john 3:17 sermon

But how much more reason is there that our affections should be strained to the highest pitch of joy and thanks, when we hear of the proclamation of the peace of conscience? Sermon John 3:1-17 Losing Your Religion Check out these helpful resources Biblical Commentary Childern's Sermons Hymn Lists John 3:1-17 Losing Your Religion By The Rev. Second Sunday in Lent, March 19/20, 2011 Washington Memorial Chapel, Valley Forge, PA + … How it was effected. Thomas, D. D.Christianity is built on facts; those facts are connected with the history of a Person; that Person is the Son of God. Brewin. Sermon John 3:1-17 Faith for the Common Man. If you do not have a Bible you can understand we have one for you in the back, and if you’ve already picked one of those Bibles up you’ll find John 3 on page 518. Healing for all your wounds. How it speeds when it comes to Christ. Are we unbelievers? J. Parry.I. More than seven hundred persons that day found a watery grave. When the Prince of Heaven comes into this world He can tell us the nature of His mission. To what faith looks.1. The light here referred to is Christ (John 1:9; John 8:12).1. (2) They are not afraid of the light (Ephesians 5:8-13).Lessons —1. J. Parry.I. THE SATISFACTORY DECLARATION. Scripture: John 3:31–36. It is not that the unbeliever shall be condemned, he is actually so. GOD SENT HIS SON INTO THE WORLD.1. How it speeds when it comes to Christ. This is not an absolute preference. THE GROUND OF FAITH. To what faith looks.1. This is the greatest fact in the history of the world, perhaps of the universe. The light here referred to is Christ (John 1:9; John 8:12).1. Are we unbelievers? Rowing with all his might into the midst of the struggling passengers, he pulled several of them one after another into his little boat, which was now full and in danger of sinking, and prepared to row away. L. God sent His Son into the world NOT TO CONDEMN IT. Pardon for all your guilt. WHAT THE TEXT EXCLUDES — the unbeliever.(C. It is not that the unbeliever shall be condemned, he is actually so. HOW IS THAT INTENTION TO BE FULFILLED? How sad that condemnation should be the portion of those who occupy a position so near salvation. Of the conduct of those who came to the light. But —4. (2) It is a step further when we believe Him. (3) This is especially seen in redemption. H. Spurgeon.I. (4)Or by our originating holy emotions of repentance and love. A complete justification, not half condemned and half accepted.4. This fact implies —(1) Separateness of existence. Others that they will have no more conflicts.3. Rowing with all his might into the midst of the struggling passengers, he pulled several of them one after another into his little boat, which was now full and in danger of sinking, and prepared to row away. "Don't leave me, sir!" Comfort for all your troubles.(T. Negatively. How many make a mistake about this and think they are to believe in God the Father! Not because there is no merit for them in Christ's mediation.3. )Regeneration -- faith the instrumental causeA. Now He finds out His chosen and calls them apart, and on the other hand unbelievers are discovered. This image is custom made, and has no image licensing restrictions and is free for you to distribute. A form of saving faith. A complete justification, not half condemned and half accepted.4. )The mission of Christ is plainD. This is not an absolute preference. (3)As dying and dead. )No condemnationC. What it means when it comes. (5)Knowing all this, God requires only that we should believe on His Son. (2) Subordination of existence. THE ESSENTIALNESS OF FAITH.1. Because He sent His Son to die for our sins. Spurgeon.)FaithC. (1)As God. Yet a course of conduct that would be deemed the grossest folly physically is followed by thousands spiritually.2. (1) Some believe concerning Him that He is the Messiah, the Saviour of men. The Man Who Came By Night – John 3: 1-17. Shall it fail? Browse Sermons on John 3:16-17. 2. Spencer. And he claims that God is with Jesus because otherwise, Jesus wouldn’t be able to do what he does. Healing for all your wounds. L. Moody.You can understand when the Prince of Wales went to America, all the country was excited, and it was said be had come for this purpose and that purpose. H. Spurgeon.I. De Witt Talmage, D. D.I remember when Master Street Hospital, in Philadelphia, was opened during the war, a telegram came, saying, "There will be three hundred wounded men to-night; be ready to take care of them"; and from my church there went in some twenty or thirty men and women to look after these poor wounded fellows. Moody. Others that they will be free from trials.4. It constitutes the great epoch in the annals of the race.II. Whitelaw, D. D.)The essence of the gospelC. But if you will have a better story, take that of the Jews, who, when at first they heard of Cyrus' proclamation, and that the Lord thereby had turned the captivity of Sion, they confess that, at the first hearing of it, they were like men that dreamed; but afterwards their mouths were filled with laughter and their tongues with singing. ITS NEGLECT BY SOME. Because of all the treatment His other messengers had received. Healing for all your wounds. CORRECT SOME MISAPPRENENSIONS BY WHICH CHRISTIANS ARE CAST DOWN.1. Among the brave efforts that were made on that occasion to save the drowning people, one of the noblest was made by a man who was in charge of a small boat at some distance from the scene of the collision. Last Sunday, we saw our need of courage for Christ. He knew that there was something to this Jesus guy, and early on in John, he came to Jesus at night. Some think they shall never sin again.2. (3)As dying and dead. Whitelaw, D. D.)The essence of the gospelC. Some men regard the world as saved, contrary to Scripture and universal experience.2. (3) Arbitration. THE SATISFACTORY DECLARATION. H. Spurgeon.I. Rowing with all his might into the midst of the struggling passengers, he pulled several of them one after another into his little boat, which was now full and in danger of sinking, and prepared to row away. II. He says, "I plead guilty." But when he saw the white, upturned faces of many others, and heard their piteous cries, "Oh, save me, sir!" Which, of course, in true Jesus fashion, he neither confirms or denies. Others that the Father's countenance will always be clear. Thomas, D. D.)Christ the Saviour of even the worst of sinnersNauden.He does not exclude the greatest sinners when they come to Him, but on the contrary He gives them His first attention, as a surgeon who has been called to a field of battle to dress the wounded always first goes to the most desperate cases.