which of the following statements describe the absorptive state?

There are three main metabolic states of the body: absorptive (fed), postabsorptive (fasting), and starvation. oxidative phosphorylation leads to ATP formation. Heat exhaustion occurs when the body has difficulty reducing the body temperature to homeostatic levels. A post-absorptive state differs from an absorptive state. absorptive state. Which statement about the absorptive system is FALSE? CO2 The Miracle Molecule SUMMARY Using well documented data on the infra-red absorption spectra of atmospheric gases it is a straight-forward process to… 12. For example, muscles will switch from using glucose to fatty acids as fuel. A balanced diet is important to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients to ensure physiological functioning. By doing this, a concentration gradient is established where glucose levels are higher in the blood than in the cells. Which of the following explanations best describes why? seenagape March 22, 2016. It is a very important hormone since it controls the levels of electrolytes such as potassium and sodium in the blood plasma. Which energy-rich molecule produced by cellular respiration directly powers cell work? Which of these provides the greatest yield of ATP? Fatty acids that are necessary for proper health but cannot be synthesized by the body are called ________ fatty acids. Two major eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and. Which of these statements is NOT true about beta-oxidation? Glycerol. Adequate nutrition is necessary to prevent deficiency disorders and ensure physiological functioning. After ingestion of food, fats and proteins are processed as described previously; however, the glucose processing changes a bit. (ATP). The remainder is lost as __________. Best Answer 100% (6 ratings) Previous question Next question Transcribed Image Text from this Question. which of the following are true statements about the qualifications of state legislature? B. blood glucose falls. 9. (A) All slaves were freed in both the North and the South. The peripheral tissues preferentially absorb glucose. Which of the following compounds contain(s) NO nitrogen? Solution.pdf Next Previous. After these stores have been replenished, excess glucose that is absorbed by the liver will be converted into triglycerides and fatty acids for long-term storage. 60 percent----- is the informal system of governing property on the unfenced frontier. During this state, our body relies on the energy … Hypervitaminosis is a serious health threat associated with excessive amounts of ingested fat-soluble vitamins. In glycolysis, each molecule of glucose that is catabolized gives a net yield of how many molecules of ATP? absorptive state: also called the fed state; the metabolic state occurring during the first few hours after ingesting food in which the body is digesting food and absorbing the nutrients Your body processes the food you eat both to use immediately and, importantly, to store as energy for later demands. The second priority is the conservation of amino acids for proteins. In the ETS, ________ accepts electrons from one molecule and transfers them to another. The postabsorptive state, or the fasting state, occurs when the food has been digested, absorbed, and stored. Related Questions. (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 3 and 4 (d) 4 and 5 (e) 1 and 5. the glucose, glycerol and amino acids from the diet, The function of the citric acid cycle is to. extensive catabolism of protein threatens homeostasis. Impaired fat absorption in the intestine would interfere with the absorption of. glycogen form that glucose assumes when it is stored, insulin: hormone secreted by the pancreas that stimulates the uptake of glucose into the cells, postabsorptive state: also called the fasting state; the metabolic state occurring after digestion when food is no longer the body’s source of energy and it must rely on stored glycogen, http://cnx.org/contents/14fb4ad7-39a1-4eee-ab6e-3ef2482e3e22@8.25, Describe what defines each of the three metabolic states, Describe the processes that occur during the absorptive state of metabolism, Describe the processes that occur during the postabsorptive state of metabolism, Explain how the body processes glucose when the body is starved of fuel. Muscle will be spared to prevent the wasting of muscle tissue; however, these proteins will be used if alternative stores are not available. -Blood sugar is high. C) fatty acids supplied from triglycerides. (E) Slaves were freed in the North but not in the border states. Which of the following statements correctly describes carbohydrate metabolism during the postabsorptive state? The amino group that is removed from an amino acid during deamination is converted to the less toxic form of __________. The enzyme that removes the amino group from amino acids requires a co-enzyme derived from vitamin __________. Consider the sentence above and select the correct answer below. total cholesterol level, HDL level, and triglyceride level. Which of these is NOT expected when the temperature of the preoptic area of the hypothalamus decreases? In what organelle would you find acetyl CoA formation, the citric acid cycle, and the electron transport chain? Which of the following statements best describes the impact of the Emancipation Proclamation? Figure 1 summarizes the metabolic processes occurring in the body during the absorptive state. (C) The slaves of the Confederacy were freed. The anorexia nervosa induced a starvation condition in Terry. This creation results from the conversion of acetyl CoA by thiolase into acetoacetyl CoA. (1) aerobic cellular respiration, (2) glycogenesis, (3) glycogenolysis, (4) gluconeogenesis using lactic acid, (5) lipolysis. If excess