wichita massacre details

H.G. If either had ever uttered the word “nigger,” had a drink with a Klansman, or owned a copy of American Renaissance, this would be discovered and brandished as proof of racial hatred. The Wichita Massacre from Beyond Contempt True Crime on Podchaser, aired Monday, 23rd March 2020. testified she could hear what was going on out by the wet bar, and when Mr. Sander was unable to get an erection one of the Carrs beat him with a golf club. The snow was pink, and spotted with red. heard three shots before she was hit: “I felt the bullet hit the back of my head. No doubt these men believed what they have been told: that guns are nasty things, best left in the hands of the police, who will always be there to protect us. However, it may be a mistake to project white sensibilities onto blacks. The two black men are accused of a weeklong crime spree that culminated in the quadruple homicide of four young whites in a snowy soccer field in Wichita, Kansas. A sample page (page 14) from the Survivor's Testimony. The police learned from Miss Donly that Reginald’s brother Jonathan was driving a late model Plymouth Fury. In statements to police and in testimony at an April 2001 preliminary hearing, the 25-year-old school teacher offered horrible details of what happened on the night of Dec. 14, 2000. The Carrs then forced Mr. Befort to have intercourse with Heather Muller, and then ordered Mr. Heyka to have sex with her. Mr. Sander asked Mr. Heyka if they should try to resist, assuming they would be killed anyway, but Mr. Heyka did not reply. Since this article is obviously ridden with left-wing anti-Western-Civilization nonsense, I went ahead and elaborated on the very scant treatment of Baybars brutal annihilation of the city of Antioch in the 13th Century. One does not wish to think ill of the dead, but these three men showed little manliness. The Wichita Massacre is a tragic story, but the incredible bravery of the lone survivor is to be admired. In all, the Carr brothers robbed, raped or murdered seven people. They were driven to a snow-covered soccer field, ordered out of the car, then instructed to kneel down in a row. M. Spencer Green/Associated Press. The bodies of four dead White Americans lay in that soccer field, and there would have been five if not for a near-miracle that allowed one of the White victims, a … While Reginald Carr was away with Mr. Befort at the cash machine, Jonathan Carr ordered Heather Muller out of the closet and raped her. DC Braces for Imaginary Army of White Supremacists, An In-Depth Interview with Gab’s Former COO. It is worth noting that in the home of three young Kansas men there does not appear to have been a single firearm. They thought they could keep their victims out of sight in a large vehicle as they drove through town. I'm Kevin Alfred Strom. Police mistakenly let him out six months early on Dec. 5, 2000, just two days before he robbed and beat Andrew Schreiber, and started his week of crime. Mrs. Walenta, a cellist in the Wichita Symphony Orchestra, survived the shooting but was paralyzed from the waist down. Mrs. Foulston knows some whites are pushing for a hate crimes investigation, and wants to keep the proceedings secret. The couple wrapped H.G. com, have posted newspaper articles about the crimes. It would still have been national news. They face 58 counts each, ranging from first-degree murder, rape, and robbery to animal cruelty. went to spend the night at the home of her boyfriend, Jason Befort. Reginald Carr returned with Mr. Heyka, and ordered Mr. Befort to go with him. to go sit with Miss Muller in Mr. Sander’s car. Channon Gail Christian (born April 29, 1985, in Nacogdoches, Texas) moved from Louisiana to Tennessee with her family in 1997. This week the case of the two brothers, Reginald and Jonathan Carr, was back in court again and this time it was before the highest court in the land, the U.S. Supreme Court. “It is unfortunate this happened, but we have to learn to get past that and let those things go and get on with our life,” he says. The five friends watched TV and eventually retired to their various bedrooms. “Then I turned my head and saw lights going. At Jason Befort’s service on Dec. 21, 2000, Rev. Social Media: Webs… EP53: The Wichita Massacre. A riveting account of the murders of five innocent people in Wichita Kansas, by the venomous Carr Brothers. The brothers were found guilty of four counts of … If the Carr brothers’ lawyers do try to blame each other’s client, the jury will learn that both have long criminal records. thought her boyfriend was still alive.). Moreover, it is probably safe to assume that if the races were reversed it could only have been a crime of racial hatred, and this is probably why so many whites are furious at authorities who have been so quick to rule out bias. The one happy outcome to this story is that HG (the only survivor of the massacre) and Andrew Schreiber became friendly during the trial, dated for a while, and were married in 2004. conned his way through surgeries and Yale. Of one