(Nauden. In this sermon the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven and Pentecost are intertwined in an attempt to reveal the full working of the Holy Trinity in the plan of salvation. THE SATISFACTORY DECLARATION. An effectual justification.II. What is salvation? The light here referred to is Christ (John 1:9; John 8:12).1. "Truly the light is sweet," etc. This is not an absolute preference. )He that believeth on Him is not condemnedPreliminary judgmentsT. (2)Because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.(A. WHAT THE TEXT INCLUDES — the believer.IV. Following the turning of water into wine, the narrator says, “This beginning of his signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him” (2:11). Between the two is a deep gulf. He is not condemned, because he does not offer himself for judgment. Brewin.In September, 1878, a dreadful accident happened on the Thames, when an excursion steamer, named the Princess Alice was cut down by the Bywell Castle, an outward bound merchant steamship. Some men regard the world as saved, contrary to Scripture and universal experience.2. The law says, you die because of this, and that, and this. But how much more reason is there that our affections should be strained to the highest pitch of joy and thanks, when we hear of the proclamation of the peace of conscience? They suppose that something difficult is required. What is salvation? Not so. THE STARTLING PHENOMENON. Not because there is no merit for them in Christ's mediation.3. (1) They have a natural affinity for it (John 18:37). Because the sinner will not believe. Of the behaviour of those who come not to the light. ITS NEGLECT BY SOME. Men are voluntarily in the state indicated by darkness. Believing Him to be God's Christ, it follows as a matter of course that we accept His word as true; but this is not a state of salvation. These no philosophy has yet reconciled to the doctrine of Divine Unity.2. )The mission of Christ is plainD. Christ is the sole object of the sinner's faith. 1 John 3:17–19. Other distinctions, riches and poverty, etc., sink into insignificance.I. This fact implies —(1) Separateness of existence. An effectual justification.II. Not because the Holy Spirit might have breathed upon them, but has not. (4)Or by our originating holy emotions of repentance and love. 18 He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. How are we to believe? 13:26, 27). But faith is identical with that implicit unquestioning confidence a person ordinarily exercises almost unconsciously in relation to almost everything he appropriates to his use: the food he eats, the garment he wears, the medicine he takes, the bridge he crosses, the train by which he travels.2. Others that the Father's countenance will always be clear. How?1. "Don't leave me, sir!" J. Parry.I. By The Rev. In this duty he fails. Is not that enough to condemn him?3. CORRECT SOME MISAPPRENENSIONS BY WHICH CHRISTIANS ARE CAST DOWN.1. This is not an absolute preference. Spurgeon. He rejects the testimony of God concerning Christ. H. Retail: $39.99. L. Moody.You can understand when the Prince of Wales went to America, all the country was excited, and it was said be had come for this purpose and that purpose. But if you will have a better story, take that of the Jews, who, when at first they heard of Cyrus' proclamation, and that the Lord thereby had turned the captivity of Sion, they confess that, at the first hearing of it, they were like men that dreamed; but afterwards their mouths were filled with laughter and their tongues with singing. 19).2. This was enough, for he who apprehends believingly the work of Christ as the ground of his justification will not fail to experience it as a regenerative power. More than seven hundred persons that day found a watery grave. )He that believeth on Him is not condemnedPreliminary judgmentsT. This was enough, for he who apprehends believingly the work of Christ as the ground of his justification will not fail to experience it as a regenerative power. Men are not unbelievers by compulsion. Not because the Holy Spirit might have breathed upon them, but has not. (1) Have you realized by a true exercise of faith verses 13 and 15? This is not what might have been expected.1. THE WARRANT OF FAITH. The judicial separation of mankind into two classes, the believing and the unbelieving, the workers of evil and doers of good (vers. The Incarnation does not seem essential to judge and punish. WHAT THE TEXT INCLUDES — the believer.IV. At the appearing of Christ (ver. To what faith looks.1. It is not that the unbeliever shall be condemned, he is actually so. But Jesus basically teases him, he asks how anyone else is going to understand if a guy with the Jewish PhD doesn’t get it. Men are voluntarily in the state indicated by darkness. Brewin.In September, 1878, a dreadful accident happened on the Thames, when an excursion steamer, named the Princess Alice was cut down by the Bywell Castle, an outward bound merchant steamship. 20), because it is congenial to the works in which they delight (Ephesians 5:11; Proverbs 2:13; Psalm 82:5); to themselves as children of darkness.

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