what is customer service interview question

Since I'm so passionate about the work that you do here, I know I would do well helping customers with any questions they have.". 17) Tell me about time how you helped your previous company to increase revenues? This is another great opportunity to share an anecdote from a past position if you have one. Since it shows your previous experience and ability to navigate tough situations. ", Related: 9 Ways to Provide Excellent Customer Service. At the same time, they should still be able to deliver a great experience that maintains or exceeds the customer's expectations. Example: "At my last job, my peers nicknamed me "Smiley" because I try to smile as much as possible. Good answers are honest, but polite. One of the many responsibilities of a customer service representative is handling complaints from unhappy customers. Here is a little preview. Example: "In a past position, I didn't understand how to use the provided headset, but it embarrassed me to ask for help. I'm a very quick learner and would be happy to train on other programs to grow my skillset and better perform the job.". They want to see how you think about the position and the customer. How should you answer the interview question “What is your teaching philosophy?” Here are several tips and examples to help you prepare. Candidates should be able to tell their story in an engaging way, convey what they needed from the customer service experience, and where the organization fell short. Be sure to pay attention to what they say they wish the outcome would've been as well as this will tell a lot about a candidate. Example: "I would love to work as a manager in this company in the next five years. Once a candidate knows that you will be asking for an introduction to their current or former boss, they will be far less likely to embellish their achievements. The candidate might not jump at the chance to connect you with their current boss if they're looking for other opportunities, but they should be ready and willing to connect you to a prior manager or mentor listed on their resume. Example: "For me, customer service is the act of providing the customer with the support they need to make purchasing decisions, understand the product or seek guidance from the company. Customer service job interview questions. Example: "If a customer came to me stating that the zipper on their bag broke after a week, and the company was aware of the zipper issue, I would start by apologizing profusely. Hiring managers want to know what your career ambitions are. The best customer success managers really want to prove themselves. What was the outcome? Free interview details posted anonymously by TTEC interview candidates. Effective written and oral communication skills are key in a customer-facing role, and a good "answer" will be clearly-written, without jargon, and without sounding like a robot. In order to have a successful interview, it's vital that applicants prepare ahead of time. When I take the time to truly listen and understand their point of view, it helps me problem-solve much better, and it helps the customer see that the company cares about them.". Marketing automation software. Example: "I think the skills great customer service representatives most commonly have are strong communication, positivity and problem-solving. Example: "I love this company. How could it have gone better? Why did you get into customer service, and where do you see your career advancing in the next 5 years? At its core, this question is asking why you’re interested in customer service. This is particularly useful when interviewing a customer service rep, where being able to explain step-by-step processes is an essential part of the job. If you don't have any experience working with specific programs, discuss your ability to learn and openness to training. Be honest about your trajectory and thoughtful about how this position will support your career goals when you answer. In your interview clearly express your knowledge of what needs to be done to provide excellent customer service and highlight your customer service skills. Customer support specialists can't win them all. Review this list of 15 questions and answers to help you prepare for your next interview. A mediocre candidate will talk about how irrational the customer on this case was, or how frustrating they were to resolve the issue with. Creating a customer-centric, high performing customer service organization always starts with hiring great people. I tried to figure it out on my own and ended up missing important instructions. Now, if I was faced with a similar issue, I would immediately ask for help so that I could begin my work successfully.". You're looking for whether this person cares more about their individual success or their team's success. The hiring manager might ask this question to see what procedures you have to keep yourself and the customer from becoming overly emotional. Customer service representatives interact frequently with customers, meaning they must know how to communicate and remain positive. You're looking for an answer that speaks to the candidate's sense of personal responsibility, resilience, and ability to learn from mistakes in the future. No matter how finely tuned your processes are, how good your data is, or how well you've set up your canned responses, hiring the wrong team members will make your customer experience suffer -- and fast. It’s not a normal 9-5 job. Working closely with others to ensure proper customer service is being delivered. Example: "We had a particularly busy day after the launch of a new product, and one of our PoS machines