medical education article types

", Mixed competing interests: "All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form at and declare: no support from any organisation for the submitted work; AB has received research grants and honorariums from XYZ company, BF has been paid for developing and delivering educational presentations for BBB foundation, DF does consultancy for HHH and VVV companies; no other relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work.". If the study was registered, please provide the registration details, explaining whether the study was registered before data acquisition or analysis began. Declaration of competing interests But where the funder requires it the author can select the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence during the submission process (funders who mandate CC BY include the Wellcome Trust, RCUK, and MRC). • Why cover it now? We welcome authors or contributions from allied health professions and patient authors, and actively encourage authors from a primary care background. BMC Medical Education The box should be divided into two short sections, each with 1-3 short sentences. If appropriate, include a box of linked information such as website urls for those who want to pursue the subject in more depth. • How were (or will) patients and the public be involved in choosing the methods and agreeing plans for dissemination of the study results to participants and wider relevant communities? 2021 • Observational studies; Since January 2000, The BMJ has not asked authors of journal articles to assign us their copyright and authors (or their employers) retain their copyright in the article. We will not consider your paper until we have reviewed and approved competing interests declaration forms from each author. • Interventions - what, how, when and for how long. Minerva Picture articles with the following characteristics are not usually accepted because they lack educational value for general readers: • Trials; or Key messages boxThis should be at the end of the article and include 2 to 4 points summing up the main conclusions. • Consider how these numbers can be communicated by the clinician read to their patient in a clear way. ", Grant funding for research but no other competing interest: "All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form at and declare: all authors had financial support from ABC Company for the submitted work; no financial relationships with any organisations that might have an interest in the submitted work in the previous three years; no other relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work. 21:25. 2021 A clean version should also be submitted via the ScholarOne manuscript system. Please ensure that anything you submit to The BMJ conforms to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors’ Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals uniform recommendations for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. Below is the list of most often used checklists but others may apply. Dissemination to participants and related patient and public communities. Authors: Elena Zelesniack, Viktor Oubaid and Sigrid Harendza, Citation: LicenceWe require the manuscript to include the following statement: Authors: Travis Sutherland, Dorothy Choi and Catherine Yu, Citation: BMC Medical Education The difficulty of the questions should reflect knowledge needed for postgraduate exams. Impact of career choice motivation on academic burnout in senior dental students: A cross-sectional study, Perspectives of organizational identity in a health higher education institution: a mixed-method analysis, Anatomy Education Environment Measurement Inventory (AEEMI): a cross-validation study in Malaysian medical schools, Knowledge, attitude, and practice of pharmacy and medical students regarding self-medication, a study in Zabol University of Medical Sciences; Sistan and Baluchestan province in south-east of Iran, Digital learning designs in physiotherapy education: a systematic review and meta-analysis, A governmental program to encourage medical students to deliver primary prevention: experiment and evaluation in a French faculty of medicine, Defining competence profiles of different medical specialties with the requirement-tracking questionnaire – a pilot study to provide a framework for medial students’ choice of postgraduate training, Factors affecting paramedicine students’ learning about evidence‐based practice: a phenomenographic study, Making it stick: use of active learning strategies in continuing medical education, Two-dimensional integration approach to teaching cardiovascular physiology: effectiveness and students’ perspectives, Comprehensiveness of distributed medical education systems: a regional population-based perspective, Perceived usefulness and ease of use of fundoscopy by medical students: a randomised crossover trial of six technologies (eFOCUS 1), The impact of integrating environmental health into medical school curricula: a survey-based study, The impact of research intercalation during medical school on post-graduate career progression, Perceptions of medical students towards the practice of professionalism at the Arabian Gulf University, Evaluating the impact of a medical school cohort sexual health course on knowledge, counseling skills and sexual attitude change, Understanding the key processes of excellence as a prerequisite to establishing academic centres of excellence in Africa, Does burnout affect clinical reasoning? We ask that one author is routed in the clinical environment of the intended reader. 