american masonic lodges in germany

Masonic Lodge Information Service - A list of Grand, Provinical, Regional or Private Lodges with Web Links List of Masonic Grand Lodges in Europe at - 1 site map Instigated by the GOF, with collaboration by the GLdF and seven other French masonic bodies, the IMF allows low-level cooperation on promotion of Masonic book fairs and events that address the conditions of man and society. ref>.mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration{color:#555}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription span,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration span{border-bottom:1px dotted;cursor:help}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output code.cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#33aa33;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}"GL's information". Here's What We're All About: Heidelberg York Rite Bodies Masonic Lodge Hall Mannheim - L9,9. An association of fifteen adogmatic and liberal jurisdictions from countries bordering the Mediterranean and Mediterranean culture. Grand lodges with male and female membership. This fact leads to debates over legitimacy: Not all Grand Lodges and Grand Orients recognize each other as being legitimate. International Free & Accepted Masons Inc. "M.W.C. & A.M. of Bulgaria), Обединена велика ложа на България (United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria), Великата Ложа на България (Grand Lodge of Bulgaria), Velika loža starih, slobodnih i prihvaćenih zidara Hrvatske (, Veliká Lóže České Republiky (Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic), Velká lóže zemí Českých (Grand Lodge of the Czech Lands), Velká lóže svobodných a přijatých zednářů Humanitas Bohemia, Storlogen af Danmark (Grand Lodge of Denmark), Suomen Suurloosi / Storlogen i Finland (Grand Lodge of F. & A. Masons of Finland), Le Droit Humain Suomen Liitto / Internationella Sam-Frimurarorden Le Droit Humain Finska Förbundet, Fédération française de l'Ordre maçonnique mixte international le Droit Humain (le Droit Humain - French Federation), Grande Loge Européenne de la Fraternité Universelle (European Grand Lodge of the Universal Fraternity, GLEFU), Grande loge écossaise réformée et rectifiée d'Occitanie, Grande Loge Traditionnelle et Symbolique Opéra (GLTSO), Ordre initiatique et traditionnel de l'Art royal, Souveräner GrossOrient von Deutschland (SGOvD), Humanitas - Freimaurergrossloge für Männer und Frauen in Deutschland, Διεθνές Τεκτονικόν Τάγμα "ΔΕΛΦΟΙ" (International Masonic Order DELPHI), Μεγάλη Στοά της Ελλάδος (Grand Lodge of Greece, A.F. Omega Grand Lodge of the State of New York, This page was last edited on 24 January 2021, at 14:15. Germania Lodge will be having its first meeting back at the lodge since closing for the pandemic. The American Cafe in Saint-Nazaire. & A.M (ACGL), "Humanitas Freimaurergrossloge für Männer und Frauen in Deutschland: Founded in 1959, Humanitas is the Grand Lodge of Co-Masonry in Germany", Magyarországi Symbolikus Nagypáholy website, Gran Loggia Tradizionale d'Italia website, Gran Loggia Nazionale dei Liberi Muratori d'Italia website, "Wielki Wschód Polski | Wolność Równość Braterstwo", Droit Humain - Portuguese Federation website, A cautionary note was placed in the 2011 COGMNA Commission report, linked here, Notice of formation of "National Grand Lodge Romania 1880,", Masonic Library and Museum Association, 2011 minutes, "Hür ve Kabul Edilmiş Masonlar Büyük Locası Derneği", Gran Logia de la Argentina de Libres y Acceptados Masones website, Grande Loja Maçonica Mista do Brasil website, Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Acre website, Gran Logia Occidental de Colombia website, Website of Grand Lodge and Supreme Council of Modern Rite, Grand Lodge of the Republic of Perú website, Grand Constitutional Lodge of Perú website, GL Canada in the Province of Ontario website, Grande Loge Mixte du Québec et Prieuré de Nouvelle France website, Grand Lodge of Greece - list of recognised Grand Lodges, Chihuahua's "Cosmos Civil Association" GL website, "Logias | Gran Logia de la Ciudad de México", News article remarking on founding anniversary of the GL of Tabasco, GL Unida Mexicana (GL of Veracruz) website, News report citing the Grand Lodge of Zacatecas, Grand Lodge of Freemasonry for Men and Women, Great Britain, MW National Grand Lodge, Prince Hall Origin, National Compact -, "Prince Hall Grand Lodge Mailing Addresses". Masonic clubs were formed almost everywhere American Masons were stationed in France. German Lodges at this time were considered, “places