rhinox beast machines

At the onset of the sequel series Beast Machines, the Maximals had returned to a barren Cybertron ruled by Megatron, with amnesia and a mysteriously absent Rhinox & Silverbolt. When the bickering duo nearly failed in their mission, the other Maximals, including Rhinox, showed up, and the rhinoceros blew away the Predacons with a massive energon... *ahem*"derriere-based"... discharge which was caused by his ingestion of wild beans; Megatron would remember this moment as the most humiliating defeat in his entire career. As a result, Rhinox and Silverbolt were captured, stripped of their organic bodies and placed in the new bodies of Tankor and Jetstorm. How odd. His knowledge and inner serenity were still intact. He eventually expanded it to within reach of Tarantulas' lair. However, Dinobot 2 downloaded emergency data to the Ark about an Autobot shuttle hidden within the Ark. Although cautious at first, he listened to the Predacon geologist Fractyl's explanation that Packrat had stolen some experimental energon armor, which was slowly degenerating into the unstable anti-energon. Shockwave tried to have Bludgeon bring his ship down for an evacuation, only for the mad scientist to unveil himself as an acolyte of Unicron and servant of chaos, much to Shockwave's disbelief. Much to Rattrap's chagrin, Rhinox shut Sentinel down to allow Airazor to get inside the base, though it considerably weakened their defenses. EX, After Metroplex crushed their office, the employees of Axalon took up residence in his city mode, where they listened to their janitor tell them about Metroplex's backstory. He appears to have some "older sibling/parental" emotions toward Airazor due to his role in bringing her online. Sometimes there were many of him! They tracked Megatron to Mount St. Hilary, where the Predacon leader had located the Ark and attempted to reach the ship first. While the others were off the base, Rhinox was attacked by Megatron, Blackarachnia and Inferno, who made off with the Golden Disk. He was one of few maximals that fought in the beast wars and survived. Unfortunately while they were doing so, Tarantulas's latest invention the Transformation Lock Lens, prevented them from sending the signal before Megatron destroyed the array. The Decepticon easily overpowered Rhinox and attempted to execute him, only to find Rhinox had rigged the cannon so it could not fire on any Maximals. It wasn't long before they found themselves in their first battle with the Predacons across a small cravats. However, Megatron was not thrown far enough and the Predacon managed to reenter the Ark and blast the Autobot leader, decisively erasing the Maximals from the timeline. Beast Wars (Part 2), Being the handyman of the crew, Rhinox quickly developed a new comlink to overcome the problems with energon interference. Transmutate, Continuing to track the transwarp wavefront, Rhinox and the other Maximals celebrated their impending rescue, however instead they got Predacon agent Ravage. After following the Predacons through a transwarp portal and appearing above a mysterious planet, both ships were damaged in the ensuing space battle, and before both ships crashed into the planet's surface below, the stasis pods carrying the rest of Rhinox's crew were ejected into orbit. Rhinox assisted with the loading process as Protoform X's stasis pod was brought on board and told Cheetor and Rattrap to quit slacking off. Although the Transmetal Maximals merely reverted to their original shapes, the Maximals who were still in their original shapes were instantly paralyzed. Dark Voyage, Later, Tarantulas infected Rhinox with an energon discharge virus, which made him expel his energon reserves via his nasal passages in bursts powerful enough to tear through the hull of the Axalon, threatening both to destroy the Maximals' base and completely drain Rhinox of energy. Reminding Primal of his duty to his Maximals, he helped Primal's spark escape Transwarp space and return to his body, turning it into a Transmetal. Depth Charge is bitter about being brought back from the dead, but Rhinox is thankful for the chance to atone for his actions as Tankor. He and Rattrap were overjoyed when Primal reported that Depth Charge had taken out the warship, but it turned out the news was a little too premature. Other Voices, Part 2 Once Rhinox was fully repaired, he initiated a dangerous plan to bring the recently deceased Optimus Primal back to life by using the hole in space-time caused by the destruction of the Planet Buster to astrally project his spark into the Matrix, where he followed the transion left by Primal's spark and led it back to the land of the living, where it was reborn as Transmetal Optimus Primal. He remained as he is from episode 1 right through to the finale and was also one of the most likeable characters of them all. Transforms from rhino beast to robot and back! 27 and had a hand in mass-producing Master-Braces after Rewind provided the company with blueprints. Rhinox chose that moment to reveal that all the Maximals now served Unicron. Once Rhinox's defences were conquered by the Predacons, Rhinox himself met an untimely death by Predacon hands. Arcee Chapter Rhinox was among the adoring fans who welcomed Megatron when he arrived in the Legends World, happily chanting "All hail Megatron!" Beast Wars Sourcebook, Voice actor: Richard Newman (English), Daiki Nakamura (Japanese). Rhinox attempted to control the ship and, with some assistance from Optimus, managed to get it down at least in one piece, though it would never fly again. Revelations, Part 2. Function: Beast