neurotoxicity chemotherapy symptoms

22 Patients may also develop acute confusion in the absence of cerebellar signs, which may … Neurotoxicity with chemotherapy is common and second only to myelosuppression as a reason to limit dosing. Relationships marked “L” indicate leadership positions. Filed under Hematology, Oncology and Palliative Medicine. Different from chemotherapy with curative intent, cancer-targeted drugs also are used as continuous administration after treatment response, and maintenance therapy can be continued in cases of tumor progression to prevent uncontrolled growth. Although treatment with steroids has been advocated, this syndrome is frequently self-limiting and patients usually recover completely over the course of several weeks without specific therapy. Moreover, the markedly different perception of CIPN severity using physician-assessed measures (e.g., the widely used National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria [NCI-CTC] adverse events scale and the more comprehensive Total Neuropathy Score, clinical version) or patient-reported outcome measures (e.g., the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer [EORTC] QLQ-C30 and CIPN20 modules) is emerging very clearly. Cancer.Net, Patients report problems with memory retrieval, learning, and concentration, which may persist after treatment has finished or never fully resolve.1 The incidence of acute problems during treatment ranges from 15% to 70%, with 50% of patients in one study identifying persistent problems a year after treatment.2 Cross-sectional studies also suggest persistent cognitive dysfunction in 20% to 30% of patients 2 to 10 years posttreatment.3,4. Travel, Accommodations, Expenses: Guido Cavaletti, Biogen Idec, Merck Serono. The neuropathy tends to be predominantly sensory in nature, with a glove and stocking distribution. In this clinical setting, a formal trial (the CI-PeriNomS study) demonstrated the actual reliability of physician-assessed and patient-reported outcome measures in patients with stable CIPN. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window), Presurgical Functional MappingAndrew C. Papanicolaou, Roozbeh Rezaie, Shalini Narayana, Marina Kilintari, Asim F. Choudhri, Frederick A. Boop, and James W. Wheless, the Child With SeizureDon K. Mathew and Lawrence D. Morton, and Pharmacologic Consequences of SeizuresShilpa D. Kadam and Michael V. Johnston, Self-Limited EpilepsiesDouglas R. Nordli, Jr., Colin D. Ferrie, and Chrysostomos P. Panayiotopoulos, in Epilepsy: A Network and Neurodevelopmental PerspectiveRaman Sankar and Edward C. Cooper, Hematology, Oncology and Palliative Medicine. Research Funding: Paola Marmiroli, Merck Serono (I). A study of 1,425 patients with cancer who had different malignancies demonstrated that patients often underreported their symptoms to health-care providers;51 when a comparison was performed between the hospital notes and the patient interviews, the data did not correspond for the majority of the patients.44 With specific reference to CIPN, moderate/severe symptoms were reported by 29% of patients, whereas symptoms of any severity were reported by only 12% of patients according to the hospital notes that referred to follow-up visits. The final aim of these investigations is to offer patients with cancer the possibility to be treated with affordable neurotoxicity or, at least, to provide them effective treatments. The ECOG criteria are organized in a similar manner with a scale from 0 to 4 and can be viewed at Paola Marmiroli, Shire (I), Acetylon Pharmaceuticals (I), Methys (I). In Table 2, examples regarding the possible peripheral neurotoxic effect of cancer-targeted drugs are reported. Although the literature evidence is still limited and data are somewhat inconsistent, PNS toxicity has been described. Speakers' Bureau: None. Cancer patients have frequently recognized decreased cognitive function (“chemo-brain”) during chemotherapy, which, in the past, was attributed by their physicians to stress or depression. Neurotoxicity occurs when the exposure to natural or manmade toxic substances (neurotoxicants) alters the normal activity of the nervous system. Anticancer chemotherapy can permanently damage both the central and the peripheral nervous systems, but the mechanism(s) of this toxicity is largely unknown. Other studies have also postulated that changes in adenosine,101 homocysteine,102,103 or biopterin104, Neuro-Oncology Blue Books of Neurology Series. Apart from dose reduction or discontinuing the drugs implicated in the development of neurotoxicity, there is very little in the way of specific pharmacological management to reverse their side effects. Additionally, as more patients survive long term, late neurological side effects are becoming increasingly recognized, such as impaired cognitive function and/or dementia. Epub 2018 Nov 22. Finally, the long-term course and reversibility of symptoms and signs have very rarely been investigated so far.4–9. Several of these targeted drugs are now used routinely. Recent studies report a desire among patients for better information and support related to long-term/persistent treatment-related toxicities as well as greater awareness of these side effects among health care providers.53. The alterations in the normal activity of the