thing we can be certain: If whites had done something this horrible to blacks, it would be universally assumed the crime was motivated by racial hatred. She says the man, whom she later identified as Jonathan Carr, ripped the covers off the bed. Jason made a slight moan, and she took off her sweater and wrapped it around his bleeding head. As for the question of hate crimes, racially conscious whites would see bias charges as at least some level of official outrage at the shocking crimes committed by these two blacks against a series of exclusively white victims. O n September 9, Reginald Carr and his brother Jonathan go on trial for what has become known as the Wichita Massacre. “The fact that the defendants and victims happen to be of different races has no bearing. Clockwise from top left:Jason Befort, Heather Muller, Aaron Sander,Bradley Heyka. The DA’s office says that case, in which murderers and victims were black, did not generate nearly as many requests for public records, but in an open society, the more interest the public shows in information the more available it should be. said, “I turned to Heather and said, ‘They’re going to shoot us.’”, The Carr brothers ordered H.G. If they must report such crimes, they are likely to link them to editorials calling for tolerance, and pointing out that the criminals were individuals, not a race. or Andrew Schreiber if the brothers used racial slurs, or expressed hatred of whites. A: There was nothing obstructing it, but he was sitting back, so I didn't make out any specific details. There was no more money to be had from ATM machines. Let’s just look at the underlying crimes.” The Wichita media consistently downplayed the racial angle. They ultimately left him unharmed but badly shaken in a field after shooting out the tires of his vehicle. On September 9, Reginald Carr and his brother Jonathan go on trial for what has become known as the Wichita Massacre. He ordered her to drive the truck to a bank, and told her not to look at him as he crouched in the back seat. Still thinking she would die, she asked them to call her mother-”Tell her I love her”-and her boyfriend’s parents. . Prosecutor Nola Foulston pointed out that many people accused of committing crimes together are tried together, and since the trial is expected to last a month and involve 70 witnesses, two trials would be too much expense and inconvenience. The Wichita Massacre. The Associated Press ran stories on the crimes, but they do not appear to have been picked up outside of Kansas. Episode 2: The Wichita Massacre. The national media ignored The Wichita Massacre because the perpetrators were black and the victims were white. Thanks to her detailed description of the perpetrators, a news broadcast was issued immediately, and one day later neighbors at a nearby apartment building reported two men that matched the suspects' description hauling a big screen TV (taken from Jason Befort's home) up the stairs. By Stephen Webster August, 2002 American Renaissance. A short time later, Mr. Sander’s former girlfriend, Heather Muller, a 25-year-old graduate student at Wichita State University who worked as a church preschool teacher, joined them. Find out What Really Happened. O n September 9, Reginald Carr and his brother Jonathan go on trial for what has become known as the Wichita Massacre. Then they made Mr. Befort have intercourse with H.G, but ordered him to stop when they realized he was her boyfriend. EAIF’s Mr. Calabro believes the assaults and murders “were racially motivated crimes that the DA and city of Wichita have no interest in pursuing.” Del Riley, a white Wichita resident who has followed the case, says of his reaction to the DA’s secrecy, “I wouldn’t call it outrage, but I’d call it suspicion. and ejaculated in her mouth. In the cold, pre-dawn hours of December 15, 2000, police deputy Matthew Lynch looked down at the snow in a lonely soccer field in Wichita, Kansas. Find out What Really Happened. Crack news reporters informed us that she is "doe-eyed" and "petite." Newman (Catholic) Center at Wichita State University (WSU) on the night of the massacre. and Miss Muller out of the car. HG was woken from her sleep shortly after by loud voices and the bedroom door being kicked open. I wasn’t knocked unconscious. . Most whites cannot imagine treating another human being the way the Carrs treated their victims unless there were some terrible underlying animus. A white-on-black crime of this kind would be front-page news for days, and would probably prompt official condemnation from the President and Attorney General on down. (To this day, no one is sure how the pair gained entrance into the triplex. Mrs. Foulston says secrecy is necessary to ensure the Carrs get a fair trial, but what is in notes of police interviews, for example, that is so inflammatory it could prejudice the public? Click here to order your 80-page copy of the Wichita Massacre Survivor's Pre-trial Testimony if you are NOT in New York State. “We were told to take off all of our clothes,” says H.G. On June 13, Judge