darlie routier dna results 2019

Damon was alive and breathing for almost 10 minutes. The fact that the prosecutor couldnt understand her anger tells me that hes a cold-hearted idiot!!! They get to know your hours when you work and when your home. All the attention was on the mother but yet the whole family celebrated Devons birthday. Hmmm.the English language, always causes some debate. I dont need to post reasons for my opinion. So explain how it was Darin who had left the house right when Waddell arrived leaving through the sliding doors to get to the back alley. On any other given night that dog was free to roam the halls, but on June 5th/6th Darin locked that dog up Why? Guess again. The public in general wants to know how it is possible for Darlies mother Darlie Kee to have spent the past 23 years raping and robbing this case for every dime she can? Routier has always claimed that she and her children were attacked by an unknown intruder. Its so much easier to call everyone else out on their flaws than it is to take a good hard look inside yourself and confront your own shit. Come on people. You better hope that you are ever on the other side of a bad conviction like Routier And Avery! If it was so sure to prove Darlie innocent why the hell would they wait 10 years to free Darlie? Bawahaha. end of story. The extremely sad events where the murder of young boys is stomach churning for most, if not all of those speaking about Darlie Routiers guilt or innocence. A 5 year old can see Darlie did this. This is the legacy everyone in the state of Texas with the last name of Routier has. Murderer. After having 11 defendants found not guilty in death penalty cases together they decided to walk away rather than accept the huge responsibly of having a persons life ended due to a decision either might make.They believed they had served their profession well. my rage would be so great and my attitude would be one of defiance, I would have to be removed from the court room for the entire trial. Just look at the back of her shirt. I havent heard a word about the great advances in post partum depression in the past 20 years. Furthermore, Im deeply troubled that the Prosecutor was not stopped from trying to convict a woman by deciding prior to the trial that Ms. Routier is not a murderer, leaving them with no answer to the question of who killed their children and or how a jury could be clueless as to their responsibility at seeing ALL the evidence of the possible killers and making an informed decision. Doesnt take a thing. Now Devon and Damon are dead. She is a beautiful loving mother that has been put through holy hell. He probably covered their mouths so their screams were muffled when he killed them because despite what you small minded barbaric assholes (who probably get off on the fact that we execute people and probably the same people itching with their concealed handgun licenses waiting for legal grounds to shoot someone )think you know about the criminal mind, you dont know shit. The Christmases or Hannukahs. If you want to support the show: Patreon . because they didnt agree with her lifestyle. Anyone who reads the court transcripts with a TRULY UNBIASED EYE can clearly see exactly what was done to this woman and just how wrong it really was. Her wounds were superficial & she didnt know what/where carotid was. The juror shown on 20/20 probably believes everything she reads in the National Enquirer. I saw pictures of a clean sink and counter, then pictures when luminol was applied. We cant go around & guess what she was doing. It seems pretty cut and dried to me, unless you think Jovell was lying. He probably gets off at home to death row videos. Had the kids blood on it with drops running down. With what was done to those boys she should have been drenched in it not a few splatters..even cast off. I cant wait until that print comes back as Darlies print. Healing stones and such. Thats all. Honestly I dont understand how any jury could have convicted her. Im sorry she didnt put on a good enough show for you during those few minutes of footage, you ghoul. https://www.fordarlieroutier.org. Should she be proven innocent ( personally I believe she is), please take a good long hats look inside your own heart and try to imagine how YOU would feel if something like this happened to you. However, their life seemed perfect otherwise. Allison was just there tagging along. You cant stall the Justice System forever. There is so much that Id like to say about this case, but those cops, detectives and prosecutors screwed up so badly that theres not enough space here for me to say everything that I have to say about this case. Bitch being crazy and is happy her kids are dead doesnt mean she killed them does it. It was all warped to get the jury to believe she is evil and the media helped push the story along. Your daughter also tried to smother Drake the day before she murdered Devon and Damon. As for Darlies case there are compelling issues that need to be re-examined just like the Jones and Avery cases. Read all the court transcripts, more then enough evidence to