stripe connect account

c. Accord sur les services de Stripe : La version de l’Accord sur les services de Stripe qui est intégrée par renvoi dans le présent Accord sur le compte lié constitue la version qui s’applique dans le territoire de votre compte Stripe. This is the first step if you want to enable other businesses to accept payments directly.. How to run locally. If your Stripe Account balance becomes negative, you authorize Stripe to debit the amount owed from your Payout Account. Please read this Connected Account Agreement carefully. You—the platform—are responsible for all interactions with your user, including collecting any information Stripe needs. With Stripe Connect, the amount paid by the buyer directly to the Stripe Connect account. You agree to indemnify Stripe for any losses we incur based on your failure to properly describe or deliver goods or services, or comply with your legal or contractual obligations to your customers. 4. Connect Standard OAuth. You are solely responsible for, and Stripe expressly disclaims all liability for, your compliance with applicable laws and obligations related to your provision of the goods or services to your customers, or receipt of charitable donations. Once you connect your Stripe account, your metrics will populate automatically. Stripe’s fees will either be disclosed to you separately, or will be consolidated with the fees for the Platform Services. Click Stripe. You understand and agree that Connect Platforms and Stripe may share Your Data in order to facilitate your use of Stripe Connect or the Platform Services. Vous acceptez expressément les modalités du présent Accord sur le compte lié et de l’Accord sur les services de Stripe et toute mise à jour ou modification occasionnelle de l’un de ces documents par Stripe. The business will need to register with Stripe, as they will need to enter details to get paid. With that clearly out of the way, you can focus on the marketing side of your business. a. From the Dashboard. Stripe Connect provides a powerful API and other tools you need to accept payments, as well as onboard, verify, and pay sellers and service providers. Les rubriques sont inclus uniquement à des fins pratiques et ne doivent pas servir à interpréter le présent Accord sur le compte lié. Stripe peut résilier le présent Accord sur le compte lié a) si vous contrevenez au présent Accord sur le compte lié et que vous ne parvenez pas à corriger la situation dans un délai de 30 jours après avoir reçu un avis de Stripe à cet égard (un tel préavis et un tel délai de correction ne sont nécessaires que si la correction est possible) ou b) moyennant un préavis de 120 jours pour quelque raison que ce soit. Stripe n’est également pas responsable de vos obligations envers vos clients (y compris la bonne description et la bonne distribution des biens ou services vendus à vos clients). Termination of the Stripe Services Agreement will cause this Connected Account Agreement to automatically terminate. Le retard ou le manquement de Stripe invoquer un droit ou une disposition aux termes du présent Accord sur le compte lié ne constituera pas une renonciation à ce droit ou à cette disposition. Seamless integration with the site. Your agreement with a Connect Platform for the provision of the Platform Services is “Your Platform Agreement”. To connect your Stripe account to Mailchimp, follow these steps. Why do I need to create a Stripe account? For best practices on how to communicate to your users when this happens, see the guide for Standard accounts. Please contact Stripe if you'd like to know when Custom accounts are available in your country. Vous serez avisé des modifications par courriel (de la part de Stripe ou d’une plateforme Connect), par l’entremise du tableau de bord Stripe et/ou sur le site Web de Stripe. d. Droit de modification : Stripe peut modifier le présent Accord sur le compte lié à tout moment. Enable other businesses to accept payments directly, You can unsubscribe at any time. When using Stripe Connect, you need to create an account (known as a connected account) for each user that receives money on your platform. While Custom accounts can be created anywhere Stripe is available, your platform must currently be in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, or the United States. Headings are included for convenience only, and should not be considered in interpreting this Connected Account Agreement. La résiliation de l’Accord sur les services de Stripe aura pour conséquence la résiliation automatique du présent Accord sur le compte lié. The Types of Stripe Connect Account. To continue, click on the blue Connect Stripe account button under the Actions sidebar menu. When Instant Payouts is used, Stripe will attempt to settle payment processing proceeds within minutes of receiving the payout request. Stripe peut également résilier le présent Accord sur le compte lié immédiatement si vous faites l’objet d’une