went down, causing checkout lines to grow long. Here are 22 more call center interview questions that you might face as a candidate: This question comes up in many customer service interviews because it lets employers see what philosophy and mindset you’d bring to the position. When you answer, describe the product or service and then honestly answer why you like it. 1. Get tips on what to wear to a job interview for women and men, including professional tops, shoes and accessories, how to research company dress codes and more. For example, I once had a customer who got home to find there was only one shoe in her shoebox. A coworker helped me with the headset during my next shift. Do you have any prior customer service experience? A customer service job applicant who demonstrates this fundamental understanding of what is meant by customer service will get the serious attention of a potential employer. The hiring manager wants to know that you're serious about the role and find enjoyment in the responsibilities. It's imperative that you learn as much as you can about the business before you go into your interview. These may include: What do you think success looks like here? Provide the candidate with a poorly-written canned response (such as the last response you got from your cable company), and give the candidate a few minutes to rewrite it. Why or why not? ", Interview Question: "What is your Teaching Philosophy? 23 customer service interview questions to ask candidates Ask every candidate the 23 customer service interview questions below to get the information you need to hire top talent. Even if they raise their voice, I try to keep myself calm by taking deep breaths. How would you rewrite this canned response? Be relaxed, friendly and smile when you come to shake hands – this already guarantees a great first impression. What to Wear: The Best Job Interview Attire, Interview Question: "What are You Passionate About? "You aren't looking for the verbatim definition of empathy here, (the ability to understand and share the feelings of another). What do you like/dislike the most about customer service? If the company issued specific guidelines to mitigate the problem, I would adhere to those.". How up to date are your customer service tools and systems? Customer service representatives must have a specific set of skills and qualifications to perform their jobs well and be able to communicate that during an interview. For example, does the person need to be able to think on their feet? I told him I was just as frustrated as he was that the coupon was no longer valid and offered him some alternative discount options.". He was very unhappy that I wouldn't accept the coupon and continued to tell me he was right and I was wrong. How important is verbal communication vs written? Customer service can literally make or break a business. This question is particularly helpful for customer support roles that function across multiple channels. It will help, however, if you prepare for some typical questions that might come up. Tips for answering customer service interview questions "What does customer service mean to you?" This is similar to the previous question in that it helps assess whether a candidate cares about the team or themselves. Behavioural interview questions. CSMs must be eager to learn, but should not be defensive if you give criticism. Routine customer service interview questions and answers Another routine interview question is how you handle a dissatisfied or angry customer. She was very upset, so I let her tell me why she was upset, validated her feelings and provided her with a discount on her purchase along with the missing shoe. How common would long working hours or night-shifts be for me? What They Want to Know: Interviewers want to see how your definition matches up to the company's definition of customer service. Example: "I once helped a customer who wanted to use a coupon we no longer accepted. If you have experience solving a problem like this from a past position, you can reference it in your answer. 1. Ask them what was wrong with the initial wording, and why they added the words that they did. Compiling and presenting reports on overall customer satisfaction. Everybody has failed, but the important part is did the candidate learn from it -- or do they blame someone else for it? Free interview details posted anonymously by GEICO interview candidates. Before your interview, it’s important to “figure out your story. The candidate's answer to this question will speak specifically to their personal and professional values -- and if those values align with those of your business. We're committed to your privacy. They want to see how you think about the position and the customer. Ask this question about every company they have on their resume. Example: "My process for helping customers calm down is to first really listen to what they're saying. Next, I would offer either a full refund or a trade-in for a different product. Depending on the company and the specifics of the position, they might be looking for someone who plans to stay with the company and progress through the ranks. Tell me about a time that you had to go the extra mile for a customer. Types of interview questions Think of a company that has delivered excellent customer service, and explain why it was so good. What they want to see is that you're capable of recognizing your errors, learning from them and performing more effectively the next time you're faced with that situation. Many will be common interview questions you might be asked for any job, such as questions about your employment history, your educational background, your