acetyl CoA is generated in this process, the excess is used in ketogenesis or the creation of ketones. They result from a psychological problem that causes inadequate or excessive food consumption. Answer: E. gluconeogenesis is suppressed. Glycogen and triglyceride storage slows. What is the correct general equation for cellular respiration? Native American resistance to westward expansion had been crushed By 1900, the per capita income of the South was ----- that of the national average. Expert's Answer . Which of the following statements best describes the United States at the end of the nineteenth century? Lipoproteins that carry mostly cholesterol to peripheral tissues are called. By Paul Homewood Physicist David Coe has sent me a paper he has written on the IR absorptive characteristics of “greenhouse” gases, which I am delighted to publish. Recently, she was found comatose and hospitalized. During transit, cholesterol transported by LDLs to peripheral tissues may contribute to atherosclerosis. Insulin also promotes the synthesis of protein in muscle. If energy is exerted shortly after eating, the dietary fats and sugars that were just ingested will be processed and used immediately for energy. ________ carry excess cholesterol from peripheral tissues to the liver. The extra glycogen serves as a reservoir for glucose, which serves as the main fuel molecule for increased cellular respiration, resulting in more available ATP. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends many servings a day of dark-green and orange vegetables. Aldosterone is one of the steroid hormones that are produced in the human body. Which best describes best describes your ability to graph inequality . The strategy of eating starchy foods for several days before an athletic event is known as. In diabetes, the insulin does not function properly; therefore, the blood glucose is unable to be transported across the cell membrane for processing. History. Which of the following best describes how these conditions are related? Learn More : Share this Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Plus on Google+ « Prev Question. All of the following occur during the postabsorptive state except that. Blood sugar is high. Distinct mechanisms are in place to facilitate energy storage, and to make stored energy available during times of fasting and starvation. Because glucose levels are very low during starvation, glycolysis will shut off in cells that can use alternative fuels. In the later stages of the postabsorptive state, fatty acids can be converted to glucose to supply the brain and red blood cells with fuel. A) Only glucose metabolism occurs. During this state, the body must rely initially on stored glycogen. The inherited metabolic disorder that results from the accumulation of phenylketones from phenylalanine is. What is the original source of all of the CO2 molecules in the process shown in this diagram? The presence of ketone bodies in the urine is known as, Compounds that cells can use to make glucose include all of the following, except. Insulin stimulates the uptake of glucose into the cells. The gluconeogenesis that has been ongoing in the liver will continue after fasting to replace the glycogen stores that were depleted in the liver. When an individual absorbs more nitrogen than he or she excretes, he or she is said to be in what state? Which statement describes the electron transport chain? D) No metabolism occurs. The carbon dioxide of respiration is formed during. In type II diabetes, insulin is produced but is nonfunctional. Removal of the amino group from amino acids in the first step of their catabolism requires a coenzyme derived from vitamin, In transamination, the amino group of an amino acid is, The conversion of ammonia into a less toxic substance produces, A high uric acid level (above 7.4 mg/dl) can lead to the painful condition known as, Catabolism of protein is not a practical source of quick energy because of all of the following except that. BIO 130 CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING 1. Cells synthesize new organic components for which of the following reasons? All of the following are true of beta-oxidation except that. Insulin also stimulates the storage of glucose as glycogen in the liver and muscle cells where it can be used for later energy needs of the body. The occurrence of heat exhaustion depends on body size. Determine whether the following statements describe insulin, glucagon, or both. You commonly fast overnight, but skipping meals during the day puts your body in the postabsorptive state as well. After several days of starvation, ketone bodies become the major source of fuel for the heart and other organs. When the body is in an absorptive state, glucose is readily … A. Amino acids provide energy at a steady pace throughout the postabsorptive state. Examine the exhibit shown below; then answer the question following it. Which of the following statements best describes the green status indicators that appear next to the different FortiGuard Distribution Network services as illustrated in the exhibit? Click to view a larger image. Which hormone drives the most pathways in the absorptive state? Figure 2. Describe how this leads to malnutrition. This prevents the continued breakdown of proteins that serve as carbon sources for gluconeogenesis. Hydrogen atoms from one FADH2 from the citric acid cycle produce how much ATP in the electron transport system? The heat-gain center for thermoregulation, More than half the heat is lost from the body indoors through the process of, The energy content of foods is commonly given in units of, The direct transfer of heat energy from one object to another through physical contact is called, Heat loss to the cooler air that moves across the surface of your body