Paul Clark denied a motion to move the trial out of Sedgwick County. That night’s quadruple murder was only the most gruesome of a series of Carr brother attacks. Had the Wichita case involved whites only, the heroics of H.G. The Carrs led the victims outside into the freezing night. Mrs. Foulston did not ask for a gag order in the case of another quadruple homicide in Wichita just eight days before the Carr brothers’ massacre. The Carrs were looking for an SUV in which to drive people at gunpoint to ATMs. Next, they ordered Mr. Sander to have intercourse with H.G. He was shot to death in a soccar field just after midnight beside his four other friends, after a home invasion by two men. a victory of mercy over justice.”, At Heather Muller’s funeral, Rev. In the cold, pre-dawn hours of December 15, 2000, police deputy Matthew Lynch looked down at the snow in a lonely soccer field in Wichita, Kansas. We learned the all-important details of how she appeared "pale" one day, "chipper" the next. A: It was either on the way there or on the way back that he told me he wished we would have met under different circumstances because I was cute and we probably would have hit it off. Crack news reporters informed us that she is "doe-eyed" and "petite." She was Reginald Carr’s girlfriend, and shared her apartment with him. She was a graduate of Farragut High School (2003), and a senior majoring in sociology at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. The only survivor of the massacre is a woman whose identity has been protected, and who is known as H.G. says she could hear Miss Muller moaning with pain. When the divinity student refused, they hit him on the back of the head with a pistol butt. The Carrs asked if the victims had ATM cards. “I said, ‘Do you promise you’re not going to kill us?’ and he said, ‘Yes.’”. Leave a Flower one more time. Murder. The defense wanted separate trials because the lawyers for each brother will try to blame the crimes on the other. I’m Kevin Alfred Strom [photo, right]. They forced him into his car at gunpoint and ordered him to drive to several different ATMs, where they had him withdraw money and hand it over to … . He was also ordered to serve six months each for aggravated assault and subverting the legal process. Wichita Massacre Survivor's Testimony. The brothers then asked "Who has ATM cards? He said I was cute, and we probably would’ve hit it off.” When the two got back to the house, Reginald Carr raped H.G. It is natural for whites to assume that behavior so vicious and odious must have been driven by consuming hatred. A few days later he was back before a judge, charged with forgery and parole violation. In all, the Carr brothers robbed, raped or murdered seven people. He also ransacked the house and found a diamond ring stashed inside a coffee can. Medical personnel later determined that the metal barrette in HG's hair had deflected the bullet's impact and had saved her life. “I asked him if he was going to hurt us and he said, ‘No,’” she says. Christian was 21 years old when she was murdered. Two officers knocked on the door of the apartment, and after several minutes a white woman named Stephanie Donly opened the door. H.G. Gravesite Details One of the five victims of "The Wichita Massacre". HG settled in front of the TV and began grading papers when Heather Muller, a friend of Aaron Sander's showed up. Wichita police confirmed the Carr link to all the crimes when a highway worker found a black .380 caliber Lorcin semi-automatic handgun along Route 96, a highway near the soccer field where the massacre took place. They found a coffee can containing an engagement ring Jason Befort had bought for his girlfriend. The Carr brothers’ crimes were treated to a virtual media blackout. At some point is must have become obvious the Carrs intended to kill all witnesses. . Or had they simply been denatured by the anti-white zeitgeist of guilt that implies whites deserve whatever they get? did not know that after the Carrs shot her friends they drove back to the triplex and loaded Mr. Befort’s truck with everything of value they could find. In her testimony H.G. saw that both men were armed. The crimes shocked the city, the state and the nation.with it's unholy barbarity. Meanwhile, in unglamorous Wichita, Kan., the eight-week trial of Jonathan and Reginald Carr came to a close. Reginald Carr then took the victims one at a time to ATM machines in Mr. Befort’s pickup truck, starting with Mr. Heyka. In the beginning their objective was to steal valuables it quickly turned into something more sinister. O n September 9, Reginald Carr and his brother Jonathan go on trial for what has become known as the Wichita Massacre. Given that the Carr brothers face the death penalty, this is a moot point, but Mrs. Foulston has made no attempt to apply these provisions. NewNation.org and www.JeffsArchive. Their articles briefly described the facts of the case, and then focused on Internet discussions among whites who thought the Carr brothers were hate criminals. Episode 2: TRIGGER WARNING: Episode contains graphic details of violence and sexual assault. says she felt the truck hit her body, too. The intruders brought them into Mr. Befort’s bedroom. “It reasonably appears that these were isolated incidents where individuals . Ed note: So far in this column, we've posted about a genius high school drop-out who conned his way through surgeries and Yale, a cheerleader who masterminded a small town bank robbery with her policeman husband, and a man who hijacked a cargo jet. The two black men are accused of a weeklong crime spree that culminated in the quadruple homicide of four young whites in a snowy soccer field in Wichita, Kansas. says that when the Carrs heard whispering they would wave their guns and shout “Shut the fuck up.”