faillite volontaire ou involontaire ou d’une requête ou procédure d’insolvabilité ou si Stripe détermine que vous vous adonnez à des activités qui contreviennent aux lois applicables ou qui risquent de nuire de façon importante à la réputation de Stripe. First, verify your email and mobile phone number. Stripe is not a Connect Platform, and only provides the Services described in this Connected Account Agreement and the Stripe Services Agreement. You agree that any changes to this Connected Account Agreement will be binding on you 7 days after the amendment is made by Stripe (or, if a longer period is required by applicable law, such longer period). April 3, 2020 at 1:36 AM #92091. Par souci de simplicité, nous avons traduit cette page de l’anglais au français. The default is a full refund. Veuillez lire attentivement le présent Accord sur le compte lié. There are three types of accounts you can connect to a Platform: Standard (formerly called Standalone), which are normal Stripe accounts. Stripe Connect allows Connect Platforms to help you use the Services, which may include the ability for you to receive payments for goods and services, or to receive charitable or campaign donations. This sample includes 5 server implementations in Node, Ruby, Python, Java, and PHP. As stated above, the Stripe Services Agreement governs your use of Services, so the termination of this Connected Account Agreement will not immediately trigger termination of the Stripe Services Agreement. There’s an additional cost for using Express or Custom accounts. You can tailor your integration in various ways, including: Specifying how money moves from the customer to you, and ultimately to your platform’s sellers or service providers. You may have a separate agreement with a Connect Platform for the Connect Platform to pay you for goods or services. Where Stripe receives Your Data from Connect Platforms, Stripe may use the Data in accordance with the Stripe Services Agreement and the Stripe Privacy Policy. Creating and managing Custom accounts requires a larger integration effort than the other account types. There are three account types you can use with Connect, each of which is designed for different use cases: There are many factors to consider when choosing an account type, as listed in the table below. Although your user will have some interactions with Stripe, they’ll primarily interact with your platform, particularly for the core payment processing functionality. Do I need to log into Stripe to see my ProfitWell metrics? # Connect Page. Selon votre banque, la compensation du produit du traitement des paiements au moyen du système de versements immédiats pourrait prendre jusqu’à deux jours ouvrables. Depending on your location, a Connect Platform may allow you to receive payment processing proceeds via settlement into a bank account connected to your debit card (“Instant Payout”). Global compliance requirements do evolve and change over time. Aucune disposition du présent Accord sur le compte lié ne doit être interprétée de façon défavorable pour une partie du fait que cette partie l’a rédigé. Term, Termination, and the Effects of Termination: The term of this Connected Account Agreement will begin when you register your Stripe Account with a Connect Platform and will end when terminated by you or by Stripe, as described in this Connected Account Agreement. Stripe will have the right to deduct from your Stripe Account balance both Stripe’s fees for Services and the Platform Services fees specified to us by the Connect Platform. Stripe Connect facilitates support to cut down the task of complying with the rigid laws that regulate payment to the recipient. When you create a Stripe account, you will securely connect to your organization's bank account. Vous êtes l’unique responsable, et Stripe décline expressément toute responsabilité, de votre conformité avec les lois applicables et vos obligations concernant la fourniture de biens ou services à vos clients, ou la réception de dons de bienfaisance. Le présent Accord régit votre utilisation de Stripe Connect et décrit la façon dont vous et votre ou vos fournisseurs de plateforme pouvez utiliser Stripe Connect afin de vous permettre d’utiliser les services de Stripe, qui comprennent la possibilité d’accepter des paiements pour des biens ou des services ou de recevoir des dons de bienfaisance ainsi que d’autres services connexes. No provision of this Connected Account Agreement will be construed against any party on the basis of that party being the drafter. 