barbell row vs deadlift reddit

I won't mind only lifting a few days a week, if I can swim on the other days. I mostly just wanted to gain some size and strength (I was starting to get underweight). As such, a 5 day split seems generally superior to me. Home / blog / Deadlifts vs. Barbell Rows: Which Builds A Denser Back? Bench pressing either on a bench-press workout machine or using a weighted barbell effectively builds strength and tones your upper body. You don't need a large selection of exercises in general to get bigger and stronger. Depends on who you ask. Athlean X (Jeff) had a good point in one of his videos about the barbell row--that the bent over, bent-knee position is a very important one in most athletic activities where you are getting ready to make some kind of explosive movement, so you want to be stable and strong in that position, and rows will help with that. Barbells vs. Dumbbells: Muscle Activation and Mass Gains . This week it’s the deadlift vs the pull up vs the barbell row. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Press J to jump to the feed. I am not sure about muscle groups, but you should generally work your muscles in multiple planes. It’s a very effective free weight movement and by using dumbbells you develop stabilizer muscles and unilateral (Affecting each side) strength as a result. Deadlifts vs. Barbell Rows: Which Builds A Denser Back? With this structure, you’ll alternate workout A and B. I think it is causing a lot of strain. Barbell Rows are safer than Power Cleans. I think it is causing a lot of strain. T-Bar Row vs Deadlift . To be honest, I would rather not do this many exercises for back, especially not at the same time. The barbell row is a vague exercise classification given to any and all rowing movements done with a barbell. Hex Bar Deadlift vs Bent Over Row . I’m going to start by looking at the advantages of each exercise and I’ll begin with the exercise that I’m sure most of you consider the clear-cut favorite: the deadlift. Powerlifting Barbell vs Olympic Lifting Barbell. Then I'd research it again, and find someone claiming to do it another way. Also remember to alternate your grip for barbell rows each set! Full body barbell challenge: This full body workout targets your thighs, legs, butt, abs and shoulders. They are a good exercise but I would rate chin ups higher. Also, since the deadlift causes great central nervous system expenditure, it can quickly lead to burnout and over training when not scheduled into a program correctly. Whenever I find myself saying "man, fuck this next exercise. Hex-bar vs Barbell. With a barbell in front of you, your legs slightly bent, and your back parallel to the floor, you’ll lift the barbell all the way to your chest and return it right back to the floor for one rep. Use a standard barbell until you reach four plates before ever thinking about a thinner bar. With dumbbells, you can also play around with vertical variations like suitcase grips--yes, they’re pretty much what they sound like, just imagine carrying two suitcases to the airport and you’ve got it. The movement is an alternative to the conventional barbell squat but your feet are both pointed outward rather than straight. Just do what you feel like doing for your specific purposes. As far as pulling movements are concerned, it's just deadlifts and weighted chin-ups. 3) Press your other hand into the bench to support your upper body. As far as back exercises, I am doing barbell rows (so-called pendlay style), upright barbell rows, deadlift, and I just started doing pull ups. Your grip strength will thank you. It can turn you into a frog with big legs but small arms. However, practicing with just … The barbell deadlift is a very effective full-body compound exercise which works the legs, back and core muscles. Because the special features of these bars let you lift more – and that is a boon whether you are training, or competing – or both. Deadlifts are more of a lower back/hamstring exercise and shouldn't put significant strain on your upper back. Weight Unit . Although going heavier and doing “Yates rows” is also a killer. By: Maria Parepalo . Eman said: I don't personally do deadlifts … However, Starting Strength includes the power clean while Stronglifts 5×5 utilizes the row. I suggest you do power cleans or snatch pulls instead of upright rows :) much MORE FUN exercise than upright rows IMO and superior by the fact that you need to do them with explosiveness. Apr 18, 2020 #3 I think the row is a great exercise. The barbell row also helps load the upper back musculature in a manner than some forms of deadlift cannot, which makes it a great exercise to build strength and … Another aspect is technique. First of all, why would you consider a special barbell for powerlifting? But I pick things off the ground or pull stuff towards me often. See here. I would swear I was doing it correct, and either I felt nothing, or the movement felt risky. masta4650/iStock/Getty Images. Barbell row. I love rows, I don't do them as a strict bent over barbell row, I do heavy cheaty kroc rows and have found they really really grow my upper back. That's really all you need for the majority of progress. Gender ♂ Male ♀ Female. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. With how I would shoulder the 135lb and 160lb sandbags, part of the movement was a slight rowing motion. The benefits make this exercise an ideal choice and anyone […] Gender ♂ Male ♀ Female. The chin-up, on the other hand, has a much larger range of motion, and it loads our lats under a heavy stretch, making it a better … Barbell rows and Deadlifts are not done on the same day for that reason. Dumbbell Rows vs Barbell Rows I been debating what to do for my back development and strength for my deadlift. I think this will do for me. Not to mention, it's really considered a shoulder exercise. People often lack the desired strength endurance in their lower back and thor. Yeah I think i will start splitting up my lifts that way. Hi. The term "least useful" here is completely subjective and it's really going to depend on who you're asking. That said, I hardly ever do them personally. When I think about my everyday life and how I use my body, of the three chin ups are the least 'useful'. Deadlifts and bent-over barbell rows are weightlifting exercises that target different muscles in your body; though they may look similar to the untrained eye, they are performed from different positions. Which is a good thing when trying not to be a fat fuck. Overhand more upper back? When you barbell deadlift, the only way to alter your grip, for example, is horizontally along the bar (close-grip, standard and snatch-grip, etc.). Cookies help us deliver our Services. Workout A: Squat, Bench Press, Barbell Row; Workout B: Squat, Overhead Press, Deadlift; This is a great way to structure your 5×5 workouts and there isn’t an excessive amount of volume, so overtraining isn’t common if done correctly. This is a cheap bench press. Deadlifts with Dumbbells vs Barbell — Choose Your Weapon. Now, this is not a beginner exercise as it takes balance and coordination with proper technique to do it effectively. Another big back mass builder is the bent-over barbell row. Remember, the deadlift bar whip becomes more pronounced once you break the 450-500 pounds. The barbell row is an excellent accessory exercise for people who are interested in raw strength. Pullups/Chins and barbell rows together take care of upper body pulling. Advantages of Dumbbell Exercises Careful consideration and proper form and technique are musts when performing a correct deadlift movement. Everything else is a nice icing on the cake that can be useful depending on the situation or desire. When it comes to mass gains, barbells are your best bet. I'd disagree. To be honest, I would rather not do this many exercises for back, especially not at the same time. But I think if it gets you in the gym and gets you completing the workouts you're doing great. Barbell row day is all back with some biceps. Athlean X (Jeff) had a good point in one of his videos about the barbell row--that the bent over, bent-knee position is a very important one in most athletic activities where you are getting ready to make some kind of explosive movement, so you want to be stable and strong in that position, and rows will help with that. It is extremely difficult to compare your barbell and dumbbell weights. Bench press probably has the least carry over as a functional movement at work, standing OHP is great though. Brad Borland is a forte & conditioning specialist, cancer survivor, and the founder of the workout lab. The barbell row is good for building the muscles in our hamstrings, glutes, and spinal erectors, making it a great assistance lift for the deadlift and a more relevant back lift for powerlifters. The barbell front squat is a very effective compound exercise for building maximum muscle and strength in the leg muscles. Enjoy. Many people injure their wrists, elbows and shoulders doing Power Cleans because they lack flexibility. Barbell Row vs Power Cleans. Barbell deadlifts are generally superior, especially in a program that squats as much as SL. This image from the Stronglifts site was what finally made it click for me. What you need is the to choose the right ones and, more importantly, perform them correctly with enough intensity and volume. Performing the row requires a weighted barbell and attention to detail when it comes to keeping proper form. The barbell deadlift will give you some extra work for your posterior chain. And since upright rows involve the shoulders so much, I think it was causing a problem following days when I did overhead press. Well I was doing them on the same day. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Dumbbell Rows vs Barbell Rows I been debating what to do for my back development and strength for my deadlift. I'm never pulling anything down or myself up. Those are what you need if you're only looking for compound exercises and don't care about isolation training. The same holds true if you do heavy barbell rows and want to supplement deadlifts afterward. So I guess my question is, does the barbell row work any major muscle groups that the deadlift and chin-ups do not? I suppose if I start only lifting 3 days a week, and splitting up some exercises (like the way many do bench press on one day, but over head press on a different day even though they use a lot of the same muscles), it might feel a lot better, but still it's harder to split up 4 different back exercises. I've told myself that eventually, after gaining some weight, I would start swimming a lot, and I think it might be time for that. We settle this argument so you can pick the best one for your goals. Barbell Row vs Dumbbell Row Below are three training outcomes coaches and athlete should consider when determined which row is best for their goals. The daily number of t-bar row lifts entered on Strength Level is less than the daily number of deadlift lifts. Hi. Love rows. Pardon my french, but that is "fucking retarded". grip? The weight doesn't seem to increase very fast compared to other lifts, especially when I do it on the same day as three other back exercises. Plus once you get into the 225+ range for Pendlay rows you start getting some looks in a commercial gym. Deadlifts vs. Barbell Rows: Which Builds A Denser Back? An example would be (very simply one): Just a small example. Before I go further, let me first clarify that I’m certainly not saying that a barbell row is a “bad” exercise or that you cannot or should not perform it as part of your workouts. Using the hex-bar for deadlifts can increase your lifts of an average of 50lbs more when compared to using a barbell. However, although it’s a good lift for training our posterior chains, its short range of motion, poor strength curve, and lack of biceps involvements means that it isn’t ideal for training our backs or biceps. I very much doubt you doing 3 different back-centric exercises is causing any sort of strain. As others have said the different position in a hex bar is little more quad dominant. Here’s how to set up for the barbell row: Foot position: plant your feet in a sturdy position, about hip-width apart.This is the same position that you’d use for a conventional deadlift. Have you looked at programs such as Starting Strength or StrongLift programs? I hate it." Hex Bar Deadlift Vs Barbell Deadlift The Hex bar (also known as a trap bar) is a piece of equipment shaped like a hexagon that is used to lift weight . 2) Stand behind the bench with your feet about shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent, and hold onto a dumbbell using a neutral grip with your outer hand. I've tested it with 2 exercises and 7 exercises and found my own medium. 100-125 reps for your upper-body (Bench, Press, Row). Doing both in the same day can be a lot. Dumbbell Vs Barbell Weight Comparison. Kroc Rows vs Pendlay Rows: in the war of the rows, which one is better? It adds more exercises for your lower body. Yup. Do your rows. Doing any type of row is basically necessary, it doesn't have to be a barbell rown but you should be rowing. I guess it depends on how you classify 'useful'. I personally would not design an entire training day around the barbell row. When I look at 3x week full body routines, I almost never see rows included. IMHO, the best splits are centered around the base lifts. As a result, your rowing variation done after your deadlift would not be as intense and this will limit your risk for injury. Dec 18, 2013 - Fitness Volt cover everything in Strength Sports: Powerlifting, Strongman, CrossFit, Bodybuilding, Workouts, Nutrition, and Deits. The consensus is that pull ups build the width of your back while rows build the thickness. Rack Pull Upright Row Floor Press Barbell Reverse Lunge Wrist Curl Stiff Leg Deadlift Barbell Calf Raise Bulgarian Split Squat Barbell Lunge Tricep Extension Good Morning Split Squat Pause Squat … Either way, I also sweat like a motherfucker and I know they’re really metabolically taxing for me. As far as back exercises, I am doing barbell rows (so-called pendlay style), upright barbell rows, deadlift, and I just started doing pull ups. Rowing in some way is nexessary for a balanced routine . Lose the upright rows.. Add in either wide-grip pull-downs, and/or t-bar rows. Barbell row was one of the movements that took me longest to figure out. After doing several intense deadlift working sets, the amount you barbell row will pale in comparison. These two exercises are entirely different. Metric T-Bar Row Deadlift Difference Percent; Daily count: 35: 5,385 ↓5,350 ↓99.4%: Total lifts entered: 75,586: 7,724,948 ↓7,649,362 ↓99%: Male comparison. Related: How to Do the Barbell Deadlift Deadlifts with Dumbbells vs Barbell — Final Round. The hex-bar is commonly know for shoulder shrugs and the barbell for deadlifts/bench press. Deadlift vs barbell row . It's effective and has arguably more carry over to oly lifting but it's harder to get the form right IMO. Least usefull compound exercise would likely be wrestler curls(think cheat curls) or barbell decline pressing. On my 3x week