2021 You may find this link helpful. Moreover, The BMJ immediately fulfils the requirements of the US National Institutes of Health, the UK Medical Research Council, the Wellcome Trust, and other funding bodies by making the full text of publicly funded research freely available to all on and sending it directly to PubMed Central, the National Library of Medicine's full text archive. 2021 After the first year the price may be revised based on the scope of the revisions and the work done on each one. • A short vignette which includes all information required to answer the question If you have suggestions for preferred reviewers, please provide us with their names and contact details; we may invite some of them to review the paper. You may submit the following materials as supplemental files if you think they will help the authors and reviewers make a decision or readers better understand your study: Original raw data if you think they will help our reviewers (and maybe readers), or if we specifically request them. … Some students have neurodevelopmental disorders that might affect their academic and professional careers if they are not identified and addressed by specific pedagogic adaptations. 2021 We reserve the right to require that authors form a group whose name will appear in the article byline. Authors: Nathanael Sirili, Amani Anaeli, Lilian Mselle, Obadia Nyongole and Siriel Massawe, Citation: If the number of authors is very large we may ask for confirmation that everyone listed met the ICMJE criteria for authorship. BMC Medical Education We firmly believe that the increased use and integration of ORCiD iDs will be beneficial for the whole research community. Sometimes responses may be critical of an article. The journal is an official peer-reviewed publication of the International Association of Medical … The following line should also be included - "The corresponding author attests that all listed authors meet authorship criteria and that no others meeting the criteria have been omitted.". For example, in cases of stigmatised illnesses we seek to protect the confidentiality of reviewers who have these illnesses. do you offer lifestyle advice to all patients with newly diagnosed hypertension?). * What are the roles of other members of the multidisciplinary team? bmj article type › Verified 2 days ago › Get more: Bmj article type Detail Education For reports of clinical trials, we ask that the authors commit to making the relevant anonymised patient level data available on reasonable request (see editorial). Struggling to fit the white coat and the role of contextual factors within a hospital organisation - an ethnographic study on the first months as newly graduated doctors, Student and supervisor perspectives on the effectiveness of community-based placements for occupational therapy students, Evaluation of the pediatric life support instructors courses, Early prediction of the risk of scoring lower than 500 on the COMLEX 1, The micro revolution: effect of Bite-Sized Teaching (BST) on learner engagement and learning in postgraduate medical education, Knowledge, attitudes, and understanding of probiotics among pediatricians in different regions of Saudi Arabia, “Brought to life through imagery” – animated graphic novels to promote empathic, patient-centred care in postgraduate medical learners, An evaluation of cascading mentorship as advocacy training in undergraduate medical education, Evaluating a longitudinal point-of-care-ultrasound (POCUS) curriculum for pediatric residents, Career aspirations among specialty residents in France: a cross-sectional gender-based comparison, Testing a new active learning approach to advance motor learning knowledge and self-efficacy in physical therapy undergraduate education, The impact of writing on academic performance for medical students, Simulation of operating room crisis management - hypotension training for pre‐clinical students, Effect of motor imagery and actual practice on learning professional medical skills, Reflective practice and transcultural psychiatry peer e-learning between Somaliland and the UK: a qualitative evaluation, An evaluation of obstetric ultrasound education program in Nepal using the RE-AIM framework, Medical students’ awareness of health issues, attitudes, and confidence about caring for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender patients: a cross-sectional survey, Response to “How can WhatsApp facilitate the future of medical education and clinical practice?”. There are often multiple versions of a protocol and the timing of decisions about outcomes in relation to the onset of a trial cannot easily be determined. Medical writers have professional responsibilities to ensure that the articles they write are scientifically valid and are written in accordance with generally accepted ethical standards. The guidelines cover companies’ responsibility to endeavour to publish results of all studies, companies’ relations with investigators, measures to prevent redundant or premature publication, the roles of authors and contributors, and the role of professional medical writers. Authors are welcome to suggest names of suitable reviewers, including patient reviewers. Read more here about why we introduced this policy in 2015 and about how it works at The BMJ. These articles update clinicians on the best initial use of imaging methods or diagnostic tests for common or important problems. If additional terms apply, those may be included as appropriate (e.g. The BMJ's Therapeutics series covers new drugs in clinical use or old drugs with important new indications or controversy. 