Machines was the followup cartoon and toyline to Beast Wars; like its predecessor, it was animated entirely in CGI by Mainframe Entertainment but featured a massive change to the production and writing staff, and went from being in syndication to airing on Fox Kids in the US (it remained in Canada on YTV).It begins a new story with the characters of Beast … Episodes. After recovering, he took leadership of the Maximals to forestall any bickering and sent Rattrap and Cheetor out to protect the base against Megatron. Tapping into the power of the Oracle, Megatron erased Rhinox's spark, killing him utterly. Rhinox convinced Packrat that the respect he craved would not come from power, but from giving up power when it was necessary. The Reformatting, Rhinox, like the other Maximals, was exposed to Megatron's virus at this point. Bonus Edition Vol. Once Shokaract was defeated, space-time rebooted itself with the disappearance of the Dark Essence from the past, and these events were erased from Rhinox's timeline. LG19 Sprung Prologue When the visiting Deadlock was sent back to his native Cloud World, Rhinox and several others were accidentally dragged along with him and had to be returned home by SARA. Although Optimus Primal could vaguely sense their presence, Rhinox theorized that the sensation was just a side-effect of Primal's recent upgrades. Equal Measures, Rhinox had to dive for safety during a battle at the Standing Stones, after Terrorsaur blew up the energon cache at its center. Rhinox built a massive fortified base (described as an "urban zone") away from the downed Axalon. After Starscream's leave from the Beast Wars, a battle broke out between the Maximals and Predacons. Rhinox had Tankors tank mode and was uncorrupted by organic material. He's a Renaissance Bot. When the truck left, however, he was forced to comment that its single windshield wasn't accurate to Prime's design. One of his new battle moves involves pulling off wheelies on the battlefield. Tarantulas then personally took over operations of the annexed territory, until his demise. Beast Wars Metals #6, The Maximals crashed in Mexico around 1,000 B.C.E., near where the Natiltec tribe lived. Shipping Note: Orders may take longer than usual to arrive as we take safety precautions in all our facilities Shipping Note: Orders may take longer than usual to arrive as we take safety precautions in all our facilities Rattrap however, was able to infiltrate the now-heavily guarded ship and deactivate Sentinel, which was then repaired and made fully-functional by Rhinox. Other Victories Once the situation was sorted out, the Maximals began searching for Megatron and his scattered forces. Lovely warm hat on those cold winter days! As they encroached, an explosion hit Rhinox, and he was knocked offline. Very upsetting. Coming of the Fuzors (Part 2), Rhinox conducted tests on Optimus Primal to attempt to determine what the new Transmetal forms were capable of, with limited results. Template:In-universe Rhinox is the name of three fictional characters from various Transformers universes. Rhinox Beanie hat with fleece lining! Fortunately, Blackarachnia was mysteriously resurrected anyway by the Transmetal driver. Rhinox and the other Maximals left prehistoric Earth aboard the aforementioned Autobot shuttle and began the voyage home to Cybertron. The planet was rich with energon -- so much so that prolonged exposure would short out their bodies, so the Maximals and Predacons were forced to take organic forms from the local creatures. (Note: The exact situations within the game changed depending on what side you played as. Many Beast Wars combatants had managed to construct personal bases, customized to their personal tastes, due to the extended duration of the war. Afterwards, Rhinox again went off to smell some flowers. Rhinox not only specialises in the industry standard ‘digger bucket’, but we can also offer specialist attachments such as riddle buckets, ripper teeth, landrakes and even manual quick … Victory, Some time later, when the Maximals found themselves cornered by a Predacon ambush, Rhinox was able to take out their attackers with a carefully aimed spray of chaingun fire. The two factions were locked in a firefight, though the advantage lay with the Predacons. During the prep for the Axalon's launch, the crew spent weeks on a space station getting everything ready. Rhinox's only weapons—besides his intimidating strength and brilliant mind—are his twin chainguns, affectionately named "Chainguns of Doom" by the fans. If he sounds too good to be true, it's because he just might be. Bad Spark Rhinox calculated that the transwarp wavefront from the Planet Buster explosion would soon be reaching Cybertron, though the good news was tempered a short time later when Dinobot perished saving a group of protohumans from the Predacons. Their war with the Predacons eventually involved the local humans, and after the situation had been resolved, Rhinox recorded and encoded a message onto a cave wall alongside a Natiltec warrior's writings. The Crucible, Millions of years later, Rhinox was still in the service of Onyx/Shockwave, and watched as his master was paraded through the streets in chains after his recent capture. The Low Road, After Megatron called a truce, Rhinox assisted "non-violently" in helping Tigatron escape after infiltrating the Predacon base to find out more information. Skir's original intention was that Rhinox had "seen all sides of the argument, and chose to go more in Megatron's direction" in. Beast Wars. Rhinox's only weapons - besides his rather intimidating strength - are his twin