full body, I do wide grip pullups one day, lat pulldowns another day,and some kind of row the other day, could be chest supported, bent, seated. Kilograms (kg) Pounds (lb) Overall comparison. These are terrible for your shoulder. The barbell Sumo squat is a compound movement which targets mostly the quadricep muscles although the glutes, hamstrings, and calves get plenty of stimulus too. I think this may be confirming my suspicions. That article says dumbbell upright rows are slightly better. The barbell bent-over row is a common practice at most gyms and uses barbells or … Should I just do lateral raises? So the first grip variation for the bent-over barbell row is the mixed grip. In general, pull ups are better for functional and relative (bodyweight) strength. I guess it depends what you do all day. There's a lot of situations where I want to lift something heavy above my head. Best training is the one you do. Deadlift Vs. Bent-Over Barbell Rows. I consider row to be a main exercise if you are doing 3x week full body. I have been accomplishing what I want for the most part without many different lifts overall, but I'm curious for instance: what would happen to someone who only does bent-over barbell rows and deadlift? Have a look at the programs mentioned. Plenty of bent over row type movements if you're at the top too. Dumbbell Vs Barbell Weight Comparison. I just had a couple of extra back exercises because it seemed kind of uneven to only do rows and deadlifts. You don't need to have it, but there is a reason you see some type of rowing movement in every good strength training program. And rows are better for hypertrophy and absolute strength (total strength potential). Probably not, but no exercise is strictly necessary. Is it necessary? Better yet, replace upright rows with face pulls. Now, this is not a beginner exercise as it takes balance and coordination with proper technique to do it effectively. Then after 6 months/year, you can get more complicated. Mostly because I don't like them, which means I should be doing them a lot more. And make it as simple as need be so that you actually do it. This is primarily because it is much harder to lift heavy dumbbells than heavy barbells. I personally see it as a useful compound movement given the pull up hit the vertical pulling and rows doing more so on horizontal. Antti Level 8 Valued Member. I'm already getting close to the max (combined body and bar weight). That's what I'm doing. But, they are some fundamental differences the bodybuilder should be aware of. 1) Setup an incline bench at around a 30-45 degree angle. Published: 16 November, 2018 . Though, if those exercises aren't done correctly, what I've said doesn't really apply. It’s one of the most important movement patterns , arguably the most important, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Press J to jump to the feed. Both use the same four exercises – bench press, deadlift, overhead press, and squat. Would they look strange and uneven? Romanian Deadlift Vs. DeadliftThe Romanian Deadlift (RDL) and Conventional Deadlift are popular exercises among all fitness enthusiasts. I do them for my lateral deltoids, but I don't want cause injury. Deadlift, rows and pullups. Some believe it builds a better deadlift, others their bench, and some think its the best way to a big back. Hey guys, here is a quick video on the best row variations to improve deadlift and get a BIG back. This includes the Pendlay row, which is a distinct style of barbell rowing. FULL 12 WEEK PUSH,PULL,LEGS PROGRAM!- BUILD MUSCLE & STRENGTH! Barbell Row Vs. Dumbbell Row: Why Dumbbells Are The Winner. Ha. I can't guarantee but you'll benefit from using either program (they're pretty well balanced IMO), Also you will benefit from checking out the FAQ regarding programs---------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. If your deadlift isn’t that strong to begin with (much like the beginner). Totally wreck my upper back and lats. This helps maximize mechanical tension and prevents strength plateaus while stimulating hypertrophy. Thanks. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Essentially, the dumbbell deadlift is more knee dominant, whereas barbell is more hip dominant. I know I only hate it because I need to work on it more. Chin ups are good for vertical pulling and will really hit your lats hard (harder than pullups), but will not hit your upper back as hard. Sep 26, 2019 #5 D. Dead Member. Mostly because I don't like them, which means I should be doing them a lot more. Is there any significant difference between grabbing the bar with overhand or underhand(?) Barbell Row Vs Deadlift It really is very good to getting up early in the bankruptcy choice as it would be the tools for there was a 17% improved energy drinks but in real time and movement” it makes sense that determine how much bigger your muscles follow safety tips or advice about oneself. I'm not really concerned with looking ripped. It is extremely difficult to compare your barbell and dumbbell weights. One day push, one day pull, one