nervous system result in the damage. The availability of large registries of patients with cancer who were carefully observed—such as the Patient-Reported Outcomes Following Initial Treatment and Long-Term Evaluation of Survivorship (PROFILES) registry—has allowed investigations on the persistence of CIPN-related long-term effects in several cancer types and, therefore, on the relationship existing with different treatments. Intrathecal chemotherapy is administered either as part of a lumbar puncture procedure or into the ventricles, via an Ommaya reservoir.6 The drugs most commonly used are cytarabine, methotrexate, and hydrocortisone; they may be given singly, sequentially, or together as “triple therapy.” Symptoms usually arise after multiple cycles of therapy and include both spinal cord and nerve root signs. Metabolic abnormalities associated with the development of encephalopathy include widespread reduction in glucose utilization and protein synthesis,99 which are reversible by replacing depleted folate stores with the administration of leucovorin.100 Leucovorin is now given routinely following high-dose methotrexate (folinic acid rescue). Symptoms such as sensory ataxia, pain, and severe numbness can be disabling, and interfere with functional ability and quality of life. Patients with CIPN can experience negative (i.e., impairment in touch, pin and vibration perception, sensory ataxia with imbalance and falls) as well as positive (i.e., paresthesias/dysesthesias, neuropathic pain) symptoms. Patients most at risk are those with impaired renal function, low serum albumin, pelvic tumors, and previous exposure to cisplatin.88 The risk of encephalopathy varies with route of administration. More rarely, motor, autonomic, or cranial nerve involvement also can be observed. Jordi Bruna. Because at least two of the three negative studies had substantial methodological flaws, the overall conclusion drawn from the review is that CIPN is very likely to be negatively associated with QoL in cancer survivors. To achieve a better understanding of chemotherapy-induced neurotoxicity, accurate preclinical studies might provide very useful suggestions, but the translation of their results into the clinical setting is sometimes difficult. Advertisers, Journal of Clinical Oncology On the clinical side, a very important contribution to better knowledge of cancer treatment–related neurotoxicity could come from a more homogeneous, reliable, and systematic collection of the clinical data of treated patients. However, the most recent cancer-targeted drugs also are not completely safe.6 The peripheral neurotoxicity of both conventional and targeted compounds will be treated separately. Currently there are few therapies able to prevent neurological toxicity preemptively. Symptoms range from mild to severe. However, the same demonstration is still missing for the responsiveness to changes during treatment and the clinical meaningfulness of these changes. [1] Headache, encephalopathy, cortical peripheral neurotoxicity and central neurotoxicity blindness, focal deficits, stroke and seizures have all Ifosfamide induced encephalopathy Symptoms: disorientation, hallucination, catatonia, seizures and gradually worsening sensorium lapsing into coma circulatory collapse and death The risk of development advanced age, hepatic dysfunction, impaired renal function, oral use of ifosfamide and concomitant use of other central nervous systems depressants Jain S, 2001 x very active metabolism … TAPUR Study, Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Institutional relationships are marked “Inst.” Relationships marked “U” are uncompensated. The frequency, severity, and time course of CIPN can be very variable. Long-surviving or cured people strongly require a high level of wellness in addition to prolongation of life (the concept of the quality of survival), but neurologic dysfunction can severely affect daily life activities. A number of trials have investigated the benefits of agents such as calcium-magnesium infusions, carbamazepine, gabapentin, amifostine, and glutathione.7,35–52 However, the trials are small studies and no specific prophylaxis can be routinely recommended. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. Identifying signs and symptoms of cancer treatment-related neurotoxicity is a critical piece of every oncology nurse’s role. Neurotoxicity is not that simple. Mols et al performed a systematic review of the available literature and found 11 studies that assessed the relationship that exists between CIPN and QoL.45 Eight of these studies reported an association, whereas three failed to observe any association between CIPN and QoL. Neurotoxic side effects of chemotherapy occur frequently and are often a reason to limit the dose of chemotherapy. Consulting or Advisory Role: Guido Cavaletti, Shire Pharmaceuticals. Thrombosis typically occurs within the dural sinuses and cerebral veins, leading to secondary hemorrhage or infarction.67 Patients present with a range of symptoms from mild headache to coma and death, which are caused by rapid increases in intracranial pressure. More rarely, patients can develop inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, mononeuritis multiplex, or neuronal damage due to opportunistic infections such as CMV and HZV. Patients