of coalition for like-minded people, beyond political disagreement and economic misery” [5] and they did attract new members after 1925, yet they never had the social standing or clout that American or British Lodges had due to the growing atmosphere of anti-Semitic and anti-Masonic attitudes in Germany post 1925. The Grand Lodge of New York charted six Sea & Field Lodges, one in the United States and fivw overseas. It happened in Boston, at the time one of the largest and most important cities in North America. Masonic thought influenced American history: the Masons were opposed to the claims of royalty—a strong influence on the development of the American revolt against Britain which culminated in the Revolutionary War. v. t. e. The Grand Landlodge of the Freemasons of Germany ( Große Landesloge der Freimaurer von Deutschland, GLL FvD or GLL), also: Order of Freemasons ( Freimaurerorden, FO) is a Masonic Grand Lodge in Germany. Organized by the Grand Orient of France (GOF), member jurisdictions reject Anderson's 1723 constitutions, do not require belief in a supreme being, and make no distinction regarding participation by men or women. Read more about it here. An organization of grand lodges using the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, founded by the Grand Lodge of France (GLdF), la Grande Loge Traditionnelle et Symbolique Opéra (of France) and la Grande Loge Nationale de Serbie (then Yugoslavia). The German American Society two years ago had its headquarters at Southeast Division Street and … In 2008 joined Masonic High Council the Mother High Council of the World when changes the name into Regular Grand Lodge of Romania. 'U Velikoj loži Hrvatska radi ih čak 350! Solomon Lodge 822 is a masonic blue lodge working in a ritual inspired by the New York Ritual, in English, within the Greater Stuttgart area in Germany. Prince Hall Grand Lodges in the U.S. What they didn’t realize, nor Isaacson, was Franklin was not just a respected scientist, but was also well known in the Masonic community who embraced “the age of enlightenment” which opened many doors for him. & A.M. 2000 экз. American Canadian Grand Lodge ACGL Within the United Grand ... Masonic … According to "U.S. L’Union Maçonnique de la Méditerranée (UMM) (Masonic Union of the Mediterranean). & A.M (ACGL) Additionally, the United Grand Lodges of Germany adopted the two St. John's lodges with special responsibilities for Jacob de Molay of the Flaming Star the travelling lodge The White Lily and the research lodge Quatuor Coronati. Jurisdiction of Virginia", Sons of Light GL, California & Oregon web site. Its members are broadly recognized by CGMNA grand lodges and the United Grand Lodge of England. Here is a letter from the Worshipful Master: Brothers, It is with great pleasure that I announce that Germania Lodge 46, F&AM, will hold our next regularly scheduled business meeting at Germania Hall this Wednesday, May 27, 2020, at 7:30 p.m. Answer 1 of 8: I am coming to dubai next week and am very interested to know if there are any masonic lodges in or around dubai meeting at this time Confederación Masónica Interamericana (CMI) (Interamerican Masonic Confederation). Subsequently more Grand Lodges have join SOGLIA spanning our society to the five continents. Inclusion criteria only establish a physical (as against an internet) presence, and lodges which meet as masons. This lodge was formed in an enemy country, and utilized lodge rooms in which Napoleon and his officers reportedly held Masonic communications more than a century before. As all masons are acutely aware, membership throughout the masonic organization has been declining for some time. In 1948 Bro. This comprised the eight German Grand Lodges recognised by the United Grand Lodge of England, being the Grand National Motherlodge "The Three Globes", the Grand Landlodge of Freemasons of Germany, the Grand Lodge of Prussia called the Royal York for friendship, the Grand Land of Saxony, the Grand Lodge of Hamburg, the Grand Lodge of the Sun, the Grand Masonic lodge "Zur Eintracht" and the Grand … For example, the Grand Lodge of France (GLF) has, since the 1950s, unilaterally recognized the Masonic regularity, and granted official recognition, to all Prince Hall Grand Lodges. We are a cosmopolitan lodge, where many different nations and tongues meet together. Confederación de Grandes Logias Regulares de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. › Großloge der Alten Freien und Angenommenen Maurer von Deutschland", Grand Lodge of British Freemasons in Germany (GL BFG), American Canadian