skills and qualifications for the job, and your goals for the future. Sometimes, customers just want you to hear them, and they want to feel like the company cares about them and their opinions. The questions we include in this article are great examples, but if you need a more in-depth selection, check out this resource. Do you consider yourself a ‘people person’? as the customer service field differs from organization to another you can expect and be ready for interview questions that examine the basic customer service experiences and competencies needed for successful job performance. You may get asked this question to demonstrate that you've done some research into what the company does and sells. If you don't, consider providing an example using one of the company's own services or products. Before you start coming up with questions, it's important to understand what you are hoping to learn from the questions. Customer service is a popular job field, and you will compete with a few other job applicants in your interview (or with many of them, when applying with one of the famous companies). You can say that “I know the Job in the Customer service filed always be demanding regarding the work hours. Now you have a sense of what to screen for and what questions to ask when hiring for customer service roles. I enjoy the responsibilities of working as a customer service representative, so I think this position is a great fit for me and my career ambitions.". For a customer service job: 9 Common Customer Service Job Interview Questions and How to Answer Them; For a teaching position: 15 Common Questions Asked in a Teacher Interview (and How to Answer Them With Ease) For a brand management role: 4 Types of Questions You’ll Be Asked in a Brand Management Interview (and How to Answer Them) Or, is it more important that they stick to a process? Hiring managers might start the interview off by asking for your definition of customer service. When you answer, take responsibility for whatever error you made and clearly explain what you would do differently. This is a good question to ask to get the conversation flowing -- and to potentially identify candidates that don't share the same philosophy as you and your company. Answer: Customer service is about helping people, hearing their concerns and solving their issues. It's fine for people to not know exactly where they want to be -- many people don't -- but they should have researched various career paths or have some idea of where they might like to end up, and they should reference a career path, industry, or set of skills they want to add to their resume in the future. The hiring manager will want to ensure that you have the necessary skills and tact to manage these situations successfully. Asking candidates what their personal customer service philosophy or mission is is a good way to identify those who would be a good company culture fit -- and those who might not be. This is a way to determine if a candidate is driven or not. Nevertheless, you should focus on things you can control — your interview answers , your preparation, your clothes, your smile, your mindset… You are looking for a candidate who can define empathy in their own words, and provide an example of how they can relate to customers," according to Centenaro. See all integrations. This is not an exhaustive list, nor will all of these apply to your business. I've found this works well to at least bring the customer's emotions down so that we can start addressing the actual problem.". As we detailed a previous blog post about creating a customer success plan, we established that all customer service representatives should have the following four traits: Customer success managers must be hungry, ready to learn, and eager to jump in. Customer Service Questions Asked in a Job Interview 1. Additionally, I am calm under pressure and incredibly patient. Hiring managers want to be sure you understand the importance of this skill and know how to use it. Whether their previous role was in customer service or not, it's important to understand how they viewed success. is an interview question that helps identify if a candidate's values align with those of your business, and a "good" answer can vary but may mention empathy, teaching, problem-solving, or commitment to working with and teaching people. Every new hire must be a positive person. They must be driven, but not entitled. Hiring managers know that everyone makes occasional mistakes on the job. Make sure you choose questions that screen for the qualities you believe will lead to success on your team. The best pick things up very quickly. Would you be willing to introduce us to a current or former boss as a reference? Hiring managers want to see that you're able to tactfully address miscommunications with customers and manage problems well. Even in a fast-paced, high-pressure environment, I can keep myself centered and focused, ensuring that customer service remains a priority at all times.” 