exegesis on psalm 63

And yet in all of this, David wasnt seeking for any of those things to fill the vacuum in his life. Teach your children Psalm 63, and tell them about a better Thanksgiving. a. I. If v. 11 does mean swearing by King David, this is what Ittai does in 2 Samuel 15:21. v. 11 speaks of David as a king which doesnt fit his fleeing from Saul. 4) Because of the KJV translation of the word "early" in v. 1, Psalm 63 has been called a "morning psalm." - This psalm is something of a climax of a trio of psalms (Pss. February 21, 2016 Transfiguration of Our Lord Ash Wednesday . Its the same word used in Genesis 2:24, where it says that a man will cleave to his wife. If we did, the song would probably contain a lot of urgent requests: Help, God! This Psalm is peculiarly suitable for the bed of sickness, or in any constrained absence from public worship. What a beautiful balance! Therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice: The idea of the shelter of shadow of Gods wings is repeated many times in the psalms. Wisdom . It not only satisfies the believer but overflows in praise, making him or her a blessing to others. i. We ought not to make our praises of God to depend upon our own personal and present reception of benefits; this would be mere selfishness: even publicans and sinners have a good word for those whose hands are enriching them with gifts; it is the true believer only who will bless the Lord when he takes away his gifts or hides his face. (Spurgeon). Luke 16:10, A change within that leads to obedience: Matthew 21:28-32, Four things to remember in times of trial. We join athletic teams where there is more pressure to excel. 11 Jam es O r , d .The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Vol 4 (Gran Rapids: Wm. The higher and more responsible the leadership position, the greater are the pressures. And the mouths of liars will be stopped. ., p. - James Boice said it is "almost a love song for God" (p. 517), and J. J. Stewart Perowne said, "this is unquestionably one of the most beautiful and . Our body and soul are thirsty for the Lord. This could have been when he was fleeing from Saul (1 Samuel 23) or from Absalom ( 2 Samuel 15:13-30 ). The commitment carries you through the hard times when the feelings may fade. It was a most trying time when all seemed to be going against David and he could not A young man ran after Socrates, calling, Socrates, Socrates, can I be your disciple? Socrates ignored him and walked out into the water. [Note: Wiersbe, The . King David wrote this individual lament psalm when he was in the wilderness of Judah away from the ark and the place of formal worship ( 2 Samuel 15:25 ). U;Xy[j)SPT$p,/9O3u&&N';W9oT.=z{kk?z:hkT`[j.t*X60Z8 $~ewK5N}o%>0=.OzJ-G>~~Ya \]7IvrDHyAp]*f*&e q"h0xDZe mt)MPP#zg7C7|KOvs]'z$+$hI>%yTK|4%IS; p.>1^[! But David is following hard after God, as the old King James Version puts verse 8. "There may be other psalms that equal this outpouring of devotion; few if any that surpass it." Psalm 23 Exegesis Analysis. This denotes our recourse to Him through faith and prayer, as naturally as little chickens flee from the cold to the protection of the hen's wings. Psalm 17:15 As for me, I will behold your face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, . (LogOut/ In this psalm, the way of the righteous and the way of the ungodly are contrasted. . Change). You can learn a lot about President Obama. May I ask a question of every professed Christian? Again David pictured himself as a bird under the wing of its mother and as a dependent infant held by its parent. Exhibit A: A young man in college who is working and carrying a full load of classes. You can be in full time ministry and lose sight of seeking God Himself. Psalms Sunday Morning (00:07) Leave your bibles open to psalm 63 if you would. Psalm 63: Prayer is the breath of our relationship of God. He praises God now in some of the most beautiful language found anywhere in the Old Testament. (LogOut/ During his reign, his son, Absalom, led a rebellion against him. But not just a little thirst, someone who is dying of thirst.He is so thirsty that his flesh faints. "Where no water is" (Psalms 63:1). .. This is the tabernacle in Jerusalem. This could have been when he was fleeing from Saul (1 Samuel 23) or from Absalom (2 Samuel 15:13-30). The same Hebrew word describes both animals. The enemies went down to death. How much do you desire to know God? This is merely an Old Testament manner of speaking of the grave. 