Grand Lodge A.F. website of the American Canadian Grand Lodge of Freemasons in Germany under the United Grand Lodges of Germany. Starting 2017 (6017) Grand Master Sergiu Protopopescu. Some older and larger CGLREU jurisdictions have also joined the multi-national association of CMI, although the two organizations are not linked. See the complete list here. An association of Mexican state grand lodges, many of whom are in amity with CGMNA jurisdictions and UGLE. An organization of Prince Hall Affiliated (PHA) Grand Lodge leaders, Rencontres Humanistes et Fraternelles Africaines et Malgaches. During this time, his hosts were surprised by how well he was received by the people. The Masonic Club American Base Section No. Masons in the AEF established dozens of Masonic Clubs throughout France and the Western Front during and immediately after The Great War. Self-reported as "approximately 30 members", the UMMT includes European jurisdictions not in amity with UGLE or the larger jurisdictions in their nations. & A.M.), Großorient von Österreich (Grand Orient of Austria), Fédération Belge du Droit Humain / Belgische federatie van Droit Humain (le Droit Humain, Belgian Federation), Grande Loge de Belgique / Grootloge van België (Grand Lodge of Belgium), Grande Loge Régulière de Belgique / Reguliere Grootloge van België (Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium), Великата Ложа на Старите Свободни и Приети Зидари в България (Grand Lodge A.F. "OTKRIVAMO ŽIVOTNE PRIČE MASONA U HRVATSKOJ. Forever preserving the service and sacrifices made by our American Masonic brethren during The Great War. More often, however, there will be several competing Grand Lodges claiming the same jurisdictional area, or claiming overlapping areas. Established in 2005 by Brother Nicu Filip first Grand Master of MLNdR in 1993 under the name National Grand Lodge Dacia. The meeting place of the Masonic Club. Not to be confused with, Conference of Grand Masters in North America, Confederación Interamericana de Masonería Simbólica, Centre de Liaison International de la Maçonnerie Féminine. Assembled annually, in different places of the world, in order to share fellowship and to promote Masonic tradition, SOGLIA members are respecting the autonomy of each Grand Lodge. That German or Teutonic Masonic lodges and grand lodges existed prior to the formation of the grand lodge of England in 1717 is clear. German-occupied Paris hosted an anti-Masonic exhibition in October 1940, as did German-occupied Brussels in February 1941. Constructed by the Grand Lodge between 1901 and 1912, The All-Seeing Eye on the seal inspired its use in Masonic imagery, not the other way round, never appearing among American Masons until 1797, 15 years after the creation of the seal. Our first lodge, New Absalom Lodge has established as long ago as 30th March 1957 in Düsseldorf. Also known as "Co-Masonry". Some are large, with thousands of members divided into hundreds of subordinate Lodges. Grand Lodge of British Freemasons in Germany (GL BFG) American Canadian Grand Lodge A.F. A Masonic "Grand Lodge" (or sometimes "Grand Orient") is the governing body that supervises and governs the individual "Lodges" of Freemasons in any particular geographical area or "jurisdiction", (usually corresponding to a national boundary or other major political unit). Army Lodge A, A.F. Germania Meeting 5/27 • May 27, 2020. Soldiers and Marines was Overseas Lodge No. An association of women's grand lodges, mostly in Europe. [GL Prince Edward Island website], accessed 8 February 2014, Note, this is not to be confused with the similarly-named "Cosmos" Grand Lodge, of the CGLREU, Jurisdiction includes lodges external to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: China, Chile, Japan and Panama, Jurisdiction includes ten lodges in Lebanon, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls, Opposition to Freemasonry within Christianity, The Grand Lodge of Antient, Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland, Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of New York, United Grand Lodge of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, Grande Loge féminine de Belgique / Vrouwengrootloge van België, Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Croatia, Große National-Mutterloge „Zu den drei Weltkugeln“, Große Landesloge der Freimaurer von Deutschland, Großloge der Alten Freien und Angenommenen Maurer von Deutschland (GL AFuAMvD), Grand Lodge of British Freemasons in Germany, Supreme Councils of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Icelandic Order