2021 When patients are involved in the manuscript, we ask for their consent. BMC Medical Education Real world effectiveness of warfarin among ischemic stroke patients with atrial fibrillation: observational analysis from Patient-Centered Research into Outcomes Stroke Patients Prefer and Effectiveness Research (PROSPER) study. Avoid acronyms and abbreviations unless they are universally recognised e.g. We receive more articles and suggestions than we can publish. * What are the biopsychosocial aspects of the condition or treatment? If information detailing whether there was patient and public involvement, or not, is missing in the submitted manuscript we will request authors to provide it. 2021 You can find additional information about video abstracts here and here. Please make clear the evidence base of each key statement: Before we can consider your article, we need to see written consent from every patient, parent, or next of kin, regardless of whether the patient can be identified from the picture. TITLE: The phrase “living systematic review” should appear in the title. Authors: Andrea M Burrows and Kevin B Laupland, Citation: Most studies evaluating career aspirations among gender are performed in Anglo-Saxon countries. Overall structureThe manuscript should have the following elements: Title and standfirstA short title is followed by an italicised single sentence (the standfirst) which encapsulates the article’s central message. The guidelines emphasise the importance of respecting widely recognised authorship criteria, and in particular of ensuring that all people listed as named authors have full control of the content of articles. Authors: Qing Zhong, Han Wang, Payton Christensen, Kevin McNeil, Matthew Linton and Mark Payton, Citation: Please include in the results section of your structured abstract (and in the article's results section) the following terms, as appropriate: • Absolute event rates among experimental and control groups. NB: Minerva pictures/articles are currently not indexed in PubMed. The Journal aims to provide its readers with a better understanding of teaching and learning techniques, in order to advance medical science education. BMC Medical Education BMC Medical Education • Submissions which criticise other clinicians, or the patient. For further information, contact Open access articles may be reused according to the relevant Creative Commons licence. * What are the differential diagnoses? We welcome junior authors, however, at least one author must be a fully qualified consultant or general practitioner in a field relevant to the topic. Please ensure that the structured abstract is as complete, accurate, and clear as possible and has been approved by all authors. Fundoscopy outside ophthalmology is in decline, and the technical demands of the traditional direct ophthalmoscope examination are likely contributing. This series highlights conditions that are often missed at first presentation in general practice or the emergency department. Authors: Eloi Magnin, Ilham Ryff and Thierry Moulin, Citation: We do not accept obituaries sent by post, and neither do we accept handwritten obituaries. For example, your study might have asked and answered a new question (one whose relevance has only recently become clear); contradicted a belief, dogma, or previous evidence provided a new perspective on something that is already known in general; or provided evidence of higher methodological quality for a message that is already known. For some submissions this might be published in full on with a shorter version in the print BMJ. We cannot promise publication before the piece is submitted. Rapid responses are electronic letters to the editor and offer readers a way to interact with our content. 2021 • Assurance that any article written by a professional medical writer follows the guidelines by the European Medical Writers' Association on the role of professional medical writers. For example, if the article discusses presentation to the emergency department one author should be an emergency care doctor. BMC Medical Education Contributors and sourcesWe ask for a 100-150 word supplementary paragraph (excluded from word count) to explain the article’s provenance. For systematic reviews or meta-analysis of randomised trials and other evaluation studies, use the PRISMA checklist and flowchart and use the PRISMA structured abstract checklist when writing the structured abstract. The content should be evidence based, aimed at non-specialists and have international appeal. Any additional authors and their financial interests must be discussed and agreed with the commissioning editor before the article is submitted. These articles discuss issues related to medical student life, career planning, and education. ), "Education into practice" box. The Anatomy Education Environment Measurement Inventory (AEEMI) evaluates the perception of medical students of educational climates with regard to teaching and learning anatomy. Living systematic reviews allow authors to update their previously vetted and peer reviewed evidence syntheses (for example, systematic reviews and meta-analyses) in response to relevant new information. Medical education is also the subject-didactic academic field of educating medical doctors at all levels, including entry-level, post-graduate, and continuing medical education. 