11But the king shall rejoice in God; all who swear by him shall exult, for the mouths of liars will be stopped.. Psalms 63:2 A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah. SUPERSCRIPTION: A PSALM OF DAVID; WHEN HE WAS IN THE WILDERNESS OF JUDAH. My lips would not praise You, unless before me were to go Your mercy. In the same way, nothing, not even your marriage and family life, should come before your love relationship with God. There is no reason for taking these words in some figurative or mystical sense. Three things: Gods lovingkindness (63:3) was better to David than life itself. The book is actually a collectio The authorship and occasion of this psalm are made certain by the fact that the author was a king (Psalms 63:11), who was temporarily denied access to the tabernacle in Jerusalem, and who cried out to God from a parched desert. "Better than life" (Psalms 63:3). RZKw >v|enw3o%7.i2.W(s^))~hvmZ/^=sxMK9pV;Z8/. Blessed is the man. It could be seen as the response to the cry of the prophet that invites those in need to come to God for rest and refreshment. The Hebrew chiasm in each of the two . 1. his lips will praise God BDB 986 II, KB 1387, Piel imperfect 2. he will bless God as long as he lives BDB 138, KB 159, Piel imperfect 3. he will lift up his hands BDB 669, KB 724, Qal imperfect - Psalm 63:3. The soul of David in Psalms 63:1 "thirsted" for God, but here the metaphor of physical hunger is employed to describe the soul's overwhelming desire for God and his healing fellowship. Psa 63:6. Lets look at this passage in three simple steps: According to the inscription, this Psalm is connected to David when he was in the wilderness of Judah. It isnt clear exactly what this refers to, but a good case can be made that this Psalm is about when David fled Jerusalem into the wilderness when his son Absalom rebelled against him. Those of you that are visiting with us tonight, we're also grateful that you have come our way. According to its title, Psalm 63 was written from the Wilderness of Judah and David was in the wilderness hiding from a conspiracy to kill him. [Note: Kidner, p. Strive in everything to act in such a way that others may praise and honor the God whom you profess to serve because they have seen His attributes shining through your life." That should be our aim at all times, but especially in a time of trial. And David knew the pressure of problems. He told how he faced a time in his life when the opportunities for ministry were the greatest he had ever seen. David meant this in the sense that it blessed and honored God when His creatures praised Him and thanked Him appropriately. It has gained momentum down through the ages and will finally break in a mounting and mighty crescendo. As I have begun, I will go on: the present devout affections shall not pass away like the morning cloud, but shine more and more like the morning sun. This is a very beautiful psalm of devotion to God. A portion for jackals: If the body of a human being were to be left on the ground, the jackals would certainly leave but little traces of it; and in the olden times of warfare, they must have held high revelry in the battle-fields after the armies had retired. Psalm 140:4 and Psalm 58:8, where, as in this passage, the treading or bending of the bow is transferred to the arrow. 62 DeClaisse-Walford, et al., The Book of Psalms, 622. This is a Psalm written by David when he was in the wilderness of Judah. David chooses to seek after God. He is merciful in a way peculiar to himself; he is the Father of mercies, 2 Co. 1:3. "[4] Spurgeon commented on this as, "Expressing the Mystery of the Trinity and the Mystery of their Unity, along with that of the Spirit of God."[5]. Verse 2: David wanted to see God's power and *glory in the *Temple in Jerusalem. . 15, 17), wrote. David was a prophet and speaks this way here (Acts 2:30). Just as you feel physically after eating a delicious prime rib dinner, so David felt spiritually after feasting on the Lord. He had to think about how all of his loyal followers who fled with him were going to get food and water in this barren wilderness. "Foxes" (Psalms 63:10) should probably be "jackals" here, since jackals are the ultimate scavengers and eat the remains of a kill that the larger predators reject. 3:11). O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, In a dry and weary land where there is no water. In that barren land, fleeing for his life from his own son, feeling disgraced and rejected, with an uncertain future, David penned Psalm 63. Expositions on the Psalms. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient. "Because thy lovingkindness is better than life. It's an emotional psalm, coming out of the depths of David's life, and it would be an injustice to pick the psalm apart while missing the feeling that it conveys. The king rejoiced in God, throne restored, enemies all dead; back at home. The man followed him and repeated the question. Your priorities determine how you spend your time, with whom you spend your time, and how you make decisions. 2 So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding wyour power and glory. David was there. [~'Elohiym] is plural and [~'Eli] is singular. 