of Freemasons, Grand Lodge of Iceland, Gran Loggia Nazionale dei Liberi Muratori d'Italia, Marea Marea Lojă Regulară Europa Unită (MLREU), Marea Marea Lojă Regulară a României (MLRR ), Traditional Grand Lodge of Romania (MLTR), Serenissima Gran Loggia della Repubblica di San Marino, Le Droit Humain - Scandinavian Federation (Sweden), Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, lodges in Chile, Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, lodges in Panama, Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario, International Masonic Order DELPHI of USA, Centre de Liaison et d'Information des Puissances maçonniques Signataires de l'Appel de Strasbourg, Secrétariat international Maçonnique des Puissances Adogmatiques, Vereinigte Großlogen von Deutschland (United Grand Lodges of Germany), History of Masonic Grand Lodges in North America, Grand Bénin de la République du Bénin - Son Histoire, UGLE list of recognised foreign grand lodges, A sovereign federation of five autonomous Grand Lodges, it serves as the national Grand Lodge of Germany to all outside German Masonry (Masons of other nations and the German public). After 1945, it took Germany thirteen years of efforts to achieve its masonic unity which was completed in 1958 with the foundation of the United Grand Lodges of Germany (Vereinigte Grosslogen von Deutschland). All of the "original" Grand Lodges began to issue charters to individual lodges in North America, but the two English Grand Lodges (the "Ancients" and the "Moderns") were the most prolific. Confederação da Maçonaria Simbólica do Brasil. ( L'Association maçonnique intercontinentale libérale. website of the American Canadian Grand Lodge of Freemasons in Germany under the United Grand Lodges of Germany If you are possibly interested in becoming… As is their use of secret handshakes, the use of the term ‘free’ and their acceptance of non-operatives. Fédération Ouest Africain du Droit Humain, The Tragic History of Freemasonry in Liberia, 13° rencontres de l’Union Maçonnique Méditerranéenne, Provincial Newsletter, Ross and Cromarty, November 2012, pp13-16, "The Official Website of Grand Lodge of Japan", "В Казахстане создана Великая ложа — КОРРИДА : слухи, скандалы, инсайд", "Installation ceremony of the Grand Lodge of Kazakhstan", "District Grand Lodge of Lebanon - Grand Lodge of Scotland",, History of Philippine Masonry: From Barcelona to Manila, 1889-1896, "Independent Grand Lodge, F & A.M. of the Philippine Islands", "Lodges of the Independent Grand Lodge, F & A.M. of the Philippine Islands", "Provincial Grand Lodge of South East Asia", " - The District Grand Lodge of the Middle East", GL South Australia & Northern Territory website,,,,, "United Grand Lodge of England - Districts & Groups",, "Provincial Grand Lodge - Provincial Grand Lodge", "Displaying items by tag: Grand Lodge of Albania", "United Grand Lodge of England - Foreign Grand Lodges", Grande Loge de Belgique website, retrieved 17 January 2014, "Lodges in Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in Bulgaria", Pennsylvania Grand Lodge list of recognized grand lodges. TKO SU SVE BILI SLOBODNI ZIDARI? & A.M. Membership numbers are subject to change; for current figures, check the sources which are indicated in the reference section. & A.M.), Εθνική Μεγάλη Στοά της Ελλάδος (National Grand Lodge of Greece), Magyarországi Symbolikus Nagypáholy (Symbolic Grand Lodge of Hungary), Magyarországi Nagyoriens (Grand Orient of Hungary), Grand Lodge of The Principality Liechtenstein, Lietuvos laisvuju murininku Didžioji Lože AF & AM (Grand Lodge of Lithuania), Ordre Maçonnique Mixte International le Droit Humain, Marea Lojă a Moldovei (Grand Lodge of Moldova), La Grande Loge Nationale Régulière de la Principauté de Monaco, Velká Lóže Crne Gore (Grand Lodge of Montenegro), Grande Loge Mixte des Pays-Bas (Mixed Grand Lodge of the Low Countries), National Grand Lodge of Poland/Wielka Loża Narodowa Polski, Federação Portuguesa de Ordem Maçónica Mista Internacional “Le Droit Humain” (DHPT) (le Droit Humain - Portuguese Federation), Grand Loja Feminina de Portugal (GLFP) (Feminine Grand Lodge of Portugal), Grande Loja Nacional Portuguesa (GLNP) (National Grand Lodge of Portugal), Grand Loja Legal de Portugal (GLLP/GLRP) (Legal Grand Lodge of Portugal/Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal), Marea Lojă Naţională din România (MLNdR) (National Grand Lodge of Romania), Marea Lojă Naţională Română "1880" (Romanian National Grand Lodge, World Traditional Masonic Union (W.T.M.U. 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