3. f. Entire Agreement: This Connected Account Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and Stripe with respect to Stripe Connect. Cette traduction n’est disponible qu’à titre informatif : la version officielle est la version anglaise. Where you do not provide such notice prior to the amendments becoming binding, by continuing to use the Services you agree that you are consenting to any such changes to the Connected Account Agreement. The type of account you choose for your user determines the Stripe integration you need to build (from being Stripe-hosted to completely custom) and operational responsibilities such as chargebacks, user support, etc. Depending on the Connect Platform, you may have access to directly manage your Stripe Account through the Stripe dashboard. Les actions que vous soumettez ou qui sont soumises pour votre compte au moyen de Stripe Connect sont appelées les « activités », lesquelles comprennent la communication de renseignements sur les transactions (dont les charges) et les remboursements, les rajustements, la gestion des différends (y compris les rétrofacturations) ainsi que d’autres fonctions comme il est décrit dans la documentation de Stripe Connect, et vos « données » font référence aux données sur vous, vos activité et votre compte Stripe, ainsi que sur vos transactions. Vous pouvez résilier le présent Accord sur le compte lié à tout moment en remettant un avis à Stripe et en cessant immédiatement votre utilisation de Stripe Connect. Connect Express OAuth. Unless stated otherwise, the word “including” means “including, without limitation.” This Connected Account Agreement does not limit any rights of enforcement that Stripe may have under trade secret, copyright, patent, or other laws. Not at all. Stripe Connect permet aux plateformes Connect de vous aider à utiliser les services, ce qui peut inclure la possibilité pour vous d’accepter des paiements pour des biens ou services ou de recevoir des dons de bienfaisance ou des contributions politiques. Just log into your ProfitWell account, and you’re good to go. Any active Stripe account can be connected to ProfitWell. Pour tous les autres termes clés qui ne sont pas définis dans le présent Accord sur le compte lié (soit en ligne ou par lien hypertexte), les définitions applicables sont exposées dans l’Accord sur les services de Stripe. Global compliance requirements do evolve and change over time. Once you've created an account, from your Stripe Dashboard, you'll need to click on Connect from the left menu. Un certain nombre de termes définis sont utilisés dans le présent Accord sur le compte lié. Nous vous remercions d’avoir choisi d’utiliser Stripe Connect. Connect is a set of programmable APIs and tools that lets you facilitate payments on your software platform, build a marketplace, and pay out sellers or service providers globally—all while having Stripe handle payments compliance. User refers to the person with the connected account (i.e., the person being paid for providing goods or services through your platform). Selon l’endroit où vous vous trouvez, une plateforme Connect peut vous permettre de recevoir le produit du traitement des paiements au moyen d’une compensation dans un compte bancaire lié à votre carte de débit (un « versement immédiat »). The pricing for your use of the Services with a Connect Platform will depend on your agreement with the Connect Platform. Le présent Accord sur le compte lié ne limite aucun droit dont Stripe peut disposer en vertu des lois, notamment en matière de secrets commerciaux, de droits d’auteur et de brevets. Si vous croyez que des frais ont été débités par erreur ou pour un montant incorrect, ou que votre plateforme Connect ne vous a pas promptement avisé des frais, veuillez communiquer avec nous. With Standard accounts, the user is responsible for fraud and disputes when using direct charges, but this may vary operationally for destination charges. If your Stripe Account was created on or after October 20, 2020, these additional terms supplement Section 2 above and apply to your Stripe Account: Your Connect Platform may restrict your ability to (a) disconnect your Stripe Account from the Connect Platform, or (b) view, access or activate certain Services, provided that in each case it does so in accordance with Your Platform Agreement. Stripe does not control and is not responsible for Connect Platform fees charged to you, which should be made clear to you in Your Platform Agreement. Si une disposition ou une partie du présent Accord sur le compte lié est jugée invalide ou inopposable en vertu de la loi applicable, elle sera alors reformulée et interprétée de façon à atteindre les objectifs de la disposition dans la mesure maximale possible, et toutes les autres dispositions demeureront pleinement en vigueur. Actions submitted by you or on your behalf using Stripe Connect are referred to as “Activity”, and this includes the communication of information about Transactions (including Charges) and Refunds, adjustments, the handling of Disputes (including chargebacks), as well as other features as described in the Stripe Connect documentation, and “Your Data” refers to data about you, Activity on your Stripe Account, and your Transactions. This will take you to the "connect" page. Absolutely! Read more about the specific account integration steps. These accounts