smartest to dumbest personality types

Well I think we should first look at this from an accuracy standpoint. INFJ- Incredibly big picture people I think they are the smartest when it comes to philosphy in life. BI chart is kind of redundant though as we know that certain types do not value money or accept it as a measure of success. - INTP/ENTP: Most "genius" (By far the best at scientific studies, observing inconsistancies, and technological fields) I'm also basically useless. ESTP It saddens me when there's negative perception on the MBTI and personality type science. Entp's are the most influential. HA! E-types definitely have the upper hand there. I enjoyed your reasoning and agree with your ranking in the context of intelligence = influence over others/society. } ); I was consistently INTJ all of my life. ESTJs can combine high intelligence with a strong sense or gut feeling. They have no time for analysing and often dont know what to say, but they understand human beings and humility which puts them higher than the ESFP. 1. Once you have figured this out you can break it down even further, but remember that all the other stuff is only around 15%. We could develop a society that praises intuitive thinking/feeling (and I believe it would make the world less burdened by racism/homophobia/transphobia/ableism as these are sensory concepts of "we've always done it this way"). ESTJ So is she less intelligent because of that? Wow. Its all a matter of perspective oh ya and bias. He could run circles around others without breaking a sweat. 99% of what humans do based on logic fails. 11 Reasons Why And How To Handle It. So all in all, influence? ESTJ- This type I would say, is the smartest of all the sensors. The way of solving a general problem may be more efficient in one personality type than another. Its actually from 2011 or something like that. If you're a Sensor, you're going to think people are smart based on the decisions they make. There is not one valid reason to support this. ESFPs are typically optimistic, even in challenging circumstances. Same goes with the T/J divide, following a T debate is beautiful when based on fact and science, following a T debate from an uneducated person based on fact found in magazine is frustrating! It is interesting though how ISTJ seems to score higher percentage wise over the other sensing types. Because this article seems biaised. There the E-types will be leaders, the I-types in the background. In fact, this is one of the most thought provoking articles I've read. INTJs work better with numbers all the NT types are more intellectual but ST types can have equal IQ. Take it from me: INTP if tests are to be believed, IQ 142 if the bearded guy who tested me is to be believed. INTP is too busy making things work that they have no time to plan. Born leaders, these brilliant people are always working and thinking. And feeling doesn't always equate to emotion. :), As an INFP myself , I don't tend to measure in the way of intelligence or IQs. my vote is on : INTJ >>>>>>>> THAT fckin Ni dominant function !!!! I'm also not sure how I feel about this: "The thing that separates humans from animals and lower species is our intelligence and our reasoning abilities. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Intjs are more likely to be virgins longer or die as virgins and invent practicle tools. Because these situations themselves vary too and will be quite different from the test. Well, I don't know what you decided to define as "dumb" or "intelligent", but if you refer to IQ, I'm INFJ and my IQ is 148. MBTI Personality Types As mentioned earlier, there are 16 types that is categorized by the MBTI determined by 4 dimensions as mentioned below: Introversion vs. Extraversion (I/E) This function indicates the source and energy of a person's energy expression. But the average IQ for INTx people are generally higher than the average IQ of other MBTI types. I learn constantly and although on the surface -- my appeal may not seem too engaged -- I can admit that I am an "includer" and appoint value to what someone else, is truly trying to say. This same debate arose in a psychology class I took a while ago. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. How smart someone is can be quite subjective, and people can be more intelligent than others in different areas. Because she is most decidedly oriented by the sensory object, which is what defines her as an extroverted sensation type, as was originally defined by Jung. I's derive their energy from the universe. But then again, there are exceptions and there sure are people with othet MBTI letters with IQ 130 plus. So what? Te of course is extraverted logic, but Ne has to do with imagination and Si has to do with memory. Haha man you are either blind or you just troll? In our case it's pretty clear that the INTJ is the smartest. Almost any N is going to have an edge over an S. So I would put N above S when it comes to who is smarter because the N has much more influence than the S. As stated earlier, this probably is about 