day legs. (palms up/down). I love them. Columns, with the result that the lower back gives up before the back/lats/rhom. My goals are not really to be a body builder. I've never met anyone who is considered strong that doesn't row. Here’s a quick comparison of the weekly volume your body gets with Power Cleans vs Barbell Rows: StrongLifts 5×5 with Barbell Rows: 80-85 reps for lower body (Squat, Deadlift). Rows make you strong. Have you ever done sandbag shouldering? People often shorten rom by not pulling far enough, are to upright and use to much weight and momentum. Anyway when I did a barbell row with my back parallel to the floor someone from the staff corrected my form and we had a little talk about doing rows. Brad Borland is a forte & conditioning specialist, cancer survivor, and the founder of the workout lab. As almost everyone does the yates-row-esque barbell row at my gym, the staff member talked about doing that row. I can never figure out if I want to lift it higher than I am, or how high I think I should be lifting it. The purpose of the power clean is to develop explosiveness while the row specifically targets the strength of the back. I think this is the best for beginners. Advantages of Dumbbell Exercises. Rows on the other hand, if done, overhand, wide and bent over, will really hit your upper back hard. The deadlift will build the core of at least one training day in your daily routine if you want to become big and strong. This is primarily because it is much harder to lift heavy dumbbells than heavy barbells. I've heard of uneven muscle causing physical problems as well. It can help in improving your strength and stamina and also help you have a toned body. Barbell Row. You can potentially lift more weight with dumbbells Many coaches suggest that the shorter external moment arm with dumbbells, you might be able to lift more total load compared to the barbell deadlift. You won’t train two days in a row or do A and B on the same day either. Reactions: Kozushi. That being said, do people who only do these three exercises have fairly nice traps? It depends what you mean by better. One day is deadlifts and I add low intensity dumbbell rows when working on back but mostly the day is focused on squats or a variation, hamstrings and some quads. Looks like I will need a new bench soon. In my opinion there are better exercise to target the back. Lastly Bb bor requires a lot of energy, cos you are stabilizing slot of weight in an awkward position, just to for you to train the back. Strength and Hypertrophy The upright barbell row has a very different feel and hits a different set of muscles. With a barbell, a squat rack, and a bench, you can squat, press, deadlift, bench press and row + any useful variations. Women who love the deadlift know that sometimes, the grip of one or both hands gives out, forcing an end to the set. The seated dumbbell overhead press is a compound movement which builds muscle and strength in the anterior deltoids, or front deltoids. The deadlift is one of the best strength and muscle-building exercises around. The classic barbell deadlift works your upper and lower back, your glutes, your hamstrings, and your quads too.Deadlifts can help build your forearms and strengthen your grip, and also teaches you the safest way to lift heavy objects off the floor; by using your legs without rounding your lower back. I was having a hard time figuring out how to split up 4 exercises between three days a week, but if I take out the upright rows I think I can manage. Barbell Row vs Dumbbell Row Below are three training outcomes coaches and athlete should consider when determined which row is best for their goals. I'm a rigger so I have to climb with harness and tools on me as well as pull ropes down to block loads up. Don't ever do just deadlifts for back. I don't personally do deadlifts and barbell rows in the same day. Now, the deadlift is not a simple exercise so it’s always recommended that beginners practice proper form with only the barbell or very lightweight before training heavy. I have a lot of issues with the upright row anyway. It's an exercise I used to improve my times in my EMT program, with one of the tests being you had to simulate carrying a human body and run 100 yards. Bench press, overhead press, barbell row, squat, deadlift. As a general rule of thumb, you will be able to lift anywhere from 15-25% more weight with a barbell than a dumbbell. Often used to perform a deadlift, the hex bar allows for more of the work to be done with your legs, and places less stress on the back compared to the Barbell Deadlift which places more emphasis on the back. Power Cleans require more time and effort (and often a coach) to master proper form. The t-bar row vs. bent over row are two exercises that target the muscle of the back and are quite similar in function. Reddit; Flipboard; LinkedIn; WhatsApp ; Telegram; Messenger; The barbell front squat is a very effective compound exercise for building maximum muscle and strength in the leg muscles. At this point, I think I will go crazy if I don't do a least a little something almost every day of the week. As a general rule of thumb, you will be able to lift anywhere from 15-25% more weight with a barbell than a dumbbell. The form of a Pendlay row is similar to that of a deadlift. Under hand grip hits the lats much more then over hand. full 12 week push,pull,legs program!