22 More Call Center Interview Questions. Most customer service positions require a great deal of empathy. However, support roles in particular are designed to provide these outcomes and delight customers. Whether you’re interviewing in-person or via an initial phone interview, these questions will help you to prepare fully and thoroughly. The exact questions you are asked may vary depending on the nature of the organisation and the specific role of the customer service worker within that organisation. Common customer service interview questions include those questions that explore the job candidate's understanding and knowledge of the principles and practice of customer service help and customer support. In this article, we provide 15 common customer service questions with explanations and sample answers. So the perfect answer will vary depending on who's asking it. In order to screen for empathy, determine a person's philosophy of how angry customers should be handled. In the answer to this question, you're looking for positivity and empathy. When this happens, you must handle the situation delicately. A negative person can kill a team, by talking poorly about customers or other employees. When you provide your anecdote, make sure the problem, your action steps and your coworker's contribution are all clearly stated. You can say that – 8 Customer Service Interview Questions [With Answers] A smile can open a thousand doors right from the start. They may or may not get it right, but they should have a well-reasoned answer of what success looks like for your company that demonstrates their interest in the role -- and their sense of your values. If you're preparing for a customer service job interview, it can be helpful to review frequently asked questions and answers ahead of time so you have some idea of what to expect. HubSpot uses the information you provide to us to contact you about our relevant content, products, and services. However, it also gives you a sense of how well they understand your business. Look for answers that demonstrate a competency in managing customer expectations as well as innovation on an organizational level. Hiring managers might start the interview off by asking for your definition of customer service. In your answer, use the skills and qualifications listed from the job description and tie them to your own skills when possible. The hiring manager wants to know if you're able to handle difficult issues, like a defective product. Tell me about a time you couldn't solve the customer's problem. Whether the candidate believes customer service is about being passionate about teaching and coaching, about maximizing value, about being helpful and friendly and building relationships, about building and sharing deep product knowledge and expertise, or about doing as much as you possibly can within one conversation or interaction, good answers to this question will show interviewers if the candidate has a positive attitude, a friendly demeanor, and a commitment to learn and grow. Going the extra mile can be tough in environments that have strict productivity milestones or scripts. 10 customer service interview questions that will help to provide you with a leg-up on your job search and interview process. Stay up to date with the latest marketing, sales, and service tips and news. I love that the products this company makes are all well-designed and built to last. In addition, keep an eye out for candidates who mention following up with the customer beyond the initial unresolved call. @rj_farley. How does the company ensure that the workload of each CSR remains manageable? Share your previous experience working in customer service; If a customer is using abusive language with you, but has a valid point, how would you handle it? The candidate should be able to articulate the difference between a good and an "above and beyond" outcome. Practically everyone has had a poor customer service experience, but this question is particularly good for support and service roles because they will have the chance to answer through the lens of their professional experience. What are your pet peeves in the workplace? If you're going to put someone on the phone with a customer, they need to understand where the customer is coming from. The hiring manager will want to know that you're comfortable working with others and have the communication skills necessary to complete team projects together. Customer Service Interview Questions and Answers Now that you are familiar with the duties, let’s go into the common interview questions and answers for customer service job openings. I've wanted to work here for many years, so I'm delighted to have the opportunity. Regardless of how an employer frames the question, they’re likely interested in discovering how you believe customers … When you answer, be specific and try to use unique language reflective of your personal thoughts rather than a cliche response or dictionary definition. Why do you want this job? Customer service representatives must remain professional under stress whenever possible. Common questions could be about your educational background, skills or employment history, whereas personality questions are about your values and your work ethic. Listen for an answer that speaks to the candidate's empathy and appreciation for customers, demonstrates their ability to teach without patronizing, and shows their commitment to contributing to a company's mission by helping and advocating for others. Premium plans, Connect your favorite apps to HubSpot. Once the customer finishes speaking, I thank them for sharing their concerns and validate their feelings. It may seem like splitting hairs, but it is not. I discussed the issue with another rep, and we decided one of us would work the remaining PoS system and the other would walk through the line, checking in with customers and offering a coupon as a thank you for their patience.". ", 15 Customer Service Interview Questions (With Sample Answers), 9 Ways to Provide Excellent Customer Service. Customer Service Interview Questions. Empathy must be genuine -- it's easy for a customer to sense when a CSM simply doesn't care. Example: "I used a traditional PoS system at my last job. A great candidate will not speak ill about the customer, but will show how they empathized and did their best to come to a resolution that worked for them -- and they'll spell out the problem-solving strategies they used along the way. It's a must-have interview question for customer support roles specifically because these individuals will be assisting customers on a deeper level daily. TOP 10 Customer Service Interview Questions. Spend a few minutes listing as many examples as you can, then go through the specific behavioral interview questions below and decide which example is best for each question. Less driven candidates will say things like "I just want to work at a fun place," or "I don't really know.". This is the most overlooked thing. Sometimes, a customer's problem might be outside of your purview. 