85% of which MBTI is smarter. The INTx types are most often listed as the smartest. This comes down to the task at hand. They are conscientious helpers that act according to a strict personal moral code expecting others to adhere to their exacting standards. Personally I'm Enfp and I wouldn't say I am anywhere less intelligent than my Intj best friend. And so we decided to do our own study, using the TypeFinder personality test, which is based on the theory . The most prominent feature was the frequency of the NT combination: all four NT groups displayed the greatest frequencies. Mammals can learn and make decisions based on what they learned. That's the ticket. There are several theories revolving around the mutual effect of personality and intelligence. The distinction lies within that "Feeling" is the evaluation of ethics (whether focused on the object or subject), and "Thinking" is the evaluation of logical systems. Whereas INTPs are better with logic of the kind A+B=C. Being a proficient writer of fiction requires an adept utilization of symbolism, foreshadowing, use of metaphors and similes, etc., in addition to a great sense of imagination. ISTJs are driven to create and maintain order within a system. So the short version of this comment is that INFJ ought to rank as a tie for #1 along with INTJ. Feeling cannot be used synonymously with "emotion", at least in the interpretive sense of information processing theory in Cognition/Biopsychology. And about MBTI, the types reflects the words and situations you identify with, so: some people will identify more as T because "I'm so objective, logical and intelligent, I don't like all those emotional people because they express things I can't due to my little ego, I'm so smart, emotions are dumb" and some as F because "I'm so good, it's bad to be logical because it can harm to poor little hearts". INTJ is analytic and logical. Or an INTJ? Which means that this answer is okay; it's valid and could be, but doesn't have to be, nor is it maybe, necessarily sound. With this data, the types from most to least intelligent are: 1. (Correlation does not imply causation). It's all about the cognitive functions. For more fun content delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. I want to see how many people you recruited to conduct this study and the results of your data analysis. Other than that, the conceptualisation of the subject is great. Reasonably common, comprising 8% of the general population, with 10% of women and 6% of men exhibiting this personality trait combination. -This has to talk about the cognitive functions to be right This is awesome, thank you. This is a different spin on smarts, but they're the invaluable people you want around when you're trying to put that complex furniture from IKEA together. 13. And you may not be smart at all. Anyways in my experience ENxPs and INTJs tend to be the smartest. These traits are emphatic, traditionalists valuing convention and enjoying society. In terms of household income, ENTJs came out on top, while INFPs came in dead last. They just want security. Perceiving. Have a nice day. But those who are among the smartest may be represented by certain Myers-Briggs personality types. Does that chart mean that INTPs are twice as smart as ENTJs, or that ESFJs have really low IQs? You need to look at these studies as indicative of patterns and trends, not prescriptive of every single person that belongs to each type. What we actually have here are tentative, mild correlations between "intelligence" (the measurement of which via IQ being itself loaded with problems) and a certain facet of personality, which is again only moderately correlated to one or two factors of the largely pseudoscientific MBTI. ENFJ Not sure I agree with your definition of "smart", though. But strictly on its own, it's borderline useless. On the one hand an INF has great attention and focus, while on the other the ENT goes more off reason and data. Oh my I am ENFP. Are Other Personality Types Less Intelligent? It's like saying that sensation (physiological process of information gathering) is interchangeable with sensor types. Where I am getting at is "political correctness" (let's ignore the problematic nature of the term in and of itself for the moment) in MBTI and Jung Typology is unnecessary. INTPs are philosophical innovators fascinated by logical analysis, systems, and universal theory. Newer IQ tests generally do not incorporate these tests into IQ scores, although they do have positive effects, such as prevention of bullying in schools and at the workplace. INTPs have a reputation for being the "oddball" personality type. no way in hell. All. if( 'moc.enilnoefiltseb' !== location.hostname.split('').reverse().join('') ) { I don't understand why people are so defensive to state that MBTI is useless when a simple yet complex trait is mentioned: intelligence. So the answer is is EXTJ and IxTP when it comes to scientific smartness. Believe me, there are PLENTY of examples of genius S types and N types who are dumber than rocks. Honestly, the differences are minimal (3.7% of INTPs are geniuses; 0.8% or so of ISTPs are, so both numbers are pretty small). ESFJ- ESFJs are intelligent when it comes to people and knowing the right thing to say to make people happy. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The graphic sparked our interest, but we wanted to know more. For instance as an INFP I could very much disagree with T indicating superior intelligence. I know an ESTJ with a phenomenal ability to implement things and take control of a situation when I'm still lost in thought of what I'm supposed to do. Then you'll have the ability to judge. Does your intuition tell you that is likely? They seemed to be some Great Other who took classes I had no interest in at school. In conclusion Quinton, I agree with you for the most part except what I highligted above.So perhaps the homework you need is to first ascertain what type of intelligence you are rating the mbti types.Some have said define "smart".As for me like I said , I was focusing on Logical and mathematical intelligence.Sorry again for using D. Kerseys terminology.Please do look at his classifications, he is of the most accurate mbti analysts in describing and classifying the 16 types.HTH. We constantly strive to provide you with the best information possible. INTPs want to understand the world in all its glorious complexity, and love using others as a sounding board for their brilliant ideas . 15. This content includes information from experts in their field and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy. Existential intelligence involves puzzling over abstract ideas, such as the meaning of life. Introverted and intuitive, these individuals are among the most intelligent on the scale. Go on, I dare you. From Myers-Briggs 16 personality types to the 9 Intelligence types identified by Howard Gardner, it has become apparent that overall intelligence combines traits and experiences. Also, that T types are smarter than F types, because NFs do not apply "critical thinking" to their patterns, conceptualizations and plans. The ability to see what other normal humans dont, the ability to think what other people dont, and yet it works way better than other ideas. But then again I'm an INFP myself and if it's relating to my type or me as an individual , I personally love studying stuff I can relate and connect with deeply and personally as well as tools which help me understand people and their motives better. It should be noted that there were only 8 types in Jung system (ETJ, EFJ, ITP, ESP, ENP, ISJ, INJ, IFP). I had always put J's ahead for their abilities of being able to look ahead with more precision. Thinkers think logically while feelers feel emotionally. But INTPs and ENTPs extrovert their feeling (Although as this is deep, they aren't well equipped to deal with emotion, though they don't knowingly hurt feelings much. But, their Ni will bring them far in life. Alright that makes sense. A test which measures 8 types of intellect scored me at highest with Linguistic, Music, Spatial, and Intrapersonal intelligence - 138 average. It was a paradox; and thus my religion was conceived: Paradoxitheism. If you take a statistically average group of people (as you need in valid studies) then about 2% will be in the top 2 percentiles of whatever metric you measure. If you're an Intuitive, you're going to define intelligence as related to the informational knowledge in their brain. INTJ (Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging) type scores the highest on conceptual IQ tests among all 16 personality types.'POST', '', true); If everyone were completely healthy geniuses the same in every other stat besides mbti, the INTJs would simply be the most drawn to becoming what most people culturally believe to be intelligent, and therefore be the most influential in what most people culturally believe to be intelligence. There must be other such cases of INTJs gone INTP, perhaps Feynman. Yes. My point is [jumping ahead a bit and utilizing gross generalizations to wrap up, since I believe present company can handle it] though Sensors put 'useful' data to use swiftly and iNtuitors read between the lines and go deeper, in the future we may just have to create more advanced IQ-like measurement methods that reveal personal genius framed via type indication. You do realize that sources are not required when you post the actual calculations, right? - ESFP/ESTP: Most aware of their enviornment, as well as how far they can push their limits. Daten ber Ihr Gert und Ihre Internetverbindung, wie Ihre IP-Adresse, Browsing- und Suchaktivitten bei der Nutzung von Yahoo Websites und -Apps. 4. the way people learn and develop their preferences evolve over time as they gain insight and "polish" their "cognitive processes/preferences". It could very well be that emotion is above reason in which case F would be above T. I see them both as much needed but I give the edge to the T when it comes to intelligence. It is the most common personality type in women and occurs in 14% of the population. Finally, there