are created when a user signs up for your platform. You represent to Stripe that all of the information that you provide to us directly or through a Connect Platform is accurate and complete, and that you are authorized to agree to this Connected Account Agreement. Stripe Connect — Your Stripe Account Stripe Connect allows Connect Platforms to help you use the Services, which may include the ability for you to receive payments for goods and services, or to receive charitable or campaign donations. Express Account Express account offered with the capacity of managing the chargeback as well as conflicts to the system proprietor. Building a Marketplace using Stripe Connect (with Examples) Posted on Oct 20, 2017. Go to Settings, and then in the Connect section click Stripe - Card Payments. This agreement governs your use of Stripe Connect, and describes how you and your third-party platform provider(s) may use Stripe Connect to enable you to use Stripe’s services, which includes the ability to accept payments for goods or services, or receive charitable donations, as well as other related services. To learn more, see Using Connect with Custom accounts. Stripe Connect — Your Stripe Account Stripe Connect allows Connect Platforms to help you use the Services, which may include the ability for you to receive payments for goods and services. Depending on your Connect Platform, you may have access to directly manage your Stripe Account through the Stripe dashboard. f. Intégralité de l’entente : Le présent Accord sur le compte lié constitue l’intégralité de l’entente conclue entre vous et Stripe concernant Stripe Connect. La résiliation du présent Accord sur le compte lié n’entraînera donc pas immédiatement la résiliation de l’Accord sur les services de Stripe. Stripe aura le droit de déduire du solde de votre compte Stripe les tarifs demandés par Stripe pour les services ainsi que les frais de services de la Plateforme qui nous seront indiqués par la plateforme Connect. To sign up for Stripe Connect, you'll need to first create a Stripe Account. The portal terms apply to you when you access the portal. Dans les services de plateforme qu’une plateforme Connect peut accepter de fournir, il y a par exemple le développement Web ou les services d’hébergement, le service client, le traitement des remboursements et la gestion des plaintes client. Si un tel accès est mis à votre disposition, vous êtes tenu responsable de toutes les mesures prises sur votre compte Stripe par l’entremise du tableau de bord Stripe, y compris les remboursements ou la modification de données bancaires. Section 5 and all provisions giving rise to continuing obligations will survive termination of this Connected Account Agreement. These obligations are described in more detail in Section C of the Stripe Services Agreement. If such access is made available to you, you are responsible for all actions taken on your Stripe Account through the Stripe dashboard, including the initiation of Refunds or changing of depository bank information. In order to process payments with Stripe and receive the weekly payout, all suppliers need to have a personal Stripe Connect account. Les « services de plateforme » font référence aux produits et services que vous recevez d’une plateforme Connect, avec ou sans frais. Review the permissions request, then click Connect my Stripe account. Sauf indication contraire, « y compris » et « notamment » signifient « y compris, mais sans s’y limiter ». Can I connect my existing Stripe account to ProfitWell? Examples of Platform Services that a Connect Platform may agree to provide are web development or hosting services, customer service, processing of refunds, and the handling of consumer complaints. Integration effort and user experience are particularly important because they can affect the amount of engineering resources spent and your conversion rates. You can ask your users to create Stripe accounts or allow anyone with an existing Stripe account to connect to your platform. Let’s dive into these three account types and their use cases: Standard - it’s a so-called conventional Stripe account, directly held by its owner (your platform’s user). Custom account holders do not have access to the Dashboard, and Stripe will not contact them directly. This translation is for informational purposes only, and the definitive version of this page is the English version. Since October 2019, every supplier will receive a weekly payout that will be automatically transferred to your bank account by Stripe. Click Connect a New Site. Votre accord avec une plateforme Connect pour la prestation de services de plateforme constitue votre « Accord avec la plateforme ». You expressly agree to the terms and conditions of this Connected Account Agreement, the Stripe Services Agreement, and any updates or modifications to either of those documents made from time to time by Stripe. Use test mode to simulate live mode while taking