4. Meditation on God fills a basic need in the heart of every person, as basic a need as food and drink. A. e. My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness: David spoke of a satisfaction that too few people know, even among believers. My lips will praise You (63:3b). "So have I looked upon thee in the sanctuary" (Psalms 63:2). They shall be a portion for jackals. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. Thus no one can boast; we have only received Gods undeserved gift. As he lay in his hospital bed, he asked, Lord, why? "[9] It would also explain the confidence and prophetic certainty of the entire psalm, which among other things, accurately announced the end of Absalom's rebellion as being accomplished by the wholesale death (literally) of the whole rebellious army, leaders and all (Psalms 63:9-10). ], Jesus stays behind in the temple. "[10] Christ himself adopted this beautiful metaphor (Matthew 23:37). To be devoted means to cling to Jesus and steadfastly persevere with Him. To dwell with God is better than life at its best; life at ease, in a palace, in health, in honour, in wealth, in pleasure; yea, a thousand lives are not equal to the eternal life which abides in Jehovahs smile. (Spurgeon), iv. This is a very beautiful psalm of devotion to God. . Precisely because we cant fix them we have to come to God and depend wholly on God. You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water. Night watches: An expression which stresses the slow progress of the hours. (Kidner), ii. 2. f. When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches: David thought that there were not enough hours in the day to think upon Gods greatness and goodness. If we take swearing by David as an expression of loyalty to him (as it is with swearing by Yahweh) this fits the context of a rebellion against David. Much of David's writing in this passage is . His enemies will be judged and destroyed, not him. Give me my palace back. Tools. B Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1956) p. 2487. "The psalm integrates well with the Isaiah text. Its contents are read and sung by millions every day. Parkhurst, Jr. There is a brief diversion, however in verse 9 when in a stark contrast the focus goes from the Almighty to those who plot to destroy. 1 O God, you are my God; tearnestly I seek you; umy soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in va dry and weary land where there is no water. And there are times it seems when our souls become very barren and very parched, where we long again to feel the presence of God. Psalm 63 - Devotion. Its an emotional psalm, coming out of the depths of Davids life, and it would be an injustice to pick the psalm apart while missing the feeling that it conveys. But it is still not the same as knowing him personally. So David is using the bareness of the wilderness to speak actually of the bareness of his own soul. This psalm helped them, as it will us, to stay focused on God in the midst of life's desert seasons-surrounded by the wilderness and loneliness of heart. David expresses longing for Gods presence, praise, joy, fellowship with God, confidence in Gods salvation. Can it be right for us to treat the Lord with mute indifference? (Spurgeon), iii. One of the most beloved passages of Scripture in the Old Testament is Psalm 23. My mouth offers praises with joyful lips (63:5b). "Early will I seek thee" (Psalms 63:1). But our trials are meant to lead us to God. He knew that there was more and his whole being craved it as a thirsty man in the desert craves for water. The bodies of the dead provided food for the wild beasts. We face the pressure of getting into college and once were there, of making it through. My soul clings to You (63:8a). Here is David, his kingdom in disarray, running for his life, seeking to protect his men. God alone can do that. If you figure that youve reached a level of maturity in your Christian life where you can put it in neutral and coast, youre in trouble! He gives you eternal life as His free gift. Separated from God (Ps 63:2), the psalmist longs for the divine life given in the Temple (Ps 63:36), which is based on a close relationship with God (Ps 63:79). The wicked are, in other words, the very leavings of mankind."[13]. Psalm 63 - A psalm of David, regarding a time when David was in the wilderness of Judah. As we seek God in our trial, let us be renewed in our faith. Psalm 6. The next day, he flew off into oblivion and disgrace. 