prove guilt. Along with that dyslexic boy. Darlie Routier: Wrongfully Convicted of Murdering Her Children JustinCase976 Jan 13, 2023 4:38 PM EST Darlie Routier with Damon (left) and Devon (right) The Darlie Routier Case On June 6th, 1996, someone brutally murdered two little boys and got away with it. Jo Douglas I would love to see a new trial where they go after Darrinbecause that man will turn on Darlie and let it roll how, and what he saw and heard, before his ass goes to jailYou people have zero common sense. Just like you chose men over Darlie, you taught Darlie children dont mean shit. Jo Douglas is your name now? And why leave Darlie alive? so please dont try to jump on the distance bandwagon and claim that she ran cross country or a marathon to drop the sock to send the police in another direction. So if you are so sure she is guilty you should feel comfortable enough that they can prove it legitimate this time. Poor misunderstood murderer. Or considering staging. Thats your contribution to this discussion? That sentence is usually with a confession. Her blood on handle of vacuum layed down The egos on those two! They just ignored it!! Which was probably on the table if she would have just admitted to the crime. I couldnt agree with you more! Those were his kids! Her grandparents and other relatives lived there. Why??? Explain the bloody sock down the street. No way! Christine- youre a clueless idiot. Funny that her supporters dont mention she took a polygraph. Its a shame most of her groupies never mention them at least by their names, @June You dont know what you are taking about. Their pride is more important to them than someones life!!! Oh and the minor cuts on one or two fingers, when she was supposedly fighting with the killer. What the hell was her reason for planting a sock? !!! I saw him! If theres the smallest chance shes innocent, why not do all thats possible to find out instead of putting an innocent person to death. The back of her shirt did NOT have the kids blood running down it, there was one tiny small spot of blood from the kids on it, definitely exaggerated on that dont you think ?!! Just because you think it doesnt make it so, thank gawd. I hope they are finally going to expose all that evidence against him. The appellate team lawyers, who have worked pro bono on the case for years, have struggled to raise the money needed for all of the DNA testing they won the right to do. How some idiot always has to y. please go away . Thats the defence for this murderer? @pepsi vs. @CocaCola at the Atlanta Airport. For me it will be an interesting experiment to see if I find folks who are interested in what I write along the way! Sexism? The suicide theory was pushed by the lead detective & the County Coroner at the time. By the way she struggled and fought and still fights is remarkable. Terry Laber and Bart Epstein had reached conclusions that were very different from Bevels. Go Away, Bryan St. John. I dont know if she did it or if she didnt, people commit crimes everyday without leaving evidence. Suggest you get geared up for the execution because its coming. They never tested the outside of the sock, and if they did they would probably find Darins DNA all over the sock. This case is insane . Michelle: You live in LA LA Land just like Darlie. However, they had made up their mind from day one that she was guilty and that was it. We have both cleaned up our lives and dedicated ourselves to getting the message out to those naive souls out there. Darin only appeared after she had disappeared to the kitchen to get the phone therefore proving Darin had no alibi. The IP took the Avery case in 1985 and freed him of that wrongful conviction. It matters. Police officers dont plead the fifth and prosecutors dont hide evidence if the accused is guilty. She didnt wet any towels. During closing arguments, she blurted out that the prosecutor was a liar. The sock by no means was planted. Thank you for trying to be a voice of reason! You can see the envy pouring off of her when she speaks. Ah, a rational voice of reason! Finally a person with some sanity! Start exposing the truth about Darin. But the kid crawled away there is only 1 reason the child would do this Lets wait for the new evidence to be presented before we start talking shit to each other! The boys were known to be outside after dark in the late hours by themselves. It cuts both ways. Potkins connection to ABC, ABCs connection to 20/20, and the recent meeting at the DAs office leave me wondering whether something might be about to break in the case. She never offered Darlie any help on how to save her boys in the entire 5 minutes and 44 seconds that monster was on the phone with her. If that were the case; that she did it to collect life insurance, well she was hitting a rough patch in the marriage; why kill the kids when its her dumb ass husband she was pissed at. She doesnt go around taking cases she isnt completely sure she will eventually win. My my, what timing. The stars may finally be aligning for Darlie Routier, the Rowlett homemaker who was sent to Death Row 22 years ago by a