. H.G. The Wichita Massacre should be retold to all White people especially the naive liberal types, who say foolish things like "Can't we all ... the 25-year-old school teacher offered horrible details of what happened on the night of Dec. 14, 2000. To what extent does this turn-the-other-cheek mentality explain why five whites failed to fight back against two attackers? When news of the brothers' arrest was broadcast locally, Andrew Schreiber recognized them as the men who'd kidnapped him a week earlier and contacted the police. in blankets, and reached for the phone to dial 911, but she would not let them call. After a short drive, both vehicles stopped in an empty field. Jonathan Carr’s lawyers also tried to get him declared unfit to stand trial, but on April 8, 2002, Judge Clark reviewed the reports of two mental health experts, and ruled him competent. Supreme Court Rules Against "Wichita Massacre" Brothers in Death Penalty Case She was shot to death in a soccar field just after midnight beside her four other friends, after a home invasion by two men. The two split up, and one followed in another car as they made him drive to a field northeast of town. In December 2000, two brothers arrived in the city of Wichita, Kansas. She was worried about the children she teaches, and kept wondering “Who’s going to take care of the kids in school?”. Prosecutor Foulston says the Carr brothers chose their victims at random, not because they were white, and that the motive was robbery. Jonathan Carr raped Miss Muller again, and then he raped H.G. alone would have ensured wide coverage. In statements to police and in testimony at an April 2001 preliminary hearing, the 25-year-old school teacher offered horrible details of … H.G. Gravesite Details One of the five victims of "The Wichita Massacre". According to the testimony of the April 2001 preliminary hearing, in which prosecutors determined whether they had enough evidence to support charges, Mrs. Foulston never asked H.G. briefly before paramedics took her to the hospital. Wichita Massacre Survivor's Testimony. Then, she says, the Carr brothers “told [Aaron] that he had until 11:54 to get hard and they counted down from 11:52 to 11:53 to 11:54.” The deadline appears to have brought no further punishment, and Mr. Sanders was returned to the closet. noted the time: It was 2:07 a.m., three hours since the ordeal began. WASHINGTON — When the U.S. Supreme Court heard an unusual two hours of arguments in October to consider Kansas’ death penalty regime, Justice Antonin Scalia took a break … They then forced Mr. Heyka to have intercourse with H.G. by Stephen Webster. That evening, a Thursday, H.G. Mr. Befort, 26, a science teacher and coach at Augusta High School, lived in a triplex condo with two college friends: Bradley Heyka, 27, a financial analyst, and Aaron Sander, 29, who had recently decided to study for the priesthood. Then someone kicked me, and I had fallen forward. Mr. Heyka slept in a room in the basement. arrived with her pet schnauzer Nikki around 8:30 p.m., her boyfriend Mr. Befort was not there, but the two roommates were. Jonathan and Reginald Carr had a joint trial and sentencing hearing over dozens of crimes in Wichita in December 2000 that ended with three men and a woman shot to … What if perpetrators and victims had all been black? Three of the whites were young men, surely capable of serious resistance, and there must have been several opportunities for it. Questions or technical support. When one of the Carrs was out at an ATM machine with a woman, it meant there were three white men in the house with a lone assailant. The crimes shocked Wichitans, and purchases of guns, locks, and home security systems subsequently skyrocketed in … She said they wanted to know who else was in house, and the terrified whites told them about Mr. Heyka in the basement and Miss Muller in the other ground-floor bedroom. When the police arrived they questioned H.G. . Four days later, the Carrs tried to hijack 55-year-old Linda Walenta’s SUV while she sat in it in the driveway of her suburban East Wichita home. The Carrs killed five people and a dog. She described the attackers and what they did, as the couple listened in amazement at her courage and determination. That said, we're in two minds about publishing the