7and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy.The phrase, the shadow of your wings has to do with being under the care of a mother bird and being under her wings when there is trouble. Out of love and gratitude, we express our dedication to Him through three things: a passion to obey, a spirit of humility, and a servant's heart. Psalm 63:1. You can check these in your browser security settings. Second, he is strengthened as he remembers how God has helped him in the past. We'll find out who is his enemy, soon. My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me. God was Davids help. Obedience. This is the psalm where David writes a parable-song equating his walk with God to that of a shepherd taking care of his sheep. (LogOut/ What a remarkable fulfilment of David's prophecy came to pass. Whether we are delivered or not (David here has a prophetic insight that he will be delivered) we can confess with David that Gods steadfast love is better than life. That even if things dont get better, we know God will take care of us. 3 Because your xsteadfast love is better than life, RTCH 500-D. But those who seek my life, to destroy it: Davids deep communion with God did not take away his problems. Others try to fill their lives with possessions or with a successful and satisfying career. An older translation put it more graphically; "Jesus set his face to . With no less than forty-thousand of Absalom's partisans to be buried, there was no earthly way that such a feat could have been accomplished. b. He considered the Lords loyal love even better than life itself. They are seeking to kill him v. 9. [Note: G. S. Cansdale, Animals of Bible Lands, pp. He had to be thinking constantly about their safety. Forty-thousand of the rebel army died in the forest of Ephraim. But a marriage cannot be built on feelings alone, but on commitment. The psalm shows us that Davids priority was to seek the Lord. What did he see? ii. JOSEPH A ALEXANDER Psalms Commentary (1864) Spurgeon had high praise for Alexander's work writing that it "Occupies a first place among expositions. Delitzsch more particularly identified David's location with that arid strip of desert just west of the Dead Sea.[3]. Sermon. The point is, to seek after God means to go after God with an intense desire. Psalm 63:1 (NASB) Verse Thoughts Life often takes us through the weary place and the parched wilderness on this journey through life, where only God can provide the comfort and sustenance we desperately need. 1 A psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah. God is not God as an abstract concept, but as a reality, as a Person experienced in relationship. David knew God would deliver him because God had elected him and had blessed him for his submission to the Lords will. They shall be given over to the power of the sword: Every one that sweareth by him shall glory; For the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped.". In your marriage, keeping your passion alive means saying no to some things in order to say yes to your wife. Notice the personal relationship with God . No matter what pressures come into your life, you will be able to handle them properly if you maintain this one priority above all else: Earnestly seek after God! Being faint and thirsty are mentioned in 2 Samuel 16:2 and 17:29. Verses 8-9 conclude the first section of the psalm by revealing the fruit of the psalmist's prescription for his own soul. As soon as David arose in the morning, he became aware of his need for God-just as he needed water shortly after waking up. From 1977-1992 he was the pastor of Lake Gregory Community Church in Crestline, California. Whedon's Commentary Kingcomments Henry's Complete Old Testament Individual Books Verse 1 PSALM 63 DAVID'S CRY TO GOD FROM THE DESERT SUPERSCRIPTION: A PSALM OF DAVID; WHEN HE WAS IN THE WILDERNESS OF JUDAH. You always can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website. The primary sense of [the Hebrew word is] to glue together; from thence it signifies figuratively to associate, to adhere to, to be united with; and particularly to be firmly united with strong affection. (Chandler, cited in Spurgeon). A Song. Daniel 3, Follow Christian teaching on WordPress.com. David remembered who God is from his times of worship. Yet, Psalm 63 has no cry for help but gives thanks and praise for Gods faithfulness in many times when God had been my help for David. My lips will praise you. Your job, outside interests, time with other friends, and even your church involvementthese are all good things in their place. Psalms is a collection of poems and one of only two Old Testament books authored by multiple authors. Your relationship with the Lord is comparable to a marriage relationship. Are you seeking after God like David speaks of here? We fully respect if you want to refuse cookies but to avoid asking you again and again kindly allow us to store a cookie for that. is the interpretation added to the figure, as in Psalm 144:7. God can do this again. David thought that he would be ungrateful and rude to not praise and thank the God who loved him so greatly. Changes will take effect once you reload the page. Thousands were left where they fell to become the food of beasts. Never was a rebellion snuffed out as suddenly and thoroughly as was Absalom's, several facets of which were outlined in the prophecies. Shall go into the lower parts of the earth. First, there must be the consciousness of personal relationship, O God, Thou art my God; and, second, there must be earnest seeking after God: Early will I seek Thee. Relationship must be established. The fact is, its easy to fill your life with things other than God. There are the pressures of raising godly children in our pagan society. He remembers that this is a God who can take care of him, even in his life-threatening situation. I have seen you in your sanctuary and gazed upon your power and glory. He was speaking of his sense of dependence on God. What is the difference between having God as a slice of life versus having God permeate every part of life? First, he is strengthened as heremembers who God is. Your unfailing love is better than life itself; how I praise you! This is a very beautiful psalm that speaks to seeking after God in difficult times and finding faith to make it through. He describes this seeking poetically as thirsting after water.Have you ever been really thirsty? David wasnt consumed with thoughts of getting even. Most commentators believe it to belong either to David's wilderness years before he came to the throne of Israel, or to his brief exile from the throne in the rebellion of Absalom. This second Psalm can be seen like a television program with one camera on earth and another in heaven. 2 Thus I have gazed on you in the sanctuary, seeing your power and your glory. Psalm 63 shows us the priority of this man of God under pressure. Everyone who swears by Him shall glory; Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. "At the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.". LESSONS FROM PSALMS SIXTY-THREE Scripture: Psalm 63:1-11 Ray O. Brooks Introduction: A. Psalm 23 is a realistic hopeful passage written by David about the presence of trials in his life versus the provision and relationship the Lord has for him. Holy, holy, holy, Merciful and Mighty, God over all, and blessed eternally. Again, those things have their place, but they are not meant to satisfy your soul. The absence of prayer shows that we are spiritually dead. Keep your areas of struggle in mind as we work our way through this psalm. Matthew Henry wrote that, "Just as the sweetest of Paul's epistles were those sent out from a Roman prison, so some of the sweetest of David's Psalms are those that were penned, as this one was, in the wild desolation of the Dead Sea desert. God shall cut them off, and send them to their own place. "In the shadow of thy wings" (Psalms 63:7). It is attributed to King David, set when he was in the wilderness of . "They shall be a portion for the foxes" (Psalms 63:10). Do you allow a day to pass without converse with God? So have I looked on thee in the sanctuary, "O God, thou art my God" (Psalms 63:1). I don't mean just saying prayers that are not spawned from the heart, of course. When the pressure is on, everything but the essential gets set aside. You cant explain that apart from God! beholding your power and glory. Click to enable/disable essential site cookies. EXPOSITION Verse 1. Yet that is not what David sang of here. World problems, economic problems, personal problems, and the problems of friends and loved ones all press upon us. Sometimes it has the idea of protection, as a mother bird shelters her young chicks. Get me out of here! David did write a song like that (Psalm 3). But the king shall rejoice in God: David was not yet on Israels throne and that promise still waited many years for fulfillment. Hes at the center of every decision you make. But it is interesting that Psalm 63 contains no petition (Perowne, p. 487). The Hebrew word translated clings points to loyalty related to affection. therefore the children . The book of Psalms is one of the most beloved portions of Holy Scripture. Tools Psa 63:2 I have seen you in your sanctuary and gazed upon your power and glory. ." The king had come to realize his need for God earlier as a result of what he had learned about God in the tabernacle. 22:5) or in the wilderness of Ziph, 1 Sa. "O God, you are my God, I seek you, my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water" (Psalm 63:1). Psalm 63:9-10. Our website uses cookies to store user preferences. And as we learn in 2 Samuel, David was in fact restored to power and his enemies were destroyed. Psalm 5. Let me ask you this morning What trials are you going through today? It is one of the most well-loved psalms. He compared this to the feeling of a stomach filled with the richest food. . God isnt just a slice of life, who rounds out your other pursuits. The man came up gasping for air. David had walked with God for years, but he thirsted for more. Psa 63:7. They shall fall by the sword; We are in Psalm 63 this morning. % Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice. But that was far from all of it. Many of us remember the day President Nixon resigned over the Watergate scandal. Perhaps you say, Im actively involved in serving Him! Thats fine, but thats not what Im asking. When he was in the Desert of Judah. Copyright, Steven J. Cole, 2009, All Rights