21:62. In rare instances we may determine after careful consideration that we should not make certain portions of the prepublication record publicly available. The medical field has a long history of using the MBTI instrument in education, specialty training, selection, and evaluation. • Details of any previous publication of the same study in electronic form, including on any preprint server. 21:52. We have two types of consent forms for BMJ education articles: • A patient consent form is required if any anonymised patient information is included in the review. However, previous versions will remain available as data supplements. What sort of case do I need? * What is the role of carers? Give clear definitions of how selected, entry and exclusion criteria. The BMJ requires authors of clinical trials to upload a protocol for their study. • Assurance that a study funded or sponsored by industry follows the guidelines on good publication practice. BMC Medical Education Please could you include your twitter handle if you have one. "Relevant data" encompasses all anonymised data on individual patients on which the analysis, results, and conclusions reported in the paper are based. The timing and reasons for any changes in registered outcomes should also be disclosed. Examples of different sorts of summary statements: No competing interests: "We have read and understood BMJ policy on declaration of interests and declare that we have no competing interests. BMC Medical Education The approach to any authorship changes should be negotiated before the first version of the paper is published. • One question with answer. Each journal, will, however, integrate the form into its processes in different ways. During the submission process, you must indicate how all authors meet the ICMJE criteria for authorship. Ageism is a serious problem in medical care. This series highlights areas of practice that lack convincing evidence. ABSTRACT: The abstract should include: We ask that all writing encourages honesty and partnership with patients. 2021 The trial registration number and name of register should be included as the last line of the structured abstract. Authors: Antony K. Sorial, Morgan Harrison-Holland and Helen S. Young, Citation: 21:37. Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit upon the host. Bite-sized learning is an instructional method that utilizes brief, focused learning units. It should include the relevant experience and expertise of each author, his or her contribution to the paper, and the sources of information used to prepare it. We welcome submissions on topics such as: Please also let us know if you would not like us to invite specific reviewers to look at your work but provide an explanation for your request. Your article should be about medicine, healthcare, publishing, or an issue that will interest doctors and other healthcare professionals. • Write about known and unknown benefits and harms. The SAP will be published alongside other materials if the article is accepted. where the article mostly concerns the author’s writing about their own work) BMC Medical Education BMJ Opinion provides comment and opinion written by The BMJ's international community of readers, authors, and editors. This collection of free-to-read articles … We appreciate that authors may have tried other journals before sending their work to The BMJ, and find it helpful if you let us know how you have responded to previous reviewers' comments. The core business of medical schools includes clinical (education and service) and academic (research) activities. Please submit online at BMC Medical Education We will only publish articles authored by people free from financial interests that we consider to be relevant. We ask that all manuscripts be written in accordance with the appropriate reporting guideline. 21:69. Ghost or gift authors are not accepted. For more information on any of the requirements below, please contact We will encourage those requesting data to send a rapid response to, describing what they are looking for. BMC Medical Education Before we can consider your article, we need: Authors: M.-C. Audétat, S. Cairo Notari, J. Sader, C. Ritz, T. Fassier, J. M. Sommer, M. Nendaz and N. Caire-Fon, Citation: Before submitting an article, please ensure that you have followed all guidelines below. addressed. "How patients were involved in the creation of this article" box. Such a table will ideally describe important changes to the review protocol, statistical analyses, or other aspects of the review, along with the dates of these changes. • Have you thought about what a patient would say about your idea? Authors: Anna Wilson, Susan Howitt, Adele Holloway, Anne-Marie Williams and Denise Higgins, Citation: We ask authors of research papers to use a revised version of the ICMJE’s unified disclosure form. How to recognize visual learners in your class: Someone with a preference for visual … rapidly evolving evidence base, anticipated impact on policy or practice, etc. • Meaning of the study: possible explanations and implications for clinicians and policymakers Clinical trials that begin enrolling participants on or after January 1, 2019 must also include a data sharing plan in the trial’s registration. For studies