story and wanted to ask your thoughts. She planned on graduating in December 2007. Before joining H.G in bed, Mr. Befort made sure all the lights in the house were turned off and all the doors were locked. Wichita Massacre ***** Jason Befort was one of the victims of what is know as the Wichita Massacre. Unit will remember all those who died during that massacre. The Wichita Massacre - A Shameless Media Coverup American Dissident Voices Broadcast 10-19-2. He did, however, agree to Mrs. Foulston’s motion for a gag order on all lawyers, investigators and witnesses. That evening, a Thursday, H.G. As children, Reginald and Jonathan Carr engaged in the adult activities of drinking, violence and sex. #MassMurder. saw Christmas lights. Explore the minds, upbringings and motivations of family members who were driven to kill. The Carrs first brought out the two women, H.G and Heather Muller, and made them have oral sex and penetrate each other digitally. Evidence of racial hatred, perhaps? Six days later, HG, a 25-year-old elementary school teacher, arrived at the triplex where her boyfriend, Jason Befort (a science teacher) lived with two roommates: Brad Heyka, a chemist, and Aaron Sander, who was studying to become a priest. Miss Muller stood next to Mr. Sander, her former boyfriend, while H.G. Mr. Befort came home from coaching a basketball practice around 9:15, and at 10:00, H.G. Matthew McGinness struck the same note, saying, “We must be like Christ, who forgave his enemies.” He told the congregation Heather’s mother felt the same way, and had told him, “Heather would want us to pray for her murderers, and Heather was probably praying for them at the moment of her death.”. Like the Wichita case, it was a home invasion, apparently motivated by robbery. Cover of the 80 Page Wichita Massacre Survivor's Testimony . At one point, says H.G., Reginald Carr “said something that scared me. When the two men, eventually identified as Reginald and Jonathan Carr, were arrested, Jonathan had the diamond ring intended for HG in his pocket. Among them are excessive violence, a pattern of similar attacks, and the cold-bloodedness of an execution-style killing. < BlackRock to Push Companies on Racial Diversity in 2021, Fairfax County Begins Process of Finding New Names for Lee Highway, Other Sites That Honor Confederate Leaders >, A Black Man on Why He Rejects Black Culture, Trump Lost Because He Abandoned White Voters, Censorship and the Collapse of the Soviet Union. The Wichita Massacre, also known as the Wichita Horror, was a week-long series of random brutal crimes perpetrated by brothers Reginald and Jonathan Carr in the city of Wichita, Kansas between December 7 and 14, 2000. The two black men are accused of a weeklong crime spree that culminated in the quadruple homicide of four young whites in a snowy soccer field in Wichita, Kansas. No one knows what other crimes the brothers may have committed, but they certainly appeared guilty of these. This was one of the most tragic events in Wichita, Kansas history. She thought about making a grab for it but realized she had no idea how to operate a gun, and instead submitted to rape and attempted murder. A sample page (page 14) from the Survivor's Testimony. Barefoot and naked, with a bullet wound in the head, she managed to walk more than a mile in the freezing cold, through snow, across a field and construction site, around a pond, and through the brush, until she reached the house with the lights. out of the closet to the wet bar, raped her, and sent her back to the closet. Not even the acknowledged error that resulted in Reginald Carr’s early release seems to upset many people. went to spend the night at the home of her boyfriend, Jason Befort. Delve into the disturbing true stories of some of the deadliest siblings of all time. Their names were Reginald, 23, and Jonathan Carr, 20, and they went on a killing spree so … Shortly after 11 p.m., the porch light came back on, to the surprise of Mr. Befort, who was still awake. Q: When you returned back to the home, was there any conversation on the return trip? The police found H.G.’s pet schnauzer Nikki lying in a pool of blood on a bed, probably shot. (Jason Befort, Brad Heyka, Aaron Sander, Heather Muller) After each victim had drained his or her bank account via ATM withdrawals, the entire group was forced to get into Sander's Honda Accord "“ the nude men in the trunk, the females (who'd been allowed to don sweaters) in the back seat. Completely nude, she ran barefoot over snow-covered fields for more than a mile until she reached that house with the lights. Twenty-two-year-old Reginald Carr and his younger brother, 20-year-old Jonathan, already had lengthy criminal records by the time they settled in Wichita, Kansas. In all, the Carr brothers robbed, raped or murdered seven people. says that seconds later she heard voices, then shouting. This story, however, begins on the evening of December 8, 2000, when the pair confronted 23-year-old Andrew Schreiber, an assistant baseball coach at Newman University, as he exited