is called, The loss of heat energy by vaporizing water is called. C) Anabolic processes exceed catabolic ones. This process uses energy captured from electrons flowing to oxygen to produce most of the ATPs in cellular respiration. In response to a drop in blood glucose concentration, the hormone glucagon is released from the alpha cells of the pancreas. Digestion begins the moment you put food into your mouth, as the food is broken down into its constituent parts to be absorbed through the intestine. Starvation states happen very rarely in generally well-nourished individuals. Question options: the length of time it takes to digest and absorb fats. Absorptiveand+Postabsorptive+StatesinaNutshell" Absorptive+State" As"stated"in"class,"following"ameal"carbohydrates"are"broken"down"to"simple"sugars"by"various" Induced hypothermia is a clinically controlled method to reduce the metabolic rate and thus body temperature during surgery. If there were no method in place to store excess energy, you would need to eat constantly in order to meet energy demands. In response to the decrease in glucose, insulin levels also drop. remove hydrogen atoms from organic molecules and transfer them to coenzymes. Which of these is NOT likely to occur during the postabsorptive state? Click to view a larger image. As starvation continues, and more glucose is needed, glycerol from fatty acids can be liberated and used as a source for gluconeogenesis. C) glucose supplied from glycogen. A balanced diet contains all the ingredients needed to maintain homeostasis. The many folds and villi of the small intestine increase its surface area, which helps nutrient absorption. is a lipid component of all cell membranes. c. The small intestine is about 25-feet long. Answer the question(s) below to see how well you understand the topics covered in the previous section. Factors that influence an individual's BMR (basal metabolic rate) include all of the following except, The nutrients that yield the most energy per gram when metabolized are, In an environment that is cooler than your body, you lose heat in a process called. Which of the following statements correctly describes protein metabolism during the postabsorptive state? Which statement describes the electron transport chain? It does nothing and can be used in places where a statement is required but no action needs to be performed. Uploaded By najoseph. (D) All slaves who joined the Union army would be freed. Nitrogen compounds of the body include all of the following except, The major cation in extracellular fluid is, A cation that is essential for muscle contraction, nerve function, and blood clotting is. These nutrients are used to meet the immediate energy needs of the body. A(n) ________ protein contains all of the essential amino acids. Learn faster with spaced repetition. (C) The closing of the frontier marked the Absorptive state and postabsorptive state are two main states of energy metabolism. What exactly is the link between the extra glycogen associated with carbohydrate loading and enhanced performance in endurance sports? -Triglyceride levels are high in the blood stream. E. gluconeogenesis is suppressed. The sum of all of the biochemical processes going on within the human body at any given time is called. (B) The practice of slavery was ended in the border states only. THE ABSORPTIVE AND POST-ABSORPTIVE STATES Chapter objectives After studying this chapter you should be able to: 1. Depending on the amounts and types of nutrients ingested, the absorptive state can linger for up to 4 hours. Pregnant or lactating women like Justine actively synthesize N compounds. 30. Glucagon acts upon the liver cells, where it inhibits the synthesis of glycogen and stimulates the breakdown of stored glycogen back into glucose. E) glucose recently absorbed into the bloodstream. As previously explained, fatty acids can be converted into acetyl CoA and processed through the Krebs cycle to make ATP. Which statement describes the citric acid cycle? Which of the following statements best describe the role of South Carolina in decision of southern states to secede from the union? Absorptive state is the period in which the gastrointestinal tract is full and the anabolic processes exceed catabolism.The fuel used for this process is glucose.. Nutrient processing in the absorptive state. This process uses energy captured from electrons flowing to oxygen to produce most of the ATPs in cellular respiration. (B) The development of a vast transportation system was a major factor in the industrialization of the Midwest. Describe how ketones are synthesized. Which of the following are absorptive state reactions? A(n) ________ protein is deficient in one or more of the essential amino acids. What is the name of the process where new organic molecules are synthesized? Which of the following processes takes place in the cytosol of a eukaryotic cell? Digestion begins the moment you put food into your mouth, as the food is broken down into its constituent parts to be absorbed through the intestine. The digestion of carbohydrates begins in the mouth, whereas the digestion of proteins and fats begins in the stomach and small inte… 92) During the absorptive state, the primary energy source for most of the body cells is 92) A) amino acids supplied from proteins. increase the respiratory rate to where breathing occurs through the mouth, leading to evaporative cooling. C 0 votes. Glycolysis yields two molecules of pyruvate. While alcohol forms a regular component on the dinner table of many individuals, alcohol is not featured as a contributor to a balanced diet according to the US government's "ChooseMyPlate plan" recommendations. High density lipoproteins (HDLs) transport excess cholesterol back to the liver for storage or excretion. Which of the