of diagnostic accuracy, use the STARD checklist and flowchart. • A paper that changed my practice We require a data sharing statement for all research papers. Please submit via email at The BMJ publishes different types of educational articles to engage and challenge a range of postgraduate doctors and clinical researchers internationally. They are also often topical, insightful, and attention grabbing. * What are the FAQs from patients? We require all authors to contact us before submitting a manuscript to us. Sexual health is generally considered an integral part of medical and allied healthcare professional training. A completed TIDieR checklist is also helpful as this helps to ensure that trial interventions are fully described in ways that are reproducible, usable by other clinicians, and clear enough for systematic reviewers and guideline writers. We consider the following relationships with industry to be relevant, making it unlikely that we would be able to publish your work: employment; ownership of stocks and shares (this excludes mutual funds or other situations in which the person is not in a position to control investment decisions) ; travel and accommodation expenses; paid consultancy or directorship; patent ownership; aid membership of speakers' panels or bureaus and advisory board; acting as an expert witness ; being in receipt of a fellowship, equipment, writing, or administrative support; writing or consulting for a medical education promotional or communications company. All we require from authors is an exclusive licence (or, from government employees who cannot grant this, a non-exclusive licence) that allows us to publish the article in The BMJ (including any derivative products) and any other BMJ products (such as the Student BMJ or overseas editions), and allows us to sublicense such rights and exploit all subsidiary rights. Read our opinion pieces, Comment and opinion blogs about medicine, healthcare and publishing written by. 21:55. 3.2 Article types. We publish anonymous personal view articles only by special arrangement when it would be impossible for the article to appear with the author's name. If they were not involved in any way this information should be formally documented in the Patient and Public Involvement section. p-values should always be accompanied by supporting data, and denominators should be given for percentages. * What is the financial impact for patients? Accepted articles are all published online initially on BMJ Opinion, but may not be published in print. • Unanswered questions and future research. To learn more about ORCiD, please visit, Each contributorship statement should make clear who has contributed what to the planning, conduct, and reporting of the work described in the article, and should identify one, or occasionally more, contributor(s) as being responsible for the overall content as guarantor(s). Send a few sentences explaining what you’d like to write about, how you’d like to cover the topic, and what you think readers would gain from the article you are proposing. Read more about, Ingela Radestad (0000-0000-0000-0000), Gunnar Steineck, C Nordin, B Sjogren, Centre for Caring Sciences, Karolinska Institute, S-171 76 Stockholm, Sweden Ingela Radestad midwife Unit of Cancer Epidemiology, Radiumhemmet, Karolinska Institute Gunnar Steinbeck associate professor Department of Womens Health, Karolinska Institute B Sjogren associate professor Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital, Linkoping, Sweden C Nordin associate professor. Abstracts do not need references. BMC Medical Education • If appropriate, invite the original author[s] to participate in the re-analysis. All authors should meet authorship criteria. Questions to include three from the list below: Authors: Benjamin Kligler, Genevieve Pinto Zipp, Carmela Rocchetti, Michelle Secic and Erin Speiser Ihde, Citation: For example: “Readers’ note: This article is a living systematic review that will be updated periodically over the next 2 years to reflect emerging evidence. 21:64. These articles provide a basic comprehensive summary of a topic that the reader should already know something about. Simulation training is an essential criterion for medical staff. -- Mention and include a reference to any published or publicly available protocol for this review. Developing self-regulated learning in preclinical settings is important for future lifelong learning. The evidence on which key statements are based should be explicit and referenced, and the strength of the evidence (published trials, systematic reviews, observational studies, expert opinion etc.) Medical education, course of study directed toward imparting to persons seeking to become physicians the knowledge and skills required for the prevention and treatment of disease.It also develops the … Complete The BMJ's Disclosure form. • Design - including factors such as prospective, randomisation, blinding, placebo control, case control, crossover, criterion standards for diagnostic tests, etc. Please submit online at When they have contributed substantially and meet authorship criteria they should be invited to coauthor the manuscript. Ideally, we prefer an international author team and focus. • Can you sum up the aim of your article in a sentence? The BMJ is encouraging active patient and public involvement in clinical research as part of its patient partnership strategy. 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