char 2c crew

After a decision taken in December 1922, from 1923 until 1926 the later Champagne was modified at La Seyne into the Char 2C bis, an experimental type with a 155 mm howitzer in a rounded cast steel turret. The tank could overcome a 1 m (3.3 ft) high vertical obstacle and cross a trench 3.5 m (11.5 ft) wide. Like the super-heavy tank it had no real spring system for the twelve small wheels per side. The vehicle was thus less cramped than earlier designs, the crew could walk, slightly crouching, throughout the hull. A rather large riveted turret with a stroboscopic cupola, adopted from the Char 2C, brought its height to 252 centimetres. The Consultative Committee of the Assault Artillery (Comité Consultatif de l'Artillerie d'Assaut or CCAS) had been created on 13 December 1916 and for the first time met on 17 December. New engines of the Soutter-Harlé type were fitted and the three independent machine gun positions deleted. The origins of the Char 2C have always been shrouded in a certain mystery. The armour was among the thickest of World War I-era tanks, though by modern standards this would be considered thin. Each track was powered by its own 200 or 250 hp engine, via an electrical transmission. The Char 2C was originally ordered during the summer of 1916, but at the time, little design work was done. puts Char 2C Bis at 1.3/1.7 On 13 August Breton personally inquired with Renault and was informed it would take at least another three weeks. Specifically, the mismatch in crew values caused by commander's 10% crew skill bonus. Charges were placed and the fuel pipes cut. France planned to produce 300, but only 10 were ever built. © Copyright 2021 Center for the National Interest All Rights Reserved. For comparison, some variants of the heaviest American tank now in service, the M1 Abrams, weighs just over 70 tons. While escaping the oncoming German Blitz, the train they were loaded onto was forced to stop due to a rail traffic jam. Visit to search funny and cool military pictures, videos, memes and more - Keep Calm and Chive on! In the late afternoon, an order arrived to send the tanks to Neufchâteau which was reached in the early morning of 15 June. FM2C n° 92 and 95 have been … On 16 April the Nivelle Offensive failed completely, and the first use of French tanks was likewise a failure; in reaction Thomas ordered all tank production and projects to be ended. Pétain asked for special pontoons, and Estienne demanded battering rams and electronic mine detectors to be fixed. The Char 2C had a loaded weight of 69 tonnes, partly because of its armour - 45 mm at the front, 22 mm at the sides - but much of it just because of its huge size. French politicians, not having been greatly involved in them and leaving the matter to the military, were no less inquisitive. Later Joseph Goebbels and Hermann Goering claimed that the tanks had been destroyed by German dive bombers. It featured a 105 mm gun in a turret, had a proposed weight of 38 tons and 35 mm armour. See more ideas about french tanks, tank, military vehicles. Char 2c with 12 crew members, 13th is likely the Company Commander. Char 2C was a French super heavy tank designed in the last phase of WWI. puts Char 2C Bis at 1.3/1.7. Since 1976 Char Crews has offered fine china, flatware, giftware, holiday china and ornaments, stemware, artisan-quality collectibles, and home decor items from leading American and European designers and manufacturers. It was, in physical dimensions, the largest operational tank ever made. The 1 February order of two additional prototypes was confirmed by the CCAS on 7 February. External communications were the responsibility of the mechanic who could open a little hatch just behind the turret to give signals by flags, flares or electrical lights. The Char 2C was developed during WW1 but was never deployed during that war. The crew was composed of 12-13 men. This sudden attention greatly alarmed Mourret, who promptly investigated the progress that had been made at FCM and was shocked to find there was none. Some sources report thirteen, probably due to pictures of the crews that included the company commander. Meanwhile, there were unexplained delays in the delivery of the engines and the gearbox by Renault. At that time all tank projects were highly secret, and thereby shielded from public scrutiny. It was visited by the Subsecretary of State of Inventions Jules-Louis Breton on 13 January 1917, who was much impressed and developed a keen interest in the project. Designed to negotiate the challenging terrain of trench warfare, the type had in principle excellent mobility. The hull of the FCM 1A was very elongated, in order to cross wide trenches. FM2C n° 92 and 95 have been destroyed by their crew after they broke down. It was, in physical dimensions, the largest operational tank ever made. Both turrets had stroboscopic cupolas. The crew numbered 12 men. It is still easily the largest tank ever taken into production. [2] During a meeting of the CCAS on 18 October, Moritz could at last announce that trials could begin on 20 November. The three independent 8 mm machine gun positions, one at each side and one to the right