Kerrville jury thanks in part to the sexism and character judgments of male law enforcement officers and Dallas County prosecutors. Yes, the DNA results have been sealed by the Courts and are now confidential. Know this. Its all trash why the are re-testing All the forensic evidence?? There were knife wounds to Routier's neck, forearm and shoulder. Youve been lucky, but the funny thing about luck is, it always runs out. May 11, 2019 How we can build a clean and renewable future The fight for Kyiv What is happening with the USPS? They are right in this case, however. It would if you could spell arse. All of her supporters want the truth to come out and the real killer to be behind bars. Her and Darrin did it without a shadow of a doubt. Our system is extremely corrupt and unfair. @Sandra!!!! He slashed Nicoles throat. A killer stabs her washed his hands before leaving but was being presued by darlie bs . You should focus on your son murdering that helpless baby. 911 operators are NEVER allowed to give any kind of medical directive. There have been hundreds of individuals that have been falsely convicted & sentenced to life & even death!! In this case thats exactly what happened. It was June 6, 1996, and the call was made at 2:31 a.m., with the police arriving merely three minutes later. The wine glass, the vacuum cleaner, the knife spot in the living room, the cleaned up blood by the sink, the bread knife in the kitchen that cut the screen, her foot prints only in the kitchen and living room. Did they ever test the skin underneath her nails for DNA? Sad to say he was beyond help at this point. My daughter lost her son and on EVERY Birthday our family gathers. I think she got very angryperhaps awakened by one of the boys in the middle of the night snapped decided to do something she wrote in her diary that she was contemplating for weeks. I pray she is fully exonerated. 68. Very sad!!! Tell the whole story Ms Cruz. To all those who state if Routier gets a new trial the outcome will be the same: They do. He divorced her and is probably remarried livinggn the good life. Look online for the court document showing the two Innocence Project attorneys that have jumped on board. I have always thought if she did have something to do with it the husband had to have been right there with her. Blood and blood splatters are very overwhelming evidence against Darlie. Not to mention the fact that he faked that cpr he did on Devon in front of officer Waddell. The biggest glaring mistake is the transcript. DNA test is done, didnt come back as anyone else. Or maybe they bent over backwards to hide this fact so neither one got implicated during the investigation and trial? The courts also did not showcase the illegal wiretap on the grave before the silly string video. Only to Damon who he knew was dead. The hard evidence is against her and she knows this and will do anything to save her life. Absolutely no history of abuse or mistreatment. I dont think Darlie knew about it and as a result is taking the fall. Days after the murders. First, one must consider and respect that just because a defendant is convicted of a heinous murder, does not make a mother guilty of killing her children in such a heinous fashion. Most people dont. She was such a light sleeper that she would wake up when Drake turned over in his crib yet she slept through all that? No matter how much the defense liars want to lie about Darlies injuries- there was no slash wound across her throat that almost cut a major artery. The husband hired people to break into his home as he stated on 20/20 near the end of the show, for the insurance. Shes still on death row. I guess those guys are sleeping pretty good. AGAIN THE PROSECUTORS COMPLETELY CONSTRUED THE EVIDENCE TO FIT THEIR NARRATIVE. Not even partially. Wouldnt you want to get rid of the knife if you were the real killer???? It is possible that the experts at the time did what they were expected to do which was to come to a hasty conclusion. No matter how close to a major artery, it wasnt cut & she didnt die. Alan you pompous ASS Ameticans will speak English any damn way we want to. time to see her in the death chamber. And yes to Darlies mom- theres a person who is normal, not violent, no mental illness, could cold bloodily kill her own children for absolutely no reason whatsoever? Yes, unfortunately there are mothers like that- & your daughter is one of them. Darin Routier has been profiting off the death of Damon and Devon for 23 years. A true narcissist. Over 20 years ago, Darlie Routier called the police claiming she was stabbed by an intruder who also stabbed her two sons, Devon, 6, and Damon, 5. She deserves a new trial. Maybe they have something now. She lied for ten years saying the prosecution wouldnt run the print. None of this proves she murdered her children, just like the silly string at the gravesite 8 days later. When with my cop family I said Everybody on that mountain knows Frank Casteel did it! In the early morning of June 6, 1996, in Dalla, Texas, 911 operators received a phone call from Darlie Routier, a young mother who had been attacked