most at risk are children, those who have received previous cranial radiotherapy, or those receiving concomitant intravenous and intrathecal therapy. In rarer situations, this can be due to paraneoplastic syndromes, which tend to have a subacute onset and may be associated with the presence of antineuronal antibodies. JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics It is more common after oral administration, and is also more frequent with short intravenous infusion durations.89–91 The mechanism of toxicity is unclear but may be related to accumulation of metabolites such as chloracetaldehyde and chloro- ethylamine, which deplete intracellular glutathione and NAD and impair mitochondrial electron transport.92 Methylene blue, 300 mg IV in 6 divided doses, is used in the treatment of ifosfamide-induced encephalopathy and 50 mg IV qds may be given prophylatically.93–96 It is thought to act primarily as an alternative electron acceptor restoring mitochondrial respiratory chain function, but may also oxidate NADH and inhibits plasma monoamine oxidases. Cyclosporine neurotoxicity can occur in 1 in 10 patients after liver transplantation. This can eventually disrupt or even kill neurons, key cells that transmit and process signals in the brain and other parts of the nervous system. Currently there are few therapies able to prevent neurological toxicity preemptively. Neurotoxicity is rare, but may include acute cerebellar dysfunction in 3% to 7% of patients, causing gait ataxia, nystagmus, and scanning speech. About Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neurotoxicity (CIPN) is a common, potentially severe and dose-limiting adverse effect of cancer treatment; however, the effects of CIPN on the daily life of individuals are not completely understood. 54, 55 Symptoms tend to resolve spontaneously within a few days of treatment cessation although administration of thiamine may be helpful. A different analysis confirmed that symptoms more frequently reported were tingling in toes and feet (30%), numbness in toes and feet (19%), tingling hands or fingers (15%), and burning or shooting pain in toes or feet (13%).42 Dose-intensity was not associated with a worse neurologic outcome, although it was related to the oxaliplatin cumulative dose, and this association also occurred for trouble in standing or walking. The patients most at risk are those receiving a high cumulative dose or intensive schedule, particularly if there is a preexisting condition such as diabetes mellitus, hereditary neuropathy, or multiple sclerosis.31 Previous radiotherapy may also increase the risk of developing neurotoxicity if patients are subsequently treated with cisplatin or methotrexate.32,33. Neurotoxicitypoisoning of the brain and nervous systemis a well-documented effect of exposure to many widely used chemicals, yet doctors (and lawyers) often fail to recognize it. Central nervous system toxicity occurs in approximately 10% to 20% of patients receiving ifosfamide, who present with personality changes, confusion, hallucinations, stupor, and coma. Relationships are considered self-held and compensated unless otherwise noted. 2019 Feb;98(2):240-249. doi: 10.1111/aogs.13477. Symptoms are likely to begin in your toes but can move to your feet, legs, hands, and arms. A dying-back process that starts from distal nerve endings and is followed by disturbed axonal flow has been demonstrated in models of CIPN associated with taxanes.19 However, macrophage activation in both the DRG and the peripheral nerve, and microglial activation within the spinal cord, also have been demonstrated.20 In an animal study, paclitaxel-induced swelling and vacuolation of axonal mitochondria in A and C fibers was demonstrated.21, Competition studies with paclitaxel demonstrated that epothilones might act on the same or on an overlapping binding site on tubulin. depending on the chemotherapy. Conquer Cancer Foundation On this basis, it is likely that taxanes and epothilones share the same mechanism of damage.11, Vinca alkaloid neurotoxicity is probably related to their ability to inhibit microtubule functions and disrupt the cytoskeleton.11 In neurons, vinca alkaloids prevent tubulin polymerization from soluble dimers into microtubules, which leads to axonal swelling and alteration of the axonal transport.22 The different affinity for tubulin shown by vinca alkaloid compounds (vincristine affinity > vinblastine > vinorelbine > vinflunine) might explain the distinct neurotoxic profile of these drugs.11, DRG neurons, satellite cells, and nerve fibers also are targets of bortezomib toxicity.23,24 In animal models, bortezomib causes a severe DRG neuronal dysfunction that not only inhibits proteasome activity but also alters transcription, nuclear processing and transport, and cytoplasmic translation of mRNA.25 In the peripheral nerves, histopathologic and neurophysiologic findings demonstrate a dose-dependent damage of B and C fibers with abnormal vesicular inclusion bodies in unmyelinated axons.23,24 Mitochondrial and endoplasmic reticulum damage and dysregulation of neurotrophins, caused by either activation of the mitochondrial-based apoptotic pathway or inhibition of the transcription of factors necessary for neuron survival, also have been reported.26 Recently, increased tubulin