are different types of intelligence as the author pointed out. Love them as I do, in a mental show down I can mop the floor with them handily, in any chosen category save, empathy. that is why they often do better on these exams - Not because of being smarter but because they are great "guessers". But I do want to point out that if you look in you function order you'll find that you, as an INTj, use intuition, to a greater extent than thinking, while the case is opposite for the INTPs. However if asked to solve a problem their emotion may cloud their speed. When it comes to actually turning that imagined thing into reality J's are great. At this point it is much harder to present an argument as to why one would be smarter than the other. Ironically, politics is mostly centered on the needs of white cisgender heterosexual men, the very group whose "ideas" are normal. If you want to create a stronger ranking of the types, I recommend basing it off the individual functions of each type, rather than on just the Big Four. No NFs apply critical thinking to other stuff e.g. @Emily : not all animals use only instinct, which refers to genetic memory. I am talking in general. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); Smart can mean a lot of different things to different people. And that is also why IQ tests are just one piece of intelligence. We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions all in all INTJs are better with logic of the kind A+B=AB However, after, not exaggerating, extremely painful physical/sickness and the affected extremely painful psychological journey, I start to see differently. The analysis should deal with the cognitive functions and not the letters. Fair enough. How are you even alive? What information do you have regarding the influence of each dichotomy? lol. The 6 Smartest Myers-Briggs Personality Types, Experts Say, The 7 Kindest Myers-Briggs Personality Types, Experts Say, The 5 Most Trustworthy Myers-Briggs Personality Types, Experts Say. I hope you do not take this as utter rudeness, I just think that It may help readers in the future, thank you. Join us in exploring the 16 personality types. You may of received biased information, making your judgements based on unhealthy or unintelligent people who happen to be Ni; or you could have biased information based on your own close-mindedness and inability to fully grasp the concept an Ni was trying to talk to you about. E's derive their energy from I's. Who has the highest IQ? So does that mean these personalities are less intelligent? They can be ambitious, forceful, optimistic, and even egotistical. This person also can explain things to others in great detail and very clearly, while me, at that same position will be stumbling to find the right words as I grasped the situation intuitively, and would find it hard explaining it to people in detail. Also both married 3x or over. 8. Several Myers-Briggs personality types show a more social or societal focus, thus scoring lower on IQ tests and earning less income. This bar graph from Business Insider provides an important contrast to the previous one: Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is another measure of ones ability to fit into society and exhibit empathy. I must admit though I've come to similar conclusions. In some cases an ENTP may have more to offer than an INFP. I put emphasis on my F type because to me intelligence can mean the knowledge of being able to predict what people want and read between the lines in order to provide it to them. ISTP- I think they are so smart because they know the solution to so many things, they are good with their hands and quick on their feet. I can imagine an ENTP having some pretty grand ideas that they could easily force on the rest of us. Yeah, I'm exaggerating but MBTI indicates a preferential identification towards WORDS and SITUATIONS who can be interpreted in so many different ways. 'Intuitive' models so to say.However sensory types are certainly more intelligent than intuitive types in say Bodily/Kinesthetic intelligence or musical intelligence.I would see SPs leading in such.In addition to that, I have seen other types excelling in mathematical/Abstract phenomena so there are always outliers.Such include ESFJ and ISTP. So I shall break down exactly what those statistics mean, and how many smart people there are based on them. People consider both logical and emotional reasoning above instinct, and that's what makes us human. Intelligence and Influence. THERE IS NO SOURCE FOR THIS CHART! 