by an intruderwho stabbed 2 of her 3 young. Her ex-husband, Darin? Never was. MY HUSBAND DIED IN MARCH AND ME AND MY CHILDREN CELEBRATED HIM ON FATHERS DAY THE SAME WAY,, ITS NOT A DAM CRIME WE WASNT DANCING AT HIS GRAVE BUT WE WAS CELEBRATING HIS LIFE AND LOVE AS A FATHER.. AS FAR AS ROXXANE,, OH EXCUSE ME ROXXANA WHAT BULLSHIT !!!! Ps. I agree! He even came to see me on a Sunday at 6am looking like he had been with his other woman the night before and not like he was going to the country club. However, their life seemed perfect otherwise. Not only that but with corona virus, everyone was acting like a bunch of scared animals. Prior to singing and silly stringing graves these people had a prayer vigil. The fact that the prosecutors had to put Little Miss Goody Two Shoes on the stand just showed how desperate they were to dig up dirt on Darlie. Nah. The sock had Darlies DNA in the toe area, and the boys blood on it. The general public does not have access to any of the pending cases theyre working on. Watch his interviews, read his statements he has changed his story so many times over the years he can not even keep up with those lies anymore. I have mine also but Im smart enough not to argue what I cant prove. I would like to see justice for Devon and Damon and that will never happen until they finally investigate Darlies husband. The silly string video. To a reasonable degree of scientific certainty (Assuming no identical twin) Darlie Routier is the source of the DNA from 10-2589-502. To a reasonable degree of scientific certainty (Assuming no identical twin) Darlie Routier is the source of the DNA from 10-2589-502. Ms. Potkin has aligned herself with Darlies appellate attorneys. How convenient that no license plate # was written down. Really? However Im still questioning a lot excluding the silly string video. And its clear from some of the comments that certain people have more issues than Sports Illustrated. Your daughter had her freedom to gain because she was tired of being a broke mother. Now you can make the argument perhaps she was trying to kill her self but the hospital photos show that what saved her life was a necklace which had to be surgically removed. jim martin death couples massage class san diego beaver falls football darlie routier dna results 2021. MATT. I hope when she gets out they launch a full investigation into her husband. Darlie did mention this at trial, but this also fell on deaf ears. Over all the cases I have seen in the past few years this one is the one that just doesnt add up to her being guilty. If you cant charge someone and take them to trial on the basis of a narrative that checks out through your due diligence in evidence that speaks for itself; you do not need to be in a position to enforce the law at all. There is nothing to LOL about in this tragic story. Also barked at officer. Lol! But the defense has had permission from the court For 10 Years to run the print. During the 911 phone call that was about 6 minutes she would have had to stab her boys get the sock ran 75 yards come back cut yourself and inflict her wounds all in a matter of 3 minutes before the police arrived. He was the only person who left the house to summon the woman across the street because she was a nurse, hence the bloody sock that was found yards away from the crime scene. another eye opener of our very flawed justice system. TCU Press published my book re-examining the case in April of 2015 (A Tragedy of Errors, July 1, 2015). With the case, now they have to piece it together as if it is all true!! 25 Feb/23. In fact we are all guilty of something if we have lived to adulthood. The dumb nut bitch just 1 never thought shed get caught And 2 didnt plan to cut herself that bad. I actually think he did the killing, I think she set the robbery. Neighbors had testified she was a stay a home Mom that pretends to be a Super Mom, while her children ran wild in the neighborhood. I remember when this was first aired on the news & they included crime scene pictures showing that someone had tried to clean up the crime scene. Superficial cuts ?? I think after this interview, you will have some questions. NEVER thought she did it. They need to investigate Darin Routier. Darlie will be free if she does not start telling her supporters, or the authorities what she knows about her husband. I am sorry for cursing . What proof? He explained the confab at the DAs office as a meeting about a number of issues that weve been discussing with the DAs office, some for a long time and some recently. No one was supposed to be home, let alone get hurt. The defense can run tests, follow up on leads, in this case for example, nothing was stopping them from trying to find the black carthe neighbor saw twice in front of the Rutiers house (supposedly). I believe we have too many innocent people dying because they are innocent. What i dont understand is if a judge ordered the fingerprint to be ran years ago why it hasnt been done. She cut herself after she tossed the sock. A couple of them have passed away already, including her defense attorney. They were trying to get dna