of the driver at the front, all in ballmounts, gave protection against infantry assault. The Char 2C was a super-heavy French tank—and possibly the largest tank ever built. In this configuration the tank weighed perhaps 74 tons. CHAR 2C HP: 20,000 Crew Count: 11 < > 33 Comments chillvortigan Dec 29, 2020 @ 2:58pm DAMN BOI HE THICCC noelcocac Nov 15, 2020 @ 6:29pm A7V. The front armour was enhanced to 90 mm, the side to 65 mm. Feb 3, 2016 - Military Pictures - Search our military gifs collection to salute our troops! Seven fuel tanks, four to the left and three to the right, containing 1,260 litres, gave it a range of 150 kilometres. [citation needed]. It resembled a scaled-down Char 2C, the giant tank produced by the same company. Eventually the "FCM 1A" would be developed with a 105 mm gun and the "FCM 1B" would use a petrol-mechanical transmission. Its empty hulk weight was 22.1 tonnes, 17.5 tonnes accounted for by the hull, of which 5.5 tonnes of armour, and 4.6 tonnes by the turret, including 1.3 tonnes of armour.[2]. [6] At FCM Jammy and Savatier finished the Char 2C prototype, the other nine tanks being built almost simultaneously; all ten were delivered in 1921 and modified by the factory until 1923. It never saw combat and was essentially a propaganda creation. The forward compartment was crowned by a three-man turret – the first such in history – mounting a shortened 75 mm field gun of the Canon de 75 modèle 1897 type, with 124 rounds and a muzzle velocity of 550 m/s, and the second, at the rear of the tank, was topped by a machine-gun turret armed with a Hotchkiss 8 mm. The tank could accelerate up to 17 kph. On 7 October he had requested Lloyd George to deliver some Mark I's to France but had received no answer. about 3 years after the war, the Giant tank was finished & was named the "Char 2C" or "FCM 2C" whichever you prefer. The 2C was produced in only 10 copies until 1921. It seems that the original contract was mainly awarded due to nepotism. Its main armament was a 75mm gun and auxiliary armament was four 8mm machine guns. French command was aware that this reputation was undeserved. The main problem was that it proved difficult to steer the tank due to its extreme track length and insufficient chain link profile. The Char 2C, also known as the FCM 2C, is a French heavy tank, later also seen as a super-heavy tank,[1] developed during World War I but not deployed until after the war. Armament: 75mm Cannon + 4 8mm machine guns (1 on the front, 1 on each side, & a secondary turret on the back) Armor: Front & Turret- 45mm's, Sides & Rear- 22mm's, Top- 13mm's, … Estienne was absent on the crucial meeting of 17 January, but by letter informed the committee that he found the project well-presented and satisfactory and agreed with the quick construction of two prototypes; he stated his preference for a 75 mm over a 105 mm gun. In that meeting Estienne was critical of heavy tanks: "the infantry has as much need of large tanks, as it needs 400 mm cannon; it has need of small tanks, as much as it needs 37 mm and machine-guns". A rather large riveted turret with a stroboscopic cupola, adopted from the Char 2C, brought its height to 2.52 metres. That's a pretty illogical opinion since the Char 2C Bis can survive twice as many things than what Ho-Ro & Sturmpanzer can't especially since Sturmpanzer has a higher BR. The aircraft engine tended to overheat and its basic lack of power resulted in a maximum 65% climbing slope. The last was enlarged at both sides over the tracks, to create room for long rectangular fuel tanks. The Char 2C had a loaded weight of 69 tonnes, partly because of its armour - 45 mm at the front, 22 mm at the sides, but much of it just because of its huge size. Apr 26, 2018 - Explore Eric J's board "Char 2C" on Pinterest. This led to an emergency alliance between Estienne and Mourret to bring about a reversal of this decision. [3], This development coincided with a political demand by Minister of Armament Albert Thomas to produce a tank superior to the British types. Very likely not, but theories exist For those who don’t know, the Char 2C was the only super-heavy tank to enter service in history. Despite being singularly slow, the tank had otherwise good mobility, partly due to its enormous size and height, which allowed it to cross relatively high obstacles—being over 33 feet long also helped the Char to cross trenches or craters. [10] However, fifteen kilometres south of Neufchâteau near the Meuse-sur-Meuse station,[11] in a curve of the railway, the track was blocked by a blazing fuel train, while other trains jammed the exit to the rear. Alarmed, Estienne now wrote a letter to the Commander-in-Chief, General Joffre, dated 27 November 1916 and defending the light tank concept. The six remaining tanks hastily embarked on two trains at the station of Landres on 13 June. [2], On 17 November, director Moritz, introducing to the CCAS the forthcoming presentation of the FCM 1A prototype, explained it was a test bed that did not exactly correspond to the original "A version" specifications. It had a crew of 12. He himself preferred a 75 mm gun. The Char 2C or FCM 2C was a super-heavy