following statements describe the absorptive state? During any given day, your metabolism switches between absorptive and postabsorptive states. Falling glucose levels trigger the pancreas to release glucagon to turn off glycogen synthesis in the liver and stimulate its breakdown into glucose. anatomy-and-physiology 0 Answers. The digestion of carbohydrates begins in the mouth, whereas the digestion of proteins and fats begins in the stomach and small intestine. D) fatty acids supplied from triglycerides. The body can synthesize the carbon chains of the N compounds but must obtain nitrogen atoms either by recycling N compounds or by absorbing nitrogen from the diet. If not, the excess glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscle cells, or as fat in adipose tissue; excess dietary fat is also stored as triglycerides in adipose tissues. This acetoacetyl CoA is subsequently converted into β-hydroxybutyrate, the most common ketone in the body. Heat stroke is not life-threatening because enzymes can function within a wide temperature range. Test Prep. glucose recently absorbed into the bloodstream An ion that is a necessary component of high-energy compounds and nucleic acids and a structural component of bone is the ________ ion. The United States has shared new environmental technology with developing countries in the hopes that these countries will reduce their carbon emissions. As a result, blood glucose levels begin to rise. Additionally, thyroid hormones bind to DNA receptors and activate genes associated with metabolic processes. When NADH is ________ it becomes NAD+. Which of these is NOT required for glycolysis? Thyroid hormones can travel through the cell membranes and bind to receptors that activate mitochondria to produce ATP. Triglyceride levels are high in the blood stream. Which of the following statements best describes the status of Native Americans at the end of the 19 th century? fatty acids. Pyruvate, lactate, and alanine from muscle cells are not converted into acetyl CoA and used in the Krebs cycle, but are exported to the liver to be used in the synthesis of glucose. During the absorptive state, the body digests food and absorbs the nutrients. As starvation continues, fatty acids and triglyceride stores are used to create ketones for the body. 2. B) fatty acids recently absorbed into the bloodstream. Understand how nutrients are utilized during the absorptive state to provide energy, and how energy is provided when nutrients are not being absorbed. Select the INCORRECT statement regarding heat exhaustion. This process produces some ATP and carbon dioxide in the mitochondrion. What enters the mitochondria at the electron transport system? Overall survival is dependent on the amount of fat and protein stored in the body. provide energy for cells with modest energy demands. Inadequate exposure to sunlight could result in decreased amounts of vitamin ________ in the body. Many important compounds in the body contain nitrogen atoms (N compounds), including amino acids, the bases of RNA and DNA, creatine, and porphyrins. 4 Which reactions take place during the absorptive state a What are anabolic. Which of the following statements best describes the United States’ approach to global warming? If glycogen stores are depleted during fasting, alternative sources, including fatty acids and proteins, can be metabolized and used as fuel. In the presence of oxygen, pyruvate enters a mitochondrion. Later she was diagnosed with ketoacidosis. When NAD+ is ________ it becomes NADH. hich of the following molecules is broken down in cellular respiration, providing fuel for the cell? So, this state starts immediately after the food ingestion. How many net ATP molecules are produced by the complete metabolism (all pathways) of one glucose molecule? The glucose is released into the bloodstream to serve as a fuel source for cells throughout the body. Which of the following processes represent(s) catabolism? 0 votes. What can the body do naturally in order to reduce body temperature, not necessarily to the point of hypothermia, but rather to prevent overheating? About 40 percent of the energy content of nutrients is captured as ATP. Misguided advertising and media reports have generated much confusion regarding lipoproteins and cholesterol. C. fatty acids are oxidized for fuel. Math. (See the example in the following row.) Question options: glycogen. Therefore, the body uses ketones to satisfy the energy needs of the brain and other glucose-dependent organs, and to maintain proteins in the cells. By the end of this section, you will be able to: You eat periodically throughout the day; however, your organs, especially the brain, need a continuous supply of glucose. Glucose levels in the blood begin to drop as it is absorbed and used by the cells. These patients are unable to process the glucose in their blood and therefore must rely on other sources of fuel. Instead, a balanced diet should include what? a.senators must be at least 21 years old b.no one without a college degree may be a legislature c.legislatures must be Georgia residents for at least 2 years . absorptive state. 15) During the absorptive state, the primary energy source for most of the body cells is 15) A) amino acids supplied from proteins. B) fatty acids recently absorbed into the bloodstream. The condition where the blood pH drops because of ketone bodies in the blood is called __________. After a typical meal, the absorptive state lasts for about 4 hours. Proteins will be catabolized and used as fuel the biochemical processes going on within the human.! Border states other organs learn more: Share this Share on Facebook Tweet which of the following statements describe the absorptive state? Twitter Plus on «... 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