chainguns, affectionately named "Chainguns of Doom" by the fans. Unfortunately for the Maximals, Megatron broke free of his bonds in transwarp and arrived on Cybertron ahead of them, taking over the planet. It is a direct follow-up to Beast Wars, set in the same G1 continuity and featuring many of the same characters.Like Beast Wars, its computer animation was created by Mainframe Entertainment. There are at least a few of him running around! Thus, any playable Maximal can fill the role of protagonist in Maximal Mode, and any playable Predacon can fill the role of protagonist in Predacon Mode. A Beast Machines: Transformers a Hasbro egyik Transformers játékszériája, a Beast Wars közvetlen folytatása. The Spark, While Rhinox was communicating long distance with Tigatron, his fellow Maximal was attacked by Waspinator and Terrorsaur, leading the Maximals to discover the existence of a flying island. Rhinox finally made a desperate attempt to see them off with a barrage of chaingun fire, only to be blasted backwards. It was a direct sequel to Beast … Rhinox is the only member of the Beast Wars Maximal lineup who was there from the beginning and remains alive and unchanged for the entire course of the show. LG24 Shockwave & Cancer Prologue He was alter among those tormented by the volume of Blaster's music, Bonus Edition Vol. Once this was achieved, the subverted Primal's first order was for Rhinox to order everyone back to base, where Quickstrike was able to knock them out and stick them in a cage. Edit. When arriving to prehistoric Earth, he took the form of a Rhinoceros. As Rhinox wondered aloud what would happen to him next, Nova Major promised him he and the other beasts would have a place in the new united Cybertronian society. When Megatron was defeated by Nightscream, Rhinox saw an opportunity to redeem the fallen tyrant, and attempted to act as a spirit guide. If he sounds too good to be true, it's because he just might be. Though he blamed himself, he and the other Maximals rallied themselves to build a communications array on Predacon soil. Unstopped and Unstoppable, When Unicron had begun his attack on Cybertron, Rhinox had already traveled to Earth to meet with his master, presenting him with a replacement gun-arm when the Decepticon materialized in the streets of Toronto. Flower-smelling/nature-hating, gentle/megalomaniacal, Maximal/Jerk. The Era Gap, One day, Primal left the office with a warning not to touch his bananas, which naturally prompted Rhinox and the others to eat them all as quickly as possible. Furthermore, the semi-organic nature of his robot mode granted him additional fluidity and skill in combat.Transmetal Rhinox Bio, While collecting the exploded spark of Optimus Primal, Rhinox became a Metals as well. The two factions eventually reached the mountain topped with energon and fought over it while in their beast modes, until Megatron ended up destroying it. He was probably some other guy. A Beast to Start. Silverbolt. He found it, took control of it, and then faked his death. The original Tankor started out as Rhinox, a character from the Beast Wars television series. The crew's survey yielded Transmatter energy signatures coming from the head of Unicron, in orbit around the planet. Maximal Symbol in Beast Machines. He is voiced by Richard Newman. Rhinox's spiritual form appeared once more with Optimus in the Matrix, apologizing for his actions as Tankor while bidding his friend farewell and to telling him to embrace his Spark. Rhinox … Bonus Edition Vol. The Trigger, Part 1 Blackarachnia took control of the island and piloted it towards the Axalon, forcing Rhinox, Cheetor and Dinobot to evacuate the base. Cheetor tells Blackarachnia to 'fix' Rhinox. In a series sequel/spinoff Beast Machines, the surving Maximals return to Cybertron to find it overrun by mindless drones of Megatron. End of the Line, Rhinox's spiritual form appeared once more with Optimus in the Matrix, bidding his friend farewell and to telling him to embrace his Spark. Coming of the Fuzors, Part 2. He went off to fulfill this new mission, in a highly malevolent and sadistic manner. Apocalypse, Rhinox pretended to still be Tankor and sneaked around Megatron's ranks, reprogramming the Diagnostic Drone as his agent. When it came to Rattrap's Dinobots, the three joked about the toy weapons' resemblance to food and utensils until they all got hungry. The Gathering #3, After his (very) later death, Rhinox was reborn by the Vok and traveled the multiverse. A redeco of Cybertron Landmine, "Axalon Rhinox" is one of five toys in BotCon 2006's Dawn of Future's Past box set. Go with the Flow, When Blackarachnia's attempts to become a Transmetal caused her shell program to deteriorate, threatening to erase her core consciousness, Rhinox carried out a very delicate procedure to surgically remove the shell program directly. Bonus Edition Waspinator, The two talked about their regrets as their respective Tankors, and Rhinox explained that though he'd accepted death as his penance, his alternate self was still alive and had a future during which he could change for the better. While Silverbolt failed, Optimus Primal arrived in time to pin Rhinox down, only to succumb to the device's effects himself. Double Dinobot Later, a stasis pod crash landed in a barren wasteland. Other Voices, Part 1 The rest of the Maximals found their two comrades webbed to the ceiling, and placed them in CR chambers. Nemesis Part 1, Rhinox was ordered by Optimus Primal to execute Operation Eternity, which apparently only Primal and he knew about. 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