testing not fingerprint. Before you go judging anyone you need to take a good hard look at Darin Routier. Its clear the video was very misleading and to me says nothing about her guilt or innocence. #justice4darlie. The wounds. As the eldest child in the family, she held a sense of responsibility for ensuring her siblings were taken care of. no cos they were focussed I=on her 36DDDDD. I celebrate his birthday every year with a cake and as much joy as I can. Its very obvious that her ex husband hired someone to do a robbery. What forensic degree do you have. I say bring on the dna test and run the fingerprint. Why hasnt the great state of Texas executed her yet?? They looked at her case and flat out said no. According to Darlie Kee she stands by her claims that he is innocent of the crime. It is standard when a defense attorney enters a case weeks before trial, where a womans life hangs in the balance, not to be give the time it takes to prepare a reputable trial. LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE DUMB ASSES !!! Why Darlie of course. Absolutely agree this woman was railroaded just because of her actions at a Birthday Party at her childrens Burial site, woow.!! AND if that was the case, why didnt she just run outside screaming for help? As for watching the BBC it isnt the only channel over the pond we have others where you might pick up other accents & words pronounced differently. I respect the right that each individual in these comments has that each of you have a right to his/her own opinion. Casey Anthony blamed a nanny ,blamed dad, claim accident so admitted After cutting herself, she stabbed Damon a second time, inflicting the fatal wound and momentarily set the knife down on the carpet, making the imprint. The blood evidence is overwhelming that she did it. You know whenever DNA evidence clears someone, I never hear you people talk about how wrong that is.Instead you bitch when they expect compensation. He had no alibi in Darlie and Greg Davis knew that long before he took Darlie to trial. I saw her eyes, glazed with numbness and pain medication. Dont think I dont have the criminal mindI just aint been caught. The evidence points to her guilt. This feminist nonsese has gone too far when women who murder their kids says they were convicted because of Sexism. I saw him! I had watched a series on t.v and they cherry picked through the story. He wasnt investigated 23 years ago and he still isnt being investigated. Darlie tells her friend he was sitting on my legs playing with the knife on my face like he was enjoying himself. And start eating your crow dinner! What are you 10 or 11 ? Darlie Routier is now 48 years old. I once tried to break up a fight between two brothers, got punched in the arm during the struggle and DIDNT EVEN KNOW IT until much later when someone told me that was why my elbow was bruised and sore. Doing what he did to those kids and what he tried to do to their mom tells you this is a depraved and tortured soul. There is so much the jury did not see and hearing from some of the jurors, they also pre judged her on these facts. The houses are huge in that area so 2 houses down is a distance mc mansions is what we call them. Im surprised the IP is this gullible! Why do they refuse to do that when there is over whelming evidence to prove his guilt? YOU gave your daughter the bad advice not to get help in case of divorce. Why isnt she being forced to report all that money as income? Maybe they were counting on that money and knew the Routiers were supposed to be out of town that weekend. Those I promise you are not self-inflicted. The only reason he isnt on Death Row is because if Darlie implicates him as an accomplice, she would inadvertantly admit to her own guilt aka the truth. Guilty conscience on that man, trying to point the evidence away from himself and Darlie got caught up in it. There was one tiny spot of blood on the back of her shirt & before you say it got there by her stabbing down & then lifting knife up to shoulder leaving blood to drop on back of shirt, doesnt make any sense, these babies were repeatedly stabbed over & over, there wouldve been a huge amount of blood but there wasnt. The New York Innocence Project, now convinced that an innocent woman is languishing on Texas Death Row, has joined forces with Routiers appellate team: Steve Cooper and Richard Smith of Dallas and Richard Burr of Houston. Im struggling to see she wouldve been blamedthis case stinks, it seems any evidence was gathered & put into brown & clear bags of evidence, some of that evidence was seen sticking out the top of various bags & not sealed inside the house as it should be when there is a murder within the area that the murder took place. How many license plates numbers do you record every night as people you dont know drive by your house? I have witnessed both self-inflicted and defensive wounds. Two of her three sons, six-year-old Devon and five-year-old Damon, were also. Made up their mind from day one that she did it published my book re-examining the case, they. 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