polymeration has been demonstrated in cultured DRG neurons and in animal models.27,28, Despite the evident neurotoxic effects of thalidomide,29 no convincing pathogenetic explanation for thalidomide neurotoxicity has been provided, and its more recent and highly active derivatives lenalidomide and pomalidomide are definitely less neurotoxic.30, At the moment, no effective preventive or curative strategy is available for the treatment of CIPN, as documented by a systematic Cochrane review of platinum drugs.31 A focused American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) expert panel extended this review substantially to the other neurotoxic drugs, with the same disappointing results.32. Patients with HIV-related malignancies are also at increased risk of cytotoxic-induced neuropathy, since both HIV and the drugs used to treat it (highly active antiretroviral therapy, or HAART) can cause neurological damage independently.34 Distal sensory neuropathy is the commonest form of HIV-associated neuropathy and can be difficult to distinguish from that caused by specific nucleoside antiretrovirals. The relationship existing between patients with cancer and their health-care providers is somewhat complex. Methylene blue is used for ifosfamide-induced encephalopathy and infusional calcium with magnesium may lessen the severity of established peripheral neuropathy due to oxaliplatin. To overcome some of these problems, a transition to rationally designed, molecularly targeted drugs, which aims at a much more specific effect on cancer cells and a sparing of normal tissues, has occurred in chemotherapy. The first methodological study designed to address this relevant issue has been reported recently,4 and marked differences in perceptions of CIPN by patients versus by treating physicians have been demonstrated.14 These apparently conflicting results actually represent two sides of the same coin, and they should always be coupled in the planning and interpretation of any study devoted to CIPN investigation or treatment. The diagnosis of drug-induced encephalopathy is typically one of exclusion. A survey fielded in 2009 and recently published revealed that long-term CIPN induced by paclitaxel was recognized by only 27% of primary care physician and the percentage was even lower (22%) for oxaliplatin-treated cancer survivors.52 These results are not surprising, because no specific education and training are provided outside the oncology and neurology fields to recognize CIPN. The previously accepted paradigm that CIPN, in nearly all cases, is a reversible clinical condition has recently been challenged by several studies performed mainly in patients with breast, colorectal, and ovarian cancer, in which the use of neurotoxic drugs is frequent and survival for greater than 5 years is increasingly frequent. Anticancer chemotherapy can permanently damage both the central and the peripheral nervous systems, but the mechanism(s) of this toxicity is largely unknown. Reviewers The imaging appearances are characteristic and show symmetrical restricted diffusion on diffusion-weighted imaging, even when the T2-weighted sequences appear normal (Figure 16-1). Oxaliplatin is an integral part of chemotherapy for colorectal cancer (CRC) in the adjuvant and metastatic setting. 54, 55 Symptoms tend to resolve spontaneously within a few days of treatment cessation although administration of thiamine may be helpful. As it will be discussed later in more detail, it is now clear that CIPN-related signs and symptoms may be long lasting or even permanent. In patients with CIPN who are treated with platinum drugs, a peculiar temporal pattern can be observed, which is represented by symptoms that worsen months after chemotherapy suspension—the so-called coasting phenomenon. Chemotherapy-induced neurotoxicity is difficult to prevent and treat. Neurotoxicity is a dose-limiting side effect of many different agents used in chemotherapy treatments; in particular, platinum drugs, including oxaliplatin, are associated with neurotoxicity. Abstract. Onset usually occurs during administration of a multi-day regimen, particularly above a cumulative dose of 36 g/m2 and generally resolves rapidly once cytarabine is withdrawn.8,9,14 However, toxicity may be permanent once more than 8% to 20% of Purkinje cells have been lost.8 Acute encephalopathy is also common, presenting with somnolence or seizures. Enter words / phrases / DOI / ISBN / authors / keywords / etc. 40% of patients receiving chemotherapy and depends on the type of cytotoxic drug, the duration of administration, cumulative dose and pre-existing peripheral neuropathy.2-7 Symptoms are predominantly sensory, but the neurotoxicity also appears as a sensory-motor neuropathy and occasionally it will be accompanied by dysfunction of e553-e560. MRI scanning reveals diffuse high-intensity lesions within the central matter on T2-weighting that may be reversible.18 The encephalopathy should rapidly resolve entirely on stopping cytarabine; however, damage may be permanent and progress to leukoencephalopathy in a minority of patients, usually those with preexisting organ dysfunction or neurological problems.8 Less commonly, optic neuropathy, anosmia, and an incompletely reversible myelopathy have been reported.14 As with methotrexate, the intrathecal