a convenience store. By 7:30 a.m., police had a report that the missing truck was outside a downtown apartment building, and that a black man had been carrying a television set up to one of the apartments. Nevertheless, she fell down and feigned death. The Carr brothers, 22-year-old Reginald and 20-year-old Jonathan, already had lengthy criminal records when they began their spree. There was blood squirting everywhere, so I took my sweater off and tied it around his head to try and stop it. Everyone was face down. Added some details about the slaughter of Christians at Antioch in 1268. They made the victims get into a bedroom closet, and for the next hour brought them out to a hall by a wet bar, singly or in pairs for sex. He stuck a gun sideways into the opening, and shot her several times as she tried to drive away. The crime — and motive — the media ignored. decided to go to bed. The angry whites do not seem to realize that what happened on the night of Dec. 14 may be only a particularly brutal expression of the savagery that finds daily expression in American crime statistics and African tribal wars. As dawn broke, radio and television stations were broadcasting the plate number. Reginald and Johnathan Carr broke into the house that Befort, Brad Heyka, Heather Muller, Aaron Sander and Holly G. were spending the night at. This story, however, begins on the evening of December 8, 2000, when the pair confronted 23-year-old Andrew Schreiber, an assistant baseball coach at Newman University, as he exited a convenience store. Jason [Befort] was next to me. Twenty-two-year-old Reginald Carr and his younger brother, 20-year-old Jonathan, already had lengthy criminal records by the time they settled in Wichita, Kansas. Four of the victims. In 1995, Reginald Carr was sentenced to 13 months in prison for theft. As H.G. They forced him into his car at gunpoint and ordered him to drive to several different ATMs, where they had him withdraw money and hand it over to them. The two women were raped. In statements to police and in testimony at an April 2001 preliminary hearing, the 25-year-old school teacher offered horrible details of what happened on the night of Dec. 14, 2000. He bolted when he saw the police, but was caught after a short chase. They sent H.G. Were it not for the Internet, the Wichita story would have disappeared. They were convicted on almost every count, and were sentenced to the death penalty. stood beside her boyfriend, Mr. Befort. Only when she was sure they knew her story did she let them call the police. The crime — and motive — the media ignored. I could distinguish Aaron’s voice. Reginald Carr ordered H.G. When H.G. Even without spectacular sexual cruelty, the Clutter killings were front-page news and the story was immortalized in Truman Capote’s novel, In Cold Blood. “We can’t deal with how things should have been or could have been, we can only deal with today.”, There were even more cloying sentiments at the funerals of the young victims. She moved to close the court for the preliminary hearings, saying “we’d have to let the Aryan Nations come in here if they decided they had an interest.” At one hearing, reporters heard one of Mrs. Foulston’s aides tell the judge that the press are “interlopers,” and the public has no “substantial interest” in the case. D uring a cold, wintery week in December 2002, brothers Reginald and Jonathan Carr decided to go on a crime spree that ended with 5 people dead and 2 others mentally scarred for life. volunteered to go next. James Diecker told the congregation their attitude towards the killers should be that of Jesus on the cross, when he said “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.” He went on to call for “a victory of love over hate . The Wichita Massacre. Wichita Massacre. “As I was kneeling, a gun shot went off,” says H.G. It is true that Reginald Carr had a white girlfriend, and it may be that the race of the victims was unimportant to him. 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They made him drive to a virtual media blackout sideways into the triplex they knew story... 2: TRIGGER WARNING: episode contains graphic details of how she appeared pale. Contents of this website are copyright © 1990-2021 New Century Foundation act of violence a! Head with a pistol butt from the living room while his former girlfriend slept in the.. Gunpoint and made Mr. Befort to go with him on Podchaser, aired Monday, 23rd 2020. Whom she later identified as Jonathan Carr was away with Mr. Heyka was put in! Carrs led the victims as they made him drive to a virtual media.! And had saved her life boyfriend Mr. Befort, Heather Muller, Aaron Sander showed! That November was booked for drunk driving riveting account of the closet but nothing! Gun shot went off, ” he says everywhere, so I took my sweater off and it! Walked a mile, naked, through the snow could keep their victims at random not. Trial has been protected, and this one will stay chipper '' the next had been 17.6 degrees and! 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