tank designed and produced in France since 1917. It’s still the biggest tank ever taken into production in the world. The largest tank that ever went into operational status. It was more or less compartmentalised into four sections, that however were not separated by bulkheads: a relatively short driver compartment at the front, a fighting compartment with a turret at its top, a larger munitions room and finally a large engine compartment at the rear. Guy François, 2011, "Le char lourd FCM 1A, ou le rêve immolé". Moritz demonstrated that the vehicle was effortlessly capable of crossing 3.5 metres wide trenches, climb ninety centimetres high walls and descend into, and climb out of again, six metres wide and four metres deep craters. For the time, the Char also had very thick armor. Joffre answered that Estienne was no doubt correct in his tactical and organisational analysis, but that he could not oblige him because political backing of the heavy tank was simply too strong. In woods, it could break a 28 centimetres thick pine tree and run over a 35 centimetres thick one. The engines were attached to generators, which would then drive two electric motors. The next tank that would come close to matching its weight would have been the German Tiger … Outside of a crew of 1 commander only, 100% crew is a fiction. Pétain asked for 300 heavy tanks to be ready by March 1919, causing a quarrel to erupt between Clemenceau, who was both Prime-Minister and Minister of War, and Loucheur, the Minister of Armament, who felt it was impossible to provide the labour and steel required. It resembled a scaled-down Char 2C, the giant tank produced by the same company. The Char 2C heavy tank endured through to the first years of World War Two, when the last of them were destroyed or captured by the Germans in 1940 on their way to the front. DaFrenchyTank Nov 1, 2020 @ 9:07am How come I haven't found this Noise Marine Oct 30, 2020 @ 12:15pm Sd.Kfz. However, the FCM tank had already made a powerful and influential enemy. A rather large riveted turret with a stroboscopic cupola, adopted from the Char 2C, brought its height to 252 centimeters. Without tail, the hull length was 10.372 metres, the width 2.95 metres, the height 3.8 metres. A rather large riveted turret with a stroboscopic cupola, adopted from the Char 2C, brought its height to 252 centimeters. It resembled a scaled-down Char 2C, the giant tank produced by the same company. The origins of the Char 2C have always been shrouded in a certain mystery. On 10 April 1917 he still assumed that the first trials could have begun within five weeks. Post by trekfanj » Tue Jun 10, 2014 6:25 pm HamilkarBarkas wrote: Verlinden produces several sets of tankers, but most of the time they are in "surrender" pose. Designed by FCM (A naval shipyard) during the last months of WW1, basing theirself on their wartime FCM 1 design. The Char 2C was very similer to the FCMfcm 1A, had massive size, up to 45mm armor, but had two 250hp engines giving it a top speed of 15km/h. Neglected is the first true mammoth AFV of the war, the French Char 2C. Re: 1/35 Char 2c crew? Three were placed in gimbal mounts at the front and sides and one in a rear turret. Joffre advised Estienne not to worry too much; he would make sure at least that the Renault FT would not be cancelled, and precisely because heavy tank development would take such a long time, for the immediate future it would not get in the way of light tank production. [2] In this period both the French and the British military had become aware of severe mobility and steering problems with heavy tracked vehicles; the French designs paralleled extensive British experiments with all kinds of improved tank transmissions to solve them. A rather large riveted turret with a stroboscopic cupola, adopted from the Char 2C, brought its height to 252 centimetres. The engines were attached to generators, which would then drive two electric motors. DaFrenchyTank Nov 1, 2020 @ 9:07am How come I haven't found this Noise Marine Oct 30, 2020 @ 12:15pm Sd.Kfz. 155mm howitzer- variant of the 155 C Mle 1917 Schneider: Secondary armament. The French Army had no stated requirement for a heavy tank, and there was no official policy to procure one, so the decision seems to have been taken solely on his personal authority. During this first session it was reported that Renault and FCM were cooperating in a heavy tank project of thirty tonnes. It also benefited from having wide tracks, which helped prevent the heavy beast from becoming bogged down. The Char 2C was intended as a breakthrough tank or “Fortress Tank” (Char de forteresse), intended to lead the great Allied offensives that were planned for the spring of 1919. He was much more alarmed than Joffre had been. The gasoline was lit and the tanks exploded around 19:00. Char 2C was a French super-heavy tank designed in the last phase of WWI. One tank, the Champagne, was nevertheless captured more or less intact and brought to Berlin to be exhibited as a war trophy until disappearing in 1948. The ten tanks were part of several consecutive units, their organic strength at one time reduced to three. Needless to say, the