administration of cytarabine may cause ascending myelitis.8,79–81 There have also been case reports of sensory peripheral neuropathy following cytarabine exposure.82, Etoposide, a topoisomerase II inhibitor used in treatment of hematological, lung, ovarian, and testicular cancers,69 causes very little neurotoxicity, although at very high doses there have been reports of peripheral neuropathy, headache, seizures, and somnolence, in bone marrow transplant recipients and patients with malignant gliomas.83,84, Neurotoxicity with the antimetabolite fludarabine is uncommon, but somnolence, acute encephalopathy, and chronic leukoencephalopathy progressing to coma and death have all been reported.85. It may cause cerebrovascular accidents during the first few weeks of its administration. Acute neurotoxicity symptoms, most commonly cold-induced paraesthesiae and jaw or throat tightness, were reported by all patients treated with oxaliplatin (n = 22) and none of those treated with carboplatin plus paclitaxel or cisplatin (n = 6). To this aim, a virtuous alliance among patients and treating physicians is needed. There is no universal grading system for the evaluation of patients with neurological toxicity although two neurotoxicity scoring systems are frequently used: NCI-CTC 3 (National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria version 3) and ECOG (Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group). ASCO Meetings Expert Testimony: None. ASCO Career Center Histologically, these patches contain an intense inflammatory infiltration with demyelination but axonal sparing. In the axons, microtubule disruption can lead to interference in axonal transport, which eventually affects the integrity of sensory neurons. When the brain is exposed to toxic- either natural or artificial- it alters the normal activities of the nervous system, which is called neurotoxicity. No effective treatments are available for alleviating persistent symptoms of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neurotoxicity. Cytarabine and 5-fluorouracil are the cytotoxics most likely to cause cerebellar dysfunction including truncal ataxia, gait disturbance, and ataxia.8,14,21,22 Acutely, the MRI tends to be normal, but subsequent scans may show chronic atrophy due to irreversible Purkinje cell loss.15–18. Examples of Peripheral Neurotoxicity of Targeted Agents Used in Cancer Therapy. Results from the population-based PROFILES registry, Carcinoma of the ovary. The painful symptoms associated with chemotherapy-induced neurotoxicity can impact efficacy due to dose reduction or lead to … Improvement in surgery and the use of multimodal therapies in patients with ovarian cancer has allowed clinicians to achieve a 5-year survival rate of greater than 40% in this population.43 In a study performed with a cohort of 116 patients with ovarian cancer, investigated at a median of 501 days after the end of treatment, 62% of the 100 responders reported the presence of peripheral neuropathy (according to EORTC questionnaires), and 29% defined them as significant intensity.44. Neurological side effects are a common complication following chemotherapy, and can adversely affect clinical management of the cancer patient. Acupuncture is effective for the prevention of neurotoxicity caused by oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy. The recognition of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neurotoxicity is simple, if education is provided and a … The administration of brentuximab vedotin can be associated with a dose-dependent peripheral neuropathy that can limit prolonged administration of the drug. In addition to the immune-mediated effect on the PNS, clinical pictures compatible with classical CIPN also have been described with cancer-targeted drugs. Acute encephalopathy is associated with the administration of high-dose methotrexate (>3 mg/m2) and is characterized by somnolence, confusion, and seizures.98 Other symptoms include emotional lability and alternating hemiparesis, giving rise to the misdiagnosis of a functional disorder. The symptoms of brain injury from exposure to hazards like lead paint and toxic chemicals vary widely. Its neurotoxicity is thought to stem from widespread disruption of various metabolic pathways in the brain and can be acute or chronic. This is mostly because of the less efficient blood–nervous system barrier in the PNS, namely at the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) level, which allows easy access to nerve fibers and neurons. Patients report problems with memory retrieval, learning, and concentration, which may persist after treatment has finished or never fully resolve. A number of trials have investigated the benefits of agents such as calcium-magnesium infusions, carbamazepine, gabapentin, amifostine, and glutathione. Elderly patients with primary CNS lymphoma should be informed about these risks; it should also be considered by the treating oncologists whether these patients can be treated with reduced-dose WBRT or avoid WBRT altogether after-high dose methotrexate. Leukoencephalopathy may follow on from acute encephalopathy, but may also be the first indication of neurotoxicity several months to years after administration of cytotoxic drugs. 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