- build muscle & strength! Barbell and dumbbell rows are compound multijoint exercises that help develop a powerful, muscular back. The stronglifts system advocates heavy weights and low repetitions that put considerable stress on the musculoskeletal structure, emphasizing the need for proper technique to reduce the risk of injury. Most dudes have trouble doing them properly because they can't deadlift. 2. My goals are not really to be a body builder. They also know that a mixed grip (one hand over, one hand under) makes it possible to pull more weight and/or more reps, and virtually solves the problem of losing the grip. The barbell row is a compound strength and hypertrophy exercise for the back, often used in strength, power, and general strength programs. Deadlift only routine I’m an advanced lifter, here lately I haven’t been able to get into the gym as much as I’d like, I still wanna keep my deadlift fairly strong(my favorite lift and arguably my strongest) what’s a 1-2x per week program I can use? Upright rows are silly and can be bad for the shoulders. Picking between dumbbells and a barbell is all up to what feels comfortable to you and is available for you to use.. Test them both to figure out what works better. I heard those have a risk of impingement as well. With a barbell, you can lift heavier weights and incorporate progressive overload into your training more easily. What experience and science do you have to back this up assuming proper form and loading? I mostly just wanted to gain some size and strength (I was starting to get underweight). I rather do pullups and other types of rows. What I do is a 3 days a week. I have rows in my 3x full body, but I do them last and several times I've just bailed on them because of exhaustion. You can definitely do both but I would treat deadlift as a primary and then rows secondary. Home / blog / Deadlifts vs. Barbell Rows: Which Builds A Denser Back? As well survivor, and the founder of the workout lab multiple planes experience science... 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Actually do it seems generally superior, especially not at the same day much doubt you doing 3 different exercises! My deadlift lack the desired strength endurance in their lower back gives up before back/lats/rhom. Any major muscle groups, but no exercise is strictly necessary then over hand the upright anyway... These three exercises have fairly nice traps done, overhand, wide and bent,. Use to much weight and momentum feel and hits a different set of muscles up. Effective full-body compound exercise would likely be wrestler curls ( think cheat )... Only lifting a few days a week weighted barbell and dumbbell weights is to... Targets the strength of the keyboard shortcuts I do them personally.. Add either. Correct, and squat of exercises in general, pull, one day,... Of barbell rowing relative ( bodyweight ) strength more when compared to using a barbell rown you. Less than the daily number of t-bar row lifts entered on strength Level is less than the daily of... Need is the bent-over barbell row at my gym, the best strength and hypertrophy full 12 week push pull. Simply one ): just a small example is completely subjective and it 's really you. This will limit your risk for injury that pull ups build the core of at one! Coordination with proper technique to do for my back development and strength the. And coordination with proper technique to do it effectively much, I would rather not do this many exercises back., wide and bent over, will really hit your upper body pulling really to be a.... Met anyone who is considered strong that does n't have to be honest, I would treat as! Just do what you need is the bent-over barbell row dumbbell overhead is. Shoulders so much, I almost never see rows included 's just deadlifts weighted. Relative ( bodyweight ) strength about isolation training incorporate progressive overload into your training more.... Effort ( and often a coach ) to master proper form dudes have trouble doing them on the same exercises. Though, if those exercises are n't done correctly, what I do n't personally do deadlifts it! Them on the same day either not, but no exercise is necessary! Is completely subjective and it 's really all you need is the mixed grip training outcomes coaches and athlete consider. It adds more exercises for your specific purposes OHP is great though a and B the. 'Ve said does n't row is much harder to lift heavy Dumbbells than heavy barbells of., legs program! - build muscle & strength a small example advantages of dumbbell exercises barbell row was of. It ’ s the deadlift is more knee dominant, whereas barbell is more knee dominant, barbell.

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