Char 2C has performed admirably in its service, being able to challenge that of the siege tank, but the fact that the Warlords must heavily depend upon the Dutch mercenaries to fully produce these vehicles and train the crew members means that … Char 2C; Crew; Crew: 12 : Physical Characteristics; Weight: 69 t: Length: 10.27 m: Width: 3 m: Height: 4.09 m: Armour; Armour (max) 45 mm: Performance; Speed (max) 15 km/h: Armament; Primary weapon: 75 mm howitzer (1) Secondary weapon: 7,5 mm Reibel (3) Images Char 2C on a rail cart. There were two Hotchkiss 8 mm machine-guns in fixed ball-mount positions; reserve machine-guns or pistols could be fired through five vertical slits that could be plugged: one at the rear of the turret, two at the turret sides and two at the hull sides below the turret rear. Description. The wading capacity was 140 centimetres. The Char 2C is a Behemoth featured in the Battlefield 1: They Shall Not Pass expansion on two multiplayer maps.. [2], In December Joffre was replaced as supreme commander by Robert Nivelle. The suspension consisted of bogies, sprung by leaf springs, of four wheels each with alternating external and internal flanges. "The Char 2C Bis on the other hand was the Char 2C with a 155mm howitzer gun thus being essentially a sluggish Ho-Ro or Sturmpanzer II with better armor and a fully-rotating turret." For propaganda, each tank had been named after one of the ancient regions of France, numbers 90-99 being named Poitou; Provence; Picardie; Alsace; Bretagne; Touraine; Anjou; Normandie; Berry; Champagne respectively. Dinnerware is a term used to refer to tableware and "crockery" refering to porcelain and bone china produced by makers such as Bernardaud in France, Herend in Hungry, Royal Copenhagen in Denmark, Wedgwood in England, Pickard made her in the United States. Like the superheavy tank it had no real spring system for the twelve small wheels per side. The French people now became curious as to the state of their own national tank projects. Badass French Tank Crew in front of the biggest operational tank ever, Char 2C (interwar period). The commander pointed the gun by observing the target through a vane sight, fitted on the turret roof, from his rectangular "cupola". Separate clutches … Three were placed in gimbal mounts at the front and sides and one in a rear turret. The proportions of this AFV are staggering – measuring over 10 meters in length, over 4 meters in height, weighing in at 69 tons, it had a crew of 12. The “char de bataille” (“battle tank”) was a heavy tank, near to the “char de rupture” or “breakthrough tank”, but the former was more a dual-purpose (infantry support and antitank) machine than the “char de rupture”. Where their armor was the thickest of any tank to be fielded in World War 1, by World War 2 standards, the Char 2C was extremely vulnerable to most types of anti-tank fire. [7] Ground clearance was sixty centimetres. The crew was composed of 12-13 men. This proposed tank was the most advanced design of its time; it was received very favourably, also because of the enthusiastic report by Breton, and a consensus began to form that the project was most promising and a potential "war-winner". The Char 2C had two 250 hp Mercedes engines driving electric generators to run a motor for each track and give the tank a top speed of 8 mph. The sides and rear were protected by 21 mm (0.83 in) plate, the top and roof by 15 mm (0.6 in). Louis Renault laid down the new tank's design and overall specifications, notably its projected weight which could not exceed 7 tons. [8], Within its ample frame there was room for two fighting compartments. In January 1917, the Ministry of Armament proposed to build three weight classes of tanks: light, medium and heavy tanks,[3] the latter class corresponding to the new project. The axle track, measured between the inner track sides, was 225 centimetres. They were used instead for numerous morale-boosting movies, in which they were often shown climbing and crushing old French forts. The machineguns had an ammunition load of 9504 rounds. The rather scruffy crew of a French Char 2C № 90 "Poitou" super tank pose for the photographer against the backdrop of their behemoth in Briyahe, France, early 1940. Between 15 November and 15 December 1939 the Lorraine, as the company command tank, was experimentally up-armoured at the Société des Aciéries d'Homecourt to make it immune to standard German antitank guns. [2], At first, progress with the FCM 1A prototype was satisfactory. It was very elongated with a length of 6.5 meters and width of 205 centimeters. Four machine gunners, a mechanic, an electrician, an electrician/mechanic, a driver, a main gun gunner, a loader, a commander, and a radio operator. The minimum speed was 2 km/h (1.24 mph). Their military value slowly decreased as more advanced tanks were developed throughout the 1920s and 1930s. Despite the end of hostilities, however, strong political pressure to adopt new heavy tank projects remained, as there was now a considerable surplus capacity in the heavy industry. In addition to its primary weapon, there were four 8 mm Hotchkiss Mle 1914 machine guns. When the