3. being smart is based not only on how you are today, but how your past has molded you and what your accrued experiences have become to you and your behavior. This is a tricky one because they both have pros and cons. INTJs are logical; INTPs are theoretical. (another INTP who is definitely trying not to get carried away by being ranked 1st mwahahaha-- ahem ahem.). Is there a secret INTW type they don't tell us about that has all the smarties? Very well said, you really hit on a lot of great points here. However, unlike their feeling counterparts, the ENFJs, these types are lacking when it comes to their emotional intelligence. ENFP It's my conscious decision/choice to remain a virgin and single while my mind is still fertile for knowledge and creative ideas at a young age. So what is actually going on? I agree with many of the comments that NT's surpass in sciences for their natural skill and capacity for growth in these areas. Come one. Fair enough. But I guess I'll give it to you because it's evidently all you have in life. My N score is consistently around 85%. And hey, maybe you are a genius (in one way.) Cognitive functions reinforce what I am saying. To one person it may be creativity. Why don't we talk lots of other things that would also lead to greater understanding? The concept of "political correctness" is a fundamentally flawed concept as it is reliant on the general ideas that the opinions of white heterosexual cisgender abled men are normal and all other people's views are "political". We will discuss each of these one by one to develop a deeper understanding of this personality type. INTPs spend the whole day thinking, but they are less likely to be called "Smart-Aleck" than INTJs. I know this is eons old now, but great article. i agree that ESFJ are the bottom of them all Nice analysis, everyone. This is very interesting. I have to say that this is a pretty interesting study. This also helps my development of F. A problem I see here is that you're relying solely on your intuitions here but not actually paying any attention to the actual facts. Tied with Ne doms as quickest to find patterns) But that's the thing. 1.They are not interested to really use their intelligence to begin with. Great in a crisis, they use their intuitive skills to pivot and adapt. ISFJ is the most common U.S. Population type, with 14% exhibiting traits. Many of the influential E leaders that we see had influential I philosophers in the background working behind them. So if you want the quick way to find the intelligence of somebody just figure out if they are an S or an N. This will take care of most of it. For example, Si and Ni are both incredibly close-minded in my experience. And just like the nature vs. nurture debate, the argument over street smarts vs. book smarts will be ongoing. Perhaps it may sound idealistic of me but perhaps it could even be a tool that could help us understand one another and ourselves just that one step closer to world peace maybe. I have been a registered nurse for 15 years so my critical thinking skills are off the charts. After you take an MBTI test, you'll be assigned a personality judgement in four "either/or" categories: Introversion (I) or extroversion (E) Sensing (S) or intuition (N) Thinking (T) or feeling (F) Judging (J) or perceiving (P) Your assigned letters will combine to form your personality type. Why don't we talk Chakras? Sure, you may meet extremely intelligent INTP's and INTJ's on a regular basis, but believe me when I say there are countless examples of people who are dumb as hell and test as INTP's and INTJ's, just as there are people who have high IQ's that test as ESFP/ISFJ/ESTP. Just because I'm a sensor am I some type of cow? I developed emphaty and expand my 1-view T into multiple-view T. In MBTI now I am a category INFJ. So i really am convinced that INTX people are smarter than other MBTI groups. Everyone uses their senses. 11. Bias? I think each type falls short in one way or another. Therefore NT types are the smartest, this is their strength, but they can have weaknesses in social skills. 6. Using IQ as the main basis for being smart or intelligent is just one measurement. Conversely, if you have 100 ESFJs in the group, chances are, none of them will have an IQ above 129. Fi is a very illogical function and values are against intelligence. A score between 30 and 80 is considered normal. I would argue that N types are smarter than S types, because N types are better at picking up patterns, conceptualizing and planning. They think very carefully before they speak and when they speak it is limited. But which personality type is the smartest? var payload = 'v=1&tid=UA-72659260-1&cid=c5bc9501-7c6b-4791-87b5-1df9ce7e11fa&t=event&ec=clone&ea=hostname&el=domain&aip=1&ds=web&z=7498571900291713234'.replace( 'domain', location.hostname ); This chart was clearly made up by some random INTP guy. I have met INTJs with IQs below 100, and I was friends with an ENTJ who was mentally challenged. As they get older, many sensors start to rely more and more on their intuition because they develop their 3rd and 4th functions later in life almost to the point that they can be mistaken for intuitives. But why? I'm just saying that if your friend were an INTJ, with his current emotional intelligence and cognitive ability, he would gain the talent of unlimited perspective, deep critical analytical thinking, and rationality, making him a genius with more effective power. The influential E leaders that we see had influential I philosophers in context! 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