recording backwards to hear the message, backmasking is different from speech inversion because it's deliberate, in contrast to what is merely incidental, from the human perspective. Well, that might seem reasonable, but is it valid? No. How do you know that the metaphors in the dictionary are correct? Servant and Friend of the Most High God - Just as my ancient grandfather King David stood against the Giants in his day with no Fear, so will I stand against the Giants in these last days with No Fear. While that may seem impossible, or highly improbable, it is, nevertheless, reality! Those whom the Lord leads to engage in such work understand the value in exposing the lies and liars. The idea that you can see clearly on your own is merely an illusion, a delusion. Many people excuse their own faults but judge other persons harshly. How do I change my Reverse Speech and metaphors? The satanic argument came originally from listening to rock and roll music backwards. Beyond the application of common sense, you must see that such a matter is spiritually discerned, really. It is believed that this is an implicit reference to Reverse Speech. Most people hear everything with strong bias, which is to say, with a demonic "filter" at work. You can't, according to the flesh. If our listening is in obedience, with His guidance and blessing we do well! “You have abandoned (rejected) Me,” says the Lord.“You keep going backward.Therefore I shall stretch out My hand against you and destroy you;I am tired of delaying [your punishment]! Technologies useful for discerning truth are described in the Bible for both godly use and ungodly use. Bible Scriptures On Speech. When you listen to what someone says at any time you should hear what actually is said and interpret it in the context. The thing is, we're just so accustomed to this interaction we don't even acknowledge it. However wide spread acceptance of the work has not yet taken place. Do you think sales are made strictly on a conscious level? In this study, I'm spillin' the beans about it! Can the content influence us, even though it has to be reversed to be understood by the conscious mind? He discovered Reverse Speech after his tape deck became damaged and only played tapes backwards. The spoken word is more than just some disturbance of the air we consider an audio wave. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil. Listening to music and speech backwards is not evil, but it can reveal what evil might be there. Click The Shield Below– Sources Used- *Read each reversal in the transcript then you can listen to its corresponding audio file by clicking the Mp3 below it. Given what I know about the practices and literature of the occult and Satanic, this channel of communication has been leveraged for a very long time. Everything heard and analyzed must be done honestly and in context. In order to discern a message honestly and accurately, there must be no "rose colored glasses" or distortion of any other kind. Some, like Bill Clinton, say no. 12 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have come to need milk and not solid food. Fact Check: The image being shared looks like a screen grab of a news article, with its headline reading, “Joe Biden Says Bible Believing Christians Violate LGBTQ Rights By Simply Existing.” The article goes on to state that “according to Joe Biden, the American Bible believing Christian who takes the Bible literally, is violating the ‘rights’ of the LGBT by trusting in God’s word.” Reversals are not formed by the letters of the word they are formed by the sound of speech. I'm not endorsing anything else found there. The dictionary is in an ever-evolving state, as definitions are refined and updated. All the armor of God, and every weapon in His arsenal is fit for the battle, for those trained in their use by the Lord Himself! Speech in natural conversation is rarely identical. We are cautioned by God when He spoke through His prophet, Isaiah, that He is God in Isaiah 42:5. Some of it is affirming biblical testimony. It can be a powerful device in bringing what is hidden out into the light for all to see. Reverse speech is all about empowering people. Those who want to know the truth, have nothing to hide and are not afraid to think for themselves tend to disagree. So, not only does emotion fail to give us truth, but we also see that laughter is not always indicative of joy. What I say to you, I say to everyone: 'Watch! Confidential information is constantly but generally imperceptibly being divulged in private and in very public contexts. The soundtrack is played forwards then backwards at three speeds, then the entire track is played backwards. It also has the potential to provide tangible proof of the existence of the human soul and spirit. The benefit is that the communications do not attract attention to themselves, to messengers, or to recipients. Is the inversion congruent with the forwards message? 2. Placing a mirror behind them permits a view of what's hidden from the direct view, which can be very useful. Is it contrary? One kind of response is a denial that any such message exists. Yes. The Bible also refers to the voice of the spirit as being “under the tongue.” There are inferences to Reverse Speech in the bible in phrases such as “under the tongue” – this phrase translates to “a language unconsciously acquired.”. Should we not employ it with wisdom? It's about time we're on to it. There's a simple technology that provides a remarkable window of insight into the nature of a person, into their thoughts and intents. They had the Sentra SE, they had the Sentra SX, the EX and the XE. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God” (Romans 13:1). Satan and his crew are savvy about things we in the church have been clueless about. Numbers chapter 5 describes a priestly ritual you may find rather surprising, one that revealed whether a woman had been unfaithful to her husband. Sometimes, the inversion relates very directly to the forwards. In every situation where people are speaking and extra information is required Reverse Speech can be useful. The backwards speech channel has always been part of our experience, and we just haven't been aware of it. Some critics attempt to explain away the phenomenon as the result of imagination, of self-delusion, where those hearing simply hear what they want to hear. This done by using a technique called metaphor restructuring, which is a specialised and unique form of guided visualisation where the client is guided to change the picture of the metaphor. Yet, for some, it's my testimony that finding and publishing such is being done at the present time at the Lord's direction. AM Verse Concepts The dead are commanded to rise by prophets, apostles and other disciples, and they do. No! I know your deeds and your toil and perseverance, and that you cannot tolerate evil men, and you put to the test those who call themselves apostles, and they are not, and you found them to be false; We have a device that is useful for testing. Sword in Reverse Speech is a metaphor for communication. Would the recent Olympic ceremonies from Beijing employ subliminal messaging ranging from deliberate backmasking to a wide variety of visual elements if those funding the effort with exceedingly deep pockets didn't expect to realize some significant benefit? One of these code of ethics requires that, except for public events and media broadcasts, all parties must agree to being analysed and results cannot be disclosed without the permission of all parties on the tape. Although most people are and will remain confused about whether we are influenced on subliminal levels, you and I should see the matter clearly. Obviously you can hear the examples or you wouldn’t be asking this question. For further validation, increase the sample. The examples I've posted to YouTube are for educational purposes, for instruction, to expose the hidden content and reveal the true nature of those whose songs and speech are targeted. Additionally California State University recently published a paper that found the brain was able to decode speech backwards. The fact that this channel of communication has been hidden in recent times is obvious. Yet by the rules of theological debate, it seemed quite approved to twist his disapproval through 180 degrees, so to say. Such corrections compare to when "regular forward played" song lyrics are heard and there's some ambiguity in the interpretation. The Bible does have references to backward messages and to “the prince of the power of the air” (Ep 2:2). A shepherd is not going to do well if he can't identify a wolf. He later noticed that conversations had naturally occurring reversals. Many are practicing “self-quarantine” while others are disregarding the guidance from the federal government and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Messages come from all areas of the mind. I haven't found yet where the Bible might address this specific technology, but it does address the matter of forbidden divination. Here's a very simple test. Some areas addressed include not doing reversals on family and friends. This writing is for those who passionately seek the truth and are willing and able to accept whatever they may find in that search. Those who leverage it have no doubt whatsoever. In Romans chapter 8 it says that spirit speaks in groans too deep for the human mind to understand. At the deepest levels of Reverse Speech statements can be found that talk about the the soul itself. You don't have to look far to find circumstantial evidence indicating these are fundamental to the human experience. Reverse Sayings - Reverse Quotes Sayings about Reverse. There are explicit commands about testing, a basic function of the audio inverter. But, uh, by doing so, you expose yourself as suspect. The Bible uses reverence and fear interchangeably. Reverse Speech is a natural function of the human mind that will reflect what is in the human mind at the time of speaking. VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The most expensive Vatican commemorative coins for 2020 continue a numismatic series illustrating scenes from the Acts of the Apostles; the other mid-October issues mark important anniversaries and themes dear to […] It was satanic and evangelistic in nature. It is believed that this is an implicit reference to Reverse Speech. However, the bill was returned to the state senate by Governor Bill Clinton and defeated.". They shall be stoned with stones, their bloodguiltiness is upon them.'". Bible Verses on Speech. That's easier said than done, but that's what Paul means when he says, "Rejoice in the Lord always. A cult is a religious organisations that relies on people giving their responsibilities for themselves and their lives over to the cult often with their possession. Ephesians 4:29 - Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good … You and I should be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. A radio is a technological device that seems to pull audio content out of the thin air. “The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children” (Deut 29:29). That mental machinery is unconscious in most people hear everything with strong bias, they. 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