war ended, not a single tank had been built. These 69 ton gaints where designed during WW1 and where used during WW2 as propaganda tools by the french describing them as invincible gaints These tanks where hastly sended to the south when the germans invaded france. The Char 2C was developed during WW1 but was never deployed during that war. In December 1917 the first prototype, the FCM 1A, was ready to be shown to an investigating commission. French super heavy tank Char 2C number 99 Champagne, Meuse 1940 (ex 51e Bataillon de Chars Lourds) Twelve people were required to man the tank. It resembled a scaled-down Char 2C, the giant tank produced by the same company. Meanwhile, Estienne and Pétain complicated the issue with further demands. One prototype was completed. The turret was a truncated cone with a roof sloping down to the front, so that in side view its profile was wedge-shaped. Frontal hull armor was 30 millimeters thick, tapering to 22-millimeter side armor. At the time, French industry was very active in lobbying for defence orders, using their connections with high-placed officials and officers to obtain commissions; development contracts could be very profitable even when not resulting in actual production, as they were fully paid for by the state. The front turret, made of 35 mm plates, was placed so high that its crew had to climb into it by means of a ladder, sitting on seats suspended from the turret roof and operating on an elevated level compared to the hull machine gunners below. Due to engine unreliability, two mechanics were constantly on hand to attend to the engines should a breakdown occur. It had a very heavy gun for the time, and thick armor—but suffered from extremely low power output, which significantly hindered the tank’s cross-country ability. General Philippe Pétain, the new High Commander of the French Army, asked Estienne to use his position to end the project. Four machine gunners, a mechanic, an electrician, an electrician/mechanic, a driver, a main gun gunner, a loader, a commander, and a radio operator. This was the Char 2C. [4] That his fears were not unfounded became apparent when in November Mourret tried to obstruct further development of the Renault FT, arguing that all available resources should be concentrated into heavy tank production. Like the British heavy tanks of World War I fame, the Char 2C was intended to cross enemy trenches, crush barbed wire, and resist enemy small arms and artillery. Char 2C "Champagne" - posted in Armored Vehicle History: The char 2C. The latter concept gave birth to huge the FMC F1, … Estienne told Pétain that this was ill-advised while the public was questioning why these heavy tanks had not been produced. In many ways it was remarkable. Main armament. A plan by Breton to immediately order fifty vehicles more or less identical to the mock-up was therefore rejected. In this configuration, weighing about 75 tons, the Lorraine had at that time the thickest armour of any operational tank, and is probably still the heaviest operational tank ever. Correctly concluding that no such deliveries would materialise, on 23 January 1917 he ordered that French tanks should be developed that were faster, and more powerfully armed and armoured than any British vehicle. Further Reading. The Char 2C is the only super-heavy tank ever to attain operational status – a super-heavy tank is not simply a tank that is very heavy but one that has been deliberately made much heavier than regular tanks of its period. CHAR 2C HP: 20,000 Crew Count: 11 < > 33 Comments chillvortigan Dec 29, 2020 @ 2:58pm DAMN BOI HE THICCC noelcocac Nov 15, 2020 @ 6:29pm A7V. [2] The design was presented to the Consultative Committee of the Assault Artillery on 16 and 17 January 1917, after the basic concept had been approved on 30 December. Between the engines on the left and right side of the hull ran a tall corridor, allowing two electricians standing upright to constantly attend the complex apparatus. The assistant-mechanic was seated to the front right of the rear fighting compartment, on top of an escape hatch, and the radio operator was seated at the front left.[9]. Already on 30 December, minister of munitions Louis Loucheur had thought that France "hadn't a minute to lose" and suggested to Président du Conseil Georges Clemenceau to spend fifty million French francs to construct a hundred FCM 1As, the first fifteen to be delivered from July 1918 onwards, in order to have a strength of eighty vehicles on 31 December. Made of 22 millimetre plates Lloyd George to deliver some Mark I tank in the Battlefield 1, introduced the. Nearly thirteen and a half feet tall French people now became curious as to the front and sides one! By Pierre Renaudel length of 6.5 metres and width of 2.05 metres down the... Powerful and influential enemy of their own national tank projects were highly secret, and thereby shielded public! Puts Char 2C '' on Pinterest truncated cone with a stroboscopic cupola, adopted from the Char 2C was ordered! Sluices in northern France the side to 65 mm out through the side doors in December Joffre replaced. 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