17 More Customer Service Interview Questions You Should Prepare. Customers are wowed when teams go above and beyond. Introduction – Customer Service Interview Questions and Answers. Customer Service Interview Questions and Answers: 1. In your answer, explain how specifically empathy helps a customer service representative do their job. Look for candidates who can articulate this conflict but also convey the innovative solutions they've used for getting around it in the past. The best answer is when the candidate explains how they understand that the pet peeve is their own personal downfall, and how they proactively avoid making this pet peeve a problem for others. A great customer service candidate will produce a great result and be able to articulate the why behind it. For more information, check out our privacy policy. Remember, these traits are just those specific to customer success. Example: "It's absolutely vital for customer service representatives to have empathy, particularly when customers are upset. Even better if they can relate this to what customers want and expect from brands in this regard. The goal is to determine whether you meet the standards for optimal customer service as defined by the employer. Describe any experience you have. 528 GEICO Customer Service Representative interview questions and 462 interview reviews. This question is particularly suited for customer support roles because we're entering into the age of the experiential economy, where it's not enough to provide satisfactory outcomes. Good answers will include references to effective conflict resolution skills, respect for customers, and humility -- because sometimes, an apology is more effective than an explanation to an already angry customer. Your customer service interview questions should screen for the criteria you previously defined. Below are a sample of questions we use at LawnStarter Lawn Care, as well as some provided by experts in other industries. Example: "**If I wasn't able to help the customer, I would ask the customer to rest comfortably while I paged the floor manager. Take the time to read the answers carefully and apply the tips throughout your interview preparation. Good answers will include a concrete example that goes beyond simply apologizing to a customer -- it should demonstrate how they used understanding and rapport-building to build a strong relationship with a customer -- and help solve their problem effectively. Customer service interviews may include a number of different question types. This list is by no means exhaustive, so by all means, feel free to borrow questions from others or come up with your own. What is customer service? This comes recommended by Michael Jones, a customer support manager at JazzHR. Behavioral interview questions are sometimes referred to as situational interview questions. This question is how Luiz Centenaro -- a CSM at Experiment Engine -- screens for empathy. The candidate should have an understanding about how they work best as well as a plan for maximizing productivity based on what they know. What sort of daily schedule do you expect your CSRs to follow? Employers might ask what you’re passionate about during an interview to understand what motivates you. Look for answers that you can understand and follow yourself, as well as steps are detailed and contextualized enough to be helpful for even a brand-new user of your product or service. But this is not the time to take the easy route—simply because taking this path can backfire spectacularly. Sometimes customers might have incorrect information. The most driven candidates have a sense of where they would like to be in the next few years. Solving for the customer sometimes means going beyond what's in the job description to provide a stellar experience. What was your biggest failure in your previous role, and how did you recover from it? It's an important role that can take many forms. This question helps you screen for positivity. Good answers will speak to the importance and impact of customers on a company's growth, a commitment to servant leadership, a belief in the power of retaining customers and helping them see success with a company's product or service, an interest in working with and learning from others, and a belief that customer success can transform companies in the same way as marketing and sales. Free and premium plans, Customer service software. Example: "As someone who exercises every day, finding workout clothes that are supportive and long-lasting is really important to me. Does the person need to be able to deliver a great experience that or. You about our relevant Content, products, and they want to know: Interviewers want to ensure customer! That the job of a company that has delivered excellent customer service interview include common,. Role that can take many forms when hiring for customer service tools and systems customers should be.... 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