advantage of Stripe-provided special tokens to make testing easier. Please contact the Connect Platform with any questions about the status of any funds the Connect Platform has sent to you. Le présent Accord définit vos recours exclusifs concernant Stripe Connect. With Express accounts, Stripe handles the onboarding and identity verification processes. You may terminate this Connected Account Agreement at any time by providing notice to Stripe and immediately ceasing your use of Stripe Connect. Stripe n’est pas une plateforme Connect et ne fournit que les services décrits dans le présent Accord sur le compte lié et dans l’Accord sur les services de Stripe. La Section 5 et toutes les dispositions donnant lieu à des obligations continues demeureront en vigueur après la résiliation du présent Accord sur le compte lié. Veuillez lire attentivement votre Accord avec la plateforme afin de comprendre la nature des services de la plateforme et des activités qu’une plateforme Connect peut accomplir en votre nom. Toutes les obligations prévues dans l’Accord sur les services de Stripe ne prendront fin que conformément aux modalités de l’Accord sur les services de Stripe. For other capitalized terms not defined in this Connected Account Agreement (either in-line or by hyperlink), the applicable definitions are set out in the Stripe Services Agreement. We use it at to power our payments platform so that we can easily pay content creators and affiliates. b. Toutefois si vous recommencez à utiliser Stripe Connect, vous consentez au présent Accord sur le compte lié. Governing Law, Disputes, and Interpretation: The provisions of the applicable Stripe Services Agreement governing applicable law (jurisdiction), location of suits and disputes (venue), and any method for dispute resolution are incorporated into this Connected Account Agreement by reference. Stripe’s standard fees for the Services are posted on our web site, although Stripe may have agreed fees with a Connect Platform that are different from these amounts. e. Assignment: You may not assign or attempt to assign this Connected Account Agreement without the express consent of Stripe in advance. You connect a Standard Stripe account to your platform through an OAuth-based flow. Connect your Stripe account to your ActiveCampaign account Select the Stripe event that will sync contacts into ActiveCampaign Map Stripe fields to ActiveCampaign fields 1. Complete the registration form and click Authorize access to this account. A Connect Platform may help you to create your Stripe Account, or to integrate your existing Stripe Account with the Connect Platform. The platform is responsible for handling disputes and refunds, which is similar to a Custom account. This Stripe Connected Account Agreement (“Connected Account Agreement”) is an agreement between Stripe and you, being the person or legal entity (including sole proprietors) identified to Stripe as the owner of the Stripe Account that is to be integrated with third-party platform providers that use Stripe Connect (“Connect Platforms”). Please contact Stripe if you'd like to know when Express accounts are available in your country. However, if you commence using Stripe Connect again, you are consenting to this Connected Account Agreement. Testing is important to make sure your Connect integration handles different flows correctly. steps 1) Disconnected the offending stripe account in live mode 2) enable test mode 3) attempt to connect vendor stripe account via vendor dashboard 4) failed – the dashboard simply returns and shows the connect button – no account is connected . Before we continue, we'll need to know how Stripe accounts work. If any provision or portion of this Connected Account Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, then it will be reformed interpreted to accomplish the objectives of such provision to the greatest extent possible, and all remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect. La tarification standard de Stripe pour les services est affichée sur notre site Web, mais Stripe pourrait avoir convenu d’une tarification différente avec une plateforme Connect. You should use Express accounts when you: Examples of platforms that would use Express accounts include, but are not limited to: a home-rental marketplace like Airbnb, or a ride-hailing service like Lyft. If you already have a Stripe account, click the Sign in link instead. Merchant accounts, gateways, and Stripe Stripe is a complete solution that combines the functionality of a merchant account and a gateway in one, which means you only need Stripe to accept payments and deposit funds into a bank account. Vous reconnaissez que toutes les modifications apportées au présent Accord sur le compte lié vous lieront à compter du 7e jour suivant la modification apportée par Stripe (ou, si une plus longue période est requise par la loi, après la période requise). 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