Reserved. These are indicated in the opening words of the psalm. Then he meets the woman of his dreams. Tools Psa 63:3 [Note: Kirkpatrick, pp. Everyone who swears by Him shall glory; but the mouth of those who speak lies shall be stopped: The sense of swears by Him is to trust in God and place ones confident love in Him; men normally take oaths upon what they hold dear. Therefore, David says, My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me (63:8). It can become an overpowering, all consuming desire. None of these details are missing from the prophecy. Even though David was miles away from the ark, he still worshipped God. * [63:4] For your love is better than life: only here in the Old Testament is anything prized above lifein this case Gods love. And the mouths of liars would then mean those who had sworn by David before, but now have rebelled against him, breaking their word.). King David wrote this individual lament psalm when he was in the wilderness of Judah away from the ark and the place of formal worship (2 Samuel 15:25). "The forest devoured more people that day than the sword." He is content to have and to experience Gods love for him without all this. Psalm 63:1-8 - Center for Excellence in Preaching. And David even says, that your steadfast love is better than life. His life has been turned upside down. Exegesis Research Paper: Context of the Passage Assignment Psalm 1:1-Submitted to Dr. Debra Warren in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of. But if your priorities are clear, then you can respond to your pressures by making choices in line with your priorities, and thereby give direction to your life. This includes time in His Word, renewing your mind so that you can please Him. 4So I will bless you as long as I live; in your name I will lift up my hands. His circumstances have not changed! Review your past week or month and ask yourself, Did my schedule reflect that seeking God was my number one priority? You say, Well, thats my priority, but Ive been under a lot of pressure! Pressure is what reveals your true priorities. And this is a God who is faithful. These cookies collect information that is used either in aggregate form to help us understand how our website is being used or how effective our marketing campaigns are, or to help us customize our website and application for you in order to enhance your experience. Jesus said empty prayers amounted to only religious ceremony. My lips shall praise You: In light of Davids experience of Gods great love, he determined to vocally praise God. Derek Kidner (Psalms 1-72 [IVP], pp. Psalms THIRST AND SATISFACTION Psalm 63:1, Psalm 63:5, Psalm 63:8. "Some have interpreted this to mean that David was here granted a vision of God just as clear and distinct as he had seen in the sanctuary. The word steadfast love (hesed) refers to Gods faithfulness or covenant love. 3 Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. 3Because your steadfast love is better than life . But those who seek my life, to destroy it, Nederlandstalige Bijbelstudies door Stan Marinussen, Copyright - Enduring Word       |      . Scripture: Psalm 63. 64 For the purposes of the Sermon Series, I have combined what most commentators recognize vv. Exegesis of Psalm 19 Corey Keating, Page 4. information from prior phrases. When we are suffering and discouraged it is easy to push God away, to blame God, to become angry at God. He has fled from the throne. 1. Psalm 2. 6 On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. David meant that the love of God to him was more precious than his own life. But we should not try to fill the vacuum in our lives with people, but with God. In fact, the ancient church had the practice of beginning the singing of the Psalms at each Sunday service with Psalm 63, called the morning hymn (Commentary on the Old Testament, C. F. Keil & Franz Delitzsch, [Eerdmans], p. 212). 63. In the midst of his trial he prays, "1O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.". As I already mentioned, you begin a relationship with God when you realize that you have sinned against the holy God and when you flee for refuge to the provision God has made for your sin, the cross of Christ. 10. The time was during Absalom's rebellion when David was shut off from the Tabernacle. But knowing that God will faithfully and loving watch over him is better than all that he lost his former life of good things. An accomplished scholar of the Psalms, Mark Futato next . Two things are necessary for such triumph as this. How is it with you and God? God seemed to be blessing his preaching. Psalm 63 invites us to take 4 specific steps, found in verses 1-4, to find soul satisfaction during troublesome times. Meditation on the person and works of God can bring refreshment and invigoration to any believer. . Many were left unburied, for there was plenty left for the jackals.

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